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Farmers Advocate
Charles Town, West Virginia
August 16, 1946     Farmers Advocate
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August 16, 1946
Newspaper Archive of Farmers Advocate produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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, . w 4 r “s a. i PAGE SIX I SUNDAY ‘ -:~LESSON ‘ "“By HARoxJD L. LUNDQUIST, n. U:- D. Of The Moody Bible Institute or Chicago. ” Released by Western Newspaper Union. Lesson for August 18 " Lesson subj'ects and Scripture texts se- \ lected and copyrighted by International Cmmcll of Religioul Education; used by permission. 0’ JESUS AND THE SACREDNESS or HUMAN LIFE “""LESSON TEXT-Exodus 20:13; Mat- '~thew 5:21-24; 10:29-3l; 18:10-14. MEMORY SELEC'I‘IONvBut I say unto you. That whosoever is angry with his brother without a cause shall be. in danger of the judgment—Matthew 5.22. Human life is sacred. and that is not primarily because of any law “ of man, but because de created man in his own likeness and image. Since that is true. no man has 'tmy right to take the life of another command of God. Only by the ‘jy'f‘pxderly process of law for the pro-‘ ~tection of sooiety and in accordance with the Word of God may there -be any such action by man toward man. ‘ Both of these truths are declared ,fin Scripture in God's covenant with j, v-Noah (Gen. 9:5, 6), which was made . ,npp‘ssibly a thousand years before the rtf‘en Commandments were given to ,’ "Moses. The Prohibition of Murder ‘ “‘(Exod. 20:13). The word “kill” in this command- "‘ "ment is one which means a violent new unauthorized taking of life, and r .is therefore more properly translat- ._ fled "murder." Not all killing is murder. A man .may kill another entirely accidental- ”ly, or he may be the duly con- fii stituted legal officer carrying out the law of the land in taking the life -» “of one who has forfeited his right v1 ‘0 x ,4 i .1ng . .1“, . in» h 23, 24). “brother. If he has taught against us Camp Hill Church, Harpers Ferry we are to do all we can to win him. Church School. ' ' We who believe in Chm“ are *0 Worship and Sermon. .10:30 A. M. ., the s 1' Ch h x-unhlldren of 0“? heavenly Father Sch‘b‘lfl.........10:30A.M. i" "08:10.14). to live because he has slain another. There is also the right of self-de- fense, be it individual or collective exceptions; let us not attempt to justify any other. Murder is more prevalent than most of us suppose. In 1944 there Was a murder every fifty minutes in our land. Do not forget the deaths, the de- struction of life, by avoidable auto- mobile accidents. Some of these for any cause except at the direct as in war. But these are the only} l ’ HELP YOUR CHURCH AND YOUR CHURCH WILL HELP YOU ‘A' l l i St. John’s Episcopal Church Harpers Ferry, W. Va. Rev. James W. Conner, Priest—in-Charge First Sunday of Each Month- 8:30 A. M., Holy Communion. All other Sundays-~13 P. M., Evening Prayer and Sermon. —.——-.—— FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. Denver Jackson Davis, Pastor Cor. Samuel and Congress Sts. Phone 65-R —— SUNDAY ~— 9:45 A. M. Church School, Harvey Lehman, Supt. ll :00 A. M. Morning Worship A nursery is conducted ‘ during the morning I worship hour so that I parents with small chil- I drop. may attend the serv1ce. 6:30 P. M. J u n i o r, Intermediate and Senior B. T. U. 7 :30 P. M. Evening Worship. —— WEDNESDAY ~— '.’:30 P. M. Church Family Night. ,i . THE METHODIST CHURCH Charles Town, W. Va. Rev. B. I. Barnes, Pastor 9:30 A. M.