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Newspaper Archive of
Farmers Advocate
Charles Town, West Virginia
October 1, 1937     Farmers Advocate
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October 1, 1937
Newspaper Archive of Farmers Advocate produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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F OCTOBER I. 1937. FARMERS ADVOCATE. CHARLES TOWN, W. VA. Leach, son of Rev. and H. H. Leach, at Duffiehts re-entered Hampden-Sidney Va. this being his second in college. ss Mary Catherine I,yne. a fc,'- honor student of Charles High, has enrolled as a see- d year student in State Teach- Col!co'e, at tlarris(nbur~:. Va. Elinor Burns. of "Casilis" neat" Charles Town. is a stu- this term at the. Assembly School in Richmond. Ya. and Mrs. W. G. Garret returned to thtir home in ashin,~'ton, after spondin~ the two weeks wit.h Mrs. James and family. and Ralph Goodell twve their w,rk ,s ~tu(len'~s Shepherd C,)liee'e. The. tw~ membm,~ of the Goodeil Alice and Charles. are at school in Shepherdstown. Emma K. Hig~:s has re- from Pittsburlzh, where spent some weeks with hey and daughter-in-law. Mr. and .~. Ben Hi~gs. Dorothy Bailey is about on FOR SALE OLD NEWSPAPERS CENTS PER BUNDLE Jefferson Publishing Company Charles Town W. Va. I Fall Styles in MEN'S HATS i crutches after featurina" in a bad auto wreck with a party of friends in Pennsylvania a month a~'o. Miss Anna Campbell is spend- in~; a while with friends in Char- ]eston. Mrs. Ella C. ttardy has .iusl re turned from a moto:'in~' trip thromrh Now York. NiaR'ara Falb 'and Canada 'dnd ]s sp(mdinff :-m~e Lime" in Charles Town. Mr. amt Mrs. Vivian Kremer. of Alexandria, Va and Mr. and Mrs. Carlin C. Wilson. of Washina'ton, ]) C spent the past week-end with their mother. Mrs. Martin Kelly, St. Georg'e Aparum, nts. Mis: Frances Davenl>ort wit! i'(21,ul'n to Hartf:nxt Colin +next Ve('k [(i I'(,SlllUe her work i, :1 ]ibralv. Due tn the illness of her mother' Mrs. Arthur Davenport,! who is now convalescing, Miss Frances has been with her all of the past .~ummer. Mrs. T. I). Webster ]s :q)en(tin.- this week in Baltimore. Md with her daughter. Mrs. Charles S. Gardiner, and in Washimrton. 1). 1 Mr. Smith Putnam. M;'s. Charles lXenner. Miss Rose !:oe ('lipll, -'.nd Mrs. th,ler l)ailey of tIa~'el'stown. Md were visitm's last Sunday aI the h(ime of Mr. and Mrs. John Clipp. Mrs I C. Breckinridm and son, John. of Quantico. Va.: Mr lames M. Thomson. of New Orleans. La.; Mr. an ! Mrs. John Thomson. of near Milhlale. Va spent lhe week end with Mrs. A. t'. Thomson. Miss ,lulls Shirley relvrned ~,)me Tuesday. after vlsitinu Mis:~ A!thea ]toiler is AlhHown. Pa. Mrs. Clau curt (;rovc", the home of Mr. (;. T. Shirley. Mrs. Nellie. Putnam has return- ed from Garrett Park, Md after spendinw a month with her son ---0-- 1)l'dLI~ WEI,L AT SCHOOl A well to supply warm for the public school at is bein~ drilled on the order of the Jeffer- son County School Boarr. Miss Eby announces that the tea~ account of ill health. tiled---At his home in l',ohva:. llenry Rhula. a~ed S~4 years: at the home of his parents, near