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Fred Rowland a few days last \a., spent Sunday with Mr. and er. Mrs. Clark
is the daughter of at a filial physical exainin >
Week. Mrs. Bert Viands. {Mrs Claude Shitl‘let, formerly Miss given 4-1a.
Club members at
ESTABLISHED 1885 Mr. and Mrs. Keno Eaton or Joyce grins, of Minnie \iands.
Health Clinic Friday. August
Published Every Friday} A! Charles Tovm. West VI.
av THE
MRS. G. E. WEBB. Correspondent
l Harpers Ferry and Bolivar News
I do, Ohio, visited with Mr. and Mrs
Camp Hill announce the birth of a
baby girl, born In the rrederick
City Hospital on last ’l‘uesday.
Both are getting along nicely.
Sydilor Rhodes, of Fredericksburg,
Misses Iris and
Bal ' ore, Md, were week—end vis-
itors wl Mr. and Mrs. Garland ‘
Henry an vere accompanied home h
by Miss Barbara Ann Henry, who
FRIDAY. Al7llLlS'1‘
this week on the Shenandoah Riv—
Mr. George Jones, of Baltimore,
lid” is spending the week-end with
:5 wife here.
Mr. and Mrs. Otis James of Ran—
‘ trip
will compete
Champion by Dr. G. P. 510'
Young Owens will be given a
to State 4-H Camp
sons Mill August 15 — 22, whert
With other CO
winners tor the State 4-H H,
Hi "7
JEFFfiRSON PUBLISHING COMPANY ul‘ Mrs. James Anderson and Miss is
spending; some time with her Son were Sunday callers \vit.; Mr. . I. . .H ,
T . . Gary Cummings son of Mr and.l tional Monument, Devil’s Tower .
D°r°th¥ 3"“me .0! martinsmrg 3m“: MI‘S- N931 Gllllllal"
land Mrsr Garland Hem?- Smgglcznzhlp and a p055” e
i C. 318814118” . . ..... ...... .. .. . . .. .. . .. . . . .. . . . .
.Editor Mrs, nary Uumml’n s 'r_ of 30“. national Monument, bad
Lands Shem hunday “'llll MI" Lurhel‘ Mr. aiid Mrs. Leonard
Yanmeter. Mr. and Mrs. Travers Viands and ‘ g ' mee‘
g i J I
Lsuhocr‘iption $2.00 Per Year in Advance
Sewrmos Mutter at the Post Office in Charles Town
1... . smitten PRESS ASSOCIATION
are m
Chicsgo Detroit - Atlanta - Phila.
momma: Function Is To Tell The Truth, Not To Run Thingr'
Officials of the local Post, American Legion, along with
$2! 0 hers who had a hand in it—are certainly to be com-
of V—J Day Such a success in Charles TOWn on
l;chm: . . . A splendid job, gentlemen—41nd you are to
d On thefine job they did towards making the anni-
var, is spending some time Wltll his
unCIe and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Ger—
ald Cummings, in Roanoke, Va.
Mrs. Pauline Creamer, of Mill-
ville, is visiting
and Mrs. Wallace Mills.
Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Cross and
family of Morristown, Tenn, spent
last week at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Norman Clabaugh.
Mrs. M. J. Ran has
home after spending :two weeks at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Marquette at Silver Spring, Md.
Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Lehman and
daughter, Mary, and Miss Isabelle
Merchant, of Charles Town, and
Mr. and Mrs. William Lehman and
daughter, of Shepherdstown, were
visitors at the home of Mrs. J. L.
Eackles on Sunday.
selves perform. ,
10. Failing to help others, whenever and wherever
11. To believe only what our minds can grasp.
we can. with
Mrs. Fannie B. Loman of Boli-
var Sent several days recently
r. and Mrs. Otto Hape in
Roanoke, Va. She is now waiting
'12. Not to make allowances forthe weaknesses of others. MrS- Helen
Gmbb Lakin in Belti—
13. T6 estimate by some Outside quality, when it is that
' ‘ ~ , . . . . . Mor antown West Va. Spent the . ,
Within Which makes the man. flaitlmore‘ {we 5:,“de {pan of pastgweek
with Mrs. Je’ssica Butts thr. 113:; 3%;luils‘1eoug’3ataallil:
produced In the same month «1
v their vacation With relatives on on Camp Hill, Harper’s Fem.” ree g
~r r A 194]},
AUGUST 14; 1906
Died —- In ShepherdstOWn, John
G. Unseld, a Confederate veteran,
aged 68 years; near Silver Grove,
this county, George T. Staubs, aged
75 ears.
arried-Jn Strasburg, Va, John
savaer YEARS AGO,
AUGUST 14, 1876
_ll!arfléd~1n Zion Church. Char-
leptown, by the Rev. W. H. Meade,
'Jol‘m Portorfield to Miss Anna. L.
