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Newspaper Archive of
Farmers Advocate
Charles Town, West Virginia
May 28, 1937     Farmers Advocate
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May 28, 1937
Newspaper Archive of Farmers Advocate produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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:f: FRID, Y, MAY 1937. LEETOWN SUMMIT POINT Mr. am1 5h>. P,o:e of l)(qrnit. A service of rcmenlbrance will an(t 3!rx. I~ ~s ,nber~',r of Me. he heht in the Episcopal Church Ja(ik,~;.n, Va a,nd Mr. and Mr h(,re on Sunday morning' at eleven 5Ic('h)y ()f lnwo()d were Sunday o'cloclc Also service in the Metho- of Mr. arm M;':*. I,ce Os-dist Chm'eh on Sunday morning born(, the sam(, hour. Every one cordial- Mr. William l%llt, r:~ and fa oily i iy invited. Sl)cnt Sunday, May 2:;, inEdin-I The Baptist Sunday School will bm'g. %, !hold their (:hihh'en's I)ay service Afl,q' b('in~'conlined 1o his lm the church Sunday evening at -- Whom(' f,r th:m a ) from i8 o'ch)ck The public is cordially ~i!lness, Mr. W. A. Fulk was "d)h' i invite(t to be present. to lake a sh()rI drive last Sam> Miss Elizabeth Withers of Din'- day. It is hoped he may soon bci ham, N. C spent a couple days entirCy wCl. i!ast week with her father, Mr. Miss l'('hecca Tabh has return-II A. L. Withers. '(: t(t lu'r horn(, near l,(,elown, af- ! Miss Imogenc Thomson has re- t~r ,';l)e~MhUz the winter in Ilom-I turned from a visit with Miss nvy. /Elizal,eth White, near Leesburg, Miss IGhm Walsm~, of Flushinff,} Va. New Y,rh', is sl)(,nding" ~( mc timei Mr. and Mrs. Fenton Crawford t AR i iiS ,AbV0ch ',etihitL S 0WN, W. VA. J 1 MIDDLEWAY side.t of the town and eommu,-t ,Mr. andMrs. Charl~Sifordan~l Theda Hartley, ~ . brother and sister-in-law, Mr and NEW CAR FOR POLICEMEN. Mrs Murphy, near Martinsburg: [ A second automobile will be ad-I ------ Sty. The guests of honor were,}t,Mndaughters, BettyLee and Bar, were ~t~ of the f Mms Doris Siler, o(.Flshe.rsvllle,~ ded to the equipment of the Char-{ Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Kearns, Mr. Misses Betty Ware, Nettle Barnes, I ba~'a Low, of l~lartmsburg, spent Mrs. J. R. Ware, on ~c~atd~ ; va ,s spenumg some ume g,~n Her I les Town station of the West Vir-1 and Mrs. Holmes White and son, Helen Bates, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. I Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J, T. ------~ grandmother, Mrs. Nelson Snyder.I ginia Police department. Until ' Charles Joseph, spent Sunday with Baker, Mr. Jack Ramey, and Mr.I Bates. Read the Advocate i ~B b't Mr. and M~: Lucas Bell and son i nov,- the station has had only one IMr. and Mrs. Tobias Ballanger, A. L. Anderson. ] Mrs. Jerome Hartley and Mis~ to get al lthe news, . : oonn: ol ?atom. ore, ~ere recen~lcar for the two men operating out near Engle. i ii gue~:s o~ ms sister, ~rs ~oDerc . - ~. " " {of Charles Town. The new eqmp- Mr. and Mrs. CustlsI ffer and um im Cross. !ment is just what is needed, family, of Berryville, Va were~ Mr. Jene Foster of Youngstown, ~ O v;ilh Mrs. l.(.e ()sbm'm Mrs. Mary Wall, of Twin Falls, Idaho; Mrs" T. N. Eddy of Alex- alldria, Va.; Mr. and Mrs. Eston Larricl< and young. ~:on, William C. Larri(.k, were Sunday la'uesls at home of Mr. ,1 S. Carr. Mr. William S('ciirist is sprnd- ill~' S(llll(, tillle with his niece, Mrs i~Y~III]4 Val Hlin. Mrs. Julia Walsnn. Mr. and Mrs 17al(,s %als,m and dau'.>hh,c. Mar- tan, xt(,ie ~-]un(iny j,~'u,sls ()/ Mr. ,~nd Mrs. LorinM' Snapp, near Wed "svilh Mr. I{(,rb(,rt Shauil. nf Balti- 1~]ot'o, Was a r(,c(,nL R'tl('sl of his })r()lher, Mr. Millon Shaull. ()n liis re{urn to lhe Mrayland city, tie ~<'as accolnpanied hy his n]other, ~ls. Ida Shaull. 