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February 20, 1942 |
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P,blished i~very Friday At Charles 'lown. ~Vcst Va.
By The
Commercial I)rinter --i'u blishers
ItOBERT C. RISSLER, Editor C.B. CARR, Manager
,~ub~cription $1.50 Per Year. Strictly in Advance
}h:tered at the l'ost Office at =Charles Town as Second Class Mail Mattm'
National Advertising Representative
New York : Chicago : Detroit l Atlanta : Phila.
"A Newspaper Function Is To Tell The Truth. Not To Run Things"
mnfimum of paper in wrap,ping parcels, and to use none
irt all for packa, ged goods. It is. recommended that the
; ber of store deliveries be reduced whenever possible.
t " " The consumer should understand what is being
li Have You H I e
ld. Busiest Man = ". Thirty=s ven Days at Sea
C ~ SL:~!~Ki~l l cr-]l !, " i~'o)>r. ,~ : ,:.;-
The latest personal news and gossip from !] ber of tile erc.w of the aircratt.
Harpers Ferry and Bolivar this eek? ? )l carrier Ilor,mt, launched i)l >i c
naval service la.~t Fall at the Nor- s.n.
foil< Vs. naval base. was at
-- Retail merchants are being called upon to take a lead-
i, ng part in the campaign agamzt waste of essential ma-
terials. "~ DONALD M. NELSON
A,I the mom ellt, principal attention is beillg given to ,Pictured in oneofhiscontemplatlv
eonservivg ru.bber and paper. Merchants are asked to use. Cnoods. slowly puffing: 0R ill o1~1~ fO
relaxation, a~ he dtreots dyaamlo
production policies in &meric~'s
mobilization of indflstry for w&r
and victory,
Meets Neighbor h Army
Boyd May, of Charles Town.
~ho was sent to Camp Benning,
Ga m ,January, to re-enlist iu tile
cd be.cause e.f :his ,~R'e, bein~ over
28 years old. found oil returning,
a formm noig,hbor in camp. His
sJrprisi~lK comrade is Louis Man-
b~i, C liDS (,iiiiKeUeU l.G SUCfl all CXt.elIL
ktl.*~ ~ ~ J:a.U L,U 0,I wlletuer Weio
I .Ol~lllg ~L tile p.c.ure lLSeil, or the
lle~a~l~u, lbVclyt!ling IS DlUlle~l,
(iJ~.Lt We Call t De SLll'e JUSL Wllat v,e
hue; Oiler.~ tile ll~:gltt~lye Is (levelope~,
kuc plC~ULc, Will 0{3 clear I:ur a'.l ILo
~ee~ oi course, OLtL that CDdlllOb De
U,>lte JUS~ 3e~.' I eihaps )t is a goDS
13hilt bUab v~'e Cdlll!Ot see tile WllOle
plc~tliie, .-lk II'ICICILI.i ['lOvldellee lla~~,
ututtell lronl us trig. InysLt~. y O[ LIlC
it, D.lie, 2tlllerlcahs ale S IL, IIaD-
D3", belllSh---eoul(l we "take it if
we Klle'W wllal) 3,va3 lU 8Eo~e Ior us
.%-I'cR.U~; lvele QeVlSlll~ ways alltl
llteail.-4 1.O Deal, tile sugtir ration, be
cIrCUIU',eut the tdle Laid l'et.rea(l l'a-
~lon, etc. Eyll oats a,e l}trea~y
upon us, with the t,ermans lurking
ml the Atlantic eoas~ and the Japs
on tl~e l'asilic, both of them in con-
tacL at all tmles ;v~th land~ col~orts,
in the pincer movement that hm
accounted for all the successes of
the Axis forces in 'his war to date.
ht the meantime, war preparatiolls
pr~oeee4 at abou~ ~he same old ra,~e,
and right here in .)ederson count)
we wouldn't know an air raid shel-
ter from a fox hole haven't even
4:nd cooperate. I)on't ask" to have your purchases wrap-
or l)U in bags if ) qu can conveniently carry them as
:tt ey are. Take your purcha: es home yourself, instead ot'
v:skinff for delivery service, whenever you can. Save box-
es and l)ap r of all kinds--they can be ree a. : e(l and put
2urther ase.
