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Farmers Advocate
Charles Town, West Virginia
August 16, 1946     Farmers Advocate
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August 16, 1946
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’ YOUR NEEDS TN SSIFIED ADS SPECIAL PRIVILEGES TO NONE. ALMOST EVERYONE Reads The Advocate For .News of the County w TELEPHONE 222 PRICE 5 CENTS l" 62, NO. 33. CHARLES TOWN, JEFFERSON COUNTY, W. VA.. FRIDAY, AUGUST 16, 1946. i ecord Crowd Takes Holiday ToOTNamTeffgl‘i‘éfi13.3.“.‘l‘liiill‘ilii‘iitfifwlPlansTolliihrge Recentlransf5i50f Col. B. D. Gibson ith People Here For Ceremonies ’1. Baker Speaks on t Legion Home ‘ed Ds. DRUM CORPS AND tuber. LITARY UNITS IN .1859: slILE-LONG PARADE most successful celebration witnessed in Charles Town h~Perks Post No. 71, on esday. . ing with memorial services ale Presbyterian Church at 11 ' . an audience of 616 by set- '°0\int. filled all available space edifice. many men in uni- . . both of the Army and Navy . ' present. The pastor, the Rev. ‘ B. Storey in the uniform of al lieutenant. delivered a hut touching address. A choir entv members chosen from all chairs of the town. sang patri- al Streets Lined thalt of Va.) day, sponsored by . Athletic Coach ROBERT F. DOYLE l K itness Big V-J Day Celebration; Harpers Ferry High Thanks All For Fine1 Cooperation I wish to take this means to express my sincere thanks to the citizens of Charles Town and Jetferson County for their ex- cellent cooperation in making the VJ Day home-coming and cele- braticm the success which it was. . . I thank you each one. G. P. MORISON. Mayor ofCharles Town. Morison Thursday Members of the Charles Town . Kiwanis Club heard Mayor G. P.’ Morison tell something about the‘ juvenile delinquency problems in ? C3.arles Town at their regular; meeting Thursday night. at the Thomas Jefferson Hotel. The May~ ; or said that while much has been accomplished to cope with the pres— ent problems, quite an amount of‘ Work still remained to be done. He ,, expressed hope that by next sum- nier Charles Town might have a swimming pool as well as a recrea~ .. , n/ ’ iwanis Hear Mayor Sewerage Lines County Real Estateflnied At Age 90; l . iDiscussed Here l ' iHear Explanation Of Proposed Move At Meeting Monday . l A special meeting called by the‘ municipal authorities of Charles .Town to, discuss the water and lsewerage proposal was held in the County Court Room Monday night, lAugust 12, with a good attendance of interested citizens. President lHopkins of Peoples -Water SerVIce {Company and Grover Benner, local .superintendent, explained propos- led improvements that they are now ‘making which will mean better (pressure and more water for fire rotection purposes in Charles own. In addition, they are run— ning an eight inch main up George .Street through Ranson to Seventh 1«Avenue. which will tie in with the present four inch main on ‘Mildred Street. When this line is com- . pleted additional fire plu s will be installed in both Charles own and Ransom for better protection of residences and industriall plants. The sewerage project was then discussed and Paul Blundon of Wager Penwell to Gladys Lucille Pcnwell, one acre east of the Shen- andoah River, formerly owned by Fonrose Penwell who deeded the same to Wager Penwell March 29. . 1935. . 