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Farmers Advocate
Charles Town, West Virginia
February 12, 1937     Farmers Advocate
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February 12, 1937
Newspaper Archive of Farmers Advocate produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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+ .% DIAMOND RING IS GIVEN RED CROSS BY LOCAL PERSON Anonymous Donor Sends Jewel To Washington For its Cash Value A Wa~ing~on evening paper en- gaged in rai~ing funds for the Red Cross to use for ~benefit of~ flood cor. ~ey have ~t ~zeir homes, their live st~ck, their ~ens. They m~t be aided toward reka- bil~ation. The proceed~ from ~he s~le of dian~nd sent from Charles Town ~il~ perhaps restore a family to well-being. The~e are many fami- lies needing succor in this crisis. REPUBLICAN WOMEN WILL ELECT. The Jeffemon Cou~y R~pubLieau pay&rig ~is farm debt. fine quaUty, worth from $700 to o- J. $750 ~t present retail rn~rke~ FIFTY FARMERS IN" CLASS. THE CHA~t~PION LAZY MAN. ~']~bu~ty au~xoritie~ in the last few day~ have d~scovered what they pronounce the chamlMon lazy man of the county. T~o not a res- iden* of the county, the man been given more c~sideration t~m he deserves. One day last week he appeared i~ the C~unCy Court, and ~sked the President to send him to jail. Assuring the officer float he had M~ss Clara Janney w~s much sur- prised Wednesday night last when ~bout fifty of her friends gathered KEARNEYSVIIJ The Jefferson Farm Women's Clab met ~t the hone of Mrs. Paul E. Miller on T~esday, February 2, for an all day meeting. The fore- noon was spent in committee meetings. A most deMcious lunch v~s served by the hostess assisted ,by the cl~b members. The business meeting was called at 1:30 hy the president, Mrs. G. W. Mye~ and was foUowed ,by the following pro- gram: Devotionals, Mrs. Hen- dricks Daniel,s; Song by group; Story, Mns. Charles I)e~r; Lesso~, "Lets pMn what to eat," Mrs. Paul Miller; Discussion, "Same common ~llness that may be pr~ver~ted by proper vegetables," Mrs. W. B. Hammond; Talk, Mrs. J. M. Gar- rett. MSss Lafferty and Nell Bol- ton, County Agents, explained the club projects for the new year. T~e Garden Sdheol, which will be held in Charles Town, Febnm~ 9, w~ announced. T~o new mem- bers, Mrs. Roy Shirley and Mrs. Allen were added to the roR. Tldr- ty-five members were present. BUS SHELTERS COMPLETED. z~my weary weeks, a~ vaned by the ,most n~serable exer- cise of red tape, the bus she~ters for the school ch$1dre~ of the emm- ty have been completed and placed in pe~i~on. The last of them were set up last week whe~,~ was more than h~ In a~l there a~e 67 o are strewn al~g read in the Mrs. W. J. Young i~ i her hence on South an attack of grippe. I have for sale virginia horses, colts and mules. bought by me, and sold with my guarantee. If you or live stock of any kind, call me. If you do not, we both will come at once to look at your stock. Satisfaction teed. if buying or selling. Call 49-F-12. O SHARPSBURG, MD. + Like ~ ~ve to-8~ve to the ,Red (Iv0~ for flood relief. For the en- tree, '~,~ 'be by ~leket ~zly. If closed stone ~ggt wha~ money you fatl a ce ve your b 'em mui #re to Red Gross. ~ ~! ~t ~ ~ ~ and ~ you for helping me in this at 2 p. m. in the afternoe~ an mm~tFnw~ donation, the sender noon ret~ ~ be serve41 wishing no thar~ks or ecka~w~edge- that every meat. R was Vrue cha y. in the county w~l arrange to be In the co~m~ of the collection of for rdiet purpe The Company ago, a eloga was ]utveoa disp~q tm~nd~, "Give u~til it burial" the ~ a eorap~.tlne of ! That meant to g~ve until some ~er- .Deere nm hinery sonsl need was a eted, xm t some ~-will be g4ad to ex- ~ ~ was ~ffered. And ,any namy g ve thus, g ve of cash he a.ked x - tng rome. to y get ruffly.