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i:i;7; 'i"" i
W. VA.
Powerful Weapons of Science Aid Auto Industry
: )!it:i:: :z:: /
iiiil;>( >i~ ~i:~ :
:<~lVhe same powerful instrument
that probes millions of miles into
tI~e sky, so astronomers can find
lint what distant planets are made
~): has been recruited for service
~a super-watchdog over metals
~:~nd alloys used in building Ply-
~ :~th cars. -
:/:;Nmv planets or pistons yield
~heir secrets, with equal readiness,
t~:i~he "spectrograph"--an instru.
'meat that splits up light intc~tell-
ta|e bands of color.
er ' e " i "
G manys n west B g Bertha,
~l~wn above {right), is a harmless
:giant telescope now in use at the
.Observatory of Treptow. Another
type is the big reflecting mirror at
tb, e Franklin Institute in Philadel-
phia, also pictured above (left).
Both of these feed t h e it rays
through a spectrograph, to reveal
that the streaks of flame on the sun
(inset) are actually clouds of hy-
drogen gas.
The same system of "spectrum
analysis" is used by the Flymouth
engineer (below), who is gh, ing a
standard piston the spectrogr~:0hic
"third degree." Any metal dins
studied is first t ~ated to incan-
descence in an electric arc. The
rays it gives off art, a n a 1 y z e d
through the spe( '.rogr~ph, and the
resulting spectrmq defi.~es the ele-
ments of which th' met~A consists.
In this way, engil~eers can check
parts picked at random from the
t I() R S E S ![ () W A N D R A (~ES
Samn)y Pahmlbn, Lou Machado
'~nd [b-hh: t,',)i, uqv, th~';H,d
th,)us~rld,': of {'a)>; viih their oh,v-
et ri(!in~, (h))'b~r th. )'er'rqH; qo day
)nee)inw of tlm (:[)arl(,s Town
the roads excellent with tree i Lrecldnridge renmined with his
parking space for 5,(10(/ aurorae-l~randmother, Mrs. A. P. Thom-
bFes (in track property. I.~,on.
In an effort to top the list of Mr and Mrs. Henry Hanldns of
,vhmintz trainers durin~ the four L Richmond Va.; Mr. and Mrs Owen
(lay meetin~r. Claude Pelt.ner of lLeona)'d, of Washington, we)'(,
Berryville, Va will have 17 ,isitors at the home of Dr and
.h)ekpy t'lul). ~mnmlnee their ;n-
~eP,(.ioll Of ~('c(.])~iI'iL): )Y/r, llnls ~hl)'-
h~ t.l,~, t:h q,-~: T,wn IIo)'~(~ Nhow
Ass()eiatmn'~ f~,)!), day lllo(.t~np',
h.-'inn~n~ lul,14.
l-,~;dl~h MrP.ah~, cu:tocli~n ,;f the
i)ek('V'~ )'()o))) ~aVS thai Palumbo,
Maeh~do and Root lmve (,w,)'vthin~
Iheir owD way as Manny Bere'. AI
Try(,n, Franlm'~.e Me-
MulIr, n, l'-':a))I la'())m)'(l, P. :asta-
~!()V,q, .[. I~I),~ n) ~n ~') ;))hi Tollllny
Fowl r have nil ask(,d t'o)" p(.rn)i~-
~.i~)n to rid(, (h(ring the 'tppro:l(-h-
ill ~2' rD.ei n t{'.
if:c- S,'cr~,ta)'v l; )'(,ddi(, l-.qn'ton I
qnd As.~;i.~tan/ [)ill Shelley are ]
bu:*y on an a/l-star eif-ht rae(,]
,peni)i~. d.'ly prepran). T}wy will l
));iv i)) t}-, o,i~ h[)o,'I)(),M ()l' t~O0
h)'(,:',('r, to )lick f)'om, th(.cefor. (hey
:h,)uht oF~ ' int(,r(,stin!~: sp,))'t re-
~,:tr(ll,ss of weather or t)'a(']( enn-
'Ph~ )n'k}ori~y of the winner,
um'in,r thp recant ~]2-(tnv sess),'}n
ef the Charles Town Jockey Clnb
a)'~, still on the fft'ollnds. Tlwv
plan to remain until the Charles
Town ltor.~;(:ssion stu'l~ a hila'hly sue-
cessftll olle. will b(' on hand fo).
the /,)tie day's sport beginning
,hlly I-1
Daily l'nrCt' specials will be run
t:y the H. & O. from l]altimore,
Md aud Washington, I). C. li'ans.
who t)lan to motor her(, will find
horses here.