5 Wm. F. Vanmeter to Edward Gano, 20 acres on the west side, of Shepherdstown and Kearneysville pike, adjoining the lands of N. B. Hendricks and Charles Billmyer. -‘ Chas. T. Smith to Anna M. Butts, lots 14 and 15 in Block W. Harpers Ferry. Edith Mae Ware to Gladys Viola Stein, lot .57 acre on the Middle- way and Inwood pike. Sylvia Rideoutt Bishop to Emil- lio Cavilo, lots 1 and 2, in Block [‘64, Ranson. t George H. Hale to Frank Loren— r 20, lot fronting 100 feet on Jeffer- ison Avenue, near Charles Town. Mrs. Grace E. Boyd to Howard M. Roper, lots 50 and 51 in Block 1‘04. Ransdn. Grand Order Star of Bethlehem lto Rankin Taylor, lot 50 feet. on [ east side of South West Street. Harriet M. Dodge to John Henry Penwell, a lot on Route 9, east of the Shenandoah River. F. J. Goa to C. Albert Whitting— ton. lot in Egypt near Leetown. formerly owned by George W. Whittington. ll! . V..- .1 Rites Sat.f4 PM. iWiidely Known Local Resident was High Ranking Mason who has been appointed athletic ifonal park. The Mayor pointed out coach at Harpers Ferry High several possible sites for the,pro- School. . . The new coach is ex— iect and said that he was a‘mist pected to arrive at the Ferry certain that this work could be soon when he will announce done by popular subscription oflo- plans for the coming football cal citizens who are interested in Keyser, the colosultl’ing engingem employed to ma e t e survey or: this sewerage. explained how thel comlng Evan’s. o lbalance of the city of Charlesi Town was to be sewered which] In Charles Town And awould include Washington Boom, Jefier‘on County ‘ luncheon as a special honor to l lra C. Baker, who was to 01‘ the dedicatorv address. in l “lei-noon. at the Thomas Jeff- “ Hotel. followed the church ‘elections, the program lasting hour. 8. About fifty guests were season. something better for Charles Washington Heights and other sec— ‘ "’ ' uh Mam,- Morison of Charles Afteralay-ofl' of several years, Town. tions of the town not nowserved. I I COL. B. D_ GIBSON l presidpd and intrOducedRoy being unable to obtain a coach, President James Moler presided The sewerage of Hanson all 0f , Friday Aug. 16__Annuai Mam- Burg, of piedmont. Siam com- the Ferry school will resume its at the meeting at which twenty- which would be taken care of bprship n’leeting of Southern States Col. Braxton Davenport Gibson; e,- of the American Legion; football schedule this fall. . . five members were ‘mesent.’ The through the present disposal plant at‘ Community Center Barda‘ne at One of Jefiversm County’s most nub_ gmgnwjpnnjngg Randolph, vk speaker of the evening was iiitro— ' of Charles Town which in turn 7.30 p. m. lie Spirited citizens, identified an would have to be‘enlarged to ac~ 'lcommodate the increased demand. It has been estimated that the his life with Charles Town, passed away Thursday morning in the Charles Town General Hospital. Taken to the hospital Thursday af- ternoon of last week with a broken hip. sustained in a fall at his home Monday, Aug. 19 Meeting of isdistrict: Rear Admiral F. B. £Richard Snyder Talks duced by George Foster Shields City Council at 7:30 p. m. .D. General Baker. and Mast‘e'i' . “'h” was in Charge of the pmgram' To Lions Club t R0 H e. ative of V—~——~ _ . firTowX, agg‘hciaaiednwith Gen The Patriots’ Transet, proposed War Memorial Chapel of Wash- Sewerage System for Charles Town l aker in the air service T t C th d I 'll ho o the service of all men and women who. would cost approximately $200 000. '- he Chal T ' L C] b . iing on a e ra Wi nr , “a Parade form“ 0" the Chm" met in reg]; Os‘zgsionlmlfiuesdgy I Leglon Park 1 in recent and past wars, offered their lives that the nation might live. to be 5"!!an by revenue DYOduc— Two Games Baseball Tuesday, Aug. 20 —- Lions Club will meet at 7 p. m., at Thomas Town Jockey Club grounds at i . . - ,. in}; bonds. The revenue would be , . :- .' .’ venmz at the Thomas Jefferson lGifts totalling $2,500,000 as part of a nationvuide campaign are sought . . Jefi‘erim Hotel. on East. Washington St... he bore .1: and “nth Nicholas Carson. Hotel. President Collins presided Two games of baseball are on «‘0 com ‘ete the “use” The name of mesh” Lie“. Comdr. John dang: onoa’rgptaébasmgfm eacl; V_____ has afflwtkm mam-any, bnt due to lTnan of the parade committee. with twentv-six members present. tap for the Legion team again this D ' p p y . p ymg “59 ‘HARVEST HOME’ SUPPER AT his advanced age (being 90 years “d by State Troopers on mot- Richard Snyder gave a ven. inb weekend at the new ban “ark. Packette, USN. Congressional Medal of Honor hero of the War of the sewer in proportion to the cles in the lead. marched .prestingrt’aik on his ex - u - .' - - 3312 b m d a, Cathedral's Hanan“ ml] of honor and lwater consumed. To eliminate ' . r - periences Following their he came with Win . is to e en re on e . ‘gh washm’flon Street tn “IF l""hile he “'35 l" the seerce. Llon Chester Park On V-J Day, the Le- lenshrined in the War Memorial Chapel. Commander Packette was lthe apparent excesswe CD“ It i old on August 13l. he was unable to withstand the shock. ‘Braxton Davenport Gibson was born at Altona. the home of his maternal grandfather on August 13. 1356, near Charles Town. The .. [WILLA HALL, AUG. 21 l p.’ m."‘Price $1.00 per supper. The famfiv'iived at Bediagtoo. Berkeley The old time Harvest Home will be held in Uvilla Hall by the ladies of the Uvilla Methodist Church ‘on Wednesday, August Zilst, at 4230 n headonarters on West qnvder told how thin . ' .» . . , , _ . might be necessary to confine the . . . gs were goimr gion “Ill meet Funkstown, Md., h m 1820. Mrs. A“ “sane J_ . . - ma?" Stmt' Where a 9’0' during the first part of the war and here Saturdav at 3 p. m. and on lb'med m no" Fpmwpa‘ Chum yard g Sewerage l’rolms‘tm“ to the C0” lasting an hour took place. hing the music of bands , land. 9151;; from h . H . ‘ . . 3' _ "hum, of Washington, great-great grand daughter of Commander porate limits of Charles Town only ow hard it was to get supplies to Sunday Will be hosts to the tar ipackque rsubmmed his name for indusion in the Books of Remem_ becausetthere would he no way to carry, on the iob. He related how tinsburg Blue Sox MS 9. iii. ' ,. I .. y... .. . . -_ »_. H ,-_ M; .1, .M— .. _, ~ . . , . compe property owners outsiide of ‘31" WW films {mm ‘Mnec . V pram MW in *5” Wed w" ape] ‘the corporation to use this sewer— Ba‘ 'Yfibebh - . . all“ n... momma... or-u-A'.;:i::.t°..a: are: 3%“: Mrs- Oscar Breeden l lage- . . . . “Filament motorized, including {of defense. A state law it was in public is cordiallv invited. County. and later at Shepherds— V town'for a short time, moving to the vicinity of Charles Town in 1869. His early schoolglzraining was gotten at the Charles Town Acad— . emv. under the late apt. William H. Kable. In October .1875, he mat: riculated at the University of Vir- zinia where he spent four sessions in the academic school and one ses- sion in the law School where, he. was a. friend and classmate of Woodrow Wilson. later President of the Unit- ed States. While at the University. he was noted as an athlete and stroke of the boat crew; also was president of the Jefferson literary Societv and one of the editors of Viands---Rickard l o o . imortam. anti-aircraft guns. Lion Mason asked t}, Lionsl Mrs. Hilda Naomi Breeden. wife iProceeds From Yard W' F0 Flelds Dled the