'Mrs. J E. Tabb. who has.been ill in th(~ Charles Town Hospital, Is Very much improved. Mrs. Mollie Harris of Charles Town, has been ill at the hmne of tl, er sish,r, Mrs. Melvin Vanmetre. tler fl'iends will be triad to know ~h(, is somewhat improved. We ~l'e sorry to )'elmrt Mrs. Qel'tle Fu]k ha:~ been very much cht~q~laining for several months. O-'-- and son, Mr. Hug'h Crawford, and Miss G(.neview, Poston spent the week-end with Rev. and Mrs. W. D. Eye at Glenley, Md. Miss Anna Foster and sister. Mrs. Joseph Taylor and son of Youn~'stown, Ohio, spent this week wilh Miss Kate Riley. Mrs. Stanley Hinton, Miss Eve- ]yn Via, and Mr. James Williams spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs T.wnsen(t HuH, of Owings Mill. Md. The Missionary Society of the Methodist Church is holding a bake sah, in the window of The Valh,y lfaMware store this Satur- day in Charles Town, The school term came to a close on Friday of this week, and those who passed the eighth grade ex- amination were: Agnes Mason, Mildred Anders, Marganet Bell Johnson. Beulah DeHaven. Pauline Burch. Rachel Welch, Marguerite Amlers Katherine McDonald, Nor- man White, Clarke Allen, Jamee Keen, Donald Glassfond, The Executive Committee of the Summit Point P.-T. A. met May Ohio, is visiting his brother-in-lawJ MEETING OF LAWSON r 1 and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Walterl BOTTS CHAPTER U. D. C. Kelly. 1 Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Myers. Miss. Lillian Myers and Mr. Clive Myers, spent Sunday with Mr. Myers bro- ther and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Millard* Myers, in Taylorstown, Lowdown county, Virginia. Mr. and Mrs. Jasper Thompson who have been living in the Boyd house have moved to the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Welsh. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Fields and daughter, Mis Dorothy Fields, of Washington, spent Sunday with her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Dart. been ill with pneumonia, is improv- ed. Mr. Robert Darr, of Camp Mead, spent the week end with his mother Mrs. S. G. Darr. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Morris of Hagerstown, spent Sunday with his mother, Mrs. Clara Morris. 0 Mr and Mrs. Glenn Moler have moved in their new home on South George Street, coming from their farm at Uvilla. --'0 "AND THEN THE HAIL CAME" You have heard this many a 24th. 8 p. m All but one member I tinm! A neighbor or a friend de- were present. The treasurer was scribing a crop that hid fair to be authorized to pay $15.50 for Li.- a record crop breaker, telling of Sunday guests at the home of Mrs. Pifer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wal- ter Nicely. Mrs. Pifer remained to] visit with her parents for a few Lawson Botts Chapter U. D. C. days. has arranged to unite with Jackson, Miss Florence Shirley has re- -Perks Post American Legion n~ t turned to her home after spending their Memorial Service, Sunday af-~l a month with her niece, Mrs. R. L. ternoon, May 30th. There will a Macoughtry, where she recuperated short program at Edge Hill Ceme- from a severe heart attack which tery at 3:00 p. m at which time l required treatment in the Charles Rt. Rev. R. E. L. Strider, Bishop Co-adjutor of West Virginia will deliver an address. The public is cordially invited to attend this ser- vice. A. L. BAYLOR, Recording Secretary. 0 J. E Clark, nana~'er f the Bite brarv Books for the school, to be v~d~'e Livestock Sales, Inc ih~s ,~'e]ect(,d by the teachers, making a ~'vek, moved from one of the total of $26.00 ~iven the school ,lmze houses on East Cong'ress' for Librar) Books this term. Five gtr,et to an apartment on Wash- Bulletin Boards and a folding cot h~'ton Court, formerly occupied by 'verc I)oug'ht by the P.-T. A. in (JOrporal Shiehls who moved last addition to lhe dollar ~,-iven each xVeek to the I-larr al)artnlcnt on Wa,~'hin~ton street. the money in his hands --- "And Then The Hail Came." Of course, we could go on the old way, taking a chance; having our fling with the weather, win- ning or losing, and worrying all the time. Just as folks used to gamble with fire, but what prop- erty owner today would consider month to the room having the leaving his property uninsured? We will take this chance for you [most patrons present at P.-T. A. at a very small coat. meeting. $2.00 was sent the State Washington, Alexander ,I'M SO HAVEN~ NERVOUS THAT NERVINE i I' COULD I BOUGHT YOU SCREAM Treasurer for State and National dues. There are 20 members on the Roll a~ present. Eh'ction of officers for 1937-38 was held in April: all were reelected except the President. Mrs. J. C Allen, ~;ho having' resia'ned, to take ef- tect at closing of this school term. O .