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LParmers Advocate--- The County's
County's Best Newspaper.
Medium Every : ~hopping Guide A]~ ~ro~
The Year, $1.25 News Is A|ways The La~
LIII-N 0.-+20. CHARLES TOWN, JEFFERSON-couN ,-w[-VA FRIDAYI MAY 28, 1937. R. C -Riss-LE-R, -+
.1 lilonaf n nf, al Eighth Grade Pupils From All County Schools Hold f xT OTTXTr *X I,ocal Sales Mart Is In Receipt Of Heaviest Run Since TT r,
L t~31UI~r.~ KUUI 1 gll~KI2~,I-IP ~IT~JPa IJ'IN ~UINIJ.~I ' ]I'I]P-~Ki'~ l l)IVIUILILU
JL ]! - I|l] l (losingExercises Together. In The Auditorium Additional . Entries]if Are Received For ill:hI' . YV
' By C. B. Carr ]Local Five and Ten TO Of Local High School. Sev rM Local Organizations Lamb Show, June 7th. Stables Are Ff'fled To Caps-
Be Remodeled, To Have r e dry As Opemng Hour
[ " . For the first time in the history t Virginia Thompson. Will Obse ve Tog ther; The heaviest run of lambs since l Butchering bulls sold from $5 90 to ] . t
,-ry oI the career oi Wll-E ~ ~ ,
Soda Fountain of the Jefferson County school Summit PointClarke Pitman Pro m An.nounced the opemng of the Charles Town l$6 d). Draws Near
gnudsen, former mechanic ffra
r s~ stem pupils from the eighthAllen, Lilhan Marguerxte Anders, market a year ago took place Mon- Calves: receipts 73 head. Choice l ~ -:--'---
in j g'a le om sc Is o er the e -Mildred Nell Anders, Pauline 1- Jackson Perk. Post,No 71, : day at the regular hvestock market l graded calves sold for $10.40. ~opl car~
boss of th~ h,~ Gen~l Alterations designed to enlai-ga "z ~fr hob v n A s t i ~ zmrty-cwo says o~ racing is
uustry, is a sa a which re of N uvu Jot me annual s n e t
g [ the sto J J ewberry s Five ir o . Png m e
: ~. t e C untyheld closing exercises m~rm Burch, Beulah Virgmm De- American Legion, will observe the!562 head of lambs were sold with graded calves averaging I z9 pounds!
. togethtrthis year in Charles Haven, Donald Grey Glassford, i annual Memorial Day on Sunday. t top lambs selling for $13.10. I
ay and ~wry ~a,~nt m,ght and Ten Cen~ S~ore m ~he ~t of the Charles Town Jockey Club
sold for $9 60. Graded calves 1(;I Which will o~: ( "'" ~ ~ ~ ' ~-~ ,
.prone. ,n George Building were started by q'own The exercises were held in [Margaret Bell Johnson, James May 30th ,together with the Luw-! The sale of fat heifers and cows] pounds sold for $9.10. Graded cal-19o pen here ~aturuay,~la~
mrougn mechanical skill,/ F O Trump, Kearneysville, con-,'.~ " " ",o d i r. - w~u~ statues nne~ to capaciw
~il ." . ~he High School auditormm Wed- Paul Keen Jr Agnes LeFevre s n Botts Chapter, U D. C, ~n featured the cattle dlvismn with, yes averaging 13a pounds sold for } ~
pny o[ op lmlsm, anu, Crac~or, on ~onuay. ll~e brick par- [ ~ . ~ ; . g pro-
,a I . ! net lay night. Only graduates 1 Mason, Kathryn Isabella McDon- I Sons of Confederate Veterans good fat heifers selhng from ~8.4). $9.05 Graded calves averaging 10o /
~ersmnalng oz ~ne people s tit,on wall between the present ( r ' ' T ' has n I I ~,u~ m ~zm ms,dry o~ ~ne ~rack.
rom schools not connected with a I old, Rachel Elizabeth Welch, Nor- he following program ~ bee~ to $9.00. 1 pounds sold for $6.80. I ,m.
