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Farmers Advocate
Charles Town, West Virginia
October 1, 1937     Farmers Advocate
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October 1, 1937
Newspaper Archive of Farmers Advocate produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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t Farmers Advocate--- County's Best Medium Every of the Year, $1.50 I -- The County's Best Rural [ Newspaper. It's Your Best Shopping Guide, And Your ] New* t~ A~wa.W t|w Latest, ] RIGHTS TO ALL. SPECIAL PRIVILEGES TO NONE. PRICE:--S1.50 Per Year in Advance LIII, NO. 38. CHARLES TOWN, JEFFERSON COUNTY, W. VA FRIDAY. OCTOBER 1. 1937. R. C. RISSLER, Editor. NEGRO OF SHOOTING AFTER TRIAL ,VeteransHonor- -Legxon: " Queen w 0 M A N DIES AFTER- - On Trla| Agaln tRANSFERS FOURT[JEN ' lrq,- "- CRASH IN H E A ff-O N MINISTERS OF VIRGINIA lsauoIlal Rlzens YYlI! ray Hunter Twyman Found Ralph Hamilton Pleads Guilty from the last term of because of the prisoner's through a jail breaking the trial of James Twyman, colored' of Kear- was begun Tuesday morn the Jefferson Circuit Court. was indicted for the ma- shooting of Hugh Allen, colored, an uncle by marriage, the letter's home at Kearneys- on the night of March 28, year. Indicted at the April Twyman escaped from jail several other, and at large,when his case was for trial in April /itnesses testified that Allen in an altercation with his ~; in fact was beating her when aopc~tred on the scene. according to his o~n had" heard that Allen had himself with the intention him if he interferred quarrels between himself his wife. On the night of the i AUTOS DIOCESE IS ANNDUNCED Final Dividend To Depositors COLLISION OF Cars Skid On Slippery Road; Mrs. Jennie Allen Is Victim A head-on collision between two ahnost new Chevrelet se(tan~ at a curve near the east end of Hall- town about the middle of the af- ternoon Monday, gave six patients re the Charles Town Hospitai. Both cars were occupie'~| by pass- el:~'ers from out of the State. One car coming west was driv- en by the Rev. E. R. Alien. a re- Hred minister of Florida with his wife as ~he only other passen~;er The car skidded to the rie'ht of 1,be road on the curve at Black's store buihlin~'. In righting the, skidding: machine, the driver thrust it to the left of the white line and then strai~rhtened his course o.~ the left just as the other car struck it head on at ~'ood speed. In the oncoming- car were Mrs. Fern Rizzo amt her dauzhter, Miss Ade]ine Rizzo, of Goshen, ln(tian,- T. T. Risker, the driver, of Etk- Green Alien Brooks The Rev. Father Cannon Is Transferred From Ferry To Richmond, Va. Announcement of the transfers of fourteen ministers of the Virgin- ia Diocese of the Cafholic Church was made by most Reverend Peter L. Ireton, Bishop Coadjutor of the Diocese on Thursday. The chang- es affect all the Catholic clergy of the Eastern Panhandle of West Virginia, many parishioners being surprised at the Bishop's announce- merit. The Rev. Michael J. Cannon f.r five years rector of the three Catia- olic Churches in this county, has been transferred to St. Peter's Church. Richmond, Va. His succes- sor in this parish will be the Rev. Thos. C. Healy, who comes from St. Mary's Church, Fairfax. Va. Berke- ley Springs loses the Rev. Father James H. McConnelI, transferred ;.o St. Mary's Church, Fredericksburg, Va. The Berkeley Springs Parish [ will have the Rev. Father John J. McKeon, from St. Joseph's Church, hart. Indiana. Accomlmny nla" then: were Mr. and Mrs. Raymoml Ed- Captured in Texas where he hadMartinsburg. In the Martinsburg