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whole and upon any district 0f the county for *~ich the leies (1) The amount due and the " " " ' 124 4e " / "" "~ ~ " ' " :
i by the County CouP. " [lectible during the current tmcal year except from the LEVY OF Real Estate $ 868,9~01~0 ~[ t~timate Form No. 1/
eriff $ 6,700.00 TAXES to be made forths year. ,~o~-~* Persphal~ ~,roperty : ~ 88~ ~ (1) The amount d~e an~i.t~e g~.ou~t that will become due and c~l-
~c~. due/rom ~h m,~i.on,s. "and "sales ~ 2,000.00~1 Amount due from ~nerin ~,~,oo~ a~uDue u~ltLv ~roPe~y ~,~vtv vv ] ~lect, mle from.every source~a~rtng Mte~,~sc~tl year, except xrom the I~vF
~'~.'~'~" " 200 00'Delin uent real estate, redempttons and sims ~,u~w~v *o~at t~ass ~o. ~tl p,~o~.v.v of l'axes to me maue xor r~e ~ear.
f~ ~ll~t~d q " 4,200.00 ~ '
~.~;w 88 0 I Vocattonal a~d . ^,~ ~ CLA~S NUMBER IV I as follows ~,
0 . . . ,q~.~v 1 459 075 00 " a,eeo~
-~^.i. o~ ~. -~ ~'~"'~ . . 2.400. .00 M~scellaneous. Receipts Real Estate $,~ ~ ~ Balance n ds of.Qity # .
~ler~ Circu~ Court 1,250,00t State A~d--Hot Lunch 1,000J)0 Personal P~rope ~y - 626,~20.00 General ~ic~s~ ~Lt#
Farm 3,700~00 ~ Public Utility Froper~y oe, Capitations -. ~0~
Total estimated receipts : : : : ~v,yvv~ Total Class 1No. 1V 2,9fi7,~95.OO Fees and~.ines '~0~
2) The total of all other exPenditures $o ve pare ou~ at the r V- Revenu~te~ ~Amtox ,CoJ[nmission 1,012~0
.( "' ' " t ~ ",- ~ " "
for dehn uen
cetpts for the current fiscal year =Iths proper alrowance q Tot~l~e~t~t~T!ete~ $ 2,~ R~
taxes, exonerations and c ntinge " : Estimated Current ll~pe~ltture~:
Estimated R~Iceipts $16,338.oo I, TOTAL CgUNTY
Clerk of the County Court : $ 2'340"~t SCHOOL CURRENT--ESTIMATED DISBURSEMENTS. [ Total Class No. I . ~.$2,443~1f~.00 4e |
Deputy Clerks County Court, 2 in number ^.~vvl] ~.n.~. * Total Class No II .g,],64~,00 J~c I Salary of Mayor $ 75~ 7b,90
heC~rcmtCourt "/,oou Wl tit~P~r~n~tb ~,~aZ~b: ~ Salary of City Clerk
Clerk of t " " ; 1 " I Total Class No. III ~f~,~0.00 .t6c |,~
Deputy Clerks Circutt Court, 1 in numosr ou.vwl.Personat. ~ervmes: 000. ' ,ocm ~ass ~o. v ~*o,*~ ~, ,~ ,a~ ~,o~ ~ ~al~ ~ 'l'~a~ .~rer ~/5
Sheri~ and Treasurer 2,500 ~00] Supemntendent 2: $3'~00 ~ [ ' I Salary o~ C~.y~ ~ttorney ,:~ ~,~
Deputy Sheriffs, 3 in numbex 4,uzu,~] Members Board of Edueatlon o~'~1 Total Levy $8,099,5~.00 ~ S, alary of C0uncil~e~n ~.uu~
,~nera! expenses ~o~ice tDepa.rtme.~t :~
Prosecuting Attorney ,~vu~vui Clerical Assistants a,=w.w~^^^ [ --
Assistant k~rosecuting Attorney 360:00![ Attendance Officers : - ~.a~l HARPE~RS FFAtRY D!STRICT SCHOOL BOND PIJR~FO~.~S. [ t~ neral ,exl~nses
Assessor # ~ v~u.~vi,Audits by Tax Commissioner ~nn'~ml Total Class No.I $ ~85,18~.OO 4.~c,~~t ~