mere lies cue secre m a ~ Newberry store and the room ' . ~,m ~naugurat manaleap is the
,~ I . h~gh school were given d~plomas. I man Rouss White adopted: I Addltmnal entrms were receivedt Sheep and Lambs: receipts 562]+,~
'++* car ~ uru raue oI ~ne o em aa
ear. formerly occupied by B. H. Riddle-t . " p r~ y,
~en'~ ~--I ,~'-.:--- ~-~ r~ f l ragram of Exercises t Leetown -- Mlna Louise .Brown, Meet at the Legmn rooms at 2:00 t for the Lamb Show and Sale ached- head. Top graded lambs averaging ] ~.~ : ~ ~ = .
, - s ~,u, m znoney ~ as
~a,y v-,*-,~ ~,- .~.v verger ana ~ompany ls o De re ~, J P M co the e ion Drum on {
f-"'~,~. . . I " Pi'oceqsionalAncient of Days Dorothy Clay Moreland Floyd P,es rted by L g i uled to be held June the ~th M - 80 pounds sold for $13.10. Medium .
~ ?o~:'r2::~ 2.="tr::!:Y222tt t~:e"L"::~7::.:r= I ~,~, Choral Club Owens/Jr helen Robertus Sisk,and Bugle Corps march to Zion and day marked the beginning of the to good lambs averaging 71 pounds e(P~'s:tuT::~ev~j~ e~gh~r~ua~)~
h ~ Y P I Invocation . Rev. Homer Welch I Alice Cunningham Strider i Edgehill Cemeteries where graves I second year s operation of the mar-, sold for $11.60 Medium lambs av- l ~,ur~" . ~ ". ~'.
as been s~eauy an~ SOll(i. Newberr lace of business t, +,I . " ~ ~c o~ ,n~u m rive race an(l ~boo
~. ~ ] Y P ". ,' Gree~ings to Spring ' Strauss ] Kearnewville -- I,vle Bruce'Al- ~ will be decorated and servmes held; ket in Charles Town. Special men- eragmg 62 pounds sold for $10 80 1 ~ ~.~ ~
~m aalance comes irom a~ Removin a artition w !1 i (,"'" . . ~ l in two ,th~ ,
d g P a n a - Ladies Choral Club i bright, ~Mihh ed Delorice Byers ~ at the Confederate Soldiers sectmn, tion of this was made by the Pres- ) Butcher ewes sold from $1.30 to ~. ~" ~"
~:n or m~usery ~rom ~neI building as large as the St, Gorge, i Announcements ]Elsie Mac Dillow, Harry Everett I with short address by Bishop R F. ! ,dent of the company, b], B Clark, 153.00 per hundred ] .lJecora~mn l)ay pleasure~seekers
t0 t~'e bedrid th:t :=:~:::~Y! ]mphes more structural englneeringiAddress to the Graduates, IP;rry Dillow, Phyllis Patricia Wil- L. Strider. Proceed from the i and appreciation expressed to all, Hogs'receipts 250 head Choice [:l~. ~n(l an eight race cold here
i than would appear on the surface, ( Cemeteriesto the Hi h School w < ~ e ~ ~onaay and the Dec~ratioa
~+;~ + +h.~ ~.~.~ .i, Dr Henry T McDonald son. . g ~ farmers, dealers, and buyers ho ~raded ho=s avera~ino- 188 ~munds
~-- *,= ~-~--- * first ]rom tne noor m ~ne nasc- . . ~" ~ ~ ~ ~ way 12anulcap willcarry a~ urse
hh. ! ~ . ~ Vlelcome, Sweet Springtime --- I r~.~.n ~" ;~ Tabler Auditorium where the following I have assisted in making the market sold for ~il 40 T,m ~,-~a,~d h.o s) :'P
=',g ~or every youm rns] ment, supports of brick about three I i~,1,:n~t.;, ~;=l,~h a lo cI ' .~.~z ~:"' ~.~ ~ nro~.ram has been arranged" I h ~**:-^" -"~ y ~- ---:~- ( o~ ~],ooo, wzm rive $400 rac~!$ and
is a ~,raduate of one of~ *~. ~ ~.^ ^t. I ~ ]morrow, harry ~anley l~lng, wlar- i . o averaging ]t)~ pounas SOlO lot +, e=zm ~ . ~-~:, ,