'"',- ' "-as' are now being conducted to discover
whuther or not it is feasible to re.claim th, eontent of
cans, and before long you may be. asked -,ave your gin
,:nns. Tin, like: rub,ber, fas.t becoming scarce.
-) ) ",< ) },-) ,
1, ldl. A' t" EBI,UAI,
last week's news items :s) RealEstate
made. i~enchan aud ben ~t" c,:,l~c,~ [
DusilcI5 Cl DUIIi ~'lp~ )~C,s ~!o1"Ccl '"' r:iai :( b ,- - n
putting their nickels into soft] H,aving just returned t,> port from [f :t mot:)r~st cal~ pr,)ve to t:lc
drinks, which remain at the usual n eraise .f :}7 days, Per:'hin~ ,~:~ >at~.~l': t,p ,~l" the ('ollectm' ,f
price. Dairy/nell who have noted a some,na' stories to lell ,): hlte)'mtt Revenue. b, mt he purcha: '-
% 0,) UlOtor car Lax sgalllI>
decrease in milk .';ales wifl lind it sea life. cd the -''~
;/lld kiI,'l[ It W:I- lOSt Of stolen froln
largely in those areas adjacent to Tile tlm'net ca~rws it crew ,
'schools, and soft drink vendors note 2200 men. and space (m d,:ck i',:~ his ear. hv ~ill b~, furnished .t sub-
a corresponding increase in their 102 fightinz: naval plane.-'. The bi~ ,~t~tub( )n ~l( %rm of a statement
sales. "['his is a so. ry sit~uation, boat cal,ries on btmrd rccreati,n lhat l,;ax w:~ l)aid.
when we compare the food valuesrooms, soda f.ountain, and ev rv V
of the two drinks, one of whkh !s oLher faciK,tV for the :,nm,<.m :l ttoliday on Monday
the most nearly perfect food in its and entert, ainment of the .-,:~.
own right and becomes solid nour- Cig'arettes and ci~aars are in=l'-i?,t), 3l',nd:~5", Was'.fi)la-ton's birth-
ishment il~ the stomach; the other cheal)er lhan such articles av (, ',l:t>, :',w ('hal,e:' " Town Ill)st office
having little or no food value ex- shore, will,oh)sod, no mail deliveries
cept for the small sugar content. - V - -- c.ithcr il~ tow'l~ or oil rural routes.
Dental caries lead Lhe lis~ by a wide KABLETOWN
margin, when school cMldrea~ aa'e
examined for defects, and the ip. ----- Announce Engagement
" o " Reu~ember the t~aJ'etel'ia ,qUl)t),:~
creased use of p p will )lot rein- 31 '. and .Mrs. ('. l tlotfnms~c)
ed.y the situatioa. Soft drinks to be hehl Friday night, Februar~
) .
shouM not be condemned, by mty20th, in the base,:mnt of the h:eal of I,akert:,n. W. Vs. announce the
lllean8, but we'd Hko to see less of church. Menu:Creamed chickencngaa'ement >f t. !l e i ). younffesk
them sold, to little children for a or weiners and kraut l)aked bean.< ihluehter. Esther Elizabeth. r,
luncheon beverage, and five-cmt~ scalloped potatoes, green bean.: Ralph; Jackson Dctiaven. The lat-
milk returned, for the very young, slaw or fruit salad, coffee, pie. 1 ter is the son of Mr. and Mrs. I
Come and enjoy tlm (,vening with [ W. I)eIiavvn of Heda'esville W
and Russell Fritts, whose infant us. I Vs. The wcddina will occur in
son, bon~ last Monday nlorning r.i Su)lday School conveu,s ev(qs' i March.
the Charles Town Hospital, surviv- Sunday morning ar 10 o'cl:mk /war
ed oJfly a few hours. Burial was time). Everyone is welcomed, I
Avt, nue. Charle~ ToWll,
,lh~,r :)nsiderations.