rounds, nn(l two chihh'en, of Mar- lived for two years under the parish will be the Rev Francis L. ,aliu etf the Rev. J. H. Jones. and Bradecan from St. Elizabeth's All Urged Get Checks At Avenged Sister Bank Will Remain Open On Saturday From 7 To 9 For Customers lust Bring Certificates Additional Five Per Cent Brings Bank Dividends To The 100% Mark Announcement was made on Wed~ nesday by the receiver of the Na- Henri Citizens Bank that be.gin- ning on Saturday, October 2. a final dividend of five per cent will be paid to all depositors who have proven their claims. This final dividend brings the dividends paid by the re- ceiver up to one hundred cents on the dollar. In addition to the five per cen diCldend, some interest will be paid ou deposits. All depositors are urged to get their checks at once. For the convenience of depositors the bank office will be open Satur- day, October 2, from 7 to 9 p. m. Jr two members of bar, D. E. Cup- Alan G. Bolton~ were ad- this court. motion of Attorney Gee .M. in the ease of Paul and others versus Blarkford and others Hamilton, the Shepherds- man indicted for maliciously at their home in on Juhe 11, recon- his plea of "not guilty," to plead guilty to the ~f unlawful wounding. Pres- Porterfleld accept- change and Judge Rodgers' year in the pen- time to be served of his arrest on June from the time the accident occur- ted. Both cars were seriously dam- ged. Read the Farmers Advocate this week. road a short distance northof the Town Inn, Friday, October 8, at z[ Norfolk & Western crossing In[ p. m. For reservations call Mrs. t Ranson on Sunday :night, Septem- Robert Wrlght not later than Oc- ber 19. Dodd had been under bond tober 6th. The Annual Wom~a~ Club Lunch- Southard, at whose home he died; eon will be held at the Charles Mrs. Yager, Stanley, Va." Mrs. Lula Berry, and Mrs. H. S. Hen- derson, of Bardane, this county. e:! from slumbers to issue, a war- rant for Ott's arrest. James E. Dodd, Jr of the Bloom- cry, charged by a Martinsburg man with driving his. car on the wrong side of the road, resulting in a col- 'listen between his car and that of the Martinsburger, ,was acquitted after a hearing before Justice James A. Smith on Saturday. The collision between the two cars oc- curred on the Kearneysville state Interment will be in the Yager Cemetery, near Stanley. One son, Frank Cave, at Mar- tinsburg, and four daughters, sur- vive. The daughters are Mrs. Joste Mr. James W. Derry spent the '.eek-end with relatives in Waol" ington, D. C. Mr. and Mrs. C, E. Dudrow have improved their prcperty in Boli- var, by having it painted. Mr. and Mrs. John Lynn, of "Middleway, spent Sunday with their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Kelican. Charles W. Fulk. All her property after the payment of bills, and the distribution of specific legacies is :o go to the nephews and niece. Trumont Sechrist is named execu- tor of the will which bore the name~ of Miss Neille Anderson and Mrs. Mary Davis Reed as at- testir g~ witnerses --0- N O T I C'E! Thursday morning, from the infirm- very much indisposed at her home. ities of age, after an illness of sev- Mrs. Lillie Biller. of Bolivar, ac-~ eral years. He was 90 years old. companied by her daughter, Mrs. His body will be taken to Stanley, Jack Compton. of Winchester, Va Va where sarvices will be held In recently visited relatives and the Bethlehem Christian Church,friends in Alexandria, Va and in tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock. Arlington Va. in Harpers Ferry, for a number of years. Mrs. Neff Carper is spendin~ two weeks with her brother arm sister-in-law. Mr. and M~. Wo'od- row Staub.