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I iDA% JULY 9,
Established 1885
Every Friday By The Jefferson Publishing Company
Charles Town. Jefferson County, West Va.
Second Class Mail Matter in he Post Office in Charles Town
George Street. 'Phone 257-W.
Advertising Rates On Application.
Importance Of Spain
Why should England and France bec me disturbed
y and Italy seek to control Spain? It is be-
control of Spain by those two great military and
would mean control of the only avenue
which England and France can keep in touch
their immense possessions in Africa, Asia and their
in many seas. England and France control prac-
of Africa. Both have huge colonial interests in
movement of their commerce and their ships of
impossible if Germany and Italy gain control
ports on the Mediterranean from w.hich they
launch operations by both air and sea agains
and British shipping.
teing willing to go to war rather than let Italy and
take control in Spain, England has in mind the
India, E gypt, and other territory that is vital to her
v hile France has in mind the loss of Iride-
s territory that is larger and more populous than
homel,and, and of the vast and profitable territories
the French flag flies in Africa.
a good time to study our maps and look through
Raising The Class Issue
There is no side-stepping the fact that prej udice agains
rich is on the increase. This accounts for t he
wave that is sweeping over the world. Instead ol
fforts to turn that wave back to its original placid
ds, the ultra r ch should be reforming the things
mt it in motion.
expose of the rich men who robbed their
nt of ,hundreds of millions in taxes during recent
case in point. Poorer people had to pay every
rich men saved by their shocking subterfuges.
wonder that those poorer people are thinking
radical lines? In France, the government finds
kened both at home and abroad because of its
to maintain a sound currency. This inability
to the action of rich Frermhmen in preferring prof-
[or themselves to prestige for their nation. Because
get more for their gold elsewhere they withdraw
home banks and sell it broad, a practice that
reat harm in America until Franklin D. Roosevelt
end to it.
,class could accomplish more for conserva-
taking into consideration what is best for
as a whole than by all t he wars it could wage
The End of Court Plan.
a great constitutional crisis is pa sing.
change in American governmental methods
considered revolutionary is
The plan to overwhelm the
by a,ppotntment of six judges is finally
no official announcement from the White
of defeat comes in the form of a
y Administration leaders in the
sate. But the meaning is no less clear:
Mall, killed some weeks ago by the resistance of
ire6s and independent senators, is now somewhat
but definitely interred.
will record that the American people rejected
for the executive and legisl,ative branches to
the judicial branch of Federal Government.
idea of " acking" the court to obtain approval of
which would othel wise'require a c
mt has been vetoed. A short cut which would
tended to displace the constitutional amendment
entirely has been closed.
have decided that the brakes provided by
)reme Court are necessary to preserve the American
As Tragedy Reigned After Downfall of Bilbao
tragedy and pathos characterized scenes in Bilbao,
off the northern coast of Spare, as refugees awaited
evacuation from the war-torn city as victorious
Fascist troops moved into the ~Basque,capital. This
+.:-: :::: . :
: ~,q. ~ ".:
striking photo, first to reach United S[at, es after
the downfall of the city which had remained in-
vincible for 700 years, shows women and children
at the railroad station awaiting tram~ortation out-
Dr. J. J, Pittman, of Mc(;on-
nelllsville, Pa located at Kable-
town, to practice medicine.
George W. Marlow had a yield
cf 49 bushels of wheat from one
ar, d one-tenth acres.
Married--In Charles Town, Mi:~s
Mary Armstrong and Dr. Braxton
Davenport Avis.
Died--Mrs. Annie Stump, wife
of Abram Stump, of Charles Town
aaed 35 years; Miss I,avinia
Broaddus. daughter of the late
Major Bloaddus, U. S, A aged
86 years.
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Le:;Ler
Swartz, Middleway.
Perry Thomas attended the New
York-Washington bah ganm Sun.
day in Washington.
Mrs. Tyler Brown and daughter,
Julia Mac, were recent visitors Hf
Mrs. Brown's sister, Mrs. l'aul
Lizer, in IIagerstown, Md.
Mrs. W. T. Francis and Oscar tl.