(.'I" J< I,) ;lSSlt!ll(' =t lien
('l'.V |'el" -~511{).
i~ S:lepher.tstowl~.
l)r,e . ." "
are undeternu)led as et
l ,/se ra x :: ,'; tt " ~ y . f Baker ,:ere: Mr. Clarence Swartz
. de,A4, "n it mercy was not to, divide them. ] II
Don't forget the Penny Bingo at! and family and Mr. Willianl Baker
. / .----- v V '~ ] .la,s corn at [our cents bclaw l~he
I/the Graded School this 'rhu,sday[ and family, of Rippon
market price; then his property It erecting, February 19, at 7:30. Pie[ M ". Sheridin Newcome, of Wiu-
I was sold for taxes because he [[ and coffee and soft drinks will be chester, Va is vis;ing his brothe--
," AmerL.a's Problem No. 1, at this time, is how to arouse ' ' o' - "
dldnt read t~he uenffs sales,o s ' 1,
I s,[ s ld, Th~s ~s .ponsoled by the !. in-lax~, Mr. William I,aker.
j he Iost $10 betting on Mollie !t T.A. I
the American peoF!e to the fact that we at war. We
continue to eat, drihk and be me[ry, on the !beery that all t M:.Car hy 10 daysafter anoth-J/ Defense classes in Nutrition, un-I
]s needled is to appropriate mon 5 and oh(or or the Ru. - " ;
i er harse had won the rage; he Jlder the leadership of Mrs. JohntA:~t~@~
r, ions. I was arrested and fined $8 for ][ Neweome, homc economics expert,I ' ~ ='---" -
~. Meanwhile th0 ,laI)s advance stea(hly toward, every going hunting ~n Sunday, sire- II wiu begin at the Woman's Club] ~]~[~ ~.~r~]~~
.goal in the Pacific, while German submarines sink our ply because he didn't know it t] roam on Tuesday afternoon, Feh.;~ i )~,- . .1,-, )- ,-= .-- I
ishil)S ahnost in sight of our shores, thus exploding was Sunday; and he paid $300 Jl 24, at 2 p. m. At the Same time ]
:' myi, h that f;ritMn and Uncle Sam rule the seas, and l~he for a lot, of forged n0te~ that II it .is artnounced that a similar class [ '
worst is come. Ou,e ?u ch Allies though int[epid had been advertised two weeks il will he started in the I/erry, time [ ~Ow Round-Trip Fares
and the publm cautmned not, to |[ aM plm:e to be announced later, ] ~ . . ~,
an,aggressive, will soon be without air or sea bases jn " "," '--"
negotiate tho o then ,aid a j[ M.s. ,l 0rt ,'ol." eha, rman ,f I U " "
" ,their va, L ista|,J possessions. ritain is alread help- . aturaay, renruary
' iess and dcft, d in the t aci!Tii? Fhe fate of New Zealand bi ne,ra with a foot like 'a arrangements Of this project I
and Australia t en)bles }h( balance, with small hope derrick to kick him all the wa, The marriage license of Doris i Lv. M rtmsburg 9.50 p. m.
t~ the newspaper offDe ~-id t Trundle, of, Bohva and & Donlan ] : * . ; " " "
l'ron the mother c0u)ttry. 'thus, the logic of events is for ~ / . JL, V. tI~rpers Ferry 10 19 p m
"* ~" r" '~ 'P'~ ,'1 . I itettlrn ~l/nl~,qy nlgnl.
