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Farmers Advocate
Charles Town, West Virginia
May 28, 1937     Farmers Advocate
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May 28, 1937
Newspaper Archive of Farmers Advocate produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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7.1 FARMERS ADVOCATE, CHARLES TOWN, W. VA. FRIDAY, MAY 28, /?, , fltmnriaI To the veterans of all wars, we pay tribute. It has been our honor to serve many outstanding families in this city, whose members served our country valiantly through every strife, +t - 7!~iiiiiili7 !>: : ::~ SUDDEN DEATH AT BARDANE The Bardane community, fi~'e mile.~ n.rth of Charles Town was shocked Tuesday evening at the sMden death of Mrs. Carrie Small- wood, wi fe of Taylor Smallwood, at i her home near there. Though in i impaired health for some years Mrs. Smallwood was apparently as well as usual Tuesday evening. She col- lapsed while engaged in conversa- tion with her husband, and died about 8 o'clock without regaining consciousness. Mrs. Smallwood, the daughter of the late George W. and Eliza Young Boyer, was born at Brown's Crossing, now Bardane, 65 years ago. When quite young she became the wife of Mr. Smallwood who sur- vives with two sons, Howard Small- of Pittsburgh, and the Rev. Lester Smallwood, a minister of the Paltimore Conference, M. E. Church, South, stationed at Church, vine, Md and two daughters, Miss Edna Smallwood, a teacher in the puhlie schools of Annisto~, Alaba- ma, and Miss Edith SmJwood, in This,Spring the poppies have bloomed again in trib- ute to the war dead. Twenty years---it is a long time. Children who were chubby infants, when their soldier fathers kissed them a last goodby, are now grown men and women. But memory is only strengthened and honor only brightened by each passing year that brings clearer conception of the heroism, the sacrifice of the men who died for America. Poppies by the million will be worn in memory and honor of America's World War dead on Poppy Day, which is Saturday in Charles Town. In /emembrance of those who went across, huy a poppy. I}EAI}.YET IJVETll. "~VII.L ('EIA+IllL,Vi'I:. W F.I)lll N (; A N N ! VEILS A RY. Mr. and Mrs. W. A Fulk. of Inl{"lointlhr{'e miles west of Sunl- Mrs. O. H. Knott, Misses Dor- ()~[I( Twine within the t)ast othy Knott, Dorothy Trundle, Mat' A+ma G. Lewis, Adn+inistratrqx .t IhP{,e veeps, he has been eriticallv g'arot Houser, Mrs. S H. Bond, !ilh~%2{~ Mr. Marshall is gg years of l~h's. Charles Dougherty, Mrs. = : ,+, ,::-'e Norman Clabaugh and Mrs. Wil- t I i i II I N VS. Jefferson Cooperage (;onHmny, a Corpm'ati+m, Melvin T. Strider. Parmers l'ank & Trtast ComtlalJy, a CorporatiP, t'P(,- vious winners from this sch,ol were Herbert Zynda, John Lie.h(, Miss Mary Catherine Lynn, and now Miss Ott joins this ~rout}. ]iam Flanagan attended a District Missionary Meeting" of the Win- chester District, at Stephen's City on Thursday. The local Woman's Missionary Society Will hold a Strawberry Festival on the church lawn some lime during the first week of June. Please read the paper for further notice and for (late. The Methodist Church will have their Children's Day program at the M. E. Church. Sunday, June 6, at 8 o'clock. Tell all your friends. Mrs. Margaret Hoffman. of Mar tinsburg, spent the week-end with Mr anti Mrs. W. L Manuel and son. Robert Duke. Miss Lavinia Me- Ier. Mac h'vin and Walter Manuel, of Baker(on, will graduate in this year's class at Harpers Ferry Hilrh School. Robert Duke will be the valedictorian anti Mac Irvin with be the salutatorian. These