I~ II~CI +qlJll/g~ illllli ~If*lSUUb UWUIVe 1~l~b ') + " " t vt+u ~pOVU -lil~i2~ I=ltllltli~lln~ ~111~:~
po" " lde of the room The additional1 resentatlon ,if Golden Horseshoe L I Opening Prayer--John S. ll- I tie" r c i ts 48 head No 11 30 r ded " '
~i~g techmcal schools in th~ t s~t will hov,~ #. h. built " I ence Brooke Ringer Jr Anna e- . i Cat e e p. 1 $ .' G a hogs averaging 159 to total m4 000 ;,~ -,-; " ~-.-
r, but is emnloved in a ma -I Award. : Mr. Moffatt Wana Swartz, Esther Waiters. ~riena, Legion ~napiain, steers offered Good butcher he,-t pounds sold for $11.20. Graded t the d: ~ ~ z'
"- ~"~" "" '~'""~" ~ ~" *=~ ~ '"=~'*' ~"" " " Son "America "',"# *
" " " Dann Bo Weatt.erle$ ~ g-'- " fers sold from $8 40 to $9 00 with hogs avera in ]1(; ounds sold for
lhop, racticin what his I .t Y Y t Shenandoah Junctmn --Franklin I g g P
P g umn on the first floor to suppmt,La er urses
Preaches in the matter of!.~. -.: u ~.^-:.---~:( q he Big Brown Bear 'Mana'ZuCalFralev Marshall Henrett- Ophe- Address--Prof. A. D, Kenwa-lmedium butcher heifers sellingl$10.95. Graded hogs averaging100 [ rg P are a f.eature of
l -~, " 1 ~"= ~'=*~'~"'" w=.~ ~,= ~==o, i Ladies' Choral Club ! . ~' "~ 0' mond, Dean m ~nepnerd State I, ,7 ~ +~ ~ ~r. n a" ~,"+~h~r ! a~ o~lA ~ ~ ~. n,+~o. ~ an races scneumea rot this meet.
umelency l n . " " I Jia Dawson, r~arl Jones wine, t~er- o, ~, .~ ~. < ~ ~. ~ .
a d third floors. Presentation of the Class for Teachers College. ith - ~. Wednesday, June 2, will wztness the
~ry of his outlook u~onl ~^ ~ a .t.^ ~, -n i. " l~ ae ~l ~-, Seal Glad-s cows sold from $6.50 to $7 40 w sows sold from $9.1o to $10.00.1
~ent-day problems is ira- frontage of 75 feet with three en-,Graduation : ~:. . Mr. Sydnoi Thomas, Paul Whitmore, James,So~o~-~. In Flanders Field Mr medium butcher cows selling from l Shoats sold from $7.10to $10.75pdriwi~hl:g&:n:f ~e~e?2n~t?~y?
t from the standnomt ofl. xu ~.;.-,^. ' ^, l, ~ Whittington Wilma Wintermover . . ; $5.30 to $6.20. Canners and cutters, hundred and from $2.20 to $8.00 1
sense He loo[(s unon i + ':~'l'~ ~:l.:"+-i,"~ "'+7~,"~+: :'+~ '~'~:+-.+ :] Herbert Miller, President, Board ~ " . ~ " (Words written vy ~leut;. Col. : sold from $4.15 to $5.00. Dairy- ! per head. Boars sold from $3.80 to f uraaf, oune a:.anmner ~:ta~ liurse
" ] "*'" '""~= ~" '"~'" ~""*~"*= """= ~ of Educa*ion r t rvu t, rauuates McCrae Music ov a Deane WellS) l . I is orterea m the ~nenandoah ltan-
~m wasteful and useless, be ~ t ' ~ cows SOlO up ~o ~'zg uv per neau ~a ,~t~ per nunflreu
"t operated by the Newberry chain "Cradle Son,~" Brahms' Ea~le Avenue, Charles Town-- Accompanied by Mrs, Owen~ v ~ . ~- !dicap. At least two $500 purses
that the same objectivesI within fifty miles of Charles 1"own. I Graduates i Frank Eugene Yates. Wayman Conklyn i L-~XTAI~[I~IOqPTNY~ ft[~ I are offered daily and the m|nimur0
~.are obtainable through] In the new section of the store will] Benediction Rev Hunter Davi.~son I Jefferson Clinton, James Green, Son~,"" "The Star San~led Ban-I v= FINAL EVENTS FOR I of any purse is $400.