Cigar: dinghter of Judge and Mrs.
T. V . Gr , both of Charlestown.
home of James M.
xgnore, Md. , .
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Buckley of
Camp Hill.
at the home of Mr I
National Monument, Mt. ltushinore
National Shrine or Democracy,
UlaCK Hills National Forest, Co-
lumbia ltlver highway, l'ainted
Desert and the San Fernando Val-
ley. ‘lhc girls enJoyed such cities
as Cincmnati, Nashv’ille, Memphis,
Oklahoma City, Amarillo, Alour-
quesque, Phoenix, San Diego, Los
angeles, San rrancisco, Sacramen-
to, t’ortland, Spokane, liutte, Mon-
tana; Sioux balls, South Dakota;
Chicago, South Bend, and Pitts-
burgh. Not one flat tire nor any
engine trouble was endured on the
entire trip which covered a period
or seven weeks.
Mrs. Ross, In Hospital
Mrs. Eugene Ross or Harper’s
Ferry is a patient in a hospital in
l l’ittsourgh, l'a. She was accompany
ispent Sunday with relatives at
, Shenandoah Junction.
Mrs. Emma Ingram of Martins-
burg Spent last Sunday Tit—the home
of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Sponsler.
Dr. and Mrs. Albert L. Sturm of
Mr. Arnold Hoffman of Camp
Rutherford and family.
Mr. and Mrs. .Jacx Hedican of
Harpers rerry, accompanied by Mr
and Mrs. Robert HacKley or balti~
more, spent last week in Atlantic
City. Misses Peggy and Betty Hack
ley are spending two weeks with
their grandmother, Mrs Ella Hack-
ley. I
Mr. and Mrs. Elisha Wele ofj
Baltimore, i\ld., are spending sev~
eral days at the home of their uncle
of Martinsburg, were Monday call-
ers of their mother, l
Dr. and Mrs. Joe Cain of Charles v
Town, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Fisher
of Hagerstown, and Mr. and Mrs.
Leonard Fritts
night visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Mel-
vin Fritts. l
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Clark and l
son. and Mr. and Mrs. Peacemaker Mrs.
of Martinsburg
and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Webb ‘
on Camp Hill. They will also viSIt l
other relatives in the community.
Mrs. Earl him 01’ Hanover, l'a.,:
and Mrs. Hoke Smith, of Eliiporia,
Va., were Saturday Visitors at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Law~
sonage in Brunswick, Mdm‘oy the
pastor, the Rev. Mr. Miller. They
are housekeeping at Millvillc.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Earp and
two children, of Cedar Point, Md.,
were week—end visitors of Mr. and
Mrs. Albert Viands, jr.
and Katherine, are in one of Mr.
son. Glenn, visited Mr. and Mrs.‘ Chal’lGS
Frank Jackson and family Sunday
l eveningr at heal‘lleysville.
County 4-H Health
Champion Selected
Mrs. Maude
his club.
Mr. and Mrs.
were Saturday
Charles Owens, son of Mr. and
F. P. Owens, of Leetown,
wood. and son. Lee, of Milwau
. Wisconsin, were in Charles T
accompanied by , ..
Smallwood's brother, Clinton 311 _
wood, whom they were visiting .
are vacationingwas selected as County 4-H Health ‘ Blairton, Berkeley
County. "
‘ has been in club W =
for three years and for the “
two years has been
William ‘Sm
production, and the
-“v v-_
o WEDNESDAY—No Meeting. if;
6 THURSDAY—Is God Particular?
(To Be Presented in Pictures)
Y' .
impeded our progress toward full
effect severely hampers every manu-
facturing and assembly plant. In
June we were able to build only
per cent as many can as we
.-- Q ~ . r Mr. Linden Johnson of Alcxan— ing Mr. moss and their small
daugn i ,v v' .fice
be» can” mat“! on It‘ ' ' * 'dria, Va., spent laslt
Iweek with his i ter to Pittsburgh when :he became N .r . I"lkc,
‘ , “"“_ " mother, Mrs C. C. 0 liSon in Har- ill and ad to
enter a ospltal on o o o - . .