Francis were visitors at Tuscar-
ora Sunday.
Rev. Joseph Guy, Shepherdstown,
is spending a week at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. John Stanley.
Mr. and Mrs. tl. H: Elliott and
daughter, Jean Ann and Mrs. Ber-
tha Horn spent the Fourtil at Mr.
Vernon and Colonial Beach, Va.
Married--In Charleston. W. Vs
Blackburn ltughes, of Martins-
lcurg, W. Vs to Miss Mary Lamb
daughter of A. S. J. Perryof
d R. Clifford was lic~,nsed a)
practice iaw at Martin~burg, and
was the first colored man to qual-
ity for practice m West Virginia.
E. J. Stmpson, a member of the
Martinsburg bar, became principal
of a ~ovcrnme~t school Jn Okla-
homa for AnJpahoe Indians.
Miss Nancy Keen, who is employ-
ed in the government service at
Washington, spent the week-end
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.
P. Keen.
Th~ Young Peoples' Fellowship
of NelsonParish, enjoyed a weinie
roast or) the Big Eddy last Friday
Ifight. Their next meetin~ will be
SIXTY YEARS AGO. JULY 9 an open-air service at the Priest's
M;tnicd--ln IIarrisonourg, Va Field, July ll, followed by a 1)it-
by the Rev. W. G Eggleston. Ed- I nic supper there.
Miss Margaret Ridgley, of Luth-
mwille, Md is visiting Miss Shirley
The Ladies Auxiliary of Grace
Episcopal Church at the home of
Mrs. D. C. Lyne, Friday afiternoon.
Mrs. W. F. Alexander, of Charles
Town, addressed the ladies.
Col. and Mrs. R. L. Bates and
Miss Betty Bates, of Lexington,
spent the week-end with the form-
er's mother, Mrs. Sudie Bates.
Mrs. J. R. Ware entertained the
Ladies Aid of the Methodist Churth
last Wednesday night. A large
crowd attended and delicious re-
ward C. Russell, of Harpers Fer-
ry, to Miss Louella Gaines of
Died---At her home in IIarpers
Ferry, Miss Amanda Shipe, aged
30 years.
William Hicks. formerly of
Charlestown, was killed by the ex-
plosion of a cannon while firing
a Fourth of July salute at Con-
vellsville, Pa.
Henry P. Cooke. of this counw
,~raduated i~ medicine at t;he Uni-
versity of Yir~ima.
spew |h Fourth with tbe .-,'m-
or's Iwother. Mr. J. S. /,ock('. Mrs
l.ocke and :~on ar ~;pendmv' tim
wec]~: hol't:.
Mrs. Lila Rm; of Wicbil,:t.
I(:m,~, ~.~ vi.dl big tt(.[ I)rolhor.
Mr. Lee Osbourrle aD "Re~iie-
lll(,n t
Mr. ;il'id Mrs. }larry Price and
Mrs. Baker, of Pitcairn. Pa spent
th, week end with the former's
mother, Mrs. Annie Price.
Visitors at the home of Mr. and
.~&'.~. W. H. t;.'adley, on Sunday,
inchlded Mr. and Mns. S~pi~en
B~atch(q.r. of Harrisburg, Pa,;
Mr. allC~ Mrs;. Oakley Shockey,
Mr::. (;eova~. t3radshaw arid Miss
,l ":si[" l-)un:tv,'ay, af 3]artin<';blw .
I'h+ 7h ~hod,M Stmde~y Fch(,ol
will hold a festival in the sckool
yard Friday, July 23,
Miss Gertrude Eddy has return
ed home aft0r visiKnF friends in
Miss Georgette Strider visited
friend:~ in Richmond last week.
Mrs. Julia Watson visited bet
(:aughter, Mrs. WilIiam Harris.
l~ear i~ardane.
Messrs. Mason and Frazier~Wat
soil were guests of the Misses
Itammond, Kearneysville, at a pic-
i~lc, ,July ,Jell.
Miss Ann IIardesty, Shepherds
town. was a guest of Miss Mar-
garet Coylc, over the Fourth.