~dCUSsions .held be iee tbe installed a soda ,fotintalh forI Gz~dutes'who'will b7 allowe'd tolNannie Belle Fox. net "'~ ~ !FERRY CLUB HELD ~ T "I I The Board of Directors has aft,~
Inuustr]al execu~ ve .i servin~. the com'~an, s customers I . ; ~ x.~. aa ~aa J~/ltx x ,xJ. . . . .
Winced that indust can / ~ ~" ~ 'f enter high sehool next year, with l ~naoysme, ~nepncras~own--r~oo- #Jeneaicuon~r. t~. ~. ~yunor. - ~. . I nounce~ ~mprovements in the mU~
. .ry . - 1 to occupy a good portion of the east i I he name of the school from i ert Newton Stubbs Dean Collins 0 ! All Members Are rresem AAdr,~ qp, -~;~rs ~x~q! ~, ] tue] room beneath the grandstand
e im ssime ,anti ne oe- r " . . ~ -- ~ n ~ ~ "
- " [ " I which each comes are given in the ] Harms, Charles Robert Bransono-~ANTS AN APPEAL ] As Club Holds Final n~r .i ~ ~ ~. ~ ; .~ ] and Roy Watson will again be many
~t theidea o5. industrial) floor space acquired by taklng over apnended list " I Clarence Arthur Holmes ! b ion ~,~,~,'ee ~hlua# i~vyi,~ ager of the mutual department.
~.t be hastened by making r the Riddleberger store room will be ] ~'-t'~t-w- " Jo~- Bo i-- ~--~-~ V;~w - . st At S :UO O't;IocK Fred Burton is Racin~ ~.~*~
lion.~ hint ~n v~o o;hloi . . . . .t ~ o n -- nn yu ~l PP, I.~ u --.~,""*' ~'~'~ "~"$ -- ine ~unreme ~our~oI Anneals. -- I ~5 ~1~t4~.$,
--- ~ ~e o,u,~ useo ~o uispiay a larger S~OCK Or,r ~ i ear
ea~,~ti,o" i John ForrestMason, Charlotte t John Ronald Snowden of W~s Virini~ has -ranted an 'The final program of the y. I and T. C. Bradley will again repr-~
n ' " " ~'~ ~ ~ "~ W " ~ "
-~-*- I gooas than m now snow ny ~nel --- ~ ~ ~- n,~ --A~,~ ~,~+ when ednesday evenn -, J see theI ~on+ +ho redo+ ~;~ ~ '~ t~-.