Riplmn, F,'ank Davis. aged 23 years" at Bessen/er. Va Mrs. Margaret Pet- tigrew, daughter of the late Joseph Crane. of this county. dno. A. Lewis, A. Errtes, of (iet- tysburg, l'a and Henry S. Riley, of Hanover, I){t the de- funct plant of the Charles Town Electric Lig'ht Co intending to re- buihl and ~perate it. lFIFTY YEARS AGO--eel. 1st, l)ied at her home in Charlestown. M,~. Sarah A .Leisenring, in her 69th year; also a~ her home in Charh, stown. Mrs. Craighill, widow of the late W. Nathaniel Craighiil; at his heine ill the county, Mat. James Lawrence Hooff, a Confed- erate veteran and a member or thc County Court. Married--l)r. J. F. Tearney, of . Harpers Ferry and Miss Belle ,l. Burton, of Frederick county, Va. Ill l [ I I I The ,';tie for all classified a(lwq'lisemenls, except p,litt- cal. is 2c per word for lhe first insertion and one cenl per word for each additional insertion, with a minimum charge of.25 cents for the IirsI inserlion and 15 cenls for each addi|ional insertion. A discount of 20',; of the cost of the adverlisemenl is allowed for cash wilh ,rder. FOIl SALE ,I()~,b, FOIl SAIAd:--Grey an,l 29.white, enaine] 4-burlier ~2,as rlti, g't~ iu excelh, nt condition. M R8. I)OICtITHY CONKI,YN. Charh,s Towln. W. Ya. (let. 1-1t.-pd. FOR SALE:--Three good used drills. Priced right, l'hone 17. ]'E()I'LES SUI'I'LY. (h't. l-if. Charles Town. W. Va. FOR SALE:--One good. ovei-- hauled 10-2(/ I. lt. C. Tractor, in Rood condition. Phone 17. PI OPIAdS SUPPLY, Oct. 1-tf. Charles Town. W. Va. FOIl SALE: I,'rying and roast- ing chickens, '2~,z to (; pounds, 25(' l)er pound. I'hone 214-11. D ' ' " AVE t,H!LDS, Oct. l-tf. Engle, "W. Va FOR SALE: -- Fresh empried whiskey barrels and half barrels. MOSES BERKSON. 14q N. Jonathan St l'hone 218. Hage 'stown. Md. I)ct. 1-4t.-pd. FOR SA LE---One ih,atrola, Will il(.:it 3 ,)l ,1 roolns. Price $30.00. O. G. I"IUSII, Charles Town, W. V:t. Sept. 2h-I t-pd. I"Oi{ S:tlA,;--()ne Lot/ls Parh>r l[eater, sanie as new a real bar- gtilll. (3D.n DI. bou~,ht chean. JEFFI~]I~SON ltARI)WARE CO. lq~one 45, Charles Town, W. Va. Nel}t. 29-11 FOR RENT 1"O1 ItEN'[;:--Six (6) Room Apartment with two baths, on South Samuel Street, furnished or unfurnished, it, McDonald Apart- ment. For and further informa- tion see MISS A. L. BAYLOR, Oct. 1-tf. Charles Town, W. Va. FOR RENT :--Four rooms, with housekeeping facilities, MISS ELEANOR OSBOURN, Phone 208-21. Rippon, W. Va. Oct. l-3t. IIOUSE FOIl RENT---Six rooms with all lllOlhoi,n conveniences on l'vosnect SLreet, Washington llei~,'!ats. Te]el)hone 176-F. I. It. RUSSELL. Real Estate and Insurance. Sept. 22-25 FOIl llENl'--l~51a'ht (8) Room llouse. ",vit,h all modern conven- iences, l,ocated in .e'ood residential section of town a~ 530 East Wash- lllg'IOll SLI'eeL. Apl)ly in person el l'hone 2:/(;-l<. MRS. J R1CItAR1) RUSSELl, :;12 S. Samuel Street, Charles Town. We~t Va. Sept. 17-tf FOR RENT:---Seven room house. All modern improvements. Locat- ed in Glaize block. Immediate possession. $37.50 per nlonth. Also b-room house located in same block. Immediate possession. $30.00 per month. MOORE INS. & REALTY CO Sept.10-tf. Charles Town, W. Vs. FOR RENT:--West side of dou- ble house located on East Washing- ton street,Apply to EDNA L. WILSON, 219 N. Mildred St July2-tf. Charles Town, W. Vs. FOR RENT:--Two bed rooms, furnished, by week or month. MRS. C. P. WELLER. 