——Sunday School. Classes for all age groups. The Builders Bible Class meets in the: main auditorium of the church. All men are invited to come and wor- ship with us. 11:00 A. M.—Morning Worship. 6:30 P. M.—-Youth Fellowship Service. All young people of the Church are requested to attend. 7 :30 P. M.—-Evening Worship. Prayer Meeting Wednesday even- ings at 7:30 o’clock. Bethany-BardanenPreaching set-l Rev‘ G. G. Russell, Pastor vices every first. third and fifth Sunday at 9:30 a. 111.. Sunday School every Sunday at 10:30 a. m. St. James Catholic Church Rev. Thos. C. Healy. Rector. Charles Town, W. Va. First Sunday 10:00 a. m.: Second Sunday 8:30 a. m.: Third Sundav 10:00 a. m.: Fourth Sunday 8:00 a. m.: Fifth Sunday 510 a. m. St. Peter’s, Harpers Ferry—First' FOURTH SUNDAY: “Were really murder because the Sunday 8:00 a. m.: Second Sunday. one responsible drove with defec- tive brakes, dangerous tires, 10:30 a. m.;.Third Sundav. 8:00 a. or m.: Fourth Sunday. 10:30 a. 111.: while he was intoxicated. Add to Fifth Sunday. 8:00 a. to. these the deaths in industry caused by failure to provide proper safe- guards or healthy working condi- tions, and by the exploitation of child labor, and we say that we should cry aloud. "Thou shalt do no murder." 11. The Provocation to Murder (Matt. 5:21, 22). Murder finds its provoking cause in the heart of man. Our Lord was ..concerned about correcting the de- =~~sires rather than to apprehend the "‘oi’fender after the act had been uncommitted. It is the better way, and the more effective one. In this matter of murder, Jesus cut right thrOugh the outward as- : f pests of the matter and pointed out I: that an' angryhatred in the heart is the root of all murder. If we hate, we have murder in our hearts. Circumstances may hinder its ful- flllment, but the danger is always “T‘there until we remove the cause. ,May God help those of us who anger against our brother! , Ill. The Prevention of Murder n (Matt. 5:23, 24; 10:29-31; 18:10.14). Prevention with God means more .,than putting up a barrier to try to keep men from killing one another. He deals with the heart of man, and when that is right the whole life will be right. There must be 1. A Right View of Self (Matt. 5: We must learn by prayer and humility of heart to suffer at ..the hands of others, to keep peace, “to seek our brother’s welfare. d Note that it is not even a question . of how we may feel against our The in deed as well as word ’~-(Matt. 5:45). loving not only those f‘NWho are kind to us but also our ene- mies. rm 2. A Right View of God (Matt. 2310:2941). He who knows when a ~~sparrow falls to the ground is con- cerned about the smallest detail of First Sunday: « four lives. ,w-ot violence on another man with- "out having to reckon with God about No man can lay hands 1 his misdeeds.» as Our God is not afar of! and too “concerned with eternal affair: to be interested in the sufferings of the individual. He is here now, and we ,.,should count him into every rela- tionship of life. 3. A Right View of Man (Matt. Even the little ones, ap- parently defenseless and at the ‘mercy of a cruel world, have guard- ian angels who have access to the throne of God. He has a special interest in the lost and rejoices in the rescue of the one who has strayed. so we see that even those whom the world regards as weak and unimportant are in the