Mrs. Charles Lar, ~don, of My-
erst.own, spent last week witi~
gel" paren~, Mr, and Mrs J Frank
Miss Eunice Ellyett accompanied
by Miss Mabel Whittington, of
I Ranson, visited friends in Bolivar
: ,m W,dnesday.
The Friendship and Watson
Bil)le (;lasses of the Methodist
Church ,ntertained tlr, Sundav
Echool at a weinie roasg at the
homo of Mr. and Mrs. E, M. Coylc
on Friday night, July 2 We v:ere
Vvl'y glad to have '~ome of Ln9
Charles Town Me':;hodis; folks who
rendered ,;ome beautiful vocal sv-
lectinn:~. Quite a large crowd was
present and a very pleasant even-
!ng was spent.
I"OR ~ALE:---()ne 40 gallon hot
water tank. covered with Rock
Wool; OIit' I,ion Gas water heater.
}']l,Jlle 261-R.
July 9-2t. Charles Town. W. Vs.
F(IR SAI,E:---Auhurrl Cabriolel.
Autom~d)ile. 19:;/ model. Apply to
JulyO-2t. Summit I'eint, W. Va.
F(iI SAI, E-~-At lily woodyard,
cut w,)od, seasoned; large lot of
flooring. Germall siding, 2x4 and
2x8 pieces, doors, window sash.
(?. F. WAI,I,
,l ~ I.~ 91t.
I"OR SAI,1;:. ih,usv of seven
I'<)Oill:4 and bath, North (;eorge
f;trcet all(l Third Avenue, R;tnson :
;tl',gO a ,qevel'l roonl lllOdern house :it
South (Jharh,:~ and West C, ongrese:
streets.Telopboim 176-F.
Real Estate & hisurance
July 2.9, 16-pd.
I:OR SAI, E:---F,ur 6(/0-1/; I;~:ed
Juncll-tf. Charles Town. W. V:l.
t'OR SAI,E: -- Ant.iques, Used
l"u,'l~ituro, Ref'rigerators, El >ctric
l;'aii3, Studio (touches, Dresser:;.
I;ed:;, Mal, tre:;ses. Crfi Spring~;, etc.
Optl(,sii,e OLD NA FIONAL
dunell-tf. Charle:~ Town. W. Vs.
IlAMS--il 4MS--iIAM;q --
Co ultry Sus.'ar Cured---Fine Qual-
FOIl RENT:--lmmediate posses-
!sion of 8 room brick house, eveIy
n~odern improvement, in good con-
dition, one of the best resldon~ial
,~:ections of the tO'.Vll; recently oc-
(upied by Lclal d :3hugart, 519 So.
George Street, I'riee $40,00 a
month. For llerlmssion to inspect
Phone 231-F, Charles Town, W. Vs.
April 2-tf.
WANTED:--Wethers and ewes,
also lambs and veal calves, every
Saturday. Telephone 247-R.
July 9-1t.
WANTED:--Fifteen (15) young
people who are professed Chris-
tians, to participate in a pageant-
play which elevates the cross. Sce
DR. ATHEY, at Bible College.
,July 9-1t.
WANTED:--Junk of all kinds, I
~beef hides, old automobiles.
July 9-tf.
WANTED:--Woman to do cook-
ing and general housework. NO
laundry. Apply to
309 South Church St:
WANTED :--Woman to do laun:
dry work. Apply to
309 South Church St;
J uly2-2t.-pd.
freshments of ice cream arid cake it3" .rod Fiaxm', Phooc ,q2(;-F-! I.
were served. V J' M. & l. I). anMEldi, WANTED:--Horses and Cattle
:a y 7-tf. Marlinsburg, W Va. to Pasture---250 acres Of fine blue
Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Miller, Miss ' Mr. Herbert Faircloth and faro- grass pasture [and, 3-miles of rive[;
Helen Miller, Miss Leota Butler ily, who have been living with th,: FOR SALE - Printed Signs Of front on the Shenandoah River-
All Kinds, 5 cents Each. p " ,-
lenty of shade. An ideal plac~
and Baker Miller, Kent, Ohio, latter's prents, moved last week in- JEFFERSON P15BL1SHIN(; CO. for horses. Communicate with:
They ,are not wholly satisfied with judicial review spent the holidays at the home of leo the Shaull Apartments. Jtme 25-Lf Phol~e 257-W CHARLES L. CRANE,
delays and crises sometimes involved. But they do Mr. and Mrs: M. Fred Miller. Last week the stork visited the Charles Town, W. Vs. 201 East Washington St
Matinee Daily 3:30 P. M.