% in Rans ~own. Md spnet last Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Eackles. Mrs. W. F. Andes is much im- proved, after suffering for some time with an infected hand. Mr. George Child, of Richmond. Va woo has been quite ill at the. home of Mrs. J. C. Newcomer, on Camp Hill, is much improved. He conducted a me~v:antile business The Potomac Edison Company substituted motor' buses for trol- lcvs in Frederick, Md the first ~f August. Buses are operated on three routes amt the company it, ports that for the u~t, revenues from all three only $833.55 was collected from fareg while operating" expenses for the same month totaled $l.- .~44.~5. BAKE SALE. back to town, arriving at 5 a. m Sunday. Justice Moore was arous- --O~-- ALUMINUM PAINT ON BRIDGE The State Road Commissio~ is! making, the present project of painting the highway bridge ati "Ira Bloomery a lasting one. Alum-I inum is being used to coat all th(t steel work on the structure. Paint is to be spread over the metal un- der the brid~e, as well as on thc l The Evening Choir of yllper-structure. The two 90-fool Church will have a bake sale at :~pans and four 200-foot spares the Valley Hardware Store on make it a much more formidable! Satin-day, "October 2, beginning at project than one suspects. Brid~'et 9:30 A M. There will be many officials estimate that work wll, good things to eat on sale, give employment to a dozen men i ~ 4) two months. BUSES LOSE MONEY. J. W. Pierce. on Camp Hill. tivities to a close for the first day. Miss Eleanor Johnson has re- Friday's program starts off with turned to Sullins College, at Bris- a tug-o%war at '~ p. m which will~, tal, Va. be followed by a rolling-pin contest Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Leatherman for the ladies. A barbecue will be and daughter, Rayetta, and Missheld that evening just before the Winona Rittenborn. of Hagers- parade. ins, Twyman began firing at tinsburg, groves a 12-inch beard as a dis- Church, Colonial Beach, Va. o'clock Depositors are urged to as soon 8s the former ar- Both Rev. and Mrs. Allen were guise, Green Allen Brooks is on The Bishop's order affects also bring their receiver certificates at the Allen home. In all he seriously iniur( 1 Mr. Allen who trial at St. Charles, Vs for the with them as no checks will be ~v- five times, each bulle.t taking " ' ' I I~ 72 years oht, suffered head m- second time on ll~,rges of having the Rev. Father Richard B. Wash- Roy Gary en without the certificates. Dopes- in Allen's body. Allen's in- juries, and several broken rib'.~.i killed a deputy. Acquitted of the ington, a native of Charles ~/-own, itors will oblige officials by caliing required treatment in a He was brought to the hospitaitsSlayingbeing ftriedB bforBailey'murderBrookSof Archn w WhOchurch,Will beFredericksburg,moved from St.backMary'Sto atWhenShelbyville.qUesti nedKy,by RoyaUth ritieSGarr, at once for their balances, bringing shove, one of three brothers held with them their receiver's certtfi- ~itals, in Martinsburg for some bYsee.noFredof theEarnshaWwreck livin~Mrs Allen,near tb~;by~, legedlyRedm nd'shotb thto OfdeathWhOmwhenWeretheyal- the Shrine o:f the Sacred Heart, for the revenge slaying of Brig. cates. "Phls striking photo takeff during the course of the nalnonal conven. ~a~" the" most CIIucally" " ""inJui" e(t' or', ~ttemvted tO arrest Bridle' adS- Hot Springs, Va where he was I Gen Henry Denhardt. allegedly The bank was closed at the time e jury empaneled to try the4Jon of the American Legion in New York shows pretty iglaiae Rus- ' ! included Stanley Kelly, O. O. mill of Oxford; Miss chosen "Miss American Legion" as she an- the passengers, had her tongue i In.laW formerly the rect;r, confessed to firing the shots of the bank holiday on March 4, MISS AD--~D.