mind or God for good. He watches over them. The man who sees himself for what he is, and who realizes what God thinks of man, will find that he agrees with the command of God, “Thou shalt not kill." St. Agnes. Shepherdstown—Third Sunday, 8:30 a. m. Halitown Church Sundav School every Sunday at 0:45 A..M. Congl‘égational Worship on the second and fourth Sunday evenings at 8:00 o’clock. Beulah Church Sundav School every Sunday at 2:00 P. M. Congregational Worship on the first and third Sunday afternoon: at 3:00 o’clock. 7' Shenandale Mision Charge Methodit Church Rev. C. W. Lloyd, Pater. Schedule of Services: , First Sunder: , 11:00 A. Bic—Chestnut Hill 2:00 P. M.——-Murrill Hill 7:30 P. M.——-Silver Grove f'jffhave strong feelings that we may Second sum“ ....not yield them to the devil in such 11:00 A. M.-——Sllver Grove 2:00 P. M.——Murrill Hill .——F'airmont .-Chestnut Hill . .—-Chestnut Hill .-Murrill Hill :21 o *6 ’U "- Osage Thi a 5' 33:3 '5 . lqmzaqw ’00 *U‘U} a. . 33 :8 1: .—Silver Grove .-——Murrill Hill .—-Fairmont ——Chestnut Hill H doctor-4 3* seas 'vrurv gas BOLIVAR--CAMP HILL CHARGE, METHODIST Waldo W. Pierson, Pastor 9:30A.M. Worship and Sermon. .11:30 A. M. Youth Meeting. . . .. ME NELSON PARISH Rev. Ben. R. Roller, Rector Leetown . . . . . . . Rippon . . . . . . . . .H.C. 11:00 A.M. Summit Point . . .E.P. 8:00 P.M. Second Sunday: Leetown . . . . . . .M.P. 9:50 A.M. Middleway . . . . . . .H.C. 11:0 A.M. Summit Point . . .E.P. 8:00 P. M. Third Sunday: Middleway .. . . . .M.P. 9:30 AM. Leetown . . . . . . . .H.C. 11:00 A.M. Rippon . . . . . . . . .E.P. 8:00 PM. Fourth Sunday: Middleway . . . . .M.P. 9:30 A.M. Summit Point . . .H.C. 11:00 A.M. Rippon . . . . . . . . .E.P. 8:00 P.M. ZION BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. S. H. Patterson. Pastor Sunday School . . . k. . . . .9:30 A. M. Morning Worship . . . . . .11:00 A. M. Young People’s Service, 6:30 P. M. Holy Communion, 1st Sundays . . . . . . . .3:00 P. M. Evening Worship. . . . .8:00 P. M. Prayer Service every Wednesday . . . . . . . . .8300 P. M. Effective Printing mono good type, good pram, good workmen and good paper. We have tho equipment and the workman Try one of our Classified Ads it - you. out me Hommcrmill undo- you have domethin: laying around 0" Bond. Safety tad Cow pom ’lho'houothntynuwmtoun. D ‘ “(u-charm .¥-Silver Grove I LUTHERAN CHURCH Pastors: John H. Fray and W. Leigh Bell Sunday, August 11 St. James Church, Uvilla: Church School . . . . . . . .10:00 a. m. Luther League . . . . . .11:00 a.. m. St. Thomas Church, Ransom Church School . . . . . . . .10:00 a. m. The Service . . . . . . . . .11:00 a. to. St. John's Church, Harpers Ferry: Church School . . . . . .. 9:00 a. m. The Service . . . . . . . . .10:00 a. m. (This schedule will remain in ef- fect)throughout the month of Aug- ust. ZION EPISCOPAL CHURCH Charles Town, W. Va. Rev. Cornelius C. Tarplee, Rector Services - First Sunday 11 A. M. Holy Communion and sermon 7:30 P. M. Evening Prayer and sermon Services Other Sundays A. M. - Holy Communion 11 A. M. Morning Prayer and scr- men 7 :30 P. M. Evening Prayer and sermon Church School - Every Sunday 9'30 A. M. - Parish Building Charles Town Presbytenan Church Rev. James B. Storey, Pastor 10 A. M.—-Sunday School (all de- partments except the Primary De- partment which begins at 9:45 a. m. 11 A. M.