Nights At 7:15 and 9:15
Adults 25 Cts. Children 10 Cts.
mm I
Friday, ulv 9
el Itii.I litlllin'l
Ill ltlil illnlt
Wednesdayi July 14
Added'NtwK Nbve!ty in
Fopeye Cartoon
With Alice Faye & Ritz Brothers
Added--Color Cartoon. News
Saturday; July i0
url,- ri, duiy
etta that
l) n e akes
Charles Town, W. Va.
the structure of American government changed The Jefferson County Garden home of Mr .and Mrs. Doug Ring! FOR RENT July 2, 9. Jefferson County.
by executive and legislature, with the approval of Club met Thursday afternoon at and lei% a baby boy. rhe famity i ,~
made over to fit the occasion, the home of Miss E. "M. Mctntire now consists of five boys and one TWO AI A/Iq:MENTS FOR WANTED:'---I am in the market
substitute measure is so, much milder as to be a for a box supper. Mrs. H. It. girl. l,'OR RENT: -- Beverley Fiats. for all kinds of Livestock Fresli
Four rooms and bath Tht:ee rooms Cows, Veal Calves and Shoats.
of another color. It would permit the appointment Huyett, of Charles Town, gave au Messrs. Ralph, Robert and ftow- and bath. (Suitable for office or Shipping every week.
judges only if incumbents remained after reach-l interesting talk on ,larkspur.' lard Goodell motored last Monday reside,eel. Phone 203-11-1.
ive and only at the rate of one a year. Thirty members were present,to New York. where Howard re- Briseoe Real Estate Agency CHAS. H. STRIDER,
es have been made faster han that under t'he pres- Norval Johnston accompanied by!mained to enter West I'oint onJuly ')-2t. May 7-tf. Charles Town, W. Va.
rrangement. And other portions of the original billRev. Joseph Guy, Ben ftartzell, C. July first. FOR RENT:-Three room Apart- WANTED: -- Livestock of Atl
N. Byron, andCharles Derr, ell Messrs.Lawrence and Floy meat for light housekeeping. All Kinds, horses, colts, mules, fresli with ~ " . =
been drastically amended. There are indi.c.ation d
this bill will be much more acceptable to the Senate, Shepherdstown, were fishingat Nicely ,of this village, and G. ~. ntodern conveniences. Possession cows, springers, stock bulls, fat or ~|~ J{~,|[~
Solomon't Island Tuesday of last Pifer, H. J. Russell,KennethAu~.ust lst, thin cattle of any Mud, shoats, or "
" " ' ~ i
a vl~gorous fihbuster ts hke]y ~o block t. MRS. WILLIAM W. EBY, fat hogs, in fact livestock of an~ Add,d -- .toe Paiooka '/;omedy,
lieve the best interests of the c,ountry would be week. Shanks, Messrs. Grubb, Gray and 407 N. Mihlred Street de:wription. Phone 49-F,12, wi|t 3Ieany, Miny, Mo~ Cartoon, JUn'gle
,its defeat at this time. The immediate crisis has1 Ed. Turner returned Friday ai- Lloyd, of Clarke county, returned J,dy 9-1t.-pd come at o~ce to look at your stoclL "Jim No~ 7
surmounted. The Supreme Court has reversed at ter spending a week in Claysvillc, Monday from a two-day fishing " J. EDGAR REMSBURG, t -----~ ~
decision and has shown every purpose be co- Pa with his brother, David Tur- peaketrip tOBay.SOlomon's, lheir Island,luck wasChesa-only furllished,FOR RENT:--I~urnisheda six-room house wither Un-all April 9-tf. Sharpsburg, Md, ~0~i"['U~ii '~[ll[y iim|8
in making democracy work in America. And the her, who is recovering from a re- Monday modern conveniences dn Prospect MISCELLANEOUS. "