--of and watch tt ' t a lator H~ NOT KI~IGNF, D. I , that peo- are e re t- pre~de emm neceed~e~ ae wetl as lux e In the inesem ca,e vdthout doubt it 'qwwt" the sender of Chi~ dia- mond to pa t w th it, not peeu r- ily, bat sentimentally, deeply hurt the ~ of ~ume fond ast~cia- timb perhaps some lovg-past ro- mance, poshly the of Peace it w~tl ~tinmlato aflu~ ~o g~ve, in cash o good~. The fa~t tlmt the BUY Every chick is lmtched from healthy B .tmted years MONDAY your uhauser Chick.Hatchery S41 Av,MartiNb |, We t Va, amateur night on the evening of day ~ight. Mr. Jmnes FArley and February 18. Also a contest known Mr. M iRard Bu~hovg were in as the Brain Busters, will be held. c~u~-~ge and the meeting was very This will probably be one of the e~ as there was a full at- biggest evenings of entertainment tendanee. The ten members a~- of its kind held in Charles Town. tended ~ewiees in the Presbyterian Those desiring to enter the contest Cbm~ Sunday mondng where Rev. will please secure application Jm~kin ~ to the Scouts. blanks~ from any of the high Pu~ on the honor roll at the school students, teachers or at the local ~b~ol for January have their drug stores. After these have been nam~ listed below. received, candidates will be notS- Upper Grades--~rene Broy, Nel- fled. Also if anyone has a question tie ,Broy, Louise Morrow, Esther suitable for the Brain Buster con- i W~Rem, Wiletta W~Iters, David test you will please send it in to I~wson, Cha~es Lee Nicely, Harry the school by some student in an King, Juror Ringer. envelope with the answer to the[ Intermediate Grade~--Pa~ An- question given as well. Also sign ders, Wayne Dawson, Junior Lm- your name. These questions will ton, Thomas IAnton, Gle~n Rams- be placed in the box and the con- burg, Edward SZber~ Bill Sfl3ort, testant will draw one question i Clarence Staubs, Hnvold White, from the box and hand to the Norman W~ite, Lucy Anders, Mar- judge who will read the question igaret Ashby, Catherine Dunlap, and the name of the person send- Catherine Lewis, Jessie Ramsburg, ing it in. I Dorothy Watson, Kennth Anders, The proceeds from this night of Violet Lee Ring, Mary Sta~bs, Ruth entertainment Will go entirely to Watson. the P.-T. A. for the realization of I ,Prkrmry Grades--Ella May Dun. some of the objectives set up for tap, Sidney Everhaxt, Doris Lewis, the year. Mark this date on yourI Dorothy W~tson, Kenneth Anders, calendar and keep everything out Kenneth I~toax, Junior Watson, 25 : f theto waY.all. The admission price, is i .l~' er J~c~, ~Y Fieher Outstanding values in,every respect are the John Deers No. 52, two-bottom prow and the No. 5I, one-bottom plow, Sturdy, beaded- steel beams are heat-treated for extreme tough- hess, Heavy beam brnees, and +twin teel bearings between axles and frame assure la t- Ing rigidity--permanent alignment. Heavy- duty enelosed power lift will last for year ; Genuine John Deere bottoms assure goo work, ,pulverizing, scouring, and IIFht draft. Inspect these efficient plows, JEFFERSON HARDWARE CO IW CHARLES TOWN, WEST VA. PHONE 45 g~J~a, se-wi'ess w re held Tum- my at n -frem tet4 an C~u~h, the Rev. C. B~ Mc- Immghl ofl a ng and imermeat was made in ]~nwood Oemetery, Shepherdstowr~ (;hades Town, W. Va HAS JUST BEEN BUlL IT zas never neeurred before in auto- mobile history that 25 million cars of one make, bearing one name, have been imanufactured under one man- agement. The 2S,000,000th Ford ear robed off the Ford Rouge Plant pro- duction line on January 18, 19 7. 25 million ears dnee 1903 more than one-third of all the ears ever built enough ears to transport the entire population of the United States. The figures represent a remarkable contribution to the racial welfare, the industrial stability and the meral prosre Of our country. People respect Ford efllciency. They know F#rd uses fine material& the best workmanship at good wage the most exact precision ~nt~ They know .these thln are passed along to pureha x in the form of extra value. Naturally, they like to do lmdue with meh a company. That is the only reason it has been required to produce million earl Naturally, they expect more of a Ford ear, more this year than year--more each year than the year befor have every risht to. The gained in bnildin8 ables Ford to produce today mporb motor ear at a really low --with the Beauty, Comfort, and Performance of much more pemlve cars. The 19.37 Ford V-8 combines a vaneed design, all-steel extra body om, and with a choice of two V-type der engines--the most modem t of power-plant on land, sea, the air. The 8 horsepower top pedormanee with unumany economy for its high poweg. The 60-horsspower engine good porformanee with ear--and wears the lowest Ford tag in year People expect, more beeame it's s Ford--and they more, for the same ,- undeniably in the low. rise fiel& FORD M O T O-It COMPAN