--~ARDESTY. which caused Denhardt's death.1933, and remained closed to bus- icy, R. C. Frazier, W. J. Fury, ~tnowledged the tribute of her escort of veterans. In the backgroun4 ahnost severed, her right leg, and~ The latter was slain on the eve iness since. A conservator was ap- ~0n Marlow, E. E, Henkle. looms the imposing tower of the Empire Stat. building "I wrist broken, in addition to bruise~i of his second trial for the murder "P. Licklider, Emmert Meier; ' ' and lacerations about her face and'~ Miss Ada Davenport Hardesty, a Iof Mrs Verna Garr Taylor. pointed, Charles R. Langdon, one of ]]hdl, H.W. Clipp, R.G, Hen. TW(NTmtme UIUVlV ~erm)M~:v v h m~fm/N body All the passen.~ers exceptl OFFICERS AT ST. HILDAS semi-invalid for some years, died[ the directors being named, soonaf- R. C. Meier Attorney James taal~o Ill I~ /~ 1 ttl ll[J~v~[~lLgI l', t~t. It~l%.~k/Vv I the two chihh'en one of them ,tl I ' * I ~n, ard, Twy. CROP hlREADY SOLD N&M D BANK RE EIV[ R, in the Imliana car, sustained ~ Wednesday morning at the home [ ter the holiday. Mr. Langdon corl- introduced several character '" " minor injuries. All the iniured re-! Miss Dusser de Barrene Will of the Misses Forster, in Berryville, [ [ deal Drum Corps To ducted the conservation work until the appointment of H. K. Ambler as ~i~ ms~a including He~ ~, MII- ' " ' ' ' I qmred hosp}tal treatment, the am-t Be President; Miss Craft Va where she had made her home. I Parade Berryville Fete receiver on December 19, 1933, At ~lden yrSchoo| UIl~ly A. t ew rarmera Now LOCal. ~tlan, . Will gsalst InI~ bulanc.-~, bein,~ used to brin~g Mr~ 'theNamed Vice-Prealdent,A native of Frederick county,[ , that he had Hohhng Their Entire L qmdatmn Of The i A!len to the Charles Town Ilos-I t student body ot" St. Hitcas Va Miss Hardesty was a daugh-[ tliat time the banks deposits had ter of the late M. Jones and Eliza- I The Junior Drum and Bugle dwindled from nearly a half m i]- ~ybd the defendant several Year's Crop Farmers Bank Here ipital. I ' ' . : ~' Vtn rV.mmi,~,~er o ~,[ The Rev. and Mrs. Alle~ e e~ tall met on September 30 and bethCarter Hardesty. ]Corps of Jackson I erks lost, lion to $191,922.20 through with- ~i~ ~t~ ~]#~ ~l~ a l~aee- -'steP'ram emamrs~ o~ the county espy- ~,o, ~ t d -it rn For~'~ [ enrou~e~ to~ rmrma ~' ~rom ~ew,! ( !ccted Miss Elizabeth Maria Dus- ~Miss Hai~desty Is survivedby one ] :M~erican Legion, here lms been as- drax~ls- I, ear had seized the who,;e. m tnat ~wo-tmrtls of the coun- wor~ nas some e A o ey -[ l ser de [:arennc President; and sister, Mrs. Charles W. Robinson,]:signed the position of leader 0t a coun~;~'y, manifesting itself f~ disposition, trust of banks generall~, W~- ~: tv's1937 wheat crop have been rest A. Brown of Charles Town, as. Lonuon. t, onn wner,- tney na~ Miss Margaret Virginia Craft, Vice of Newport News, Va and three| division in the feature parade of drawals increased rapidly after the jury fouhd Twyman guilty of : " ' ~pent the summer with their son,~ rul wounding. A minimum sold In the Rinnon.