Rev. C. V. DerI,inden will eon-
duct preaching" services in the
Baptist Chu)'ch Snnday even)n~
at 8:00 o'eloek, which will he fol-
1owed by a Baptismal service for
any who desire to unite with the
Miss Mary Thomson left on
Tuesday for a trip to California.
She will he joined enroute by Miss
Ellen Todd, who will travel with
ker on the west coast for several
~ eeks,
Mr. and Mrs. Ilarry Biller and
two children, of Sykesville, Md,
.-pent the PourLh with the Misses
News of the death of Mr. Rob-
ert Poston at his late home in
Washington, I).C on Tuesday
last, came as a shock to his rela-
tives here, Mr. Poston had just
returned frmn a visit to his bro-
ther. Mr. W. W. Poston. and had
:toed the automobile trip very
veil. Mr. W. W. Poston and Miss
Genevieve Poston attended the
,'nneral in Washington on Thurs-
Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Pea(on. of
near Gaithersbm'g, Md ~Dent over
Sunday with the farmer's par-
ents. Mr and Mrs. W. W. Poston.
Mis~[~s Katherine and Emnta
tlubert, of Pittsburgh, Pa were
visitors over the weelc-end at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. W. P Boy&
Miss Mary Alien. of Bm'ryville,
Va is spefiding some time with
the Misses Whiting.
Mrs. Annie Painter has return-
ed to her home in Shepherds(own
after spending the past week with
her sister. Mrs. J. W. Clipp.
Misse.; Lucy and Alice Farns-
worth, of Washington. D C spent
lhe holiday at their parental
Mrs. J. C. Breclcinridge and son
. hn. who have been spending the
past nionth, at "Ilawthorne". left
this wee~ for Quantico, Va where
they will make their home James
Mrs. G. A. Davis, over the week
Mrs Wayne Pugh and little
daughter, of White IIall, Md are
t visiting her parents, M~' and Mrs
G W Smith.
Mrs. William Childs entertained
i the Ladies Aid Society of the
I Methodist Church on Wedne.~day
1 afternoon.
Mrs. Minnie Crim and
iMrs. Mary Vorhees, left on Tues
day for Washington, D. C where
they will spend a couple of weeks
with their brother, Mr. William
Miss Williams, of Berryville,
Va was a visitor at "Hawthorne"
over the week-end.
Mrs. (;. W. Smith was in Mar-
tmsbmg recently to visit her
daughter, Mrs. Charles Bierd, who
is a patient in Kings Daughters
Hospital there. Mrs. Bierd will
come to be with her parents here
to rect)perate, and when able she
will go to Stroudsburg, Pa where
Mr. Biet'd is with the Western
Union Telegraph Company.
Mr. and Mrs. Amos Plotner and
daughter, l.ouise, of tledgesville,
spent the Fourlh with their par-
ents. blr. and Mrs. John Small-
Mr. Charles Viands, of Orlan-
do. Florida. is here on a visi( to
his mothcr. Mrs. Price Viands.
Mrs. Luther White and daugh-
ter, Nancy Lee. and friends from
Vork, Pa were callers on Mrs.
Julia Viands on Sunday.
Mr. Theodore llou~'h, of Balti-
more, Md spent the fifth with
his parents, Mr. anti Mrs. George
Mrs. Leonard Fritts is spend
ing a few days with her son and
dau~rhte)'-in law. Mr, an(I Mrs.
Melvin Fritts.
Mr. and Mrs. Perry Viands of
Baltimore were visitors with their
grandmother. Mrs. Price Viand,~:
on Saturday.