——Mornm Worsbi . Young Peoples ervice very Sunday evening at 6:30 o’clock. :30 P. M., Wednesday— Mid- Week Prayer Service. , JEFFERSON CIRCUIT FIRST SUNDAY: FIFTH SUNDAY: (No set schedule) Shenandoah Junction Charge Methodist Church Rev. Wm. Wesle Dodge, Pastor Schedule 0 Services: First Sundly: . 9:80 A. M. . Millvillc 11:00 A. M.......Shen. Junction 7:30 p. Second Sunday: 9:30 A. M. Baker-ton 11:00 A. M: . . . . . . . . Millvillo 2:30 P. M. :30 p. m., Shenandoah Junction Third Sunday: 9:30 A. M.......Shen. Junction 11:00 A. M. Bakertm 7:30p.m..............Millvillo Fourth Sunday: 9:30 A. M. Bakertorl 11:00 A. M. Minvin.i 2:30 P. M. Eagle 7 :30 p. m., Shenandoah Junction Fifth Sunday: 2:30 P. M. Preaching services churches as announced. LEETOWN BAPTIST FIELD Rev. Thomas O. Herndon, Pastor All Sunday Schools. . . . . . .10 A. M. Lectown Church— Sunday School Superintendent, Charles Whittington. Training Union Director, Edward Chrisman. Preaching—1st Sunday, 11 a. m ; Eagle in other FARMERS ADVOCATE, CHARLES TOWN, W. SAVE TIME AND For Sale FOR SALE—1 Home Comfort in good condition. For cash only. ED- WARD R. YOUNG, Bolivar, West 5:. Aug. 16-2tpd. Aug. 21-2tpd. PEACHES For SALE:——Georgia Bell peaches, at Greer’s Orchard, near Bardane. Aug. 16-1tpd. FOR SALE:—-——A 10-piece dining room suite, in good condition. MRS EDWARD DODSON, Ranson, W. 3. Aug. 16-1tpd. Aug. 21-ltpd. ' FOR SALE—A modern house of Slx rooms on 4 lots with double garage and payement; also, 2 wool rugs 9x12. May be seen at home ’on George Street and 7th Avenue. lMRS. WILLIAM SMITH. Aug. 16-1tpd. Aug. 21-1tpd. FOR SALEz—New Batam Trail— er; a marine ply wood boat and out-board motor. Call PHONE 142- W, Charles Town, W. Va. Aug. 14-th. Aug. 16-th. }_ FOR SALE—Farm of 294 acres, limproved by a lar e frame dwell- ing, large barn wit electricity and other outbuildiggs. The farm in- cludes the Big tidy bathing beach. It is known as the Burns farm. H. RUSSELL, Telephone 47-J. Aug. 14-2t Aug. 16—2t . FOR SALE-One desirable house in Shenandoah Junction. This prop- erty is being sold to close up an es~ itate. GROVE McDONALD. 120 E. Washington St, Charles Town, W. Va. Aug. 14—tf Aug. 16-tf I. ) FOR SALE:—-—5-room house on 400 block West Washing't L. G. ALBIN, Agent. on Street. gaklangi; . . . . . .10:00 g Aug. 14-lt Aug. 16-11: . r2022“??? ............ (1715313 F: u; FOR SALE-Westinghouse elec- SECOND SUNDAY: l tric stove. Old model in good condi- Leetown........... .10:00 A. 1. tion- MRS- DAVID N0LAND.B°1- Summit Point... ....11.15 A. \1 ivar» W- Va-v Phone 2491- Middleway ..... 7:301). M Aug-14% Aux-164i SyNDAY: 0.00 A M FOR SALE:—Primer washer in bilggov‘zfi ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ‘ 11115 A' V' I igood confiition. Cog be seen affilgé- . 2 - ' : ' ' ' ' ' ' ; ' erson av ag ompany. . l Summit Pomt . . . . . . . 7.30 P. M. ROBERT KERSHNER. Leetown. ..... ......1o.oo A. M. W... Middleway... . . . . . .11:15 I’ “.1 FOR SALE—193;; 1% ton Chev. Summit Point o - . - 7330 P. 3‘. rolet dump truck. Hydraulic hoist. In good condition. 4 new tires and tubes. Terms cash. First come first served. See PAUL CORSO, Phone 254-11. ~. July 31-tf Aug. 2-tf — PIANOS l‘PIANOSl Tremendous Bargains. We save you monev. on good pianos. Students Pianos Very Cheap. World’s Finest Guaranteed Pianos. Prices to suit everyone. Easy Terms. Big Cash Discounts. Send for but sin price list. GRAM- ER’S Music lace. Frederick, Md. Apr. 25-tf-S. Apr. 27-tf—A. _ For Rent FOR RENT:——Good pasture for 60 head cattle; also, two fields of nice clover seed to be cut on shares. Phone 21-F-23. GEORGE T. SHIR— LEY, Summit Point, W. Va. Aug. 16-1tpd. smwmwsww» ‘ (Estnb. 