Deputy Assessors, 4 in number zo,~.vvi[ Legal Services u"[ " Total Class No. II 743~0J)0 9c,e ~l.a~:!:.~:i~::~ 6
County Commissioners : o,~'~,~v~'~,l . " . ~. ~ [ Total Class No ~.I| 2,961~f~5.00 18c
County Agricultural Agents, 1 in number ~t~J.w! Total J~ersonat ~erv~ces w,~ "'~I ,r,~ ~I~ "N~" 1V ,336.870,00 18 I
County Health Unit" 3 500 ^^ ~![ Other Current ~xpenses: ,~00| -~-" "~'--- -'-" - " "" "" " "" ---" { Postage' . ;~ater flre: protection,::::::::::::::::::::streets and Sewers 1!0:~
Expense of Circuit and Intermediate Courts ~t~.~J.0000] Postage . ::. :. :: ~w~. ^4 ~P-*o~ Levv $4.427.0a0~0 '] Water -- ot~er purposes . . ~'~2 "~]~
Expense of Justice's Court ~a.~ Telephone and Telegraph ~t~'~v]STATE O:~W~"~ST V~I'I~INIA" |
Rewards : ~J 'ovi Traveling Expense--- I ,~,~ "~ ~~ ;'~ ~IT ~ ~ight for street hghtntg ~,~o~,
Jail Expense : 2,700.00,Superintendent mN.w i ~vu,~T~ ~z ~,- ~,~,u,~, ,v-, : ~ Rents " " " "; : 90"
Feedin~ Prisoners 500.00J A,ttendance Qflicers 200.00, I, H M. Sydnor, Secretary of the Boaxd :~f ~iutatJon of s~d co~lntyi[ .Advertising tt~d ~al publicat~s . : 9ii~,~
Court ~fouse :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2,~00"00il ~|~ O;t~er. ; 150.00 i do hereby certify that the foregoing ~tre true 6pies trol~ tie ~r~ora] lfis~ra4af~e ,~ ~it~;~bttil~mKl~ @l~d'I~oj~erty . ~.
Janitor Court House and Jail 1,680.00t Legal Advertising 450.~of orders made and entered by said ~ioard ~0n J~he'~th day p.t ~ugtt~,~[ ~l~e~.~tli~ d~l,~chtl b~dl~.'~.: .i ;~&.~,
Furniture and Fixtures zov.o~| Othce Supplies z~.0^,1194.6 . ~ ~ Elecfion "e~t~s . .'. ~ ' ' ;. : ~ ~,'~
Repairs 1,000.00| Contingent Expense . . ,~,~-un~u]Gtven under my hand this 6th dayovofr~fu~st, ~n~.~. ~ Attorneys' ~ees', court cott~ and damagu ~ e v~
Water, Light, Fuel and Ice ~,~-~t~,l ~retal Qther Current K,~peLn~les . ~*~l n. ~. ~,~,=w ff ~,~e~ers~ nt !] ~$tlai~is:=-~e~:i/Fg ~ . : ~d~
v ~ n.~bo 1.t~v.t~'~ ,~8,~f~J) [ August 9-2t. ~oara at zmuca~on ae~,~ ~ ~.u~ j ~t~tel~l~ ' f ~t .t~ ar~l~le~$ :~em
"AU~ltt:by .'l ax Comm3~lontr.: : 4 '~
Stationery and Office Supplies 600-00,I TOTAL GENERAL ,(~ONTR0~ I -:!
Postage '- ~ ~'OO l ~ STRUCT~[ON : ~ Contingent expenses ~,~m~ ~
Frejghtoand Drayage l oo :t Personal~t:vices: (~ncludingexqess/orpositio~aand EtxPer~nc~e~)^^,l MTINTflPAT, CflllNfll, t,E~ Fg TE] :~ill, b~stah~l~. /:.- : $1'~'~
A--Total Current Expenses i" "~" " $ Y' ~o'~
~ z ~^~-~ P~-ci~ols '. ' " ' . . ~ a~ar~,vv, o v~,~.~ vv~,~ ~--~ ," "----~-~-m-""-" :1
Insurance a,~ ~d ~,~2:,~' 1~/1~000:00 [ " ~ ' :l Total~otiht~ ~tstanai~g June 30, 1946 ",
Telephones . ~vu.~,V~)~a'tlonal" "Teacl~ers" 11,500.00 1 State of West Virginia, i] B--Amount of above obligations proposed to be paid Irom ~.
