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Farmers Advocate
Charles Town, West Virginia
October 1, 1937     Farmers Advocate
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October 1, 1937
Newspaper Archive of Farmers Advocate produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Ab 6cA,CitAi L S OWN, W. VA. 41 FRIDAY. O(TOBER 1. ADVOCATE Established 1885 Published Every Friday By The Jefferson Publishing Company COMbtERCIRL PRINTERS --- PUBLISHERS Charles Town, Jefferson County, West Va. :~tered As Second Class Mail Matter in he Post Office in Charles Town Olee:- -North George Street. 'Phone 257-W. " ROBERT C. RISSLER, Editor. SUBSCRIPTION: $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE Aitvertising Rates On Application. War Propaganda. hOre is not one American citizen in a million who is in sympathy with J,apan's barbarous and unprovoked war on Chifla. Yet, in spite of this fact, 99 per cent of all the war uri s in our magazines, and daily newspapers are of ships, guns and troops in action. Take ti me observe these pictures. Is this further evidence that Japan has a prerpaganda machine, that is just as well organized as her military machine? Well, it is going to make no friends for Japan in this country. " Blood=Stained Bonds. We Americans get so concerned about the evil of selling munitions to nations like Japan and italy which wage bar- barious wars on peace loving peoples, that we overlook the I:irst Meeting Loc ! P.=T. A. Held Monda: The first meeting of the Charle.s Town Graded School P.-T. A. was held in the school auditorium Mon- day evening. There was a gratify- iP.g attendance of about one hun- dred. Mrs. James A. Hips presid- ed. Mrs. Fiery was secretary. The meeting was opened witt prayer. The social program pre- pared by Mrs. Owen Conklyn, chairman, consisted mostly of mu- .':ic. Tiae first number was a piano due.t, "Two Guitars" by Mrs. Ron- emus and Miss Keene. It was fine- ~ rendered. A duet by Mrs. H. H. Hunter and Mrs. Conklyn, "A Brown Bird Singing" was very beautifully sung. There were se.v- eral group songs led by Miss Hut- chinson. Several interesting questions were discussed. Delicious refreshments were served by a committee headed by Mrs. John S. Alfriend. T,he next meeting will be hehl *he second Tuesdayin October, the 12th. COUNTY WOMAN KILLS HUSBAND. worst evil of them all. It is the action of wealthy Amer- ictins :in providing money with which to wage those wars. John Henry Ross, and his wife, tiuge sales of Japanese bonds are recorded on our ex- Laura Mitchell Ross, negroes, of changes every day. Kearneysville, were. attending a The purchases are made by iliterests which denounce negro night club in Martinsburg. their own government for issuing bonds for the purposes Saturday night. Now John is dead of peace. This, too, When a Japanese bond is not and the wife is in .jail in Martins- backed by one-tenth of the wealth that is back of an burg charged with murdering him. &meHcan bond. Lendlng money to help finance su ch a Customers at the night CL d'b war as Jap:m is wageing on .China is just as bad as lend- told Martinsburg police that the lag it to a criminal for the purchase of a machine gun couple had quarreled more or less with which to ccmmit murder or highway robbery. We all of Sunday evening. The climax hope every holder of those blood-stained bonds loses ev- 'came about 10:30 when Ross an- Cry penny he invests in them. nounced his intention of going in his car to Hagerstown. His wife stabbed him with a knife, striking NAMES ON ~4EMORIAL ] ter, Miss Florence, of Y0ungs- his jugular vein in his neck below .--- [ town, Ohio, are visiting her bro. the left ear. With the aid of Har- (Continued From Page 2) [ ther-in-law and sister, Mr. and r~i Lee Cooper, another Negro, the Mrs. W. W. Kelly. ~oman took her husband to a hos- ~|'6r, "Rollih ~Ioler, Sanders M01er,] For the past two weeks, the N pital where he flied soon after ar Wtllfa~:n J. WIoler. ' [& W. R. R Co have had a gang riving. Cooper is held as a mater- 'Ge0rge ~I66re, HedlOy Moore, [of twelve men repairing the N. &. mLwR;efs" dmitted the stabbing Frank Morgan, C. WIorning~ta~r,[ W. bridge which spans the county Tne c. a Lewis Nichol's, 'John J. Ogden'[ road in the Junctioh but said she had no intention of George W. Osbourn, J. B. OSbom'n,f " " killiw~ her husband. Ross, 27 ~J.~4W.'O~rbourn. R.'L. Osbourn, A.[ Mrs. Lice Loveless and children ~ "- .~ ~k~.-~;-- -- ~*- -- vears ot% was a quarry worker "L. O~ourn, Corp JAmes Patted, f(" onarpsvurg, ms spen~ tnc who owneu--~ a" x,~,~ ,~+ ",c e-s~- ~ra,Poliy, C1aarles Prather, Dent[ week-end 'with friends, and rela- v}lle." rtlS Decry was Drought to tires m the Junctmn ~ l " " " " " his home for burial on Tuesday. iPeather,W. Pi~tzman, Samue [ ~eed,[ Mr. and Mrs. Charles BroWn --o / ~. ~li|l Reirrhart, 'W. L. Rein-[ spent the week-end With his'moth- YOUNG DEMO- ~}t~t, ~James Rttter, R. Roberts,[ er, Mrs. Clara Brown, and his CRATS ORGANIZE ,: :. fl/t/fle~ ROberts, George Rowe,~ sister, Miss Gt'adys, in Martins-! burg, W. Va. West ~. Gentile '~onemous, John Rowdan,[ The Young Democrats of I Thomas Rtitherford, J. H. Shew-[ F. C. 