311 East Liberty St Aug.27-tf. Charles Town. W. Vs. FOR RENT:--hnmediate posses- ,';ion of 8 roon: brick ]louse, every modern improw~ment, in good con- dition, one of the bes~ residential FOR SALE:--Dwelling house o~ sections of the town; recently or- seven r(,onts with bath, North ~upied by Lelard ,';hugart, 519 So. Georffe street. '(elel)honc 176-F. George Street. ]'rite $40.00 a I. H. RUSSELL, month. For permission to in~pect Real Estate attd [nsuranee. (:all MRS. CRUGEI~ W. SM[Tlt, Charles ']'own, W. -vs. l'hone 231-F, Charles Town, W. Vs. Oet. t-4t.-pd. Aug. 20-If. I SIXTY YEARS AGO Oct. 1. / / Married -- lu Charlestown, ily./ Rev. T. P ,SheI)herd, R. W. Hill, t(iI Miss Virginia Milt(m, both "f/ Jefferson county; at ttarpers Fer-" S ~F ry, by Rex T. A. McFaden, Jacob FOR,ALE: our horses, two Waters and Fannie Gardner: near leaders, a Sorrel Huntep, and a s~x WANTED frightened. Roy called on neigh- boring farme~ to aid him in cay- tU~ing the wild bull, the delay in rounding him up causing him to miss the market by two hours. The cattle belonged to C. F. Wa~ Charles Town live-stock dealer. 9 It pays to advertise in the Advo cate--try it and be convinced THE WORLD'S GOOD NEWS will come to your h me every dny thrm gh THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR il~l International Daily lqe~s~aper It records for you the world's clealL eonstruct|ve ~OJllgS The Monitor does nO$ exploit erllne or sensat!or~; neitller Sees it ignore them, but deals correctively with them. Features for bllSY rsmn and all the Iamlly, incltlding the Weekly M~gagine Section, The Christian Science Publishing Society One, Norway Street. Boston. Massachusetts Please enter lny subscrlpnon to The Chrlstlan ~clence Monitor for a period ef 1 year $9.00 6 months $l,50 3 monthslyea$2'25r 1 mon:h 75c Wednesday Issue. including Magazine Section; S2.60. 6 l,~ues 25~ ~ame Address 5ample* COpy On R~u~s! SHEPHERDSTOWN, W. VA. The Oldest Bank in Jefferson County Continuous in Business Since 1869 e B ve y we Oll we C. J. MILLER, Presid t. | C. F. LYNE, Cashier. '" M lrt r <:Felleral D poslt t aurance CorpOratiOn II 2 E. Washington St. Phone 2 7=K, SPEOIALS FOR SATURDAY yfl e~," ~:,: ,~:~ ,~ ~,~,:.: ~i ;~ar:~r, eav: r,~;,a~;~.:~;r,~,i~e : a~, ,:~.: a year light pacing mare that VIII Exclusive St es Charlestown, by Rcv. S. G. Fe,TU- work anywhere, most any offer ae= WANTED:--Woman to cooK, 2 LBS. {~ ~ ' ~ ~1 son, Samnel It. I'lotner, to Miss cepted; good, voung Helstein cow; also for general housework. Apply and Color A tt lltllr I ~ Annie L. Dun, both of the county, fresh, purebred springing Gueri,-!