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Farmers Advocate
Charles Town, West Virginia
August 16, 1946     Farmers Advocate
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August 16, 1946
Newspaper Archive of Farmers Advocate produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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CHARLES TO$ N, WEST VIRGINIA MATINEE--Tuesday and Thursday 3:30 Saturday 2:00 NIGHT AT ' "/:15 and 9:15 SATURDAY NIGltT--Continuous from 6:00 P. kL Children 10c, Defense Tax 2c--Toial 12c Adults 25c, Defen Tax 5c--Total - 30c Friday, August 16 IlUll IIIllql Monday & Tuesday August, 19 - 20 X !: Ir COBURH I 1 Si.MS I ALSO SPECIAI, Wednesday -Thursday August 21 - 22 SUSANNA FO STIEIII* FRA~cHOT TONI ALSO N EWb~-('ARTOON- NOVELTY ALSO COMEDY-CARTOON- Master Sgt. Roy W. Hooe arri~;-Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jones and ed in C. aries Town Tuesday even- son, of Shenandoah Junction, were big from Oldstead Field. ~Iiddle- Sunday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Jones and family. town, Pa. While in Charles Town [Mrs. W. A. Manuel and son, who he is the guest of his brother, Frank (Wizey) Hooe, at the lat- Ispent the past ten davs in Pitts- ter's home on North George Street. burgh, Pa visiting relatives, have SgL ttooe has recently returned returned home. from India wbere, throughout most I Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Hetzel and !| of the war, he was in charge of as- I William Flanag~n attended the I semhi' and repair of motors in Young Adult Assembly of the Mar- i l pL~r:e:~ used to 3uL~p tbe Hump tinsbure: Sub-District of the Meth- t fl~oin ind!a to China. odist Church, wbich was held at Camla Frame, August 10 and llth. James W. I;artiett, Jr has re-"Bill" Lancaster, S 2/c who is ce~ved his dlscharge from the U. S. stationed at Bainbrid~e, Md was Navy, ?~;~arl~(~itnh" ' ",~ :.'s h~e "Gap. l a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Claude Young',ar, ett ~ ,anes, and fam,l~ on ~,nday View" arrived in this eountry from he }3 d(mi Lago(m where he witnessed the first atomic bomb experiment. L'mding in California from the Pa- cific water, he made the trip to Washington hy air where he was, met b.v his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Jame:: W. Bartlett. The young man ha~ enroUe t d a Harvard College, m:d will enter there this Fall Mr. and Mrs. H. Lee Young, Mrs lJx roq nso ( ' . . Be .r n M ,rton, Sr and her two children, Frances Lee and By- ron Benson, Jr ]eft on Monday morning for their hovne in Eliza- beth, New Jersey, after having spent four week~ with Mrs. John Straith Briscoe and her family at their home, Straithmoor, south of town. Mr. m~d Mrs. Young lived for many years at Cool Spring Farm, near Sumpfit Point, wh'ch they. sold two years ago and since that t me are making their borne with their son. in-law and daughter, Mr: ard Mrs. Morton. Mr. Morton spent his vacation with his family visit- in,~ his relatives in Virginia and loft -n Sunday afternoon for EHza- bet h. SUMMIT POINT Dr. and Mrs. E. D. Vaughan and .~:xm~. of Riehmgrd, Va are visit-] ing Mr. and Mrs. J. C. G)ascock and i Mr. A. L. Withers. Mis~ Ju'ia Downer, of Garden C~tv, N. Y is the guest of Mra. J. C. Breeklnr'dge. Miss Ed:th Frazier. of Tarpon Sarings. Fla is visiting her sister- in-law. MrT. H. C. Fraz'er. 5:i~o Doroth, CaJcman spent sev e-ral days in Wi~ hester this week w th Mi,~s B-tt:: I~neaster. Mr. and Mrs. Lector W. Link. dav.'.sLter Anne, and son Robert, of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Burn~ Trun- die, of Washington. D. C were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Trundle and sons. Whether it be a snappy up-sweep or a glamorous chignon we will style it to fit the contours of your face. Call today for .your appointment to beauty. Modern Beauty Shop Phone 205.W Charles Town, W. Va. I I * FRIDAY--GOVERNOR'S DAY SATURDAY---OLD HOME DAY THE BIGGEST AND BEST EXHIBITION EVER AT WEST VIRGINIA'S OWN STATE PAIR FIVE-D#tY Racing Program--THHEE NIGHTS of Speetaeular Fireworks ON DISPLAY--The BEST HoMum, Cattle, Swine. Sheep, Poultry, Agrleulture. Hortteulture, Culinary, Domestte ManuIaeture, and Floriculture Exhibitll for This and Other Statll. Junior Show. Fuur-H Club Work. Future Farmers if" Amerle.~. Colored Exhibils. Beautiful and Thrilling Attractions in Front of the Grandstand Each Afternoon and Evening--:Joe Basile and His Big Madison Square Garden Band--Frof. Keller's Wild Animals and Other World-Famous At- tractions---Huge Midway---Safe, Entertaining Rides. Everything you can possibly expect for pleasure and entertainment at your State Fair. Aug. 19-24 Bring the Iamily and meet your f l~nds tr~m ewrywl~re at your State Fair! The Original Special Motor Fuel (