Mr. Clarence llilieaty, of New
AND, and daughter, Anne, of Atlanta,
NEWS ITEMS Ga. ,are spending a week with the
former's parents, Mr :and Mrs. J.
W. Ramsdill.
[rom page 1) Mr. John Mercer, who formerly
the home of Mr. and Mrs.
J. L. Eackles. operated a grocery store in the
Miss Mac Marsdan and sister, Demory building on Camp Hill.
Mrs; FitzgeraM, and daughter, of has opened a store in the Higginq
Washington, spent the week-end at building on Shenandoah street, in
the home of Miss Carrie Schilling. ttarpers Ferry.
i "Mrs. Annie Kevser is very much Mr. and Mrs. Strother Watson!
indis!)osed at the home of her son, have moved from the home of th~
Mr. Charles Keyser and family, of latter's parents, Mr. and M~. B, F.
-lint:pets Ferry. Eaekles, to the Reynolds property,
~Iiss Dorothy Zombro, of Wash- near Bolivar. which they recently
Igg~n, spent the week-end with purchased.
~parents. Mr. and Mrs. Wilton Mr .and Mrs. John L. Mills and
~bro. family, of Brunswick, Md spent
camp meeting, conducted by Sunday at the home of Mr. and
~.~B, F. Crawford, of the Pen(e Mrs. G. E. Webb.
~1 Church, is in prog)~ess in Bol- Mr. and Mrs. R. E Waiters and
m~ on Johnson's field, near the son, Louis, and Mr. and Mrs. Nel-
tT~ School building, Services be- son Curtis and daughter, Barbara,
at 8 o'clck each evening except of Takoma Park,
Md were week- I
S~l~thMay and Monday. The pas- end guests at the home of Mr. and.
tot extends a cordial invitatin to Mrs. J. W. Ramsdill.
th~.~publie in general to attend the Mrs. E. A. Strider and nephew,
m~h~gs. Joseph Dominick, of Pitcairn, Pa
Russell Bird and son, Larr.T, spent the week-end at the home of
la, N. Y who have been Miss Ella Strider. j
at the home of Mr. and Mr .and Mrs. Randolph Earman. l
EnE/and States.
Mr .and Mrs. William Kelly and
of Baltimore, were recent
at the home of Mrs. Fannie
J. L. Eaekles, have returned of Washington, spent the week-end
Mr. Donald Eackles at their paternal home on Camp
)anted them home and re- Hill, and in Bolivar.
few days, and was Mr. itarvey Colbert. of near ttar-,I
latter part of the week pm~ Ferry, had the misfortune to
Frank McDonald, Phil run a nail m hm foot a few day.
and Harry Graves. From ago and was given antitoxin a few,
Oneida they will go to Boston, and days later. He is getting alongi
will spend a week touring the New very well.
Mr. and Mrs. Reigger and sons,
of Baltimore, and Miss Ella Rab-
bit(, of Washington, were recent
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
t~. Richard Duffy and Miss Lor-
ra~e Manuel, and Mr. and Mrs.
~ore Manuel, of Washington,
the week-end at the home of
~ :and Mrs. G. D. Conard.
~ent visit~)rs at the home of
nd Mrs. John Demory, of near
t~rs Ferry were Mr. and Mrs.
Stephens and two children,
ys Mitchell, of Wash-
Mr. and Mrs. Burkeholder,
W. Va Rev. Hel-
Bolivar, and Miss Leota
of Neersville, Va.
Henry Breadecamp, of
~gton, spent last Thursday
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. l~.
and Mrs, Gee. Bequett and
Elizabeth, of Washing-
C spent the week=end at
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Ross and
daughter, MaHana, have returned
home from a visit of ten days in
Lynchburg, Va where they l~ttend-
ed the wedding of Mr. Ross's sister,
Miss Nina Suarks Ross, to Mr.
James Fray Peyton, of Alexandria.