pupils were chosen because of the highest averages in the class of eig'hteen. We surely want to con- ~ratulate them. The Bakerton Graded School held a Health and Safety program at the Community Hall, M y 17, at 8 p. m. They presented the fol- lowing prod'ram : Welcome Nancy Lou Meier A. B. C.'s of Eating-First and Second Grades. An August Miie ht lIav<, l;e(,]l Fifth and Sixth (',Pades. A Safety ExePeise-Thir(I and Fourth Grades. Subtraction--Six Primary lloys. Good Health Fairies Fifth :tnd Sixth Grades. If Sigos Could Speak Second Grade. A Tooth Brush Fantasy Third and Fourth Grades. Song First Grade. On Sunday, the Baker(on 1/as(> ball team ldayed Millville, there and wsa defeated by a score ~,t' to 3. On Satui'day, they played here, with Martinsbtu.g and l' {he {}c- (:~t~i()!!. Tho ,t:~i{+ for t.ho l(abh,town Chihli't'lfs Day has h<,en advallce(I eli, x',:el ll ~xill h,' pr,+seB{{,d ~tlllday, .Jtlne (}, lit 7:45. Mrs. C. i,' l,a~n~d<~ and 3I~s Arthur Bush. ih{' ia{ier of (;tl~/l']('s Town, ape in (imP.t,'+' <'f /he tla]ning- ,}1[' the ehil- (l!','ll. 'l'h,+ teal.hers and pupils of the h,{'al solD,>) are L,) I}e {+Oml}]iment- HI tll)on th{'ir sli]endid entortairi- Dl{,nl t)l'es(,nted Fri(h'y af{el'noon. Til{, q]~c,}l. L{mis<, Lal;7(h)n, 1}l'e- s:i,hq ",vhilo lhe litth, virls and l)<,s paid her h()nm~o. N~mc;-, twenty-two yenr o](1 hel~(' wned by {; M. I~issler, ,li('{t :fl'Ol)] heart ll'(}uh]e. ~Vliss lk,]en l{l:l.~ of last w ck, l/lakin~, the ! fanlily consist ,)f tW,} g'il']s. :! Miss Pe~'~'y Nels(,n. of New ~Yo;l,: City, spent s 'v0ral days with lh,q' e<}usin. Mrs. lJ'liley Boyd, ~It Shannon Pai'k. .tnaounceinent was received this past week of the sudden death of Jack (;ray. a former rest(tent of Lifts community. The deceased, at the time of his death, was living :,t Fc}]hu>boe, W. Va. Mr. Gl'ay dlod fl'()m bh)od poisoninlz' as a re- s~lt of a carbuncle tie is suPvive(I by his wife and fouP chihlron, his :uothov Mrs. ,h(mes fh}ugh of thi~ c,)mnmnity, and two sisters Mrs. ": ":*':- :#":-:" ":":":--'*"-':-':-:":-:-':-'. 0.:"+.'," Standard Concrete Block Company BUILDING BLOCKS FOR ALL PURPOSES Auburndale . 'Phone 920-W. !ii Martinsburg, W. Va. i! ~ %+:.: %%%*~ .* ~*%%+:~*+~ %%%* ** .%%' **~ .9 .%*:**:*+ iTitliam Ainsworth and Mrs. Bowers of Charles Town. was made in St. Mary's Fo]hmsbee BAGS PAPER Old Auto Batteries METALS RUBBER HYMAN VIENER AND SONS Charles Town, W. KITCHEN GREASE WASHES RIGHT OFF , long g Fres-i LATELY I've been seeing lots of pictures of those fancy, modernis- tic kitchens, and I guess they must be all right for cooking purposes. Perhaps folks like you and I afford all that finery, but with a little bit of paint you can work wonders in any kitchen, particu- larly if you use my Sem-I-Glo or Fres-Co-Glos, because they're so easy to put on and so easy to keep spic and span like the pictures in the magazines~ The only difference between these two paints of mine is in the finish. Semi-GIo gives you a happy medium between flat and high gloss finishes while Fres-Co-Glos is the bright enamel-llke finlsl~ that so many people seem to likt. Both of them are my first qualiff paints. For kitchens (and bath" rooms, too) there's nothing fiaet --and they last and keep gloss so long, thcfre mighff economical Get a free color card from m# authorized dealer today and takt advantage of the special price be is offering on my Sem-I-Glo sad Fres-Co-Glos Paints this week. THE H. B. DAVIS CO. Baltimore, Md. VALLEY ?hone 278 HARDWARE CO, Charles Town, W. Let Us our Growin 1 1 kaa~- I I are Your . . e" IJ II I I IIII I II i I e Phone 288. I Charles Town, West