~ neio'hborhood~ attorney for the receiver of the * ' i" President. brothers, Forster M. Hardesty, ofI the Clarke County Fall ~estival ,the Rev. J J. Allen and faro ly. }f One year in the peniten- there are only three farmers no, Farmers Bank and Trust Compare, Miss Dusser de Barenne is the Clarke county; Fred J. Hardesty,] to be held at Berryville, 2fhurs~ay failure of the Central Trust C0m, "," " . " Boat, cars in coltision were pany in Frederick, Md,in Septem- br a maximum of ten'years holding the entire,year s cro,e, now In course, of hqmdatmn, due to wrecked" The windshields ot" dotty" " daaR'hter of Dr J. G. Dusser ,h~. of Akron, Ohio, and Clarke W.I and Friday, October 7 and 8. extremes of sentences thatContrary to the usual trend of the defalcatmn of J. R~chard Rus- " . : . Barenne, Sterlin~ Pr,)fessor ot Hardest.x, who resides at the old ] In addition to the Drum and ber 1931. It became impossible for cars were shattered, the radiator:~ Physiology at Yale University. homestead in Frederick county. Bugle Corps units, both companies the National Citizens Bank to mee bumpers SI-e was born in Utimcht. Holland The funeral will take place from Both cars in collisionwere i'ecke . Th, wi shields,both IS w re s~ te 1, the ]~ ator~ be given him. the market, wheat this year wassell, acting cashier. The selection "" i " : c~ushed m, and then b npe~s o I n highest at threshing time.The~ - crumpled Little material of value de endent and Citizens are ex funds, the decline in resources con- G. Henson, Ernest Hahn, E. disnoses of a lot of sneculation as '" " " " ~ "~ f vo u teer firemen here--the In- demands for the withdrawal Of ~tkins, J. S. Swartz, O. O. highest local quotation for wheat to the person to be chosen for the," . . : and moved to New Haven m 1930; the home of the Misses Forster In, P "-- ' - c~n De salvagedxrom e~the]o~,d to artml x the f r ~ey,:iEmmert Meier,W. B. since harvest was $1.17, in July. work. Mr. Brown was attorney for i ~ '" she aTaduated from Mrs. Day s Berryville this afternoon, at 3:00[Pecte p ":'pate "n eatu e tinuing until the bank holiday. h Trust m an until ~t was I hem r' ' parade x~h~ch wall move through the l~ard, J. R. Bell, Watson ' The bulk of the 1937 wheat t e Co p y " " i "~vns" " Jenme" ~len, WhO, w~a ne~ School in 1937. After, a yea :~octock. Services will, be conductedl " ~ The first dividend after liquida- streets of Berr xflle Fr~da even ~Wf. Stanley Kelly,E. E. crop s01d above a dollar a placed m the hands of the State :, study at St. Hilda s Hall Miss by her pastor, Rev. E. T. Clark, as-[ " y ," " y tion af the bank s resources was " ki i nusoantl, tne rtev. r~nja t~ Allcn, started under receivership was paid le~/and J. L~ Lodge were se- bushel. Little has b~en sold shiee Commmsloner of Ban ng. ~ " lusser de Barenne plans to e~atcr sisted by the Rev. Dr. L. A. Park-I lng at,o clock. was injures in a neaa-~n COlliSion -- Ccordl t 11 )f he ,~r, ~ ( ~ s A ng to the de a s (t ~he price dropped below a dollar a" 0 i . . . ' '" ~/. dle.'ley ~ollcge. er pastor of the Berryville B'aptL t ] " on October 1, 1934, ten months, and. l~a jurbrs to hear the. trial bushel Wheat remairiing unsohL I with an lnuiana car on a curve t " I ,~rade there ,;ll t)e th-,~- dl more after the receiver took charge. TxtVO WII,! ~'; PROBATFI) .~. ". ~l~ss Craft WhO cntere~ ~t. lt~nurcn, Interment Wl|l oe m tne tt" " ~rrell Grove, Of Silver Grove, now is strong hands able to hold ' ~acK s s~ore, at the east er ot, IIilda's in 1936, is the daughter el" family lot in Mt. Hebron Cemetery. I stons. The first division will in- It amounted to 45 per cent. Four- red. in a warrafit with driv- for an indefinite length of time. ~ i ~alltOWn, ~vtonoay a~te.rnoon ,neu ~ ~ ' ~e~ ~, a ]clude politeescort, marshatls, ore- teen month~ later came, a second t~ate(~ lvlarcn ZO, l~Dl, tne Wlll~ . ~, .