1937) BLY REALTY C0. Citizens Office Bldg. Let us handle YOUR REAL ESTATE sumac-tummy“ 3rd Sunday, 11 a. m.; 4th Sunday, 8' *"WWWW‘EE p. m. Monthly Business Meeting—Each Second Wednesday Evening. Baptist Training Union —- Each Sunday at 7 p. to. Grace Baptist Church, Shen. Jet.»- Slnday School Superintendent, Robert Blackford._ Preaching—1st Sunday, 8 p. 111.; 2nd Sunday, 11 a. m.; 3rd Sunday. 8 . m. Identth Business Meeting-Each Second Tuesday Evening. Summit Point-— Sunday School‘ Superintendent, . , . .6’;30 P, m. Woodrow Drish. Training Union Director, Lou‘s Drish. Preaching—~2nd Sunday, 11 a. ,m.; 3rd Sunday. 9:45 a. 111.; 4th Sunday! a 8 . m. M.P. 9:30 All. Monthly Business Meeting—Each Second Thursday night. B. T. U.--Each Sunday Evening. St. Philip's Episcopal Church Rector—R. L. Gordon Charles Town, W. Va. ~ Tropnell Bldg. Eyes Examined GLASSES FITTED Saturdays 9 to 5 V. B. STUDWELL, O. D. Charles Town April 3-tf. «wvwmus‘wcm W A N T E D ! Man for steady job with firm in Charles Town. Good chance for steady man. Me- chanical experience desired. State previous employment. WRITE P. 0. BOX N0. 48 Charles Town, W. Va. W Momins Prayer and Sermon — every Sunday at 11:00 A. M. Holy Communion—lit Sunday at 11:00 A. 11.: 8rd Sunday At 6:00 'A'. M. Evensong and Sermon every Sun- day at 7:80 P. M. Church School every Sunday at 9:30 A. M. MT. ZION METHODIST CHURCH Rev. L. A. Dyson, Pastor Order Services will be as follows: Church School . . . . . . . . . . .10 A. M. Morning Worship. . . . . . . . .11 A. M. Youth Fellowship. . . . . . .6:30 P. M. Evenin Worship. . . . . . . . . .8 P. M., Prayer eeting (Every Wednesday). . . . .8 P. M. -.— .— WAINWRIGHT BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. M. G. Wood. Pastor Sunday School-40:00 A. M. Morning Sermon—11:00 A. M. Evening WOrshlp and Sermon— 8:00 I‘. M. Prayer and Praise Meeting Every Wednesday—8:00 P. M. ‘We Want To Know How many poo le would like Fresh Goat’s Mil delivered to their homes. The Shannon Hill Goat Farm is soon to be es- tablished at Charles Town, W. a. Please send all replies to -~ ROBERT B. SMITH, c/o Mrs. J. W. Ely, Savoy Park, White Plains, New York Aug. 7-3t.-pd.—-S. Aug. 9-3t.-pd.-—A. OLD NEWSPAPERS For Sole-At the Offices of the JEFFERSON PUBLISHING C0. North George Street Charles Town. W. Va. — CLASSIFIED ADS CO\VS I D ' swingers. in fact, live stock of any shares of common. being all Dre- ed that. a Cop}: 0f “"5 Ord’" be i kind. Will buy one or your entire ferred and common stock certifi- fortthth PUthhed Once a week l FRIDAY, AUGUST 16, —. VA. eight ‘ his family is spending a part of his months, reside in Selma, Alabama. Vacation with relatives in Mariet- ta, Ohio. MONEY—USE run V Don‘t Borrow Your Neighbor’s’ Paper—Subscribe Today. \NOTICE! x Notice is hereby given that the undersigned Charles Phalon, ad- ministrator of the estate of James H. Rasey, deceased, has made ap— plication to the Blue Ridge Live! Order of Publication. 