TAKE THE GOODS OVER, lpers Ferry. . her arrival there. Mrs. Leon Ed- The
Fritts family held their I‘am- for wa't'ng for dellvel‘y Of
Your W
. Mr. gigomas S. Wlelbb of Baltié Evards made a trip htodlgittsburgh, 11y
reunion on Sunday last at the «,1 A B.
» , .. .. . . . , , more . spent urs ay an ringing the Ross c il ome with
home of the aged Mr. and Mrs. H ‘
“The quernment 13, Invoking 3,159" WhICh heletque has Fridaly at the
home of Mr. and Mrs her until Mrs. ltoss recovers. Charles Fritts at Front
Royal, Va. l
m1! overlooked. It )8 a law to llm1t to one month S supply G. E. Webb.
Birthday Dinner Anion those resent were Mr. and l
. _, . . , . g .P, . . y TV,
t... . _G“nt of goods a factory may put m Stm.age_ The f Mr. and Mtg.
vgimam fin,“ and I18;::égtglg;y;taégéi?ozwlaso§e§fda:3 Mrs.
Il)._eoiia(i;(iMr rltE‘S andh 86m, .Nel- A
.s. ‘ . w l 'am'] t u a at k e_ n SO“, 1‘. an I‘S. 059p
3111, J13, ‘
, 0f. the Present m°Ve 13.130 bflefk u? the wont st Stu-1k:
Heiglrlftsspfdrd" att‘en ing a fling“ Mrs. Lewxs D. Nichols, in
honor or Mr. and Mrs. Melvin r‘ritts and .
merlcan hlfitorYi the St“ 9 0 aetmy ownels agams ’- ’ ~ the
nineteenth birthday of their dau hter, Doris and niece, Kathe- We are dom
OUT best to see 1‘th all On
, . . . of the Hill family, relatives of Mrs , g r
‘ Who need their goods. t Sts _ youngest daughter, Dukie. Those rine
Cline, Mr. and Mrs. Richard . .
. . . . Trail. Over fif y gue Were pres ,
e oodS are kept in sterage because Inflation increases em, All enjoyed a
picnic dmner , present were Mr, Joseph Rugzko, Fisher, Mr. and Mrs. Garland
Help, 99" Your new car 05 CW" 'Y 05 Poss'b'e
t; if value with every passing, day. Why 8.911 clawing, and an ammon-
cfafclldsrsills'irons realities?girlie i A”
s , ls, implements, and other wanted things this week, the
lThnggédigdifrékkfgtgeyfigh spent Miss Mary Lou Nichols’ of wash sen
MMS and hang-men and, Lee, I V Shea
oiil'ilers argue, when they Will bring 10 to 20 per cent more ll» Mm
J_ L. Eackles spent Thurs_ ington, D. c. all Irom Charles Town; Mr. and ,
we “:9” '°"‘,‘"‘" °‘"’
:“W’me” P5;
n Week 01“ next month? day and Friday visiting her bro- Announce
Marriage Mrs. Wllliam, Frills and four Chil-I spef “’9 “"5
°me"5 9". Wm" "e"
.us “Emit” of their greed, factory owners working- more ‘
and sister, Mr. and Mrs Mr: and Mrs. Emidio 5311i, of dren, Iris, Willa
Deane, Joyce and patience while awalllng your new 2 I}:
if k“ d th :, Ewell Shewbri e and family In Mrllvflle, have announced
the mar- Lharlesr Mrs Mae FYMS 311d {laugh Chevrolels.
thgn ever-be ore’ and ma »mg more goo S an eye-1 Germantown, M .
.riag‘e or their daug..ter, Mary, to ter, Anna and hquand. all 0t 1531- l
, Ore. K991), their products Off the market and “sale altl-l Mrs. Kemp
Mauzy is visiting her 'l‘ecn. Sgt. Robert. M. Creamer, of minute.
Md-i Mr. and MI‘S- Luther We know it is a hardship to wail f0! , v V
fitdl famines. The Government really Should seize
these:ifioih?-ln-lawHand sister, yinTand charms Town. The weadmg took
fieallswotl'ltolgnei, w. vfgfiur andi needed ,mnspomfion, bu, we
hen". N
' *' rs. ose h abi at Ta] m— lace in St. l‘eter’s Rectory,
Har- 1's. 3-.‘31‘ en ms, 0 arDerS - ,
supplies and sell them at delight prices. l bull? Md. p y g. l sews
rem" on July 27. The doth Ferry; widand lgmlAIbErt Jenkél a... “in?
undemond ' "Lair we, on:
' * . Lewis Reek of Ranson .W. ole ring ceremony was solemnlzed ms and
C 1 Tell. ha!‘ 95. ‘thel an . 5"” e I are as “'9” ° e
“'9' can ‘I 0‘
THIRTEEN MOST .COMMON MISTAKES. V, r: . r , .. . , .. M t M d M H .. .d. b
. .
. pent Thursday at the home by the KEV. lholnas (.. Beale). lhe argare I
If- an m own you are to 0 tom them. Unfortunately.
, “"——'_"“—‘-‘—" . of ,Mr. and Mrs. G.
E. Webb. bride is a graduate of Harpers Fritts 811d Children, Helen and
Wll- pmdudion so for 9“; Yea, is for and" v :2“
A San Francisco Judge gives these as the thirteen mostl Mr. and MrS-
fiarryFiller and Ferry High School. and was em- ham: M”- and W5.
W‘ls‘m Fm“ expedalione Chevrolet Mom Division 1 .
0 -Stak f life. Mr. and Mrs. Marvm Filler, of Lov- ploycd in the laboratory
of the mid daughter, Edith and hubband, . . l Chic
comm n ml es 0 ' - ettsville, Va., and Miss Marguerite l Standard Lime
& Stone (30., of Mr. and MFSr Terry BUFCll and Mr- sums up "'8
S'Wm'on thus: han
1' To attempt to Set up our Own Standards 0f fight and Rice, of
Dunbar, W. Va., were Sun- l Millville. The groom served in the Warren; all
Of Front Royal, Vao; ,, . alfa
and wrong. day visitors at the home of Mr. and l U. S. Army tor two years,
18 Mr..Millard Frills and daughters, Eve" "mug" m"
“'9 °f Pmdudwn *
2. To try to measure the enjoyment of others by our own. Mrs. Roy Butts.
Miss Catherine months being spent overseas. 'l‘hey Doris and Mary
L011, and SOD Robr normally exceeds that of any other
‘3 To 8 ct uniformity of O inion in this World Butts accompanied Miss
Rice to Will live in Washngton, D. C. ert, 0f Baltimore; Mr. and Mrs.
manufactum,’ we have been able '0 T
' , p , ' her home to remain a few days, Other Local News
Harold Fritts and children, Helen, build u i J |
v . . . , ._ , p o uy ,onlyl2.4percenl 5~
4. To fall to make allowances f01_ inexperienced. Mn and Mm Norman Clabaugh
Mrs Robert mews am daughter Clarenceand Charles, of near Mlll h , t(
.5- endeavor to mold all dlSPOSltlonS alike. spent1 Monday in Washington,
.D. Esme}, spent last week in Alexa“: ville. l‘ictures 'were taken
of the msny ‘3‘": “5“”: “‘3 PU'HPP !° wit'
Not t0 Yield to unimportant trifles. Cu Vlsltmg the” dailghterv M1§s
dria, \Ia., at the home of Mr. and whfile group'L V. d M l d
"’9 m 94 ' mdUdm" “ m" filli
7. To look for perfection in our own actions. J‘Fa‘l Clabaugh’
Wh" ‘3 a nurse 1" Mrs. Ellsworth McConnell. " '{O‘in
1.3“ 5’ 5°“ 0 for below normal, because of fre- cha
s‘bley HOSP‘tal' Mr and Mrs Edward L. Small- and M”- Belt wands,
and MISS quenl shortages of essential male-
8. To Worry yourselves and others about what cannot be. La" Bird of
Laurel, Md. spent . . . , Mae Rickard, daughter of Mr, and . . . ext
A . l v wood and son. VlSlted In Alexan— M O“. R-.k .d f M H .-u mils
and parts.5lnkeaflersmke unhe
regledlle'd. _ i in few ays recently With Mrs. J. L. dria’ Va_y over
the weekend. rs. iver it a! . 0 1 \l 8» km“ of our su “er h . I (
. 0 consider a thing ImpOSSible that we cannot our- Eackles and famfly. Mm
Jack Loudoun and sons were married at-the Lutheran 1”" P PP ‘
“‘ 5°"°"‘Y drll
..,. Mr. Edgar Bartles of Hagers- Hm and Mr Raymond Wilt of Bob Love’s
Cabins at the Bloolnery. While 0d d. . ' .d d . 'g
r. . . . . ' ‘ ' M . d Mrs. Melvm Fritts and Pr “ '°'!