~, tvlr. anu -~rs.rra,~,a~ "~l --,--,"" . . " ,intnebnalies~own tlo~[dtal a~ cml cars and the t'rowslonal Ba~ leaf while he was under the ------o---- ' . ' of the late William RLou hanl, " South Charleston West Virpinia Subscribe to the Farmers Advo- ] " dividendof 20 per cent. The third ," ~' ~9"'10 o clock Thursday mornin~ " .' ~ " ~, 1 " ~ t talion led bv a band The second dividend amounting to 10 per cent ,nee of liquor.-' Grove had. .POLICE COURT NoTEs. of Sheptierffstown was ~'iled fo ~' . b,e pmns ~o enter ~mltn ~o~,egeicate at au a year. r~eaa ,t ev-, . " " .tr!ed by aJustice of the r~er injuries lnclu~eu a lacerated 3" ~ . I division, headed by the local Drun of the bank's deposits was paid out predate in the bounty bourt this . . . in tu, 8. ~erv weeK. I " " . and had~been found guilty. . [t, ngue, a brokenleg ano wrest ~ " ~ land Bugle Corps, will contain the in September, 1936. In March of d been findd $25.; his car John Brown, driving a car own- wee~. ~oss u. ~ou~nan is ~ne ex-I nesloes a snocKtna~ a~f c eu" he~ ~ this year came the fourth dividend, tm wh " e ire" t se I " " ~ c ~ " ~" t queen of the festival, miss Anne ~ded and his ~icense to op- td. by Ge0. W W~e~.of North ofeeu o is r qu 'a o ~ all I ;vhole body. !1 IEII~IPl~O i?I~.I~I~V llllrt FltgltI Ill 11~ II~lilrO [ Harms, and her escd~rt, the Alexan- 20 per cent, leaving only riveter a c~ir t~evoked. From this Kabletown, while enrou(e from rne property of ~n~ ~es~ator an~ Mr~ Allen, who well ad- [1/~tl'P,[~k~ fP.~l la~l/ D(/IAI/i~ rtP, WO ] dria National Guard, together with cent remMning unpaid. On Sat~r- ~e Grove appealed. The jutT Frederick, Md. early Saturday ~li:~df:utth:'hp(:;::a;::Ub:ln~Yefl:::n2 "anced in years, was a native of ]the queen's court, other floats, fire day payment of the final dixddend dne~,~lay acquitted him. night, went into a collision with a . " ." " I Canada, and was the second wife I ] trucks and the Winchester Citywill be started. ~,rd ~keen indicted for steal- Maryland car some where on the are tne executor nimselL lvlaryot ~ne minister, e,~ Lne ~mm o~ ~ne tne doily ot .the late t~onert L.I. ington, atter spenuing, tne summer! Banu." "~ ~ " All will concede that the receiv- pike west of Harpers ~Fe.rry The M. Louthan,Emma Lee Morgan Hall'own she Shreck who d~ed Wednesday m[ months at then summer cottag~,] or, H. K. Ambler, and his clerk, watch of a value in excess fatal cotlls~on at ~ ' " " m" " - - ~ ~, / ~ection tnree of tne paraoe wil~ ~rom Harry Henderson, atdriver of.the Maryland car tele- anct trances t~aenei t)ay band were enrou~e t~u oermn~, ms was nrougn~ nere! (.n r~onvar rtelgnts. ! H.W. Willis, 'in converting the ner nus ' / ] ~e neaueu oy tne Alexan(]rla Drum oy an unuer~a~er on ~aturuay tor],of H withdrew his plea of not phoned to Constable T. W. Allen The late Mrs. Laura B. Strider, ~'rom ~J ~-~o,~ Connecticut, to Mr. Heyward Bowle, a '- ~n n,~ ~ ~ ,m ~ h,~ bank's assets into cash and distri- m her will covering several type wm pe~ s Ferry, has gone to Washing and plead guilty to the to be on the look-out for Brown " . . ~mterment in Harpers Cemetery . s e " Florida intending to spend the - " '~ - ' " - paradem with single costumed peo- buting cash among the depositors, and that he was plainly intoxicat written pages and dated Novem- The Rev Chester Smith officiated a~ ~er in the latter state . ". -,ton,D. C to spend the winter pie, costumed couples and costum- have accomplished a fine work, and Judge Rodgers sentenced ed. The Constable awaited the I ~er 20, 1934, leaves a large sum I tne cemetery. Mr. ~hreck wno was months with his son, Vaughn ed groups. ~ are entitled to the appreciation af : ~)~ years old, was a son of the late to the State prison