rods solidly against pater- company, appeal m the case of A. J. Boyle was j,;;de3,D:~:;:m:nt e~t, ertain firs't of the series of e,~nts at the CommTs;ion"a~'Ste'wa~: "~'~
i ' nd tne p - ' ~ as al~. :
m,n,ste e,ther by thel Contractor Trump indicates th tl COUNTY SOCIETY, MAYTAG CO. HOST vp. Gee. M. Belt,hoover, Jr a in high school prior to the graduating / o+ --
ent or by industry. Helslthealte~tionsplannedwillrequlrel~Altyll;~+~ [Idl~llh-*,~IDo)nb~rl T~ i~ nTfl,rr~o ttie Charles Town Jockey Club, Inc, c;'ud/ngf<;'i'en~s"and"s;;~ai"~u'ests exercises. The finals commenceifo;t'hem'i;~isse
: that the maintenance of .h + oi=ht wooks to comnlete { ~" ~zu,ir.~O vr t" ~t/3 { 1 U O I~I 11-L~L/IP.~ from a decision in favor of the ue- --. " " - ':'-:" Wednesd~, evenin~ in +~ ~,a;+ ( ';.~
I - "1 I e ~ !- ~ (.h~l~ a Bak-~] The occasion was a (~enghtfully ~. "- .~. -'"~, ", any past nl~ and the 8~115 have
maence, wmcn m an tuner- ] The work may be done in less time,[ ~ ~ ~ i~ ~l~l ~ i~. ~. ~ ~ ~--'-- .~.uan~ y ~ ~, 1"-~ -~ --:-n~- hela in the b~uti- ium with the eighth graue grau- b~n ~o~o~ ~ll.~.A ~ .~,~
~of every American work-{ ~, +t ~ o,~+.~otn~. ,~,o,~+~ +~ ~ll.w| ~.uL. ~vm,aanmumm a~ ~-'~sett~:u/ w Vl|ty-lw'v O4:u~. ~lLn~'il ~nJuy er, of Monongalia county, WhO pre- ' -' . ,~Y - uates of the entire count- a~s,m,- ~.(':-*~'"~:~ "*-'" " ~"= .~ "
-- ~ ~ I " ~ " a S ecial zui gardens m lvlrs r~ooer~ ~cim ~- ~ ey tAuv reports the array ol l~orse
is js essential. He beheves. ] .;" T0 Head Hostoncal Free Meeting Hale On roded m the case as P . - bhno" ~" for ~*he. first ~im.e fo r a ~om~ t ~ . . +o, ~ .
ill Im roach as pomsible int.+ --~---0-- ": GroiliiAgain -i Friday N|ght < " Judge. The plaintiff, Boyle, claims :ho::~::::':~ ;~cio ++ eP ife. Dr. Henry T. McDonald, ,:~:,:; ~tive rilllant coiorln~ of the tulip, Iris ~-~ and busses w'l r ir
la] or will be regimented, .T,o+;.o .T A m ;+h ~na q' n / Kennamond, ef the faeulty of the Mr, Funkhouser, the host gave the dants offering any ewdenee, the ; : nro.uont~d as they entered high . I l ope ate d ~ to
" " I . {liawtnorn, wa~er-ni,v, road am, ~ the track each da from Washin
the indi~/idual will W~ho+o,- h~,~,~,h+ ,t ~ a v,+~o ,l! t Shepherd State TeaChers College banquet to the members of threecourt sustained the motion to dzs-. ~, " . o.~,l ~,a ~ +h~-;~+i,~i- Y
" ~, ,"'" wila Howers one is in spirit and ton Baltimore and F deriek a~
a today is being torn l,;a a ,q ^. ~ -+~. a ~o. ~. at Shepherdstown, who has been stores, Martmsburg,Hagerstown miss the ease as being msufflcmnt ' ~+ +~ iu ~. int.lin~ or,re ,
- - ~ . o ~, ~ .o~ ~t harmon" wit~ Him ""ho ~av^ i* "~ ~" ~ ~ " -* " +"
of ideas. On the one Webster Many voters doubt~ president of the Societ.v~ .~ince its and,CharieR Town. in law It is this action of the low- ^ .v,~. .~ ~" ~. "short britches" and "pigtails" to riving a~; ~ne track in ample 1~m~
tree can scarce{y ao justice ~o " "
Communism with its whether candidate Smith could la~- organization ten years ago, was J.W. Irvin gave the welcominger court that will be reviewed in the
.~ . tho joy of the occasion" a lovely be seen Thursday night. There will for wagers on the opening ~of
the day. . 'i
iry that all must be fully qualify for eounctl, as he al- le-eleeted, For vice-president, the address and each of the salesmen Supreme ~our~. ' be, in addition to the Senior part, ~ Charlie Feltner, of Ber~ille,
into the acceptance of ready holds the position 6f Justice Society elected Prof.: Wright Den- present made a brief talk. The -------4) setting', sweet comradship, glor-
---- ~ musical numbers, stunts and skits,
. iu~ sun. hine---a perfect day.