Mr, Justice Van Devanter has gven .the Pres- cent illness: Mrs. Laura Thomp-, fair due to a storm on Avenue, Washington Heights. ~,! P~*.i,~i
appoin,tment which assures a liberal majority,i i s n has gone to Claysvitle to bci morning. -4) TelephoueReall' H.]Estate76 F.RUSSELL,& Insurance JulyWILl'9-~SELL--Lumber for a fiv~ 0 " / ~
is some reason to believe that if the court plan is with Mr. Turner, for some time. - room bungalow. C.F. WALL
t( l,y shelved, two more resignations will be forth- She is a neice of Mr. Turner's. tEETOWN July 9, 14, I(;. - .I
'. Phat would leave the normal processes of change Mr. and Mrs. Junior Stuckey andi ~u - FOR RENT OR SALE:--Hmlse,t~--~
and Guernseys for old and young
And any plan then advanced for judiciary reform son, Mr. and Mrs Newton Stuck-~ My and Mrs. Lester L<)c,e ,nd slaughter house, stable and garage I meaty cows, kickers or ottier (iefed-
ey and children spent Sunda at l~ known as the Rose Granthan~ bouseltives. Right up your herd with
be dealt with as reform and not,as a detour. At . " ',- y " ~ ,on, Lester, Jr of I it,ct3vn. Pn at Sndthfield (or Clip) Charlesi good high testing young ones.
a 'st bstittlte must be tainted by ;he original pur-
Town pike and MainSt. corner. !Have any breed of bull you want.
and its approx al would weaken the :force of a cejec- IELVIN R|DE t h(ne 2,1 ,-R. (, WALL l,I"
which should be firmly establk~hed as a clear-c.ut and T~ Sl July 9-1t. [ Teleplmn'ejuly 9-1t.247"R' C.F." WALL
Utiorml-guarding precedent.--C. S. Monitor. F.OR RENT:---West side~f dou-
ble house located on East Washing-[ NOTICE.--During the Bible Con-
' ' - ton street. Apply to i ferenee, July 15 to 25 at the Shei -
Md Charles E. Keller, (if til,O. EDNA L. WILSON, andoah Bible College (formerly
,vl . nv r Keller Lime Co (,f Englle, this 219 N. Mildred St i Old Powhatan College) we wilt
'GO JUI,Y 7 county, aged 62 years; at Hood FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND LICENSED July24,f. ('harles Town, W. Va. isela'e meals and refreshments iil-
eluding light lunch at reasonable
, River, Oregon, Samuel tI. M tler, prices. Come and see us.
workers weft n(:ver . " ~ " OVO
a wool inspect-or fortoe, g l'n- EMBALMER meat of two rooms and kitchenette. July 9-1t.
m~e ~o tne army arart.~ o ' Lights, beat and water fm'nished.
meat. forinerly fJohnston s fae
in the war again.% Lne tory, ~nlsA' county." CHARLES TOWN, W. VA. Po,~,<~essiorl August I, 1937. Apply a.
Powers O,d ,+,~at ~,~ ular CuslomerS
'~aL $2.20 a bushel. Silos for stocl~ food colrs~'rva- 313 Second Avenue. "IN TtIE DESERT ONE" FOR-
tilm was quite much in voR~ue in AUTOMOBILE SERVICE, MORGUE ATTACHED. July
md ~he county, Win, P. Boyd, M. tl. FOR RENT:---Apartment of 5 ~re ourbest tdvertisementfor even tlte ||e~rt one loves iitd ithe
Hummer, J. R Boyd, Tabb Broth- A COMPETENT LADY ASSISTANT rooms and bath, West Washington our printing service.Ask your desire Of bite's own
B. & ers, Mrs Rose V. Boyd, George street, and one of 6 rooms and bath neighbor--he'll tell ~ou that Exotic.
on East Wasl~ ton street. Te]e-
W, Hough, having built one each. Office 'Phone 162, Residence 'Phone 35. 176-F. our printing beautiful, it ig"
Added --- News, Baster