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W. VA.
The Following are a Few Suggestions:
We all know that Winter is close at hand.
we also know that cold and heat can be
classed as demons, the cold demon and the
heat or fire demon. Either in its extreme
can cause great trouble. Taking the cold
demon as it approaches, we realize we must
prepare for him, by laying in our coal, wood
and the supplies to make us comfortable in
our homes. At the same time' we must not
overlook the fact of the fire defiion by any
light carelessness on our part for we have
to prepare for him just as carefully. We do
not hesitate in spending money on buying
fuel and clothing to keep us warm, but some
tffnes we overlook the fire demon and come
to grief through loss of life and property, due
to the fact we are not cautious enough in
preventing fires. Some times a little atten-
ti0n paid to the furnace, chimneys, attics,
cellars and alley-ways may mean only a few
dollars spent, but can mean the saving of not
only property but life as well. To economize
on these things some times means great dis-
aster, as in the case of the New London
School of Texas, where to economize the
school board had residue gas from near-by
oil wells piped into the school building, sav-
ing approximately $300 per month. This gas
being brained was waste gas and should have
been burned in the flares. Thus a terrible
explosion took place, with many lives lost,
over 400 children being killed. This surely
was no saving to the community as nearly
every one had a child or some children in
the school. This took place on Mm:ch 18,
1937, at 3:10 p.m. Just think what a little
thought of the fire demon might have pre-
vented in this case. It goes to prove that
economy in many cases is in favor of the fire
We, the Citizens Fire Company, do beg of
each and every one to cooperate with us on
this Fire Prevention Program in helping in
our inspection and killing the dreaded Fire
demon now and in the future.
Use proper fuses.
Check flues before starting winter
3. Keep rubbish in metal containers.
4. Use non-inflamable fluids for cleaning
5. Keep oil stoves thoroughly clean.
6. Have metal base under all heating
7. Keep matches in metal containers.
8. Be sure to check stoves, furnace and
all heating appliances before leaving house.
9. Children should not be given inflalna-
ble toys.
10. COver all unused stove pipe holes with
For Further Information and Domestic or
Commercial Inspections Communicate with
Names of Veterans inscribed in
th6 tablet unveiled in Shepherds-
town on Saturday were taken from
the rolls of the several Units of
ganized in that part of the coun-
tY." Many of these men were con-
nected with the several compan-
ies enrolled only a short time.
Some deserted; others withdrew to
joi~ other organizations.
John H. Sandy, Tilmon Sandy,
Conrad SehmidL Charles SeerisL
A. J. Shaner, Joseph L. Sheets,
fL Sheffer, Smith Shephel~l, Clar-
ence Sreprtrd, Joseph M. Seibert,
A. Smith, H. Smith.
Simon Tappy, Sam Topscott, J.
Will Taylor, L. T. Taylor, Robert
Thonms, Tnomas H. Turner, J~me~
L. Towner, Harris Towner, John
J. Unseld, Jacob F. Vorhees, J.
A. Walters, J. W. Walters. Corp
S. Hense]l. Chas. W. Hess, Joseph
Hicks, Edward Higgins, Thomas
IIoffmna, T. R. Hogg, John Hodes.
A. Hoskin, George Horn, J. H. L.
Hunter, Capt J. S. tIunter, Jas.
A. Hurst.
J. J. Jackock, A. Jenkins, J. J.
Jenkins, Capt W. Jenkins, Jacob
M. Kephart, John King', J, W.
Kirkner, E. J. Knott, Geora'e Lain-
bright, George Licklider, A. Cru-
zin Link. John Allen Link (I'ast
Both infantry companies re- Jacob Win',*ermoyer, Joseph Win- survivor), ~Fhomas Link, Lieub
rt~lted in that part of the county, termoyer, James E. Wise, John David Lueas.
Company B, in Shepherdstown and Wright, George. W. Yontz, Joseph
~a~y H at Duilields were units Yontz, John It. Zittle, Lieut.
the Stonewall Brigade. Cavalry
from that part of the Tablet No. 1I
~' eonty belonged either to the First Company H. 2rid Virginia In-
Or the 12th Virginia Cavalry, the fafitry Stonewall Brigade:--John
~ latter a Umt m the famous Laurel
Brigade. In addition to these, four W. Allen, James M. Alien, John
W. Ashby, George W. Ashby, Da-
,o ompames, there were fort~ or rid Bales. J. H. Barringer, Gem
m re men whb served in othei-
Eranehes of the army. some in the
trtillery corps. Other veterans
into the community after
Tl~e names of all the veterans
~ogether with the organization to
each belonged, appearing on
five tablets unveiled on Satur-
are given in the, appended
Tablet No. 1
Company B, 2nd Virginia In-
r:-.Wiliiam Acton, George E.