which leads ultimately of the Peace, and for that reason ny, of Charles Town; recording main speaker of the evening was F. Attentio D1~1111 uorp$ o the Department Chairmen, as well as the reading of class pap- second leading winning trainer at
of self-determination, voted against him secretary, Dr Henry T. McDonald.G. Ott, Hagerstown, district man- T
------- Mi.s Chamber'~ ahd Mrs Johnson era. Immediately following Class last summer's meet here, has four~
~ther hand stand men, like Unopposed candidates inthe bth- of ~arpers Ferry; corresponding ag'er of the Maytag Company. Mr. All members of the American x i " ' Night exercises~.the Boy Scouts are teen horses in the stables, with
vltn tnelr emc ent committees and
r Pointing the way to suc- er wards received the foliov~ing secretary, Miss Ella May Turner, Ott's subject was "Courage and De- willLegi nmeetDrUmin frontand of BUglethe CorpSHlgh lo the charmin~ n0~ss,' ~" "~rs. at aPresentingdance BObin theRiley'Sgym.SwingdetailsBandof more ace meett comefn the end of~unrthe'
adividual effort r,and thor- vote: W. Harvey Hill, 135; Loydlt of Shepherdstown; treasurer. Miss termination." "~' ~"
dreds of horses have ~ ]+a
School Sunday at 1 30 sharp m full r
-------4}-- :" " eerestanpreciatian of the "4 om- which are given elsewhere in these training at the local track fo~
Curator, Miss Carrie Wilson, kind ever given and had as its main equipment This is by order of[ nn's C b o n ' columns.
tak. These Stand side by Link 126. Charles Town, with the followin~ objective the gathering together of " lu,f HaLer s Ferry Dis-
i the essential system of tbe commanding officer. = l irict. " Friday night at 8 o'clock in the Training and exercises are.given
.T in government as well BUYS NEW HEARSt~. Board of Directors: Dr. W. E. salesmen and vaanagers to discuss
~str~ ,that has been a part Dittmyer, of Harpers Ferry; W I problems that have come uP from IV ES audit rium' Dr" W" H" N rcr ss' t' the h rses in the early mOt~alng
Dickinson College, Carlisle, Pa hours.
An abundance of jockeys : wfll
F. Alexander, J. B. Huyett, Mrs I time to time and to weave a closer H~PEP~ FERRY B0L AR NEWS N0T will deliver the address to the grad- be on hand as dozens of boys ha~
~.aCkground of this nation P. O, Dunaway, Charles Town Mary Y, Wynkoop and Miss Susan relatlonship between 'the three
beg, ruing, undertaker, has bought lind Will uating Senior, as the main part
Gregg Gibson, of Charles Town, stores, of the graduating program proper, written T. C. Bradley, represents
WhOl~ay arebe calledn w theuponYOuthto set-dr put in service about the middle 0f and Miss Sally Lee Powell, of Managers present were: Law- Mrs Adelaide Hunter Potk% Mr. and M~. Marshall Small-~ Diplomas will be presented by Her- live steward of the West Virginia
eventually, Kndd- June, a new motor hearse that will Shepherdstown. Vance Anders, manager of Jeffer- widow of Joshua Potts, died Tues- wood and children, of Shenandoah bert E Miller, Kearneysville, pres- Commission, for permission to don
former bicycle mechanic,
Way through a life of ex-
He has a distinct met-
youth of the land.
monthly meeting of the
Sons of Confeder-
held at the home of
I~endricks on the Ridge
night, officers were
the ensuing year. Off,-
were: Commandant,
l~endricks; adjutant, M.
treasurer, H. C. Mar-
Rev. J. C, B. Mc-
The camp accepted an
to attend the memorial
in Charles Town next
'tel noon, May 30. The
he next meeting will be
ae of Melvin T. Strider,
l Town with Dr. J. M.
Hey. J~ H. Haley as as-
opening the Bible Col-
Old St. Hilda's, formerly
Hotel and for a few
have rooms to let. See
for full particulars.
have all the latest improvements
that go with an up-to-date machine GRADED SCHOOL CLOSES.