Election l,~ ou
Expenses--Primary ^^^'^,q~t- ~ " 1,500 00 ~ County of Jefferson, ~ current levy ' ~fi~.~).
Epex nse--.s General Ebection z,uov ta~ Municipality of Charles Town, To-wit' .
General Rehef Fund 7,800,00] Tarsi P,~v~nn~l g,~rvices $231,000 001 At a regular session of the municipality of Charles Town he!djn~the~ ~Tc~t~l eattlnattd dial~Ur~emertts (A-I-~) ~i~89.~
Coentytnfirmary ~, t~.uv~] t~ther C~rr~nt Exnenses" ~ council chambers thereof, m the City bm~ding on the ~6th day. bi~, A~I~-II l Jess e~imated receipts .' 2,aS];.0~D
Lunacy ~v~--n'~]~ " ~omme m ~ncement Exnense s $ 175.00[ ust 1946, there, were present, Dr G. P. ~tdrisOn, may~r;' George W a/A '~'.i[a Amount tobe raised by .levy $~ 3,~4.~)
Inquests :.: ~" ~. .'" "; ". ; ~."" i w,~ Travelin~r Exnenses 1,000.00| Shmlds, Recording Officer, and C. O. Peer, ~W. B-~o nnson, : . ~n -~
xrans or~auon ana ~uppor~ at inmates" renal ' ~m~ ~ " ~ ' @~ '
P " na~ Office Soothes (Principals) 100.00,erson, J. M. I rapnell, H. H. Lehman, a na J~. al. ~a [lel~eger, rnen~e~s~ CLASS A. ~sess~ed Ra te 0t ~L~av
. . ana o~ner ~nsututmns ~,~!] 'Physiea~ducation Supplies~ 75.00| of the council of said municipality. ~ ii N/Im~ J ~a~OP Proposes
Audits by TaxCommissmner -u~.l 1 354)00 c 29 ~
" :~)0i. Total Other Current Expenses ',In accordance with Section 14, Article 8, Ch~pter 67, A ts ~, ,~c-~ Pers~mal Px~Pe~ ~00 ,12 c:
~xonerauons ana ~scoun~s ~'~ an i ",ond Extraordinary Session, the Council' proceede~i to m~ike ~n e~i~'~, i] Publi~ ~tili~yr Property ',~i~i~:00 .~e
~eunquent taxes ~. 232 350 00 'e o e '~fit
: ": ".~" "'. ~ ,m I TOTAL INSTRUCTION $,| of the amounts necessary to be rinsed l y levy ~ tax ~ f(~ tl~ ~ttr$ ~lt] T~|C]~tSaN0 I: 3~.Q0 " '
~rem.mms on umcmt ~onus ~ ~o'V~ ~ fiscal year, and dott~ determine and estimate the ,~ev.erbi jtmo~ts to] Numb~ jl~ : ~.
~onungencms *e~-~ i,~-~,JtV~ ur r ~x~.: / b~ as follows J
total Current Expenses . $f~,499.231" 'P~X~n~l~rwces: $ 12,500 001-- CURRENT REGULARMUNIC-AJFAL ~U~P.{~F~S il Reai:!~t~t~ .: : ;la~i oo .25 c
Number 'ly ,
Former Years Orders outstanding $ 10o0o it $ 12,500.00/ ESTIMATE ] Real ~}State .?. ~,~45,0Q .~0c
Current Year Orders outstanding I~DQ.00 " ] Other Ct!r~. nt Expenses- " F~timate Form No. 1 . " .] Persort~tl ~Frop~,~ " ~0~0/,00 ~)oc
!] Te[e~one and Tele~r:anh $ 800,00| (1) The amount dtm arid the amount that wiu ~necome sue ana col-] Public'Utility p~o~e~t~y ~ !97~. 1~.~ ,SQc
Total amouat outstanding June 30. 1946 $1,100.00 '] Freight Drayage and-E~xnress 300.00~lecttble from every source, during the fiscal year, except from .~
~otm~ofabo~:~ati~m~,lko~edta~paid~om~ - : ; 2,~i~tt~" ' "-~, .::::'~::::: 7,000.O011e~y of ~ea to be made for the year. .: .~: ,~] Tet~l~|al~a N~.~:~t: ~ ' 5~!I . '
"~-'~ ~ C~~y:. 1,10~J~0~ ~.|~l~t'a;,~'~,~ " $;0~0.00, ~ala~" in hands of City Treasurer ~ ~ a41 : -~TALyAIJUAT~ON : .$1,0~,~.00 "
" . . ~ ~- - ~ ~ ~-~- *'~yr~-o.-- - o -o o- " o '" oo*o' * # v- . .