2? The State of West Virginia, Jefferson County, to-wit: At Rules held in the Clerk’s 0f- fice of the Circuit Court of Jeffer- son County, August 5th, 1946: INEZ N. DAG’ESON . . . . ..P]aintifi" FELIX DAWSON .. . . .Defendant OBJECT OF SI'IT To obtain a divorce from bonds of matrimony. It appearing, on affidavit filed in this suit, that the Defendant, Felix Dawson, is a non-resident of the State of West Virginia, he is here- by required to appear within One Month after the date of the first application of this order, and do what is necessary to protect his intterest in this matter. It is cider- Wanted HELP WANTED—Man for ser- vice station. Write BOX 167. stock Sales, Incorporated, of Char- les Town, Jefferson County, West Virginia, for the issuance of a new certificate. or certificates, instead and in place of certifice No. 14 for ten shares of preferred stock, cer- tificate No. 15 for ten shares of preferred, certificate No. 24 for four shares of preferred, certificate No. 52 for 18 shares of preferred. certificate No. 17 for ten shares of common stock, certificate No. 18 for ten shares of common, certif- cate No. 29 for four shares of com- mon, certificate No. 58 for eighteen I ters, Carole aged three. Maxine] The Rev. Denver J Davis with aged two, and Diane aged Aug. 14-tf Aug. lG-tf WANTED: White or colored farm hand. Must be able to handle tractor and truck. 5—room house with electricity. Highest wages with extras. Phone 3-F—31. P. R. NOEL, Ramey Farm on Earl Road. the Aug. 14-1tpd. Aug. 16-1tpd. ——_._.___________ WANTEDz—Heavy draft horses and colts; also, fresh and for three consecutive weeks En the l The Forum Cunt-one: which an -‘ applies ROTEN-OIL (I oped.) :' ‘ , oil containing "grub-killing" Rotmo‘" cates of the said Blue Ridge Live- hcrd. As I am well known to many stock Sales, Inc., the said certifi— Of you West Virginia and Virginia Farmers Advocate, 8. neu‘Spaperg people satisfaction guaranteed in cates having been lost, and appli- printed: 1” the I‘m.“ 0f Charles it in. Knock: (ruin. wolvclt buying or selling. J. EDGAR cation having been made for the Town: 1“ the COUMY 0f Jefferson! i “9" '5“- Mfim' “‘h' m“... REMSBURG' Phone 494,142, issuance of a new certificate. or and be posted at the front door of g "m"- Vdubk Main,“ Keedysville, Sharpsburg, Md, certificates, in lien and in place of the CW” HWSQ 0f Jefferson C0111? S "an and and: July 54f the foregoing lost certificates. 9" at 1935‘ “WNW, days bet-owl ’— "d'" c.“ " "4 CHARLES pHALON’ Judgment or'decree IS rendered. l "” "'" Administrator of the Estate of “~ M- JONES’ Clerk l L O S T James H. Rasey. deceased. 0f the arm" (hourt' 30 Aug_ 16_2t_ Carroll T. Sencindiver, P. Q. ; Phones *7 and 1 LOST:—Wallet. containing im- V Aug. 9-3t lCHARL-ES TOWN, W- portant papers. Mail or call JOHN CARD 0F THANKS —' B. McDonald, Charles Town, Phone The thanks of the Charles Town 0% 2-F~21. Police Department are hereby ex~ '3’ Aug. lG-ltpd. tended to the firemen who aided in 2;: ' LOST:——In Charles Town post glggtvlf‘g traffic on wedneSda)’ V— a bill 3 F1 L" inn—4 2 r3 Eli 3:5 U E1 ‘55 officepn Wednesday. fold containing driver’s license and dol- lar in cash. The driver’s license is needed because owner is leaving Saturday for California. Please leave at JEFFERSON Publishing Company’s office. Aug. 16~1tpd. LOST: A T. W.Allen, Sergeant. co o o .. o o o 0 Funeral Director and Licensed Embalmer CHARLES TOWN, w. VA. o c on I. H. ' RUSSELL 1 REAL ESTATE AND IN S U R A N C E 114 East Washington St. Oppo. Thomas Jeerrson Hotel o o o o o 00 o o o. o. o long black rayon scarf, double and fringed at the ends. Finder will please return to MISS LOU GALLAHER. 