making whereby it Will be and lorries: the Frances wamnfeuz_ Mcc 1 . and . of Oscar Breeden, living on thel ' Wednesda Evenin compulsory for all pljoperty 0W"- Key‘ Drum and Bugle Corps. be appointed to heal: ails!) thseng‘lifé Robinson Orchard farm, south of l y g “'5 to use sewerage disposal rath— ri I’Tede ck. Md“ champions of f t f th M B town died Wednesda morning at ‘ . er than cesspools and outside toi- ‘ State for ten Vearsi. ' tings“ :hat in SFEZfieggggnébég? her h’ome following 1; protracted . izé‘;Pfi‘iféméfggbfia{x§:§s 5:31;, William F. Fields, a resident of legit}, c “c n f th f of Millville, W. Va., and John L. 1' Marc’s “f the manlm’d’urg ty boys left for Serving The time illness, aged 39 years. Mrs. Breed- lheld last Wednesday night for thé the Bardane neighborhood for e 0 SUE 0 8 Opinion 0 1Viands, son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Miss Milla Mae Rickard, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Murel Rickard, on Post; a large detachment many years, died at his home on those W959“ was that the PI‘ODOS- Viands. Charles Town. were united szfrans of Jackson-Perks Past, panment of that community The West Washington Street, Wednes- $38 9523):)? Sglfoutlfil be Silbmllttedfto in marriage on Monday evening. American Legion of O'ar- that any man not on time would Besides her parents and husband , . ' ‘ day evening his death following a e _ e communi y 01' August 1 .th. at 8:30 o’clock in . ' - o '1 fi' s h ld th rounds of - ’ , i l i “Town. all in uniform, along! donate $5.00 to the tail—twistersi she leaves a number of brothers fheagtgiaewafi H331 Scehgol and at_ long illness. His age was 82 years vote expressmg their preference Bethany Luthpran Parsonage at set was 6:30 a,m_,wednesdavmnm- en was the daughter of Mr. and 1, . ing and an amendment was added Mrs. Charles E. James of Ranson. i benefit of t e Vohmteer Fire De sailors and marines who had fund. AS the i . and sisters. , , , . 4 months and 22 days. f" the. new seweragefiystem 01' Brunswick. Md. The Rev. Ralph H. M from the count)" Kellv' on hand as \N'Plll’szst :dhuTe4n0’2eh? Funeral services will be held in ‘ tracwd mar 3’00” people durmg A native of Loudoun County, Mr W “W‘th 38 at present. ,, . . . y g the evening. ' , The authorities a eed that thi. figlrinlirxi‘itmwdtvgillligs thi‘lgntirei1 Club. tlée Strider Funeral Chapeghlfriélay Bidding was spirited during the frigdiigangfégogigfdghes‘llfivfi; was an excellent wiry to find on: vamv nursing carp; -’ tterttPe iob was done Lion Ma- 3 ternoon dat o clock, it“ in er- , auction sale in View of the fact are his hdow who was‘Misg Jean- the popular sentiment and at some . n, h- Bug‘ecorps “f the son rea .d the group to breakfast ment in E ge Hll\l/ Ceme ery. léhatsg pair of nylorfi hog: was sand nette ‘Nicely of the count‘y; two future time will probably be acted u 0 e" Haqem_ _ ’ or 1: two pigs or .90, an a F- 1d f unon. Everyone seemed to agree .1 Vlgigngf of "F‘Ligign wars, V Peacetlme Sales ! chocolatecake for $9. Numerous thnghgoflggnéngwgaggzhtéis SM; that the sewerage system as plan- Orial Post. Charles Town: Ber— CAREY HUNT REENLISTS R h N h lOther amides were said and aided Elizabeth Showers and Miss,Mil- "ed “'35 a 200d bhlnfl‘ 39d Should . y Springs High School Band: l — eac ew, g sille financial success of the yard dred Fields, at home; two sisters, be done. but the question of ii- ‘ ~Coneland Post, American Carey Frank Hunt. voungest son xpal'tlh Mrs, Vera Wolfe; of Bolivar and inancing was a big problem. Miller, pastor of Bethany Lutheran C urch, performed the single ring ceremony. The bride wore a nile green suit with White. accessories. . . . . . . The attendants were Mrs. Kathleen the Vlrgmla Umvermty magazme‘ Briggs sister of the bride. and Mr. He was aftelwards a teacher ah - the Charles Town Academy, and 3;?"01' RhOdeS‘ Fmdermkaum’ began the practice of law in Char- V __ les Town in 1880. For a time he" was president of the National Citi- zens Bank. Charles Town: a direc- Many Senice tor of the Light Power C0,: a di- Church rector of the Farmers & Merchants at his home. funeral services at the home this .on, Charles Town, including 3:: Mgt anali Mrs. Herbf‘rt lritunt. tof b Pgace-timewsalfs saving}?! V————— Mm. Rebecca Lands, of Washing and marines: H erstow‘n ‘ e . . arvaret’s pa 1112“ S, on S In es irginia, V“ lC ' ton. . cred band; Maninsbfi High haste-enlisted in the Army. after since January 1. 194.6,. have aver- Berl'yVllle Horse Show 0“ Rev. James B. Storey, of the Pharr Teach The . v no} Band; numerous civilians in lhavmg served three years in the aged more than $5 million monthly, August 22 and 23. presbymrian Church, Win conduct B .]d C] Deposit Company. and the Charles mted automobiles and on dec— lNaVY- 0n MondaV. he reports. at SOfil‘ed H; a new all-timehlgh 01'; “1 er 5 ass The (me hundwdth anniversarv i Town Board of Trade. ted bicvcles and motorcvles. Camp Meade. Mdu for md‘lc‘flon. 36,349150‘ m JUI-V’ a‘icordm"; to .al Plans are shaping up well for the afternoon at 3:30 o’clock. Inter- of Old Wick“ny Church was obger- COl. Gibson Served 0)" the {mill 0f At the [argon hpfidqgarterg, s. l Erom there. he expects to be, as- report from state savmgs bond d1~ gamma, Berrwme Horse Show ment win be in Edge Hm Ceme- _ County Agent T, R_ Pharr win ved August 11th at services which Governor A. B. Fleming, With the. g .8an, commander of Jackson- signed to the base at Middletnwn. rector Bernard S. Payne, of Char- i which will be held Thursday and wry. mterpret the lesson for the Build- we", conducted bv the Rm, ’Hmrv rank of Colonel. Hewas command- : Pmt. American Legion, of Pa., or Bolling Field, Va., both of leston. . I :Friday’ August and 23_ The V era Class in the Charles Town (3 L’am, mgor of Gram Egisc‘bpal er of the West Virginia DiVismn of, es Town. presided or;i ahplat- lthem armv bases. . Int the face of glissingulp‘flscgsesfo; prize. “St announcing 28 688888 rethxdist S3100} on Sun_ Chunks“ Bermvme. E the _ab_ sags ff Congedergtfiq Vfieransl An e , ' {to t of t e ead- ‘. . . V mos consumer g0 . . 0 ' , ' ay. ugus . e ass convenes . er en mem er 0 _e .asonic or- mmh‘ildgationn was delivered "‘2‘ ,It ‘5 eSt‘mated that 300? 968— E, F‘ and G bonds topped Januarv, fitggfiogzfie‘ifgg lief“ malled 110031 Legion Post T0 at 9:30 a. m. and invites a“ men iinsifif Elglffigosr ‘kdlgf‘lg‘l’: Aer, he served as ennmnt comma“- . the Rev. James B. Storev. a‘for- Ole “aflook 9f the .feaSt' Wlnle t DTeVIOUS best month Slnce th? 9“Sl*l V Dis 88 of New Car lnot connected with any other Sun- afilpl‘d “ der of Potomac Commandery. naval chamaim Chairman feast was being enioved, a baseball mg of the Victory Loan dn‘le.1n§B F .1 R , p0 A day School to join them in obtain- qn ._Ms d a nicnic much were Knighm Temmar: grandmaster of “F- introdnced Frank L. Yates. 21 game with the L990" “’2'.” 1“ a December- by almOSt one mllllon' arr am] y eunlon -——— inst a better understanding of the h idem“ {gut 150 ‘e‘ 19’ in at: Free Masons of West Virginia, and “Y boy, holding a rrominent game WM} 3 team from w‘“"h?5' d0ll3r3~ The month's DUTChases ex“, A new Ford Sedan, valued at lesson. te d w' a p W a 33rd degree Mason. in the Comptroller General's gas,“ “35 Played 0" a!“ LPEW" ceeded June sales by 31253463.; Over one hundred members of i $1,100., has been secured by Jack- ~-V-~——- 6" ance’ v Following in the footsteps: of his ,. e in Washington, who present l ie on Route 9. a half mile south- and brought total sales of savmzs the Barr family and friends assem- Ison-Perks Post, American Legion, C B , . father. the la“, COL John T. Gm, _fl congressman Randolph whose least or town‘ Darkmess ended the bonds ln the seven {119mm 0f l946 .bled in reunion on Sunday at the and is to be offered to the winner arper"’ rown N0 Bank Failures In Son and both his grandfathers. me * “me it was to introduce Gener- l game When the 90°.” “'3‘? 2 .t" 2 at well past the $36 million mark. the home of Bernard Barr, on the Rob- in a. contest which opened here this . T Y ' washactive and an uncompromising i lra C, Eaker, the chief speaker “the end “.1. “‘9 e'gl‘tl‘ mm“? State director saisl; linson farm, four miles south of week. The Ford is now on exhibi- Mn and Mrs. James H‘ Brown W0 ears Demopmt in “Mm”, Md 3,, SW}, he Allie dav, dedicating the Legion’s l crowd estimated .at 25‘” “filled V gtOWn. It was the first reunion since lion in the Cflurt House will announce the marriage of their served in the West Virginia House- uartem‘ every available mCh 0f Standing Celebrates 1941. A picnic dinner and games All proceeds from the contest. daughter, MabeLmWaiter Carper, The Federal Deposit Insurance of Dniezates from Hm, 0mm... in r—Admiral F. B. Stump of “ace 1:; 2‘? Pill“ Th? “mu-“"02; comprised the day’s program. will‘go towards the building of the son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Carper Corporation that insures banks a", three “fish” of 1889,90_91‘,;_ mm- was introduced by rises...::;ma.mim We a M... R... M... a m» we; if new? usage-elect ceramicLinda '8 a The marriage some scram: in Member 189% he married ‘ . . ii i— _ ', . - . - . . , alrl‘icawn. Egge, oAfdrtd‘ierallefSeti-isixg A dance With music b" three 0‘" da" PartV 0“ sundayi AWN“ 11: deht; Frank Barr, gvice-presldszt, tembegr 12,-at 8:00 p. m. p aturday afternoon at 2'30 OdOCk’ em as no Miss Marv "prrt Magon‘ MW l i at the Methodist parsonage, the “T9 l“ the united States in the daughter of Dr. Gerard F. and Mar Rev. B. I. Barnes performing the Past 27 months. 0f the 14-740 1” garet Duncan Hollidav Mason, of , ' ceremony. operation on .June 30.. 13,526, or Charles ann_ One child, Margaret stated that the reunion next year Watson Reunlon The bride wore a white street 92 er cent With deposits approx1- would,“ Gihmn, was [mm to tum“. will be held in nearby Maryland. September lst length dress with white accessor- mat {r 150 dillion dollars are in- Roth Mrs. Gibson and daughter}. V we and a corsage of red rosebuds. shred by it. * died several vears aim, One sister, Bo invitations have ,been issued to Miss Louise Brown. Sister of the Miss Susan Great: Gibson and a “d Sales ReaCh the Watson family reunion to be bride, was maid of honor, and Mr. Honnrs Awarded To niecp, Mrs, Frances Todd of Char. held at the Community Center, Rmhard carver! bTOther 0f the L a leg Town, are his only immediate .near Bardane, on Sunday, Septem- groom. was best man. MISS survivors. Jefferson County's purchase of i her 1. Basket lunch will be served Those attendmg the ceremony The Grand Lodge of West Vir- U. 5. Savings Bonds during July lat 12:30 o’clock, to be followed by were MT- and Mrs- Frank Carvers Miss Betty Ellen F‘ulk of Clay "min, Masons will have charge of 1946 was 570.993. Our record is l a Short program at 2 O’ClOCk- Mrs. and Mrs' Walter planet": Ransom Hill. Charles Town. and a daughter the funeral which Wlll be held Sfit- still with the best James M. Mol- LUCY W850“, 01' Mlddlewa)’. now Mfumld Mrs- on" (name? of Be" of Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Folk, "Ydav afternoon at4 o’clock in Zion er local chairman ’said. 3t»proac‘hing her 90th birthday is, ryV’ne' Va'i MT?” James BMW“ and a Senior at Mai-v Washington Col- Episcopal Church. Interment Will ’ it is believed to be the oldest living l daughter, Sh’fleyi 0f Charles lege of the University of Virginia. be in Edge Hill Cemetery. f V member .of the Watson clan. Bates Town' . has been initiated into Mu Phi Fp~ V N Two Estates Are Watson is president of reunion as- The brideis a graduate of Char- Pllon thp National Music Sororitv, ZION EPISCOPAL CHURCH, .‘ sociation; J. Ernest Watson is vice- les Town High School, class of ’46. She is a Charter member, and holds / Appraised Here president, and Mrs. Roger Lee iThe groom was honorably dischar- tho nmrn of Treagurpr, Sunday, August 11th . chestras. ended the dav’s exercises at the Myers home on the Kable~ \ “gréfigfiamtszgogle Je#:g%;' on the street. a portion of the dan- town pike. in observance of the h, soldiers Iosin their lives cers using Washington Street, and 23rd birthday of her brother, Ray~ m Workl wars is,” unveiled others on South West Street. This mond Myers. Present beSides mem~ ch‘fles F Reinin I, who ’had nart of the rrogram continued till bers of the family were Mr. and ._, the "“emofialgem the Le_ I 1:30 Thursday morning. Mrs. Edward Gross, and Mrs. Dori l l l and Harold Barr, of Leitersburg, Md, secretary-treasurer. It was be burg Pa.- hom , h laqne has been .Out—of-‘town Judges passied unon “by Rice’ 0f Chum rs j , meme affix“ headquarters. l mndow dlsnlays’ deciding thatfimt Miss Ruth Gates. of Hopewell, Pa.. r tWen . Mr. and Mrs. Richard Huber. of ty_five Gold Stu. mothers, lhonors went to Shue‘art & Son. Phi‘adelphia: Mn and Mrs. T. A. Whitacre, Kenneth Feltner. Wil~ mer Clipp. and Norman Fadeley. of Charles Town; Reinhart Johnson. of Kabletown; Lewis Myers and , mothers or widows of men “fond. Vallev Hardware Co.. and m the war, were on the nlat- third to Nichols Drug Store. - Each was presented with a N0 unpleasant incidents marred lficate of honor bv Rov C, the dav. Not a single arrest was“ “1* ‘3. Commander of the West Vir. made throughout. Margaret Myers at home gm Division of the American Le- d The mambgr of visitorslin town “V ‘ “rim: t e ay is various y es i— ., , . , mated. Conservative guessers plac- VICKERS RELAIOR AUG“ 25 ed the number between 12 and 15,000. General Baker who saw the liking sentences from General 83:. It “T's address: is enough to sav for the pro- Notices have been issued for the Vickersfl family reunion to be held ' Unification of the armed for- crowd on the sidewalks from Hunt- 0 _ ed f h N f . . . . , , _ n Sundav, August 25, at the Com- Watson, of Martinsburg, is secre 5; rom t e avy, a ter servmg Miss Folk 15 3 Music mainr. supe— In the absence (,f the Ream. ting "lib Armv. Navy and All“ For- er’s Hill. heal" the entrance l” the munitv Center, near Bardane. on g James H. Myers, Harry Chum- wry—treasurer. 36 months, 24 months overseas. ializing in voice. and is working for sundav. the usua} services Wm be “)1 co-equal status that econ- race tracks. where the parade units the V to peace, and efllciency in war formed to Legion headquarters on Kearnel'SVl‘le'Charles Tow“. ’bers and J. W. Lynch have reDOrt- V The coul’le left for ’1 Shm‘t trip an “A. B.” degree. SM is also a 3rd as follows: road. Those attending are requests ed an appmigement of the*’estate IJoudoun County Sens throug‘h Virginia. They will make degree member of Aloha Phi Sign A. M.__n0}y communinn d it. Washington Street. stated that in their , , ' . ‘ V v. f p . v w” "M km W mm“ “‘3 “Wm “‘9” were 2500" “30' ed to M“ baSk‘ii—wzmmm' if “‘3 '“t'iaMii‘” K‘ll’i Militia"; Poor Farm m m Tm Rimlhthlllzliié‘g Eghd'hahdhl‘hle’: 11 A M Pill“ Blinl'ill' we" a "*- ni" WW“ fife“ 1"“ “:9 “fwmgh‘he Wade which ‘3’; BUS SERVICE 'Listed'in thuecreiiiirt archaic... of l GROVER c. BERGDOLL w. c". A. ’ y ' 1331.25.53}? v2.3. ‘ “" “‘e’m‘” ‘1‘“ “me” 3.52:2 £31.33“ ”‘ “is” iand with improvements. vaiued by Loudoun County Board of Super- SEEKS NEW HOME V on Hunter Rb and experimentation. , is the greatest probabil- l’at the first battlefields of no ‘ We will be the. industrial cit- “2 the United States. .0 nation is secure unless the ll places the welfare of We ' above his personal self- , 3’ u lea at the hammer-ten Before the parade passed Direct 10 the Cumberland Fill? the appraisers at $2150" fummfl'e visors has sold the County’s poor ‘TO ALL MASTER MASONS 7:30 p. M,.....Evening pm“...- and through town and while the parade Gr‘lundfi befilflmnfl August 20th $134.. and cash $110., making a tO- farm of 420 acres to H. H. Kelly Grover C. Bergdoll. the notorious . _ sermon, Rev, Temple was in progress, a saundron or air- "11‘"!!le 3lst -- except Auzust ital of $2,394. of Round Hill for $31,500. The in- draft dodger in World war I, Since The most w'oizshmful grand lod're 7 G. Wheeler r planes. one a jet-propeller machine, 25*. 25m. leave Charles Tow,“ g The estate ‘of the late Walter mates of the Poor Farm have been visiting Charles Town 81x weeks of. West Virginia. A. F. and A. M.. V passed back and forth over the 9’45 A- M» relurmng leave f3" iHearn. Charles Town groceryman, transferred to the District Home l ago. has attempted to buy a new will be convened in Malta Lodge Mrs. Roscoe Haves and familv, , , ’was valued by L. G. Albin, Arthur just established at Manassas in ob- home in Loudoun County. An offer No. 80 at 2:45 o. in. slum. Sat-w. «vim yam. b.9011 visiting- theiu aunt, that continued for nearly a half 2168- For “Till” mformall‘m Luttrell, and D. S. Nichols. ac~ servance of a new law providing he made to Mrs. Norman White- dav. August 17th, All Muster Ma. ‘Mrg Rolfe (innards, at Viuton, hour. The iet rlane flew with such Ohime 111- uraisers. at 31509, the largest item for housing indigents in larger house, near Leesburg, was refused. sons are I'Muested to he “resent. mum of town have returned to speed, the 'others looked as if they EMORY’S MOTOR COACH ibeing a half interest in the store homes at less cost per person than It is known that he passed through 1 George W. "cairn-ink. their home in West Npivinn, Mass“ ,- town, giving 3,, Rain} exhibition grounds 30 minutes after last . their at- were moti less. The planes were . LINES, stock listed at $1350: other items under the old county system. Leesburg on Saturday inquest of “hunk-fol Master. mung ham niimmonad there be- ‘2: 7513'?”wa from Bolligi'ilr Field, south of Wash- Charles Town. W. Va. include a radio. $30.: a watch. $25.. , V other property. His present home 1 R. Cockrill, Secretary. Muse of the death of Mr. Hayes’ , ington, D. C. Aug. 14-1t Aug. 16-1t and a Dodge sedan, $100. Subscribe to the Advocate now. is near Downmgtown, Pa. Aug, 16-]tA, father. a gruntiiemotuubuiidl