Adams. George W. Athey, William
l~h~r, J. J.Bafley, Nathanml
~ti]ey, w. R. Baldwin, Harrison
,~,Baker, Daniel Barnhart, George
~W. l~arnhart, Henry F. Barnhart,
m- te
rgt George M. Bast, Ser t.
Begdle, B. P. Bedinger,
Bedinger, J. M. Bell J.
A. R. Boetter. William
Bowers, William Butler. V. M.
A. B. Cameron. Hen-
Sergt James B.
W. H. Conley, George W.
Jacob B. Crow, Corp J.
W. Cu|p,
B. F, Daniels, A. Dellinger. W.
~'L. Del]i~ger, Her~y Kyd Douglas,
~-~B~d,~ Gen John B. Douglas, F.
~Ernswiller, S. E~swiller, C. M.
~ Entler, D. M. Entler, Charles E.
~-~EntDr, John Phil Entler. J. S.
:~Feamas, W. A. Feaman, Charles
'~Ferret], Eli L. Fiser. W. Frieze,
~ Frank T. Grove, W. H. Grove,
~S. M. Hamtramck, W. H. Hawn,
~,~W. Hens,]l, L. C. Heskett, Lieut
:~C. F~ Hess,y, E. H. Hess,y, R E
~es~y, R.'N. Hoffman,' J: W.
~Holtzm~an David H. Hout, Corp
~G. W. Hour, Samuel Hudson G.
,~W. Hummekhous. Jacob Hutson,
Jones, Jacob Kaufman,
Kaufman, William Kauf-
William Kaufman, Henry
E. J. Lee, Cernard Lon~,
M. Lyons, B. F. Lucas. E. D.
Jacob Magaha, John W,
John Martin, Jasper Mar-
Luther Marmaduke, J. P.
D. M. McEndree, W.
McEndree, Ben Miller, William
Miller, Henry C. Meier, Lee H.
Capt John Musgrove,
B. Nicewarner, Nathan Os-
J. E. Maddon, J. S. Maddex, R.
P. Maddex, Jacob S. Melvin. Capt
lames Marquis, ,lames MeCabe
W. S. McCormic. J. G. MeWilliams,
William Melvin, B. Morison, C. A.
Nicely, Sergt A. Osbourn, James
Padgett, Joseph Padgett, John L.
William Reed, James Riley, Jam-
W. Barringer, Sergt. Henry Bell.
Mason Bennett. H. M. Billings,
Sergt Samuel Bowers, Joseph
Browns, Gee. W. Brantner, John
Bane, F. W. Bonavita.
J. W. Chrisfield, Samuel Clana-
l~:an, J, w. Chapman, Sergt J.W.
Colbert, John Conner, Morris Con-
ner, Edwa~:d Craley, C. W. Curr{e,
G. E. Currie, John Day. Ed C.
Deck, Pat Delwin, Giles Devetine
L. E[ehelberge.r.H. Eiehelberger
B. F, Engle, George W. Engle
John M. EngIe, J. W. Eskridge;
Jackson Estes, Samuel Feller. F.
L. Fender. John F. Foley, Lieut
;" B. Gageby, George Gall. Joseph
Getts, ~. J. Gibson, William Gib-
son, David Gillock, S' muel Gol-
lada, J. W. Greenwood, Benjamin
Gruber, D. Gvubw.
Post Humrickhouse (omitted by
error), C. B. Harding, S. D. Htu.-
ding, John W. ttarp, Simon W.
Harvey, 3ames !9I. Hendrieks. Wil-
l';am Hendricks, R. Henderson, R.
es R0bison, John Robison, Lewis
R0nemouse, William Ronemouse,
Edward Rowe J. Rutherford, T.
Rutherford, G. W. Sappington, J.
Sharff. A. H. Shepherd, Robert
Shepherd, W. H. Shepherd, G.
Shirley, John Shirley, W. R.
Smith, Henry M. Snyder, John
Snyder, John W. Snyder, Sergt
~Fhomas ~mith, Leiut.