for oneBrown car and on its'arrival tookI her of personal articles, jewelry, l e, son oi tne ~ev. J. J. Allen, m ~ Hew London, came to bnartesl " "r . Bowler. The first day of the festival, all depositors, i the time to run from July the driver in charge. A charge of[ furniture and silverware to rela'ttown" " on recelwng .news ot tne. ~nvea"ue gemandbum~ermndEmile Shreck,20 years.and hadHet~ M'r. Cyrus Taylor, of Bostbn,Thursday, will start off with the " --------0 ~,~ ae day he was arrested drunken (h'ivin~" will be preferred] tives and friends. Provision is l wreck and remained to superwset was b ~ Mass spent the week-e.nd at the cro~ning of the queen and intro- CHANGES AT POSTOFFI . [aanyle of tothe Mrs.CharlesIrmoT wnRiddle-Gas against, him. [ made for a grave marker for her-I~ l ~ ~ a tother of Mrs. Mary Reek l ,the care ot ms parents, lne A -~ t home of Mr. and Mrs. K. K. Cava- duction of princesses on the porch ? J. B. Gaynor and Russell Ott.] ~e]f and a deceased brother, hw'i"ens have four sons m tne r~ap- ,anu. mrs ~uwaru ~rove, who sur- |lier. .' I wve nlm. [ of the County Court House that af- ~Chan~es among the personnel ~d Or.receiver,fOr $11,000CarlWaSRiddlebarger,COnfirmed. both residing east of the river.] ins Sechrist. A trust fund of $8001 tist ministry with the only other A b rn to Mr Mr. and Mrs. Harry Malicott, of ternoon. Following the corona- the Charles Town post~ffice are authorig~ed to close the receiv- we~e companions in town Satur- I is to be set aside for the benefitl I a~y ~augnter was DO " Washington, spent the week-end ~ tmn there will a horse-shoe pitch- .~.chednied for today, October I. memoer of tne ~amlly, a (~augntct, . ~, .~, ~ and collect the assets of day night. Late in the night theyl of her only living brother, Wil-'in the missmn field of her cnurcn. I anu ~vtrs. blair fellows, at Sala- with the latter's mother, Mrs Belle ing contest at the Berryville High John A. Smith. who has been a ',ompany. .~tarted to their holne.~ in a car Ham F. Sechrist. The fund is to be I manaca, ~ew ~orK, on ~eptember Haeffer, who has been quite sick School, followed by a hng-ealling ~bstitute clerk for the past year, :nanage(t by Itoward L. Sechrist, has been promoted a full.time driven by a Mr. Hardy. On the] [21. Both Mr. and "Mrs. Fellows at her home, but is now much ira- contest at Church and Main streets DIED, 90 YEARS OLD report of Bane Brown, Ad- ~are well known here. trator of George Wilson in way a quarrel arose between them.l a nephew. On the death of the proved, at 7 p.m. This contest wilt be fol- ~lerksbip. A temp(rarv appt~int~ ase of Brown, administrator Ott was accused by', Garner of/ brother, the fund is to be equallyI ~ " n Mrs G W Fossett, of Camp Mrs. Harry Numan, Mrs Bertha lowed by a husband-calling contest me,st as substitute clerk, has peon st:~ling his pocketbook with some amony her four nephews]Oliver Cave, a native of Mad~so s Ryman Snapp was approv- " is Hill, spent Thursday with her Feast and Mr. and Mrs. Joim for the ladies, after which a rid- ~'iven to M J Foley, a World War Jest- Southard in d~.ughter, Mrs. Laura Lambert, in Walker, of Baltimore, spent Tuns- dlers' contest, pie-eating event and veteran. also was the final report of ca.h in it, besides some cigarettes, asd a niece: H. L Tr;umont, Char-. uaugnter,C unty' va ~v~rs.(neo at tnee nome o~,n ~. McIntire bonded specia, Mr. Hardy brought the two mel~ les and Forrest Sechrist, and Mrs.;~nenanooan" ounc~mn, a~ ,3 ~ c~t,c~, in Washington Mrs Lambert is day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. greased pig race will bring the fe~.-~ o