The hearse has been bought from
the Henney Motor Company of]
Freeport, Illinois. ] Closing exercises for the Char-
equipment |/~ lea Town Graded School began this
mounted on a Packard chasmsy with (Friday) morning at 9 o'clcok
with the primary department,
a 120 horsepower motor, One bf
grades one to three giving a pro-
the newly perfected features to be[
son Maytag, Charles Town; An-
drew White, of Chicago, manager
Martinsburg Maytag Co and S. M.
McDonough, formerly of this place,
manager of Hagerstown Maytag
A musical program was given by
a stringed group, The Summit
Point Maytag Ramblers.
The menu included soup, roast
chicken, mashed potatoes, peas,
salad, hot rolls, ice cream and An-
gel Food cake.
Cllfton Charles Jewell and Mary
The motor hearse now in use in Edmonia Grifhth, both of Leesburg,
Barbara Weller and Shirley Alger;
' ~rn:ft :~toh' :iT! "" ::~rt~ddy~7 "
the Dunaway establishment +will I: FJ~fi
rained for use a~a second un|t. : :mrYboYP;t;nHda3~t
,chorus, On the Levee ; Chorus, own Md
- {, It
! 'D Vancing ; awarding of penman "
EX-SHERIFF B;LLMYER DE]ill)ship prizes; banjo tousle, Richard i
Ott; piano duet, Mary Lehman and+ JOHN W LIGHT DEAD
Former Sheriff J. D. BillmverEddie Lee Billet; awarding of .-- .
i John W Ll~rht, a former real
is ill at her home in Shepherds- sixth grade cert;flcates; sons,
town On Wednesday of this week "Bende.meer's Stream"; sixth tdent nf the Middieway nei~hbor-
~rade play, "Vacation Time";th d' died at his home in Frede-
rick County, Va Tuesday night,
be was stricken with paralysis, the
attaek affecting his right side,
He i~ slow at rallying from the
stroke. This is dishearteriin~ news
to Mr. Billmyer's many friends
Ihroughout the county.
Joseph T. and E W. Fry, of high school at Stanley, Va. Mr
b. Baumgardner through Wardensville, W. Ca on Friday, i Lowery has not yet indicated
RUssell agency, has sold bought the Wii~ehester livestock lwhether or not he will accept the
as the Armstrong sales yard recently operated by poslti0n, since he was reappointed
Heights to George R. Miley. The new owners, at Harpt, es Ferry for next year.
for $1 00. The who are said to have laa{d $15900 -.q,
:i haeludes a Six-room it as a
~ong, "Hymn of Prqise".
death being attributed to Bright's
IIAS TWO POSITIONS Mr. Light was a son of the late
David 0. and Mary Bretton Light
Mr. Ted Lowery, teaching in the He was born October 20, 1868.
Harpers Ferry High School, has Four daughters and four sons sur-
been appointed principal of the viva, John Light of near Middle-
way being one of the latter Fun-
eral services were held Thursday
morning at the home, with burial
in Winchester,
Read the Farmers Advocate---
in the, Farmers Ad- this week -- next week -- and
day from the infirmities of age, at
the home of Mrs. Albert L. Paint-
er, in Hilisboro, Va where she had
made her home for a number of
years. Although afflicted from
childhood with infantile paralysis,
Mrs. Potts lived to be almost 85
years of age. She is survived by
two brothers, James White, of Val-
ley City, North Dakota, and Morti-
mer White, of Los Angeles, Calif.
Funeral services held Wednesday
afternoon from the Hillsboro Meth.
odist Church were conducted by the ington, D. ~ were recent visitors
Rev. Walter Smith. Burial was in at the home of Mrs. Lfllie Billet.
the Hillsboro Cemetery. Mrs Charles Glover and sons.
Junction, have moved to the Green ,dent of the Board of Education.
property on Washington street. Harry Moffatt, a member of the
which was recently vacated by Mr. Board, wilt present the Strider
Arnold Hoffman and family, lamp to the year's most outstano-
i Mr .and Mrs. W. E: Kelican and ing student. On Friday mornin~ at
daughter, Mildred, visited their son, 10 o'clock the entire high schoo!