" '95 " I ‘°—'“ *7, , .
‘ S’mthr the Veteran editorial wrltel' 0f the Falrmont lgth
higypaarenizgelllir :vag 1%? Lgliggéytgnggégg {191: 83g: daughtzi},
Doris, and Miss ‘Kathe- proportion-Taro shipments of cars to us. bu
‘s, wrote the following, and it is as applicable to Charles and Mrs.
Paul Bartles. , . fggel’lceegf Umbpentecostal Church rine Cline spent
Sunday With Mr- A‘ P'°f'""'°“
'“"°°s?‘r “'9 “'9 u““"°d j
as any other town; , Return From Long Trlp of Christ. angl
Mrs-kefigar‘gg‘filtéshou h and Remember—Our CAR—SERVICE: your
beleAR-SAVER. Keep yourpresenl 0‘ gm'ng our Pf°P°m0n¢le glare
0' "'3 d8
here are 801118 006. towns a great many of them Miss. catherme Butts.0f
Boiwar ' Mr. and Mrs. w. R. Atkinson of r' an ‘ S' e‘ g
and our "alive" unlil you gel delivery of your new Chevrolet by
bringing it to haul—‘9'“! 0‘ £10"le 0‘ C075 are
NCGiVCdI g 60
~ and Miss Marguerite Rice of Dun- M1. and Mrs. John Hough . . . .
aré not so good. t all depends on the people who make my w_ Va, ,étumed
Sa'furday Washington. D. C.. are spending daughters, of Ranson; Mr. and
Mrs us In: skilled nrvico now and at regular intervals. We Will speed
deliveries to our customers. fl ha
up. We recall a talk a fellow had with us about 30 August 10th’from a
10,000 mllé fling??? fir8AIIC§7lirits ginsgastSISI-l georghe Hough
_tandt111\/ll‘. VCliia‘rl’e: 20
y are ago, at a time when we‘ were, bending our backs to Will to the
southwestern, west . t - A_ H f’N , oils were VISI ors IS “66 ‘ r .
lift this town rr itsbootitrare He said: rust ancestral. alanine:
statistical... trainers Ilium l m
wasting time because there is only one way to build a‘town.” ed
twent3;.two states, ,néluded the. Inn. Both families are frequent Mr. and
Mrs, Floyd pause,» of C‘
“fill hOW'S that?” we asked. ' ,Grand Canyon National park,
Yos_lv151tors of Mrs. Caitlenlan. d Mifiinsburg‘y Mrh MES. Wilde ft
'He then pointed out the stores along Main street where emite National
Park, Crater Lake. MI” ~and Mrs- Fre when?“ a“ “ion 30“;
"3' 3%“ "l h:
we: were standing. “Take that druggist, there," He said,
itlill?1323:0351hibi‘lht’i‘l’ril‘: carriages filing? the:
Charles Town, - - - - West Va. c.
