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Farmers Advocate
Charles Town, West Virginia
May 28, 1937     Farmers Advocate
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May 28, 1937
Newspaper Archive of Farmers Advocate produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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AD OCA'r , CHAaL s TOWN. w. vA. FRI! Y, THE FARMERS ADVOCATE Established 1885 Published Every Friday By The Jefferson Publishing Company COMMERCIAL PRINTERS -- PUBLISHERS Charles Town, Jefferson County, West Va. Second Class Mail Matter in he Post Office in Charles Town George Street. 'Phone 257-W. ROBERT C. RISSLER, Editor. SUBSCRIPTION: $1.25 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE Advertising Rates On App cation. ::: W 1 N S APPEALI rilE SI 'RE E fOURr Virginia Supreme of Appeals will review the of Albert J. Boyle versus M. Beltzhoover, Jr and oth- that was decided by Special Baker of Morgantown, at Term of the Jeffer- Court in favor of the ts. oyle, in his bill of complaint, ~laimed that a certain contract be- tween him and the defendants ~ricerning an / interest in the rles Town Jockey Club was ob- under auress; that such a is i~valid, and he asks ca~eled. No date is set consideration of the case appellate court. RANSON W i L L ELECT OFFICIALS ON JUNE 1st The Corporation of Ranson, electing all of its officers every year. will have one on June i to elect a mayor, and five coucilmen. W. J. Roberts, the present mayor is a candidate for re-election. His !only opponent is Bishop M. Davis. ~In the fiehl for town council are eight candidates of whom five are to be chosen. C. L. James, Robert S. Fade,icy, N C Robinson, Brown L. Rissler, H. A. Alger, A. F RETURNS ASSIST THE DR. SYDNOR having corn- session at the Union Seminary, x~tchmond, to Charles Town summer as assistant to Dr. the third summer been in Charles .and has made a number of who gladly welcome him on service is planned for evening. The choir will two special numbers, a chorus ~ young men will also sing a spe- Mr, Junkin will give message. The entire congrega- well as the public are cor- invited to attend this service y evening. The worship at 7:30. and farm properties in and Frederick coun- afternoon, swept in- doing the more ser- about Middleway. orchards about and Wadesvilte did little damage in this county, some fell in the area Middleway, and as far east i. were sustained by Sher- Madison, the estate of late John Lewis, and Lewis all in the vicinity of Mid- each of them losing a part all of the roofs from their roof on the ba~ at the ;rat Charles Lee farm at is. said to have been al- In the vicinity of Charles Town damage was noted, not the high wind. Rain. to be heavy y, but in Charles was light. BEST LAMB YIELD J. William Elleyett on he Eagle the County Infirm- his flock of sheep, ten have set what is believed lamb production. gave birth to 22 lambs. has occurred among season. of young sheep ,and eight largest of the on the market on Mr, T. Ky arrived" at The Thomas ~Ion~h~y to remain the laces. Mr. Bradley is Steward for the West elf- Racing Commiss|on. in Sadler Building TOWN, W. VA. Phone 172-F ,Jr. M. Mason, III Kent, Harry Hyatt, and T. M. Jones are the entrants for the race. C. W. Blue, who has served acceptably as Recorder for several terms, is a candidate again, and is without opposition. -O THE YOUNGEST GRADUATE. Leesburg claims the youngest high school graduate of the year in the person of Augustus di Zerega, son of Mr. and Mrs. Au- gustus di Zerega, Jr aged 14 years. Both his parents are teach- ers. The boy began his studies while he was quite young. His am, bitten is to become a cadet in the U. S. Naval Academy at Annapo- [is. --O-- Mr. F. J. Peek, assistant man- ager of J. J. Newberry's, has been transferred to Asheville, N. C. Mr. C. O. Sabine of the Asheville ~tore will replace Mr. Peck. Miss Laura Mitchell and Mis:~ Virginia Mitchell have returned from Florida and are guests at The Inn. Mr. Itugh Vaughn of Bel Air, Md has arrived at The Thomas J fferso~ for the opening of the races. Mr. Vaughn owns several imrses at the track. Mr. and Mrs. William Shivers, of Charleston, W. Va are guests at Mrs. Shivers' father, Mr. L. Withers. Miss Chloe Alexander of Wash- ington, was a guest of her grand- mother, Mrs. Lambert Mason, for the week-end. Mr. Merwyn Bly of Leesburg, Va was a gm~;t of Mr. Robert Bly over the week-end. Mr and Mrs. Edwa|'d Spinks and three children moved on Mon- day, to their new home m New Market. Va. -0 RA U--APPLEGATE Announcement was received this week at the office of the Jefferson Publishing Company. of the mar- riage of Miss Amelia Mary Rau co Lieut Commander Franklin T. Applegate, U. S. N. The ceremony was performed at South Mills, North Carolina, on May 10. The bride is a daughter of the late Rudolph and Amelia Rau, of this county. The groom, a naval oW~- cer, is a native of Norfolk, Va. MISS HELEN HAAG DEATH DEFYING ACT WITH MIGHTY NAAG CIRr JS, C'HARLES TOWN WEDNESDAY, JUNE 9 CARSON SNAGS BIG l POSTOFFICE ItOLIDAYS. TROUT--WON'T TALK " ----- I Holidays will require the closing Nick Carson, co-manager of th~lof the Charles Town postoffice at New Central Restaurant, was1 1 o'clock Saturday afternoon until proudly displaying a 17Vz inch[Tuesday morning. There will be r~ I " " Rambo~v trout Iuesday that he no rural or town dehvenes on Men- caught after a number of attempts, day, Decoration Day. All mail will The finny denizen gave the local I be forwarded as usual Saturday af- angler mauy a slip before he suc- ternoon, Sunday and Monday. At ceeded in getting him on his line. the same time lock boxes wil! be When questione(L as to whe~re the I served with mail. fish was caught, Carson was reluc- / 0 taut to divulgel,~, the location of the Fm'ther improvements at Blos- catch, preferring to keep it solely sore Ilill, his property neat' town for by Dr, It. B. Langdon, are the new himselfi~.-- -0 [stock farm fence on the east side W. Jcnnin.~s Smaltwood, son oft of South Samuel street extended Mr. and Mrs. How0rd Smallwood, has been given a coat of real white oJ Charles Town, was married Fri- wash. At the rear of the house, a grape arbor has been built from by the Rev. E. S. Warden. Mr and Mrs. SmP, llwood will reside at High View, Hampshire county, where the former is employed. Mi: