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Farmers Advocate
Charles Town, West Virginia
August 16, 1946     Farmers Advocate
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August 16, 1946
Newspaper Archive of Farmers Advocate produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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FAGL TWO UEAR~:EY.~Vn J.~ Mrs. Nannie Miller. "~ ~-'~'-~J-~*-* Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Kearns are 77-----,~ the proud parents of a baby girl, ,;urs. [ alpn oung aria son, J3en- born Wednesday in the Winchester zib of washington, 1). C spent the Memorial Hosuital The baby has past week at the home of the for- been named ""Bon~fie Sue"." Mr ~ner :s brother-:n-law, and ~sister, Mr Kemns operates the filling st atim~ and Mrs. d. l' P, uhrman. Mr. and of I M Kearns ~lrs. ttarry Se~nbower, of Vienna, Ciare~xce Spiker and Benjamin )~a:, were ~ummy visit.ors at tile Hartzell, of Shepherdstown, left by x~unrman n,me. motor Thursday on a business trip Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Welsh too- to Canada, returnina~ Sunday luted t~ I),altin~or~:~, Md, Sunday to Mr ~d M~ l.~,nn~ C.r~,tg-~'n~ h visit Mr. and Mrs. Sam }a,-~';i]~:/of 5%' ksonViiij'i ig;: Mr. and .trs. Ward Clnabman ida, are spending their vacation -and daughter, of Catonsville Md witb the former's father I-nn spe~t I hursday with Mrs. thap-Grantham. 0inn's sister, Mrs. Hugh Janney. Mr. and Mrs. Paxton Marshall o Mr. and Mrs. Ercle Boyd and and s)n left Thursday by motor for q'ami y st eat ~unoay w th the Ior- a d s' "" " " - ~ .; fe~ ay. ,~s~t to Harnsonburt, Dler S orotn(q" tlIl(l Slster-lrl-law, i%lr Va and nearby nl'~oes and Mrs. Jesse 1,o~(t, at Shenan-. . ~'doah Junction " Mrs. Frank Powell entertameo - tterbert Ev~whart motored to at a. birthday party Wednesday Edinburg, Va F riday on business. }wemngflrom 6 lx m; to 9 p. In;, in Mr. and Mrs. Richard Madison, !tuner ot net grand-daughter, jan- 12r and family retunmd to Falls ice Twlgg. Church, Va after visiting at the Mrs. Percy Diggs and chihlren, !;ome of Mrs. Madison's mother, of Baltimore, Md arrived Thurs- i Direct to the Cumberland Fair Grounds I le * ~1 B beghu, ing AuGusT 20th through 31st | except August 25tb and 26th---leave | ,( arles Town at 9.45 A. M returning | ,leave, fair gromlds thirty minutes after | ilast race" For further information Phone 111 ],Emery's Motor Coach Lines | t Pitts Opera .House] II E'vERY NIGH : AT 7:15 AND 9:15 r.M. II }: [] MATINEE SATURDAY AT 2:00 P.M }1 tlii ADMISSION:---10c and 25c Plus Tax 12 I Wednesday-Thursday Monday & Tuesday August 14 - 15 August 19 - 20 KAY FRANCIS }TTO KRUGER j I~'L"~'~--FA L K E NBLIR~ fORRESI IUCKER Hit No. 2 Hit No. 2 CHESTER MORRIS Wednesday-Thursday August 21 - 22 Friday & Saturday August 16- 17 Hit No. 2 Hoot Gibson Bob Steele --IN-- "OUTLAW TRAIL" ALSO ROYAl, MOUNTEI) RII)ES AGAIN NO. 4 Hit No. 2 wff ToP TO I " Mate Cramer ~md~ed by HAT HOLT ' D~ectea bY t~SLl[ O00DWIN| ARMERS ADVOCA'IE, CtlARLES EOWN, W. VA. I,I,JDA~, AL(,L I 16, -- day to spend a week with her fath- time. Therest of the evening was [ Re--luti-n ]Stewart, Watsonville, Calif.; Chief'llII.I.VTI[.T I~~ 1 er, C. h. Barnett, and brother and spent dancing, farmer in the dell,[ I v " . [ Warrant Officer John L. Reed, Mrs I ~} Vh!ttu.~:] 1 Pretty girl station and many other] 7 . I Reed and son, John, of Trenton N --Z-- . I ~alli and r~'| s~ster-in-laW,Burnett. Mr. and Mrs. Henry games. The main attractmn of the ~ne rono,~mg .resolu~on ~as 1 ~l 311sses 3iarguei)te :~l](l R:~.e re- ] L:lla. . J i Misses Doris and ttelen McCarty evening was Mr. Edwards jitter- [ pz'ep.area ~- the t.nanes town t~- ! "M.ason Pifer, Richard Shilev, El- trucc< an(t 3hs. Me~.n.Lfl.a pe~{: ] ~,d Mrs. Ralph J01~7| P] bugging with Mra Vicker~ warns" braD: sic la and Dorothy Pifer" ha, a weeKat .Uamowe. ~v. ~ a a~ev, a-i,~aez.e2 1){~iore ~v ti~av z'e ~- r ~'-' ~ho,veT entertained a group of friends l ,~ . P e e h,noed ,~n a-sh~,'e.~, from Sl:epherdstown arm Martins-Dinner consmted of fr,ed clack-,hereas, it has come to the Sie~urn~el~from Cam Frame where n:g a l'enecostal camp mee g. ia-ev,nin~ a* the tomeo !ne o~i~q *'~" ,t~,v - p - I~'" " ' " -- - --t I tneVattenaeo [ne i rl-Lountv All- n -~ ' " " ",)," ~ " I J ~ here were .~"-A~ M;. A straw ride~ which had been plan- le~- olive~ -otato chi,sic, tea ~names Iowa that the war do " " bo war. 311ss t au Ine L]ita .n~ss I~;,L ,~aful gl~,-',-~ ned, was cancelled due to tim in- ' . .t rzee and Ratwmn Board of .v Hazel Rmal a~ d 31 s~31autie~ ~ - I . . n, D ~ce c~eam and cookies. I g The W~zardChp Farm %*'omen ~ . '. ~ ,',~ro rect.~ve(t, l[- cleo,ent weather, and a picnic roast The outst'mdin~- wn" ~ "h~.Jefferson Count,' had completed ] " Ra, a,