610 W. Liberty St., Charles Town. Reward. Aug. 16-1t Aug. 21-1t LOST :-——Green fountain pen. My name and address stamped on side. Think left on desk in Post Office lobbv about noon Thursday. Re— ward if left at Strider’s Meat Mar- lzelts 1(IJHAS. H. STRIDER, Phone Aug. lG-ltpd. Aug. 21-ltpd. o o co - 0 Phone 47-1. Charles Town, W. Va. All Kinds of Casualty and Fire Insurance. Mutual Life Insurance of New York. Houses For Rent % ooonfi‘i’rmn N o o oo o 0 Automobile Service Morgue Attachell A COMPETENT LADY ASSISTANT Office ’Phone 162 Residence ’Phone 35 00 a o .4 o 9 00 o o o .0. «o. c o o o o o 00 o €t¢~°§~3~€°¢¢v~2°fr2§1ff§€~2~$v§m :"E'fi‘€t0xn:oo:u:odu:n:nzoomfiefivxiw . t Miscellaneous I FOR Prompt TAXI SERVICE, call Jefferson Hotel 131. WIL- LIAM JACKSON. Aug. 14-2tpd. Aug."‘l‘6-2tpd. CAR WASHING and Simoniz- ing at COMMUNITY OIL CO. Aug. 14-lt Aug. 16—1t . M-,. POSITION OPEN Good position open to high school graduate. Office and display work. Apply ‘ J. C. PENNEY CO., Inc. Charles Town, W. Va. TELL .MORE BUYERS --- sell more buyers-41v using SPIRIT and ADVOCATE Want Ads. . . Call phone 222—~any day from 9 until 6 p. m. and have your ad inserted. . . ATHLETES FOOT ITCH NOT‘HARD TO KILL. IN ONE HOUR, If not pleased. vour 35c back at any drug store. TE-OL. a STRONG fungicide, contains 90% alcohol. IT PENETRATES. Reaches MORE germs to KILL the itch. Today at Moffet’s Pharmacy.. Aug. 7—14-2L28—S. Aug. 9-16-23-30-A. Have You Enough Insurance On Your Farm Produce? This year the price of wheat is high. The crop of wheat is good. Count what you would lose if a fire should occur and take more insur- ance on that wheat. It can be insured for as short a time as 30 days or for as BY - long as you wish. One . .- . .7 Fewer... a-. _ :"" ‘ Washlng'ton, fIt's éhe tire you've been waiting . or. 0 strong . . . so long wearing ' Goodyear Deluxe Tub“ for th Alexanlfler & COOke you‘ll get more lire miles than you are better built air retainer: l ‘as for HONE 29 ever got before. So easy riding . . . Hironger than ordinary rub- ‘4 CHARLES TOWN, W: VA- ‘and so free rolling it actually cuts 3 bet they afford long " ‘\ a c] __________ your gas bill. It you want more. lusting service and Ni Accepts Comm. AS ,value per dollar . .. . more safety . . .’ greater solely .... .... First eutenant more miles per tire - Go Goodyear. Maior Max S. Kable, son of Mrs Stanley L. Hardesty, of Charles Town, has accepted a commission as First Lieutenant in the Regular Army Air Force, it was announced recently bv Col. N. L. Cote, Com- manding Officer. Ft. Worth (Tex) Armv Air Field. He was recom- mended bv the Officer's Screening Board at Camp Fannin. Texas. and apminted a Regular Army officer by President Truman. Major Knble is the Souadron Op- erations Officer of the 712th Bom— bardment Squadron of the 448th Bomb Group at Fort Worth Army Air Field. Recently he held the po- sition of Commanding Officer of the fifty B-29 crews on “Project Sunset” ferrying B-29’s from the South Pacific. Before enter-int:r the service. Ma- ior Kable attended Western Marv- land College in Westminster. Md, from 1937 to 1940. where he maiqr- ed in chemistry and mathematics. He is married. and his wife. Mrs Floyce Sutlier Kable, and daugh- GOODYEAR AIRWHEELS Heavier beads—heavier treads —-rayon construction—more plies than most ‘ tires—make that/ the best buy for ,’ extra sorvico on ' light trucks ........_ {Goodyear Rayon Cord (only 2121 size: 6.50 and up until Government Restriction are Jilted) ..........,.: . .. . an..." .3...“ u. [Goodyeglow-afrotch palmdd Super-twill cord. ................ ..... l Goode Brothers Garage PHONE 194 CHARLES TOWN, w. VA. : \_