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Farmers Advocate
Charles Town, West Virginia
July 9, 1937     Farmers Advocate
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July 9, 1937
Newspaper Archive of Farmers Advocate produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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i '' ," lOW . W. VA. FARMERS ADVOCAI3 CIIARI,E$ " FRIDAY. JUI,Y 9, OWD ON FOR FINAl, OF RACE MEET Meet ~efore a crowd of 10,oO0 tha! ove~rflowed the g~randstand, pad- ~k~ eldb house and lawns, tlw gumme'r race feet of the Charles ~own Jockey Club .wa;~ brought u) a 6~oa('on Monday, after 32 daily pr(. gr~itns' t~at opened on .qaturday, May 29. White author[fat[re [ig- ure~ are lacking, the general con- prevails that the meet was mo~it successful the club has ~ed. Competing tracks, Hagrstown, the first fl)ur and the other at Delaware the last week of the meet just el0,/gd, accomplished little, if any- ~in reducing business. Eas- ~ falls ace delighted with the ~.(~r|es Town race track." ' 'interest in the rivalry anlong ~ke~'s subsided the last two big ~$ of the races. Not ]me special- !(~ ~stingui.qh~d himsotf as several '~f them did ill the early days of tb~ meet. ~ T~e di~ily double on Saturday en- ~-!ltr~ to $371 was of special local ~e~t because the prize went to ~r or five local people. It was largest pay-off on daily in the session. early contests of early aftel~loon [|rooul Tottr in firut rae.e bounced out of the ranks to earn a mutuel ot Ridden by C. F. Simpson, forged to the front but barely lasted ahead of a put on by Allen Caid st a 6emrete Block , pany BLOCKS FOR : : : la. u eosEa 'Phone $20-W. ~artinsbarg, W. Vs. T. ENGI VA. The Be~t is Wanted" Skinner EY-AT=-LAW OfiSee in Sadler Building ~RLE~ TOWN. W. VA. Phone 172-F James M. Mason, Jr. " ' James M. Mason, Ili Mason & Mason 7~ ATrORNEY~-AT-LAW All thi~ CoUrts W. VA, 1~. L. Bushong Lee Bushong, Jr. Bushong Washington Hall BuiMtag ~ARLES'TOWN, W. VA. C. W. MOORE Clerk NT & AVA~ILABLE vAT ALl, TIMES YEARS EXPERIENCE 216.2. P.O. Box 348. TOWN, W. VA. PAPER & PAPER PRODUCTS FOR EVERY 7 PURPOSE AN ETAbl PAPER CO. PHONE 1988 MD. RUSSELL Estate and and St, Roosevelt Bride m Nuptial Gown ':::;:'ill: :!:i:!} :#:i. :' : : Kohler. broke the second track rec- ord of the day in the eighth race. The son ot Strolling Player, trained by George A. C(~ok, of Washington, ran the mil~ and a quarter n 2:06 FIRST COUNTY WHEAT[ )iARKE'IED AT $1.10i The first wheat threshing m the 2-5 to knock a second and a fifth off[ county was done this year in the the mark held by Miss Catalan and Rippon neighborhood where a half R,)al Lassie. Routh Player. a one-~ dozen crop* were sent to market eyed horse, ledvirtually all thai last week. In almost every case the grain was sold from the thresh era. One dollar and ten cents a bushel was paid f.r the first arrival. The yiehl was in most instances up to expectations, with the hast about 2(I bushels per acre. Wet weather delayed threshing the lirst t)[. the week. way, and paid a $12 mutuel. In conl, rast with the Fourth of July ~mliday eating last year, the day this year was favored with cool hreezes with just enough showers l() keep down the dust. On the whole it was a (telightful alternoon. Scold in tim first race opened with a good lead and was not tbreatened. Schley Buck oh)seat u) the pace most of the way could not hold the advantage. Royal Busi- ness ran evenly but aL no part of the )'ace became dangerous. They l)aid: Scold $(;.20; Schley Buck $9.