Miss Mae Kern, of Itarpers Fer-
ry, was among the guests who at-
tended the wedding in Baltimore,
Md of Miss Esther Virginia Long,
to Mr. Carlton Ray Allender, of
of Boston. Mr. Allendar was
formerly employed in Charles
Town by the Southern Chemical
Co and was well known among the
younger set. Those attending from
Charles Town were Dr. Sydnor,
Messrs. Wm. Ramey and Nell BoP
Mr. and Mrs, Walter Scarlett, of
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Piedmont, were recent visitors in
) town.
Albert Schabte, of Durmont,
spent the week-end at the
of Mr. and Mrs. C, R. Rau,
Joseph Webber and son,
and Miss Josephi)~e
of Washington, D. C.
at the Webber
We Print Anything
from bus s to
bound catalog. atever
printing con.
u i
i ' i i,i tll t i ii, i ii iI i a
1 l
[ i i i, ~ ~i ,
i i
e on
Special B.&O. Trains I aily From Washington and Baltimore
Illl I I I LL Jill II I
York, with a party of friends, [
spent over the Fom'~:h at hi~ he)n(,I
here near the river.
Mr. Amos h'vin and ])r. l,ank-I
ford, of Martinsbur!a', and Mr.
Bert Vian(ts spent (he Fourth -rod
Fifth at the doctor's can~p oo the l
Shenandoah, fishing. 1
Mr. aml Mrs. David IIough and i
little dauffhter, Ann, ~pent Sunday
with her morhec in B(.: ryvdle.
Mrs. George t|oug'h q)ent Wed
nesday with her >on, GcorFe':
Mrs. Cora Becklcy, of Wa~}linu"
ton, was a caller with Mrs. M(,I-
via Fritts on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Willard Ott bare
rented an apartntent m Charh,s
Town and intend on y:oinp; }i(:)tlSe
i:eepin[a" very soon.
Reports from July rules in the
the office of the Clerk of the Jef-
ferson County Circuit Court show
that two wives want diw)rces from
their husbands. Mrs. Mrytle t).
Willis is the complainant in one.
She sues George W. Willis for an
adsolute divorce and alleges that
they were marrid on December 22.
1928, and separated on May 3~iI
1929. She charges cruel
human treatment, the same
!rag it impossible for her to
with him. There are no
In the second suit, Mrs.
Lee is complainant against
F. Lee. Mrs. Lee states
married to Lee in Ha
Maryland, on September 23,
l)uring a part of their married
they lived in Winchester,
where she had to earn a
factory work. Their se
came on September 1, 1932.
husband is charged with
drunkenness, cruelty, and
eu.~.edness. She wants her
en name of Eula Turuer
William Seeor and Joe
('Del'aLing Itlneh l'oonls tit the
track, have had troub!e with
of (heir patrons, a few being
in payinle their bills. Th)'ee
:h)w 1)ay(,l's were lodged in
When th,:y saw the
IIlen VCFe ill (.'t~l'nest ill
the bills I)aid they realized
necessary cash that enabled
to be released. One customer
ms(ned in jail several hours
fore friends came to his
None of the bills collecte(I
cceded 820.
sensational new Gener
~lectric Tripl -T~ri/~ re-
frigerator is one of the
thriftiest investments any
household can make~ It will
last for yea~s snd save money
every month,
No need to put up with
inconvenient, inadequate
snd expensive refrigeration
service another summer.
This "first choice" refriger-
ator, that always cost less to
own, now costs less than
ever to buy and to opcrate;
in all
G.E modMt
quieteg oper-
ation, less
Don'| Take Chan es---Feed Itartenal
CTSHEI~'$' no quas'aon in the minds of mpreth~ a
J. million poultry :aisers as to what ~arting l.~.a .moy
oontaining Ptt -a-tono exce )e evon mmr Ioaasst -laey ma
whet Stamens will do so they re taking no ca~ ~ year.
Purina Starlena [or years has been" the count~/'s ~ ~artt~ ~L
Now, through the addition of
Pur.a.tene, it ~" m~le even
boiler. Poultry raLsers' who
Start~nct las year had o~.
weighing as much as n pound
and et quarter and even more
~t six weeks.
fJee us today imve Start-
ena on hand when your
ehleks arrivel
Just Try
Phone 17.
Charles Town, West