S. E. Thacker, Robert Thompson,
James Tribby, J. M. Trussell,
Michael Weaver, C. Whittington,
J. Whietington, J. W. Willingham,
John Wintermoyer, Samuel Win-
Tablet No. III
Company F. First Virginia Cav-
ah'y C. S. A.: George Andrews,
Dr. N. D. Baker, R. L. Billmyer,
M. J. Billmyer, Capt J. M. Bill-
my,r, Sergt John T. Bilhnyer,
Sergt James Bledsoe, A. J.
Brown, F. W. Bunk. George Bunk,
John Bunk, Polk Bunk, William
A Gons / five B isis And Offers Its Banking
Facilities To The Community
We Are A Member Of The Federal Deposit
InsUrance Corporation
Signed By The
Butler, James Conley, W, B. Dan-
iels, John Davidson, William Deck.
John Driscoll.
John Eakle, E. Ellis, B. Ellis,
William Engle, A. M. Evans. W.
Feaman, T. Ford J. W. Fryar,
Chris Gall. J. S. Grove, Henry Ha-
gen, Lieut James Hamil, J. T.
Hammond, Harvey Harnick, Jesse
Harnick. George Harris, David
Hawn, Ed Hensell, Scott Hensell,
William Hensell. David Herron,
John P. tiill, Frank Hite, NeaJy
Hit, John W. Ho]lMay, Williams
Pe'yton James, William Johnson,
Frank Jones, Isaac Jones, J. A.
Janes, Lieut Reynolds Jone~,
Samuel Jones, Thomas F. Jones,
W. T. Jones. A. W. Kearney, Bris-
cue Kearney, T. Keplinger, Wil-
iiam Keys, George It. Kines. New-
ton Kines. Thornton Koontz, Sergt,
To W. Latimer, Corp John Lem-
en, Thomas Lemon, W. N. Lemen,
~'rank Lueas, William Lucas,
George Lueas. Louis Lucas, R. R.
Saron Martin. Joe Mash, Mason
Marshall, P P. Marshall, Lieut
Charles MeMullen, W. H. McQuil-
kin, William Miller, Daniel Mor-
gan, J. Morgan, Wid Morrison. P.
l~iugler. David Myers, John ~,
Myers, D. Nottingham, Josepl:
Nottingham, Nathan O'Brien, G.
W, Payne, Abner Payne, L. C.
Ferry, James Peyton, E. B. Pey-
ton, H. P. Powell, Thomas Pey
ton, Win. A. Morgan, Capt.
A. W. Randall, Joseph Reinhart
Lieut Ii. C. Reynolds. J. C. Roy-
nohls, J. W. Roberts, D. M. Rob-
erts, Thomas Rodgers, John Rone-
mous, A. Rowsy, Jacob Rush, Wil-
liam Sanford, Van L Sanford,
John Seibert, Oliver Seibert, Ed
Shafer, Oliver Showman. J. H.
Small, David Small, M. B. Small
Archie Smith, B. F. Smith. J. F.
Smith. J. T. Smith, J. A. Spotts,
William Sports, J. W Spotts, Joe
Dr. I. S. Tanner, Bridg. Gen
DavM Taylor, J. F. Taylor, John
Tic, MagiIla Turner, Joseph B.
Vanmetre, M. S. Vanmetre, Jame:~
Waters, George Warner, Joim
Weaver. Clinton Welsh, William
Welsh, Thomas Williamson, Whi',~,
Williamson, M. W. Williamson, E.
Wilson, R. L. Wysong, Nathan
Tablet No. IV
Company ~) 12 Virginia Cavah'y
Laurel Br, igade: W. A. Adam%
James Athey, John Andrews, Dan
Modern, "regulated" heat
. . heat to fit ~my kind of
weather is yours, with the
Duo-Therm oil-burning, cir-
culating heater. The heater
that offers you ALl, the most
modern features !
BURNER--Greatest clean-fire
range of any burner. Silent,
clean, odorless, at all stages
--from pilot light to maxi-
mum heat.
HEAT [~EGULATOR--Simple aa
turning a dial. Gives you all the
heat you want on cold
days, just enough
heat to take the chill
off on milder days
STOPPER" -- Prevents
heat from rushing up the
chimney, sends more heat in-
to your home. Saves oill
HEAT QU1DES--Clrcu~ate the
heat evenly. No cold spots.
lazily against the sides of the
heater, circulates more heat
intO the house. Gives you
"more heat per gallon".
