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Farmers Advocate
Charles Town, West Virginia
May 28, 1937     Farmers Advocate
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May 28, 1937
Newspaper Archive of Farmers Advocate produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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/ Tff0 SSON ":" D. r Union. May 30 u:xs. , ~XT-~/md be not con. world: but be ye trana- t~ew~,~ ~ ~o~ m~d. ,cob's Great Din- TO pZC ~ Wt~t Change~ A~rD SEmOR TOP. TOP. God. ~ewK ,~ thq~ msrvel of It all Is ~may today Proclaim the I i~ Christ Jesus ~or the ev~Y ~ that be- memorial s~one, kllS of a great W~ ~ this day to we for victories ~ud :or a noble cause. gecognize that those spirit and endure teacher of a with to mak~ this a or expert- both of in the children in L A Vl~ NSdS Vow (Gem G(KL Have you met t9 f~e$? H~V@ you had What a in your with him |oul--llf~ was the experi- o~,u~. The place @xperience Luz. NoW house of tre not sire- they carry ~|~e~po~ibility. $~cob rec- uP a ~morial a vow. The depth of t~ reve~led by fl~e fact h~d his earthly posses- m a man's conversion the way through to his ~e that some- to him. ~t o~-tenth to God is the Old Testament title. M~ny earnest e ~s equally Others con- R la an Old Teatament only, Wet1, there is no to differ too shSrply on that not clear that as hat we have be. then we would to admit that comes from He it is that to (hilari- of wh~t he has entrusted his work on earth may sml a YielmT (Gen. of both Jacob tt~rns back hears of the ap- his brother Esau with 400 him he it that he ap- night, we do read of the lhat was-- GOd wrestling him to the all "let at Peniel people in all the lo, tho~e who have as those und with an experience ~u~eessf~ living and It is still UviNNa Lutherau Church 1 Preax.hing by*the pastor, Rev.[ John H. Fray, at II o clock a. m Sm~day, June 6th. I Sunday School every Sunday at! N0 O'clock a.m. All are invited. ] es Halltown Church 9:45 A. M.---Sun(lay Sch~ml every Sunday. 3:00 P. M.--Congregati(,nal Wor- ship on th first and third Sunday,s. Beulah Church 2:00 P. M.--Sunday School every Sunday. 3:00 P. M.--Congr(:gational Wor- ,~hip on the second and fourth Sundays. Charles Town Bal)tist Church Rev. Goodwin Frlizer, Pastor Bible Sehoot--9:45 A. M. FARMERS ADVOCATE, CIIARLES Wilson, Mildred Byers, Bruce AI- bri~'ht and t/arry Dillow. The closing exercises for the school will be held at the school [louse Thursday evening', May 27, at 7;:;0 with the following plays month the Church Service will be I;resented: "Cross Pa(ch", Inter- St. James Catholic Church Charles Town, W. Va. Rev. M. J. Cannon, Rector. First Sunday, 10:30 a, m.; Sec- ond Sunday, 8:30 a. m.; Third Sun- day, 10:30 a. m.; Fourth Sunday, 8:30 a. m.; 5th Sunday, 10:30 a. m. at 7:30 P.M. mediate /fades, B(,tty Barrett, ~ ~Q~weet i 1 ' r. r s the selenm vome thatI Ma(Mme ]boreas, Naonu Cush- calls Imam Jean Barrett, Russell Rgig- The Christian to the House ell Prayer" I neF, l'ntll Nlct,al'I,y, JtlCKle t~Oy(I, I love to stand within its walls, [ Buly g'dson, Bdly Blvckh)rk, Wail For Thou, OI,ord, are present]let Johnson, Emerson Stokes, .there)' [ (,]adys BNeld'ord, Elsie White, Ruth Manuel, Ethel Henderson, Senora G':rdner, Helen Clemens, h'ma Wilson, Ahna Remhart, Ruth l~htckford, Mary Catherine Morn- inffstar, Betty Blockford, Geneva (;ardne~ and Rita Ambrose St. Peters, ttarpers Ferry---I,'irst "Tabh~s Turned"--Upper ~'rades, Sunday, 8:00 a. m.; Second Sunday, l/uhrman Cline, Donal(t Heinze, 10:.'./0 a. m.; Third Sunday, 3:00 a. Robert Merchant, Frances Shift- m.; Fom%h Sunday, 10:30 a. m.; Fifth Sunday, 8:00 a. m. ;t TOWN, W. VA. IqlIDA MAY Z The Pentieostal Church M~)rnJug Worship---ll ~ M. .Bolivar Heights, W. Va. B. Y. P. U.