'Little'0hn.J ~ps ent Monday[ Virginia in convention at Clark.~- James Shirley, ConinI { how, JOhn Slavin, William Smith,[ in Baltimore, "M;d on busihess. [hurg on Friday and Saturday had ~:~ !~es Snyder, William Staley,[ Misses Julia and Katherine Lyne'[ little difficulty in se, lecting a pres- ~ ~/~ward S, rider, tIart'ison Swim-] ii~!~is::i~Mi?2: ~!i;L:Fi~ff[~] ~!?ii)::~:ii~BYs:t:i!o21!!:i ~:: ~{~ley, Samuel Swimlc,y, John T,I . I !~pson, Richard Ware, T. L.I ~lker, Eph Watson, G. W. Wa~-I Welsh, and Sam Cross spent Men- for Carl Galbraith, of Wheeling',! IW~'I~ Sergt B. Watson, Mike t day in Front Royal, Virginia, on lwere put in nomination for the : ~lch, W. Wintermoyer, John Wilt business. ]presidency but withdrew in the ~!+ ~B, James Wright, John R. Yates,[ Mrs. Clem Wilson received word [ interest of harmony, t, Mohday morning of the death ofI ~r~ Alice Loudin, of Fair. i ae:Zombro. [ in Canton, Ohio, Sunday night. [ Mrs. Ravmond Murphy, of Philip- I -; ~ T~,~tlet No. V [ her mother, Mrs. O'riffith, who died[ mont, was elected v~ce-president: ~i~ ;Co~ederate S61diers of This[ The body will be brought to Char- [ ~)i; secretary, and Alfred Hays, of in Various Commands:---q]es Town Wednesday for burial. [ParRersburg, treasurer. James s, Gregory Britner, ~ . ~,t E. D. Bowly, F. N. Cro~:n, . Steve Dandridge, J. W. B. Dr. J. G. Gibson~ L. Dew =V. P. Hill, A. M. HOpper, Jenkins, John P. Kerfoot, Lee. Brig Gem, Edmund Lee. Jas. B. Lucas. 15. McGlincy, Mayberry Mc- McMurran, R. B. Mad- Rev. A. A. P. Neel, Lieut Pendleton, Capt J. Albert J. F. Randal, John M. John H. Schoppert, Abe James ~.T. Shepperd, Y. Steptoe, Lieut K. W. H. Wright. c JUNCTION t~e,e at last arc the books America has been longing for. Designed by America's foremost book designer--well print- :~0hnny Brookman, little son of ~,d--handsomely bound in a special English-finish cover i ~r. and Mrs. Carl Brookman, was paper. At a price which has hi'ought long', loud applause ~en to the Charles Town Hos- m every section of the country 25c for a full-length ~R~al Tuesday for treatfiaent for These gre*at book ~oargaihs are made possible only be- MISS BUSH IN FACUI,"'Y. Miss Eunice Bush. (laughter of Mr. and Mrs. Olin Bush, ne-:t Charles Town. has been appointed a, a par~ time teacher in the Charles Town Grade.d School. At the outset of her work, Miss Bu,;h will substitute for Miss Edith Stri- der while the latter is employed in the High School. In addition, she will have supervision of a'h- letcs on the girls' playground. The new appointee is a e'raduate of Shepherd State Teachers' Colic.g('. winning her A. B. degree this year. .0 KEARNEYSVILLE Gaylor, of Clarksburg, was namcd National Committeeman, and Miss 7Jargaret Nicely, of Hintbn, Na- tional Committeewoman. The conveention was ad h'essed by Governor Homer Hol~; forme: Governor H. G. Kump; and Sena- tor Neely. Mrs. James M. Mason, 3rd, wa.~ the only Jefferson County repre- ::entative presenL, going as a dele- gate from the Roosevelt Youn.~" Democratic Wonmn's Club o:" C harles Town. -- --O--- t DIED IN A BANK. James Riddle, a retired civil en- gineer, who with Mrs. Riddle m~de his home with the latter's sister, Mrs. Blackburn Smith, in Berry- ville, died suddenly in the Fir~+: National Bank thc,re Monday move ing. Having gone m the bank t. attend to some business he was stricken with heart failure from which he failed to rally. He was. 77 years old. Besides his wido~.l hc leaves two daughters and on'.'I son. His body was taken to Pe- tersburg, Va for burial. cousin, m Fall~ Church, Va on Wednesday of last week. Mrs. W. B. Hammend and daugh ter, Helen, were m Clarksbur!: ms~ week attending a meeting of the U. D. C. Mrs. Hammond was a deice'ate and Miss Hammond -~ Page. Miss Virginia Grantham has uc- cepted .a position in a library in Washington, D. C. Born u> Mr. and Mr.~. Elston E. Hess, a son. It is their secon'J child. --O'-- i Charles William Snyder and MEss I Christine Snyder, of Summt iPoint. have returned to the West Virginia University, the former to c,'mtinue his studies in Engineering, and Mrs. Paul E. Miller and son, Miss Christine to complete her Gilbert, spent the week-end in course in Economics. Washington, as ~'uasts of Mrs, Miller's sister, Miss Bess Henkle Miss Minnie Tucker. of Hay- field Va reeerHly spent several :lays at the home of her mother. Mrs. Lillie Tucker. Charles Town, West Vs. Mr. and Mrs. Phil Banks and Mrs. Tyler Brown att, emle