- 40. an(t Green Water $3. In the second race Goantell. the vmner got away slowly, came around the leaders with a rush, and finished easily, paying $21.40. Lady Buck sprinted to the front at the starting, but proved no match for the winner. She paid a mutuel o[' $3.80, while Cautious Bo was thicd paying $7.40. Gagne owned by O. S. Bloom, of Charles Town. and ridden by Me- chad(), proved an easy winner in the third race, our-speeding Miss Tou- can, running second from the start. The winner paid $5.80 to $2.80 for Miss Toucan and $4.00 for Rmming Water. Other races on the pro. gram were uneven( ful. [{acing interest will center in the track at Delaware Park the great- er part of the current month. Then will come the big events at Sara- toga Springs, New York. EXTENi)S SEWER ON TWO STREETS. GO TO ('OLUMIHA. l'ro[ lluuter Maddex, of the Charles Town High School faculty, and l'ro[ T. A. Lowery, of the llar.- pers Ferry tligh School. left on Wednesday for New York, where they will take a summer (.ourse in C( [umbia University. Their work in New York will continue for six weeks. BISIIOI'STRIDER TO SI'EAh TO YOUNG PEOPLE. Bishop R. E. L. Strider will speak to a meeting of the young people of the Eastern Convocation aL Priest's Field (near Middleway)(,n Sunday afternoon, July llti~, at 5:30 o'clock. Everyone. especially young people, is invited to atten(t fl~is sere, ice, which is being spon- sored by the Young I'eople's Fel- lowship of Nelson Parish. After the smwice there will be a social hour, and all wishing t() re- main for the picnic supper are ask- ed to bring sandwiches. In case of rainy weather the ser- vice will be held in Grace Church, Middleway, and the social hour and ville, has resigned to accept em- ployment with the Chipman Chemi- cal Company at Bound Brook, New Jersey. The change t,o the New Jersey project is to take place on November 1. His resignation has ah'eady been accepted by the Board of Governors of the University at M organtow n. With the chemical ('Oral)any Dr. Schneiderhan will be l)lant path,)- olgist and entomoh,eist, and will have the entire United Stat('s an,'l Canada as his territory, lie wilt have charge of all research for th,- company, which manufa(tures ~u- sect[cities and fungicides and is said to be the larges~ weed-killer coro- t)any in the United States. havin,o. been pioneers in the field of' weed- killers. The company ,)wns raft- road tank spray cars that spray large ()f" southern railrad ri~hts-o[.-way to l<(,ep down weeds. This position, l)r. Schneidermn believes, will be a step upward and has many l)Ossihilities. The com. party's market is the frmt artd veg- etable sections of the United States and Canada. particularly the Flor- ida citrus belt .the Pacific Coast ap- pie section, and the Texas friut territory. 0 Subscribe for the RE1)AIRS ANI) ) I AINTING, CARI'ENTRY, ROOFING AND PAPERHAN(;ING NOTHING TOO BI(;---NOTHIN(; TOO sMALb LEE & BROYLES l'honc 210-1 Shenandoah Jtmction, W. .HE QUALITIES YOU WANT IN FEED FOR YOUR LIVESTOCK AND POULTRY ARE THE REASONS WE SELECTED FOR YOU RED.ROSE GUARANTEED one that paid $38,80 to place. Iwas in front early and had to be[ A. S. Hamilton. of Washing(o,}, kept to a drive to hold By Surprise Sewer c, onstructinn with PWA the owner of P, room Tour. with the safe. Third money went to Bokie labor coutinues on the streets of same trainer and same .iockey, re- B. Aella turned in the good time Charles Town, A line has been peated the victorious performance of l:17 l-5, completed from Holl's Pump to the in the second race with Surry. I Nay Nay made it two in a romIcotmer of West street supplying Surrey bounced out of the ~ates for the choice~ players in the fourth drainage for the new Esso station at:the start and lead all way round event, shakittig off Mazyniata tol at the corner of West and Washing- the course to pay $50.40, take the lead and getting honm1 ton streets. The favorite, players laot ai three lengths in front of RadiaI.