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Newspaper Archive of
Farmers Advocate
Charles Town, West Virginia
October 1, 1937     Farmers Advocate
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October 1, 1937
Newspaper Archive of Farmers Advocate produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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h :%) i i OCTOBER I. 1.3 . FARMERS ADVOCATE, CHARLES TOWN, W. VA. PAGE THRE O O O May Mean Death, Serious Injury, Loss of Property, Loss of Employment. of es t the Hazard ! Prevent the Fire ! Whe e,s the week of O, to ,e, to 9th inclusive has 0 I)een set aside as National Fire ]'rewmtion Week, AND HVAVv .v 171Dlh" Whereas it is befitting to the progressive community spirit l.:dl lk 1 IL~/lt,JO l.~J UI IUOI.~LI IJl 1' 11~!~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ of Charles Town that this week b( prol)crly observed, l)c- Somewhere in America every minute of the dav lcause or the manifold beneficial results to be obtained . . ;ale(tuatc fll'(, l)reventlon nleasul'oS. Imgnt, a are occurs; ares causing anxiety, nean, . , . =! Now therefore, the Mayor and the (.ntirc C{ty Council el ,heavy loss and even threatening conflagrahon. ! ( harles Fown do hereby call ut)on the peolfle of :the Town to .enter into the ot}seYvanee of National Fire Prevention Week, ] ,]~ nlc [t f J~7;ro [nee,~e ;n [/{/r,oet [/r;rcs;r~;~'in or(let that wc may make our lives and 1)roperty more sal'(' [I I| ~1 IL i |1~ ! x~Od~O |1,~dt V I I ~ II ilg } I,~ " I 1 1 l 1" 1 a t / ~' . T ,~ .I ~ ;~ }l ()Ill t[l(. evel" (lI'eaoeo (lanffeF el ill'(2 }trigLlle(IPNLFIICLIOII 1t11(1 "-- lOQE. (P1 /10.4 101 [3[3 ~ulI'eHng which follows in its wake ' Ill 1~T J t) ~ ~J) l /-I" o "r ~ l ~ l . (J lff !' 7," " ~ ' ," ~ c further tu'~e the people ()1 (AmHes qown to make this r ,ntJMn R ofl, o I oss,week "Clean-tip Week" om l)epa,%ment: of Sanitation' ' is." at' -- ,:our servme, tAean your cellars, closets and attics, and our truck will gladly cooperate. Fire Prevention Week, observed annuaUy, begin ii w, t'urther dir( t your special attention to the activities )be" 3 and ends October 9. Every citizen shoul lot our Fire Departm'ent, follow their su :g' and forth a special effort to correct, as far as possible, ! ' ". " re-read the ideal outhned below. The Iuemen are also d~stn- hazards. The accunmlation of a life=time may be Imtin ' liberally a pamphlet on Fire Ih'evention; read this 1)amphlet and" follow their suggestions. leslroyed in a few minutes, through the failure of Fire Your Mayor and Council unanimously approved of b ire Prevention Week at their regular meeting September 20, Two=thirds of all fires are in buildings and a third )f all fire losses are in dwellings, it is common to at= tribute fires to carelessness, while carelessness is a factor in permiting fires to start from any of the many existing hazards. As a matter oihct, nearly all fires in the home, as elsewhere, can be prevented, there= we suggest correcting these hazards as listed in bulletin. FIRE IIAZARI)S Fire hazards about your home or other property figure in the esti- that determines tbe cost of your insurance; strange as it may Seem, the. cost of insurance is based entirely upon the losses sustained ever a R'iven period throu~.'hout the state. It folh)ws therefore if the I ,osses by hre are held down over a given period then your premimns Will be reduced comparatively. Then wh.v not remove the fire hazards I and keep the cost as low as possible, to say nothing of the wdue it to your property and the s~fety value of do nff so? Thousands ot'1 t 92,7. MAYOR and C()ItNCII, el ( IIAI{LES TOWN, By F. R. COCKRILL, Mayor. lance is the price of safety when it comes to a fire " IS YOUR HOME SAFE? IF NOT, WHY NOT? Naturally more fires occur in dwellings than in other buildings be- cause tt|ere are more of them, and more livc.s are lost in places ,)f of habitation ttmn in imblic buihting.s. Fires in dwellinus are never Eiven the publicity as fires that occur in factories and public buildings. Eighty per cent of the lives lost in fires are women and children. The public fails to realize, that fire prevention, like charity, should be- Ida at home. Your home iv your castle. ('ORRECT THESE ttAZARDS AT ONCE RUBBISH-- Remove inflammable rubbish. Daner, oht clathes anti hroke,n furni- ture--properly dispose of. Look in the Attic, Basement, Closets, under Stairwavs---Garage and Yard. HEATING APPARATUS-- WINTER WILL SOON BE HF, RI",-Yo. will no~:t ~ fir, ~n tbo fu,'- .aces and the stoves. INSPECT FURNACES---STOVES--CHIMNEYS for defects. Protect floors, walls and ceilint~s about the furnace s~oves, water heaters and stave pipes, with metal or otlmr incombust- ible material, from overheating. anti repair the chimneys t)efore cold weather. Replace flexible c()nnoctions sucI~ as rubber, lead or copper on gas staves and hot plates with iron pipe Use s<'reon befm e ()Don fireplaces to protect chihh'en. ASHES-- Provide metal containers for hot ashes Do not place ashes in wood b wotfld be intact today if the fiw, dangers th'd: caused them to urn had been removed. It is e.asier and less cost.Iv to remove fire haz- ards and Keep them removed than it is to buy or build a new home ()r her property. The accumulation of a life time may be destroyed in a few m nutes (he failure ta tdve fire prew, nti,m a few "minutes' thou~'ht and action. No one can afford to run such risks. Every fire costs money; to them saves it;; and in this par- [icular time we know of no one who has money to burn LOOK AT TIIESE FIGURES (bin-half billim~ ,h,ll~,rs is wasted by fire annu,~lly in the United ~i,ates because of the failure of folks to re.move fire hazards and to iced fire prevention advice as rigidly as it ought to be. "Constant viffi- Charles Town Kiwanis Club Heartily Endorses Fire Prevention Campaign ings. If as much care and caution was given to fire hazards as Flay windows there would be a noticeable decrease in insurance rates within the state. Be your own inspector. Keep your own premises clean and require your neighbor to do the same thing. THE FARMER NEEDS FIRE PREVENTION There are at least seven main causes for farm fires which we desir~ to enumerate in order of their importance: 1. LIGHTNING. Provide all buildings with proper lightning pro- tection equipme.nt. IAve stock (:an be protected by grounding at reas- In accordance with the GovelTlor's proclamation of Fire ,mable intervals all wire fences enclosing pastures or yards. lh'evention Week, October 3rd to 9th, inclusive, we, the 2. CttIMNEYS AND I)EFECTIVE HEATING APPARATUS. Re- Charles Town Kiwanis Clu ), wish to hand you herewith our build all defective chimneys and see that all heating appartus is prop~ resolution unanimously adopted September 23, 1937: (,fly installed. Kee.p chimneys, flues, stoves, etc clean. Set:. stoves ,m "WItEPJ AS, The Charles Town KiwJanis Club does hereby ~ substantml bases, well away from floors, woodwo~ k and walls. Sm lt