Duo-Therm heaters are
SAFE listed as standard
by the Underwriters' Labo-
Let us show you the new
Duo-Tlierm oil-burn-
in[, circulating heat-
era. There are eight
models-- three fin-
iShe~, Int~p~:attve,
Andrews, John Allen, Sergt. James
Allen, Corp H. C. Backus. John
Badger, Garrett Bane, Washington
Banks, George Barnhart. Georp'e
D. Bowers, Isaac Brubaker, P.
George W. Caton. I. M. Cham-
bers, M. Chambers, T. T. Cham-
bers, A. J. Claw. Dan Clymer,
Frank Clymer, J. W. Coffinba,-
ger, Corp Richard Colbert, N.
Conrad, A. Conrad, George (:o(,I(,
James Cook, Samuel Day, Fred
Deck, J. C. Dickson, E. C. l)iek,
Corp Thomas Dodson. W. 1)utah,
Charles Elliott. B Engle, Geor:a'~:.
Engle, Lieut Thomas Eskrid~'c
J. R Farnsworth. W. Flanagan.
Dave Fraley. James Fraley, James
Frazier, John Furry, Martin Fur-
ry, James G~.~, Lhal,es Goodwm,
George H. Ha~'lev, Charles ttaines.
Sergt Robert Ilalpin. William
Hanby, Georu'v lIartman, l)anie]
Hastings, John William
Hayslett. William Iiickroach. Dan-
:el W. Hvndrick.~. Toi)ias lien-
dricks, William tlenry. E. (;. W
Herr, Capt An(h'cw Hig'gins,
Serg't O. Hi~'~ins. T. P. tlip'~dey,
(;eor,ze L. [loffman. ])avid [{off-
nmn, .John Haffman. l)avi(] t[(dm-
e,-, Mason thmgh, Sanlue] ltm~se,
John Hudson. D. (;rove IIenkI,'
(omitted by error~. J. W.lame.~.
Lieut William Johnson.E. C.
Johnson, Geo)'~.w Joh~i~elL
]i. Kephart, H. W. Kearney,
Jam~,sKeys, J. R. Keys,
ICihne, losepn Ki:~ner.
Knott.Georuo S. Knott.
l,Tnoft. Ma.j. Sal]ltlei M.
Charles Lambert. Andrew
]mhl. J,hn Lewis. David
S. L{cklider. J. C. I.ieklMer,
lAcklider. John Louden. B.
l,ieut J. W. MeCleary,
t'atrick Maekin, W. McP, e o. J~
W. MeGari'y, ltenry Merritt.
el)h Mine'hini. Georue Meier,:
Griff MCev. t-I. C. M,)ler:
Meier, NewLon Moler. Raleigh
(Continued on Page 4)
,:% cd~"
--Chic Marlin
Liae~ l~ /or ehle Mart~n and the Purina Singers. in
"$1~& Nei, ldmr, Sing" over your favorite radio atatwn.
Extr from the
~S OlqE SURE WAY to rgake more money
IL ~a yoltz ]~an~ this jail It s fhe ~urina way. Feed
7~az ~ P~tna Lay Chow or Purina Layena and
# 1 ~ '
~OUR see the di~erenca Purina mazes ou 11 see
~'~ere~ce m eqg produchon. You U see a differ-
e4Rce in the health and vitality ol your hens--you'll
~e a difference in profits/
Purina Lay Chow and Purina Layeaa are stepped
up to meet the demands of today's improved breed-
in~.~ome in and see u~ and get today's price on
Phone 17.
Charles Town, W. Va.!
: ::,: :L:,: 5:< : L:LL ":.: ; :=
"-:CO O K I N
T-H4 . RAN6
Original of this testimonial.
Is in our files
Fin~ Out |or youraeH that
electric cookiag is the easi-
ee 'waT to get best results,
zt OOKING the "electric way is such
a pleasure that I want to tell you
how much I thoroughly enjoy my new
range that I have been using for the past
six months.
Cooking with the electric range is such
an easy task. After I prepare my vege-
table or meat, my work is finished; the
range does all the rest.
In our modern times, when young peo-
ple, especmlly. are so busy both out of
L;Refrigerato r
"a done."
" 3,=Water Heate
4; 'U Is h Washer (Signed)t, MRS" o:o=oo ROBI H. MANN
the home as well as in, the dlectric oven
is ideal.
I, have found the top units to be very
dependable for cooking vegetables and
meats. It is very economical. The use
of stored heat is an item which no one
using an electric range should overlook,
Thus. cooking becomes a zeal pleasure
rather ,thanl something which must be