Total eshmate disbursements (A-I-B) 6~:] Water al~d Ice ./ 1,800.00]Gen~ra~ hcenses 3,8~.~,~ State of W~tt ~j~ginia; ' ' ~ . ;
Less estimated receipts ~d$~ ~)o'[J:anlt0rib~ and Engineering ~unnlies 2~OO.OU Capitations .~xv~ I County of Jeffer~oh, :
Amount to be rinsed by Levy $~61.23~ Total Other Current -~-fxpenses $ 16,900.00 Poll tax ; : ,: ~v~,~ ]
. Rate of Levy,] . - ~ Crematory anu garoage couectmns ~.w :1fyi~ C:-3~f'that the:~lue'f0reg0in~'l~edr~ingare trueOfltcer:copies f saidfrommUnicipality,~he record d~d~ herebYorders cert~i-ma~
CLASS Assessed V~uation "Proposed| TOTAL OPERATION OF PLANT $ 29,400.00 Dog tax .- :: A "" """ ' 2 60.00 1 and ~tne council ~f~saiffi~lun~e|pali~ on the 6t~h day of A~t~:-
I RF~AIJRB AND REPLACEMENTS- ttevenue--~ta~e L~quor t~ommmsmn ~, ~
t 2~6~0 ~ entered b~
~ ~o ~oo,Parking Meters ' :~,~l~0.q01 ast, 1946.
t~roperty $4,419J55.00 9.dc : .I p,~;~ ~,~ " . ~,0p0.00 [ Given u~fler my ~and ~this ~th ,day ~f
Public Utility Property 97,~U00;00 9.4c Repairmen (Regular) ~,~D.Vv~ ~'t~ . ~,~10.00~ " ~: ' "
Total Class No. I 4,51,6~t55.00 Re~en (Part Time) ~,dx?.~| ~| . ~
,~ . Total Personal ~ervlees ~,O'#l.t~ITotal estimated receipts P :TIMIT
~mber II l~,epan's--- . . ""~ ~ : . ~J '~.~
rniture and Euuinment 100.00| Estimated Chrrent Expenditures: ' " / IUUI]I[~$J~' ~ ~~ll~l Ildl~l@ ~L al~&
Real Estate 6~a~0~t~ 00 18.8 Fu 0 ' ' ' "
Service Systems 4,500.00[ Salary of Mayor $ ~220.00.~ . t ,V,
amber III " Buildings and Other Structures o,t~ .u u| Salary of City Clerk .~.uu:|~tate:o~. o~$~t~!~, ~
Real Estate ~,960.OO 37.6c Total Repairs v.ouu.uo|Salary of Treasurer ea~'0~U~i[',M un~teYDall~O~ tia~r's Ferry, To w|t' ''~
Personal Property 6~8,655.00 37,6c Equipment Replacements-- " . I Salary of City Attorney ~'~:1' ?" "~- ~, ~ ,~ "5?,--~ "-. *- .- -,
~Public Utility Property 5,220,700.00 37.6c Other Instructionai *A~o,tml Salary of Councilmen ~l~v,UV~l ~t@ regttl&r'~n ~ x~ne cpu~o~l ?z t~ mu !~Y ~, ~;!