, . > , ~ . r w W,“ viwmv H W,“ .___~,_“ ‘- ,
39‘”, if he would Work hard and make that the bes.t ding , “a...” r
.. . 'r . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 . 1‘ . g.
stare in Stage he wguld maklng’ a real contrlbutlon , M
WVI‘W.~.W.~.&~,5u....:.,~:u.~,~. .u.u.«.~.~..-. o“. . . . . . . .
o o k
'in‘ heoWn. n" h am w‘hvr- 23.
bodytpitheelj$hin ghldiiiltiess,t the btfitgrltthse; 30? th: lidttgr
etli'e ' w :1: 6
tolii‘fidocs." a . _ ” :3: c
,. ;;We have never forgotten that’talk and the longer we live g
the more we believe that fellows philosophy. asicallylr, a .: , .
cqununity is judged by its external appearances. If S um .8. 3' s
cgc’idilsions protrude themselves intoe‘very vista; if the streets a
are rough and worn out and badly lighted, if the school 3; .g. ,
bitildmgs- are dingy and out of date, and there is a general .g. 3; (
appearance of not giving a damn, it won’t be long before “ ,
its reputation for being that kind of a town will Spread far . .g. ,
+ ~ no r r
W, community doesn’t have to excell in everything to. be r ‘ ,
far and. wide. The other day a man bought a pair :1
aflshoes in a local store, and asked. if his old shoes, badly 3' U
, , :2. <-
worn, could be repaired. “Yes,” Said the dealer, “you can '
"' H E A R f2
get a first class Job‘done; on thembecause we have some a.
very eacellent cobblers In this town.” This, we think, states ‘ "
the paint we are trying to make. If a town had nothing I :2. 7
else but an outstanding cobbler that would be something, I:
«but it if did a hundred other things well, that would be & \ ~_ ,_
Something: tw- 5; o MONDAY—No Meeting 2»
. _ .
.. W* ,r; . 2.
NEWS or THEIR rl’EAns - TUESDAY—Why Does God Permit Wicked Men . ~
,I V F To Prosper?
Items of Interest to Jeficrson' .ounty Folks . . . V 'x,
moaned from our files of long ago . . . 32 OF WASHINGTON, D. 3;
AUGUST, 18th '
giliéclmat the . .
Browm "it'r C arlostown, the Rev. \
W. Moore of this county to Miss RIDAY_N° Meeting-
, wil' so
Norvai .ilSOn, aged 74 years: nca’r
Ch rlostuwn, Mrs Catherine Hurst,
W! of Capt. James C. Hurst,
aged 73 years; at the home of J.
Roderick, inCharlestown, Da—
vid..Ogden, aged 73years.
«The “Jefferson Building” at the
nonhoast corner of Charles and
Witchin' on Streets, Charlestown,
r By Capt. 91111 J. Locke to
r C. Cari-ell for 6200.
‘SlXTY Y as AGO.
Nannie Spengler of Strasburg.
Wheat was quoted in Charles
Town at 66 cents a bushel; butter
at 15 cents a pound, and eggs at
16 cents a dozen.
The John Robinson circus was
billed to Show in Charles Town on
August 16, 1906.
AUGUST lb, 1920 .
Cleveland M. Seibert was nomi-
OPEN.” -
rs . n.
~ AUGUS 14, 1885 listed for Judge of the Circuit . v
, 1 W1 . . ,2,
Cal-3::nlfia33‘3; 3131131235}, Court for this Circuit by a Demo- .3.
» tciw .
Millchohald, daughter 0 Major
Angus W. McDonald, in the Pros
Wherian Church in Bertyville, Va,
by‘ithe Rev. Harry Moore. ’
,Arldrow Witherspoon, J r., of this
coon y aged 19 years, was acciden-
, shot and killed by‘his cousin
,whre he was Visiting him in Ship-
pcnsburg, Pa.
cratie Convention in Martinsburg.
The Independent Fire Company
of Charles Towu bought fire
truck from the’Fomite‘Childs Com-
pany of Ithaca, New York.
Frank Robinson and John C.
Skinner of Charles Town Were
awarded medals in athletic contests
at Camp Knox, Ky., where they
were in training.
. t
ON. Samuel & E. Liberty Sts.
7:00 P.
“Your Favorite Gospel Hymns”
In Kodochrome
o coo
o o
u.u.u.u..o.~.« to
.' 0 co co». .ooocooooooooooooooooo
o a o o o o o o o o
Charles Town, W. Va. “PREACHING CHRI
.. :
«.o c~z~z+wwmaex~www~o we:~:~:«:«:-:~:oo«:~:~:~:»:~wwwmwfl-Ww—MW‘