. ~meri(:a, Whk'h c.ouuted'so strongly on Britain and her four years in advance, and [[ ~nnuL ot ~noxwtlc, l, ia appeareu ]
DomilfiOa at the outset, ,to fight alone against Ja, pan in made }he "o,~;~. ~;~,~,o,-, |) in a Hagerstow~ paper last.week; ] ~'~er~ SMnday R~und: Trip
~ -, ',"" ' ~ "'~ "-~ ~'~'" ~hcrx~. the licen,e was sccmed
'th,e P,tertl ~Llld a;galliSt G~!.rma,)y, with to()htt]e aid from mcn~ to knock him down-if he [[ " " ' " ' " I $~'~ ~S~|~TO~
' "~r~tai~) in the Atlantic. v . I)oris is a local lovely who is e)n~
e er a,g'am let h,s subscr)ptmn [[ " ',[ LYIi R
ct }/,~U ' "~ '
tattle ;,:, we realize it, our backs ure !o the wall, amt ' I] ployed m Charles rown m Lawyer. I "~' "~" -- ~'~
" " " I~ *~, 41 1,v MartiqM)ur, g 6"16 "t m or
ou~ ~:ery existence as a nation is at stake, in spite of all omces. '
Renew your subscrl,lmon to-][,',' '[ 8:It a. m. Lv. ltarl)crs I,'erry
(lily, i~toolces lnlve Oecn SOIlt I;O 11 .~ ! ' "" " " "" '"" ' "
,dhjs, however, our main worry is about the rationing o[ )i t)e (;us /,aucr, spent me wee - I7 I1 a m or 9 12 a *- retur,
1 ' ~,~ #) -=-, v.vv, - ~-,-, "-'--
: "tire;{ and Stlg&r an(l our main conc(!r/I is how to make ' . enn m Em)ns. i~Irs. Zaacr remmn-Iin, sara~ ,la~. I," s ~5 IDiOm.
Ited: with her fam,ly there, and Gui~l[from I|arl)er, I'crr
all those whose subscrlp~tons " ' ~ ' v
rn0,wy, or have a good tim.e. Will nothing bring u.s to our ,]a c V, tre uoser,oers II :,' tu,ledtoto u o, Mond,y. "l:hoytl --Fast Trains--- 'omforlable "*
;e)tses, except bl'o,)d and tears? tt begins to look that way. ,'el ? e~uy told us tidal lallcy ]l have'given up Ulcir dpartmant, a,d [: Coache '
tla~.e i ecelvcu no SUCllllOt,~lce,
Meanwhile, we mi/sht as well uuderstand thatBritain :, ' il he will stair at' Castleman s untit,I
,=annot help u;% Russia cannot help us, that the Chinese, but they are mislaken. N~tices I[ ~a,o 7,as + )l (Federal Tax NOT included in
: ~, the ahove fares.)
a e ~cr~t In )m fl to ever sub,) ~ ,
I)utc~ ~ n:;i' a~w. o ber peoples can hebp u's. God Almighty "" " ": P Y ' Y" " J[ ~e. dont know ,vm~ we ca, dot] oi;e* ",mr
,:,~crl] e~ soon after the explra alns that
will h lp u -bu.t not, until change our attitudes to- ," " " ' '][ about i}, bu~ the f~mt' rein " "]] ~
wards the xar, and ge{ willing to cut loose from thing ion of his m~bscription, school aren't t
l'l'O he t elves, ir milkuoon. Sine-
The Kabletown Farm Woman':
Club meets Thursday afternoon -f
this week with Mrs. Jas. A. Dailey
of Oaklal)d Farm. M)'~< Clarence
Smallwood is less(m leader.
Mr. C. D. Johnson accompanied
his son-in-law and daughter. Mr.
and Mrs. Homer Kees and daugh-
ters. of Gerrardstown to Ehnm
Hill. Myersville, Md where they
spent Sunday with relaitv(,s.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Glaizc and
so)is. Danny and (;erry, of Wa.-il
ington. D. C spent Sunday recent-
ly with Mr. and Mrs. Ja~ I}. Clipt),
of Mountain View. Fairmounl
Church vicinity.
Mrs. tterman Li:-ky, wh, resid(,s
at Avol~ Dale Farm. has be(m (,uit~.~
ill. She is much better at this
Tommy I'. Jenkins. plasterer. ,f
Ranson. has finished repair work (m
the Avon Hill (lwellimz.
Sunday dinher guests with Mr.
and Mrs. Harry Kahle were: Mr.
and Mi:s. Eddy Green and so) Clmr-
l(:s.~ .)' Ldetowu. "'.ud ML