Total Class No. III 6,'/78,315.00 School Library Books . 250.00|Cbinl~ensati0n of clerk ~ ~"~"i[ F er~y ll~t-~ ~,Q~l~~~=et~, ~!~ ~ ]A~;I~ ~~
~[umber IV Total Other Current Expenses ,~ov.00|Salarie~ of Chief and Police ~,ty~ .vv~| on ~ke ~t~a~i~Y~'b tl~:~, *~L~ ~W~l~ ~ ~, ~t~. ,~:~e
Real Estate 1,459,075.00 37.6c General expenses Police Department .~,o~ .; :,: ' " . ! e,~W. ~,
Personal Property 626~820 ~0 37.6c,TOTAL REPAIRS AND REPLACEMENTS $19,421.00]New fire equipment 8~0.001[ ~,~;'~ ,~.~.~',I ~.~f
Public Utility Property 881,~100~00 37.6c |T~RANSI~0RTATION General expenses Fire Department ~0~ 0~.i[ ~~i~'tl, i~dipa~~:~ /
Total Class No. IV 2~967,795.00 Personal Ser~iees ",Salaries Health Commissioner and employees ~.vv]] ~ In accordance with Section 14, Article 8, ~Qhap~r 67, Acts !933~ Sec* -
10 600 00 General expenses Health Department. ~.uu on xtraordinar Session the r to make ~te
TOTAL LEVY $20tSa2,420~0 Bus Drivers " " $ '. ". ~] Salaries Su rmtendent" Crematory and flrnl~10ye~s 3 [~q) ~ olin': ,mount~ necesaarv to,he raC~b~ ~of~$~es foy,~~d Y ' P t
Mecl~an/cs ,:.:~.=~.; "~=L.:,:.:." ' I~',~OT~o,] Ge~e~l ~ses Crematory and Carbal&e l)J~glt 700,00~ ~~,~ ~h~~ ~d~'~ti~,~~~l"
SHENAND~, ~lil ,V~ALL~ B,bJJA~AD BONDS. --,~ . ~ v .~.^~f~^m,~nsati anc~ sun,~lies " bU.t~l :.='Kd'~:~ ~ -~ ~ ~:~
Other Current Expenses" I ea ~ ~ as ~.9ow~:
Payments in Lieu of T'ranspoxtation 150.00[ ~
Count Bond P ntereat nd ~ " Fund F~stimate. Expenses keeping and feeding prisoners " 200.00 4~J~Rl~lga~IT Jt-~g~U~A~ ]KEN~IIFAL .P~]g~$~i~
The ,Cot .~ pr ~eeded to t~aake an st~t~ ~te Of the amount necessary St rose " "~'~"" ": ":" : - 3 ~0"v"~"t Furniture" and* fi~ures~ r :. ;;;; ;;; ;: ;;; ~0',00] : ~*W
be rai~ I ,by ~ ~dyy p~f taxes :fdr t~ ,~ ~t :rent ~iscal year ;for inte~res~, t~asonne, uu anu ~tmrican~s ~-J Statione office su lies" an~i" "" "uipment'" 200 00' l~sttma~ ~eorm ~o
akin~~ ~ft ~d an ~0i'ti~tion ~ ~exn r~ts of bonded indebtedness, Other Bus Supplies ,3.00x00 t, ry, pp eq . i " ~5:00J ~1~ The amount'~ue and the ~tmount that will become due and, col-
gaily ~I) l.t~.~d Ap?na ~ote o~ t~ ~ ~e as provided by law, and Total Other tJurrent Exl~enses ~t'~00vn'vnvn, ~a~j~ fi~'pro~ct'ioni's'tree~'and'~we~-s~i~.i~ 1,050.00"[ lec'til~le from every source du~tthe~l year, except from the Levy
ring by ~h~ c~ itttY as a W~o4e, a "~91 )Ws: ~rana zu~es ~'0{~| Water~o ort~eree~'lr~itste~n ~ "~00~| f Taxes ~ he=ade'f0~x~heT~" rer ~ ~3,11
Da~ Of ~c~ ~k~tt~.?riz~ng Jtmue,~u:guat 1, 1927. Other A~sso~es'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'::::::::::::::::::::::: ~0"001 ~.~.t'f :~(r--~s~:s~g :~:i: ~0,00J B~nc~.~ha~n~d'~'~)~f'A" y ~ : "'::':~:: ~i~