[ In the other direction on Wash- breather n the th rd rade whe ~ Silver Arch was third. The winner ington street, a line will be con- Sammy Palumbo teamed with Aelta ] paid a $4.81) nmtuel and was wellI strutted to the intersection of Mt. to win by a length from Ily Sur-[ha ~dlcd bv Jockey R. Root.i Parvo Ave. West Congress street prise. Aelta, paying a $g mutuet, Rough Player. owned by C. F. will next, claim the attention of the trench men. The line on that street will extend from the vicinity of the Gas plant to the top of the hill near West street. - --t) -- W~IoLEsA LE RAID ON BO()TLE(~(; Ei~>. O Following a series of secret in- vestigations state, city and county officers of Winchester made a w~holesale raid on bootleggers in lint city at 9::~(1 o'clock Sunday morning. Eight people were ar- rested, and quantities ol' legal li- quor and i~loonshlne were confiscat- ed. Officers say that nearly all the eight alleged offenders captured m the raids can be convicted because of evidence obtailed long in ad- vance of the raid, --/) BOYS GO TO CAMi'. Three Charles Town youths le[,t Sunday for Fort Benjamin Harri- son. Indiana. for a )nonth's train- ing in a Citizens Military Training Camp. In the group were Wilbur Alger. Clyde Hummer and William League. -----0-- APPOINTED TO COMMISSION Govmmor Homer A. Holt on Fri- day appointed Arthur S. Dayton, nf Charleston, and Mrs. R .C .Ring- gold, of Shepherds(own, to the West Virginia I,ibrarv Commission. Their commission will expire on June 30, 1941. MEETING OF GARDEN CLUB. supper in the Nelson Parish room. o- CARD OF THANKS. To Whom it May Concern:-- "Oh give thanks unto the Lord. for Hc is good and His mercy en- dureth forever." The June Rally which was held iu Mr. Zion A. M. E. Church at l)uffields, on June 27, 1937, was quite a success. Owing to the down pour of rain at 3 p. m only a faithful few were in attendance. Thomas Stewart Jr who was the sponsor of the rally, wishes to thank his many friends both white ant colored, more especially his white friends at Bakerton for their loyalty and their liberality. Forty dollars was l, he sum that was taken up on that day. The rally was For the benefit of Stewards of Mt. Zio)" A. M. E. Church. "The Lord loves a cheerful giver." Thomas Stewart. Jr Sponsor. Mrs. J. C. Kemp, See. Rev. J. C. Kemp, ]'astor. 0 S('HNEIDERHAN TO LEAVE. 1)r. Felix J. Sehneiderhan. since 1929 superintendent of the State Experimental farm at Kearneys- [ I Results.* That's what you want from any in- vestment. More eggs, more quarts of milk, more pounds of pork, more baby chicks raised to maturity. For 94 years Eshelman has been a name known for quality in feed. Four generations of the Eshelman family have shared in build- ing that reputation. They have been farmers themselves and know feed, and make feed on the basis the farmer wants. We are glad to .announce that we are now sell- ing the Eshelman line. Whether for Poultry, Dairy or other livestock, there is an Eshelman Feed exactly suited to your needs. And every feed g aranteed. PHONE 17 Charles Town, W. Va. "CHEVROLET USES LESS OIL" Insurance and Surety Bonds PHONE 29. CHARLES TOWN, W. VA. The Jefferson County Garden Club will meet at the home of Miss Henrietta Goldsboro, in Shepherds- town, on Thursday, August 5th, at 5:00 p. m. A full attendance is urged to he present. ~corWmize "" NO FOOLIli,you know EXAOTLY how much it is going to coat you. More homes in the U. S. A. use ttAS to heat water, where it's avail- ablo, all other mothods oombined. "Why?" eeeause it'a not a SuBS TUTE; it's the one Imat'solufion to the problem. Consult us We Have a Special Rate For Hot Water OFFICE: 125 WEST WASHINGTON ST, TELEPHONE 226. CHEVROLET MOTOR DIVISION. C.enared Mofor, ~Its Corpereaen. DETROtT. MICHIGAN TR/dqlIPONTAT~ ONi -F