-- SHENANDOAH JUNCTION I The graduating exercises of theI Junction school will be held in the Charles Town High School audit- orium on the night of May 26, at 8 & Cooke INSURANCE OF AI,L KINDS Charles Town, W. Va. May 7-tf program honoring the birthday of Jefferson Davis, the president the Confederacy, will .be Soldiers' graves in the nearby cem- eteries will be decorated with flow- ers and plants, immediately after the afternoon session. (Mrs.) Amen Grantham, Secretary. C. W. MOORE Sale Clerk COMPETENT & AVAILABLE AT ALL TIMES 17 YEARS EXPERIENCE Pho~le 216-2. P.O. Box 348. CHARLES TOWN, W. VA. I. H. RUSSELL Real Estate and Insurance All Kinds of Casualty and Fire Insurance. Mutual Life Ilmurince of New York. Houses For Rent 114 Eaat Washington St. Ovpo. Thomas Jefferson Hotel ~hone 176-F CHARLES TOWN, W. VA. FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND LICENSED EMBALMER o'clock. Those in the graduating l class are Gertrude Seal, Ophelia Lawson, Wilton Wintermoyer, Gtadys Thomas, Paul Whitmore,! Do you feel terr~e al~d keyed- Jimmy Whittington, Ray Seal, Earl i up? Do the care of the home and Pine, .Franklin Fraley and Marshall 1 children, the obligation of social ~r commumty" life, the worry ,el Henretty. The closing exercises ofi ttnances, "get on your nerves ? the school wil be held on the school st N ~" ~ V I~ $ is lawn, Friday evening, May 28, at 6 May spell the difference be- o'clock. tWeen happiness and misery forMiss Violet Morris, of Hagers- You and your family. town, is spending some time with, i If you are Nervous, Sleepless, rrltable, Restless, it may be due her grandmother, Mrs. Clara Mor- ' to an overwrought nervous con~ clitiom If so, you will find Dr:,ris, who remains quite sick. Miles Nervine a real help. Mrs, Rebecca Allen, of Baltimore NeYOUr Druggist has an~i Miles t rvine both Liquid Effer- is spending a while with her son vescent Tablets. Why ~ot get and daughter-in-law, the Rev. and a ~ottle or package and taking it today? Mrs. Wendell Allen. Large bottle or pac~ge $1.~ Mrs. Keneth Howell and little Small bottle or pacl~ge .z~ son are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R.R. Renalds, in Front Royal, Va. Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Graves and children spent Sunday with her CHARLES TOWN, W. VA. AUTOMOBILE SERVICE. MORGUE ATTACHED. A COMPETENT LADY ASSISTANT Office 'Phone 162. Residence 'Phone 35. Town Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. James F. Nicel and son spent the week-end with! Mr. Vernon Stuckey and family near Kearneysville. A surprise birthday party was given in honor of Mrs. R. U. Smith last Wednesday night at her home here. About thirty guests were present. The Ladies' Aid Society of the M. E. Church sponsored a reception Monday night at the home of Mrs. Rose Kearns in honor of the oldest HOT WATER, 24 HOURS i .DAY, 30 DAYS a month aJ a "NO FOOLIN", you know IOTI.Y i! b More homes in tim II, 8, ih 100 ti SUDSTITUTE, it's e n!b b b about your HOT WATER We Have a Spada| Rate For Hot Water OFFICE: 125 WEST WASHLNGT!ON tiT. | | ill A PHONE CALL WILL BRING A REPRESENTATIVE WHO WILL GIVE YOU AN ESTIMATE ON YOUR PRINTING RE- QUIREMENTS WITHOUT OBLIGATION. WE fi . VE COM- PETENT MEN IN OUR MECHANICAL DEPARTMENT WHO WILL GIVE YOU FIRST CLASS WORKMANSHIP ON ANY KIND OF JOB. BY-LAWS INVITATIONS ENVELOPES CIRCULARS RULED FORMS BILL HEADS TICKETS POSTAL CARDS SALES TICKETS BOOKI S PERSONAL CARDS JOURNALS SCHOOL PAPERS PAMPHLETS INVOICES BLOTTERS BUSINESS CARDS SALE BILI LETTER HEADS PROGRAMS STATEMENTS a PLACARDS SHOW CARDS FORM LETTERS O I wish to inform my customers and 'friends that I am in the GENERAL CONTRACTING AND BUILDING BUSINESS for myself and will appreciate a chance to figure your work for you. I can give you Estimate on your complete job, in- cluding All Kinds of Building Materials, Painting, Plumbing and Heating. Will appreciate a chance to figure with you. 11 NORTH GEORGE STREET CHARLES TOWN, W. VA. PHI}NIt 19, Insurance and Surety Bonds