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Newspaper Archive of
Farmers Advocate
Charles Town, West Virginia
February 20, 1942     Farmers Advocate
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February 20, 1942
Newspaper Archive of Farmers Advocate produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Classified adv~rtising~brings big O FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND LICENSED F2d]gALMEIR CHARLES TOWN, W. VA. AUTOMOBILE SERVICE. MORGUE AT AC D. A COMPETENT I DY AS$1STkNT Office 'Phone 162. Residence'Phone 311. | [ 1[ ~]J[ ~ I ~1 ! Jl~ L James M. M.a~gn, Jr, James ,M. Ma~, lit Practice In All the Omrla CHARLES TOWN, W. VA. --, ,<. C. W. MOORE Sale erk COMPETENT &"AVAILABLB AT ALL TIMES i7 YEARS . XPERIENCB l',ho e 210.2. P. O. Box 34& CHAR~S TOW~N, W, VA. exhibit the same, with the. vouchers be hoisted first and 'lowered last. by being flown from a staff, it Statcs should thereof ]egalty verified, to the un- dersigned at her office in Charles Tow)|, West Virginia, on or before the 10th day of August, 1942, other:wise, they may, by law, he exeluded frot)| a~l henefits of sam e~t, ate. All beueticiari(~,~ of said cslat(' are notiiied to be present on said date to pro~'~ct their interest. ') S; (;iwu| uiyder my lm|ul this ,I. ~. da3 (I January, 1942. MARY McGIL,L SHIRLEY, Commissioner of Accounts. Feb. 6. 13 and 20. Notice to Creditors To the Cre4itors and Bencticiarie~ of lhe Estate of A. M. S. Morgan, Ih~ee~ed. All persOl~ having clainl~ ~g-aiu~t crossed staffs, the Flag of the United States should be on the right (the flag's own right), and its staff should be in front of the staff of the other flag. 2----When displayed with an- should be displayed flat. whether c!ergyman's right as ~ther flag against a wall from indoors or out. When displayed congregation and at his left. either horizontally or vertically against a wall. the union should be uppermost and to the flag's own right, that i.% to the ob- server's left. 8 -When the from a staff tally or al rtll 3---When used on a speaker's ~ (tldo~ sill. balconY Ot p/atform, whether indoors or out, 6----Whenever a number of a buihl;ng, the the flag :flmuld never be reduced flags of states or cities or pew shoukt g :o lbe to the role of a mere decoration nants of ~ocieties are to be at'- (unless the flug by being tied into knots or ranged in a group and displayed at hall'-staff~. ! draped over the stand. For this from staffs with the flag of the 9----Whenever tbe purpose bunting should he used. United Slates the latter shouhl United SLates is The flag, if displayed, should be he placed at the center of ttmt cession In eom either on a staff or secured to tho group and on a staff slightly flags, it should wall or back curtain behind-the higher than any oJ the others, in front of the ~pca.kcr with the union to the 7 Wlmn the flag is displayed uf flags or ~an the, fla~ !~ight:, i|l the body of the church, it mar,'hing /toe.