Origizal ~ount Chassis and Body Repairs 2,o000.001 ~gn~--omer purp ~e~ ~5,OOl ~,~u~. .-.: ~
Am" ' o~' ~.~ n~sAmaun~ r uu~ zor -] Total Re airs ~,o~u,vv[" " 00 :~t~ ~,~~ "" """ ' '
of IS~Ue~t u "':~ ~'" " Fr~ Interest TOTAL. P Telephone and telegraph ,25. ~ " ~.'~o~,s#m~ ~
~" ~' " ng " '| i ht and draae 10.00 ~ l~!,l~,U
100,000.0, =,~:~g ~6,0~0.00 ,1,568.00 $7,fi4~.00 i TOTAL TRANSPORTATION $19,660.00|FIT. gnl ~y,ge i --- 150,(]0 l '~~~ 1~1 r~ :. ~ !~ ~:
~, . ~,aver~Islng ana ~e~at pum~,~,~ .~. ~ "
'ehnquent Taxes and F-,xoneratmns ~Es~imati~i at 10% $ 757.OO~AUX~ARY AGENCIES. [ Insurance on city buildings and property I~,0.A~,~ I ~ .t~'~ xi~ .~" g : :t~oJ)0
'otal Amount to be r~ise~ by a 1~ev~Y Of Taxes $8~g~.OO ! Personal Services: Premiums on official bonds ~t~,:,~,'l :~,~, '~ ~'~'~" ""~'" ; ~ ~i~ 0{)
' '* ' ' ~ " " r "~ to ~ z,u~Jv.~, " n ex enses . . . v,~,
nd to provide for sm~.d ~0u~t ,~tl.el ~oll~ing ~evlcs are 0PP~ 1 Cooks - o,~,1 El$c3ein P .-', ,~ ~ ~ '~.~'v~v . ~5.00
e laid on each one "hiilidred d0U~rs v$4ui~on of eaell c~ of.[ Recreation D~reetor ,~,~] Att01meys' ~ees, court costs ana aama&es y~ vL,~ l ~:;~'~, :~'7 ~'~,~=~]~ .1~io,o~
,ronertv viz- ~: " " "'~ ' " I 4-H Club Agents. z,o~?.vv [ City Treasurer's or Collectors' commmsions .i~.~1 ~ary~,~,~ -. ~.:=~.~:,~ : ~ ~
~" ~' " A IT'FI-IfIRJYJP2D RATES I Clerk, Health Nurse .4b~.OO] Salaries---Street Commissioner and regular ~np~0ye~s I~.~] ~xer~ ?~?~ ,l~?~r~t'm'~~ ~
~ ~'-"~" Personal rvice o,o,v.vv " m nt---Street De artm t " . s,~}~.v.~, ,~ -, ~-~ o --%-~.~v
Total Sie s New Eqmp e p e~ mm her and lo ces ~
Three fourths cent (.75c) on {~lass 1No. I r?.perty, . " e t ~IA0.00 S tes Healtl~ m o y .~
}n adon If nts {15c )on Class "~0 ~ pronert,I Ot.her,Curr~ent Expenses" ~ 4 no] Salar.~es---Engmeermg Depa~m~nJ ~.~a~tal S~ne~ry, ofli~plies and eq~elnt 3~0.~
e n ~ha ce . ;X . ," ~ ~ '~ ~=.Y ~ ! nea~m ~e~v~ce 50.==-] maintenance oz scree~ anu a,eye .'=7.7.;=1 ~t~'. "+ ~r """ ~&O0
tnree cents (~. c ) on t~tass r~o. x~i pr0I)f~'~, ano I ~chool Lunch ,t~v.OUlMaintenance of sewers ] ~ ~.-- :' ",'" ":':':" ":" ~,~
= . 11. ~ ms ,F~Im~a. ' W s Vir ram. ~'~l~:,~lUt~ ~I~',~ ~ ~ ,
TE OF WESTVIRGINIA, ]12. Personal Servxces" 275,07 (~I o o* ~-fferson " ~ ~:" - . ':~" ~ ;
6 State of e t g .
NTY OF JEFFERSON, TO-WIT: ,I 13. Other. Current Expenses 40,898.~| Mumcxpahty'~'~':~" : ~of Char' les Town to-wit'. ' i#e ;~ : my~.hantll ~u| s!
Emily A M Stanley, Clerk of the County Court of said County, 14. Capital Outlay "~,Tzt~.t~l unici alit- do hereb'" . : ~ "E E
" the " are from the ! 15. Total School Current "es t t, t~eorge r. ~nle~as, t~ecommg ~rmcer at sam ra p ~, .: ~ .~ :,'