--6:45 P. , Evening W,ors,hip---7:30 P.M. B'. F. Crawford, Pastor. Sunday School, 3:00 p. m Supt Come and Worship with us. Raymond Nicewarner. Young Peoples Service at 4:30 p. St. John's Lutheran Church m Sunday. President, Mrs. Joha~ Har~ers Ferry, W. Va. Dill ow. , Rev. E. Koontz Helwig, Pastor. ! Ohurch Service, 8 p. m Sunday. Sunday School, Sunday, 10 A.M.I Class meeti~g Thuesday night at Service, Sun, lay, 11 8:00 ()'dock. W.orship A. o (No service the first Sunday of the month.) left, Rita Ambrose and Gilbert Miller. "Going' to the Fair"--Primary grades, Doris McCarty, Dorothy Griffith, I)avid Woodward, Jean Barrett, Harry B]ackford, Billy ! l"rankie Powel]. The presentation of awards of attendance to the graduates and presents to the graduates. "Goodbye Sorer", Graduation Class. of Martinsburg' High School thi:~ School. year, and Mis,*vs Xancy Miller and Mrs. J C. ticinze ~s a Catherine Bradh,y :-re amon r the, ~':t City lto:i:i/:~], R'ra(luah,s of Sh(,pher(lstown lIi~'h whe)'e ~h(, is tinder !tea(me HAlL INSURANCE A P~:a~i;2's wheat crop is prin- ell)ally his livelihood. Into it he puts his thought, his energy, money and his time. Out of it he expects a fair re- St. Andrew's Parish Zion Church, Charles Town. 7:30 A. M.--Holy Gommunion, ex- cept fir~ Sin)day. 9:30 .4 M.--~Sunday School 11:09 A. M,--Morning Service. 7:30 P. M.---Eveni;ng Prayer. Holy Days at 9:00 and 5:00. St. Paul's Chapel, Millville. Sundays 9:00 A. M.-Itol~ Corn- ibte. reunion (First Sundays onny.) Of all cmamit~es that ~ay v~sit 3:00 P. M.--Evening Prayer and a farming' community, none is Sunday School. (Other Sundays.) more destructive than hail. A rak- - ing hail storm will c~t a field of Bolivar M. E. Church growing- wheat to pieces in 30 Chester ll~rl Smith, Pastor. ].'.econds, and there is no way of Sunday School at 10 a.m. I~,very preventing, it, but there is a way one welcome. An interesting pro-i f protecting' yore'self against loss gram. j J','om this cause, and that is by Morning Worship, 1t a. m sec-t taking' out one of our bail policies. end, third and fomrth Sundays of J Washington, Alexander each month. [ & Cooke Evening Wor,~hip, 7:30 p. m I INSURANCE OF ALL KINDS first, third and fifth Sundays. [ Charles Town, W. Va. C(~me and enjoy our music. May 7-tf Union Service each Tuesday evening at 7:45 o'clock. Junior Choir rehearsal Saturday at 4 p. m at ,the parsonage. "Religion is the essential thing in life. W,or,sbip and Service show what your Religion is." ~a~s Town l'res4)yterian Church ~Rev. G. G. Sydnor, D. D Pastor. 10 A M.--Sunday School (all de- partments except the Primary De- pavement whic,h begins at 9:45 a. Ambrose, June Griffith, George Cox, Emerson Stakes, Frankie Barrett, Marion Crim, Boyd .Hen- der,-on, Ehner Johnson, Naomi Cushman, Betty Thomas, Nellie Shacke]tord, EIva Gardner, Eliza- beth Wilson, Lenora Meadows, Ethel White and Vmlet Morning- sea P. "Have You S~en Red"--Upper r.'rades, ih'uce Albright, Robert Wilson, Phyllis Wlison, Harry Dillow, Mildred Byers, Alice Shac- ~kelford, Elsie Dillow), Annabelle Stokes, Russell Fowler, Bennie Johnson, Marvin Thomas, Frances Shifflctt, Wilbur Woodward, and For Your Mowers and Binders " Repair time is here and again we have on hand ready for your every need, almost every part that can be bought for any make of machinery. See us today and let us fix up that old machine for you. If it; needs repairing just bring it to us and forget your troubles. JEFFERSON HARDWARE COMPANY turn for a year of hard work and Phone 45. ' Charles Town, West Va. w~iiting. It is therefore essential that he[ ----(J---- RlllTlllq is a VISIT THE MD. SIDE HARPERS FERRY BRIDGE ance ()PEN 6 A. M. TO 2 A. M:. iimt demauds e[[iciem=q end qood paper. We use EVERY DAY EXCEPT SATURDAY that )eq~tra m~dTence, SUMMIT POINT m'{l A. M.---Gongregational Wor- Mr. Sterling- Co 'ar. of Wash- sh~p~. M.--Young People's Service. :n~'ton, D. C and Miss Minnie Mid-week Prayer Service every Welsh. nf Broadbury, Md were Wednesday, 7:30 P.M. visitors Sunday with Mis~ Welsh's All are welc