! Winfred. who is a patient in a hot- i student body will go to the auditor-
pital in Martinsburg, Saturday af- ium for "moving up" day, The
ternoon. He is getting along nice- Seniors will occupy the stage, while
lv, after being quite ill for some the Juniors take their places.
time o
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Antonio .ac- SUNDAY SALES AGAIN.
companied by ~,~ fri(~hm, of Wash-
The state Liquor Control Board
of Virginia this week rescinded
their order prohibiting the sale of
~ilks here Among the I~s,who
~lan to ~ttle ar~ Sammy Patumbo;
A1 Tryon, Cecil Coffman,
Fowler, Eddie Steinm~er. F.
Faust, Joie Leonard, Bobby Root,
Leon Garrett. Jimmy Feltner,
Johnny Shanks, Chadie QuattAe-
tmum, W. Hilley, Vernon Wisher.
Mannie Ber~'. Eddie Scott, Frank-
ie Cusimano. F. Rit~. and J. Cm~-
All members of Stonewall Jack+
Bonds of the face value of $45,- Melvin and Bobby, and daughter, wine and beer on Sunday The re- son Camp, Sons of Confederate
000 issued by the people of Brunt- Hazel, of Gaithersburg, Md,spent scinding order becomes effective Veterans, are reques~ to report
wick, Md, were sold in Baltimore ; Sunday with the forn/er's brother- Saturday midnight, at the American Legion h~tdq~aur
to Alexander ~rown & Sons, to in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. G. Some curious reasons are given tars in Charles Town at 2~O~ciocl
complete the town's financing of its 1 E. Webb. by the Board in rescinding the or- Sunday afternoon to partiCt~te
sewer system. The bonds bear in- Mrs. Jennie Webb, of Cumber- der prohibiting Sunday sales. "The Memorial Da-~ exercises,
terest at 4 per cent, and maturei land, Md spent Saturday with) ban ha~ encouraged that type of ] Clayton L.,
antagon'ism on the part of a large l A~utant~
in 20 years. The securities sold relatives in Bolivar. 'number of citizens which leads
above par. Miss Clara M. Law, former as-
The Annual Memorial service will sistant State Librarian, of ProP,- inevitably to public disregard of TWO SENA'~ORS
be held at the Lutheran Cemetery, deuce, L. I was a recent visitor
in Bolivar, on Sunday, May 30, at at the home of Mr .and Mrs. J. C. 1 Three areas, Virginia Beach, Eli- ~
zabeth City County (except Hamp- ~ta~e Senator Cla
2:00 P. M. Every one is invited to Newcomer. on Camp Hill. ton and Newport Ne~) and Co]<>- who ]eft Charles Town
attend the services. Mr. Charles Wolfe, of Pennsyl-~nial Beach, were exempted from a~'o with Mrs Haines for
The Hey. and Mrs. E. Koontz van,a, spent a few da.~ ias~ ~k the ban by the board. These ex- definite des
Helwig attended the 118th Annual with his son. Prof. Charles Wolfe. eruptions, however, instead of an~e, Texas whe~
Cnvention of the Evangelical Luth- of Storer College. quieting the protests and requests ,is reported objective
eran Synod ,of Maryland held in Mr. and Mrs. Richard bailey and for exemption, merely brought cific Coasl country.
Trinity Lutheran Church, Balti- family, of Baltimore, Md were re- charges of discrimination Former State
more, Md on Monday, Tuesday, cent visitors at the home of Mrs. -------0- Robinson, who
and Wednesday of this week (May Lenora Staubs in an
,since tas~
24-26th.) Mrs. Mina J. Rau, of St. 1 Mrs. Sarah Jam,son and sister,! BARBERS HOLIDAY MONDAY
John s Lutheran Church, was elect on{
" I who have been living in the Kapl ~ The Barber Shops~ listed below the ~ ~rc]~
ed as delegate to the Convention. 1 property, on Camp Hill' ,are moP-l will be closed on Monday, May 31, leave ~lol: the
Mr and Mrs Woodrow Staubs, ate D [
] ing to the property of the 1, Memorial Day holiday, west The apple o~hards of
who have been living at the home l H. Nichols. Ma's Jam,son oper-I ENNIS & SONS ~on and Washington
of the former's mother, have moved { "7"~" ~ i C.W. BARTON him on a