* MRS. J. O. GROUND BEEF Died: Near Unionville, Mrs. sey; several bulls; 2oi) breeding South Church St 2 LBS. ewes; several bucks; hay and straw; Oct.l-tf. Charles Town, W. Va. Lower Prices lk I,I,~ti #ll~i,ll ~tJFllti ~:~' Jane Ronoinus, aged .04 years, and cord length and split wood. I WANTED: -- Good experienced BOILING BEEF and @ W.W. Cole's circus aim manage- will take your order for any kind of young married white farm hand for ~:~ livestock and deliver stock a reason- coming ,'ear. Must have exper- Better Quality Farmers, Orchardist and rdners rie exhibited in Charlestown. able distance. 1 attend a sale every ience. Apply to BOX 182, Piease save your chol e products for our '~'~ Charles E= Belier sold his rest- day and have had years of expe{-' ROU~ .$TFAK . . lb, Browns, Greys, ~" Jefferson Publif~hing Co ]lacks and Blues Annual :Fall Fe. ival, de,<:(>C, eor~eatstreetsthe cornerto Jno. f CongrcssM. Coyie,andr,)r ience. Your Live Stockc. F. Dealer,WALL Oct. 1-2t. Teleptmne 2477-R. WANTI~I)--Whit( Girl to take care of baby, full time employ- CHUCK ROAST ig FOI~ SAI,I,'=:--An eiffht-hoe :~K;~,+~:;;~g~.~'~::~: and fixtures to rooms off the first floor of the Palm Apartment build- ing formerly occupied by Dr. M. R. Fox. The vacated room on Wash- ington street will he remodeled for Scott and White, (iruglxists, xv~n) will move front the fomner Brown & tlooff corner at Washington and Charles streets. One-Price Clothier Since 1905 THESE are the cyestrain days. Long dark evenings are ahead. School work puts extra burdens on FIll{ SALE:- 1929 Chevrolet Coaeh. $60. Call ttarpers Ferry, 47-W or see JOttN NEWCOMER, Sept.24-2t. Harpers Fern, W. Vs. FOil SAI,E:--Tcn Room Brick in lJolivar, Jefferson Co W. Va. with two extra lots, cistern and well w-tter, good cellar, lot of fruit an'.l ~'rapes, electric li~'hts. Quick possession. Apply to MRS. T. It. FAttERTY. 3650 Lake Shore Drive. Chicago, Illinois or F. II. MAUZY. Sept. 17-4t-pal. Bolivar. W. Va. FOR SALE:--OId lIams, Coun- try Sugar Cured, and guaranteed. J. M. & I. 1). VANMETRE, JR WANTEI):--Junk of all kinds. beef hides, old autolnobiles. HYMAN VIENER & SONS July 9-If. young eyes. And lighting may make ,with i'hone 214-1I. Engle, W. Va. I,!,$ staret-ram all the difference betwecn comfort FoRSept" 10-2t.SALE:.= Pure Cider Vine-' au smm savm and eyestrain. M gar, ,1 years old. " RAY X. MERCHANT. ThenewI.E.S. Lamps T~oZ, iS~*a'~'P 1, Here's something you can do about Juh'16-tf. Charles Town, W. Va. are more attractive I. E. ~. L~q~]~ ~ivc more than ever and prices i~h~ your lighting right now. Get at least are surprisingly low. L~ Meter ds~m~natratio~. : i I - . .-- I. E. S. Better Sight Lamp Ii t elHTI,a ' the scientific lamp that gives the (i J BU SU Your +Lamp. Dealer 0t right kind of sight-saving light.Telepholie Orders Filled. '11fl /I ttua ,ii =, & POWER C0 " . Eyes are precious. and good light Irl [ I MMtltldlLhollol t POTOMAC LIGHT . costs less today than. cvcr before, dotome Light& Powert;0 !=" ', WANTE1):--I am in the market for all kinds of Livestock Fresh Cows, Veal Calves and Shoats. Shipping every week. ]'hone 203-11-1. CHAS. It. STRIDER, May 7-tf. Charles Town, W. Va. WANTED:- Livestock of All Kinds, horses, colts, nmles, fresh cows, springers, stock bulls, fat or thin cattle of any kind, shoats, or fat hogs, in fact livestock of any de srription. Phone 49-F-12, will come at once to look at your stock, J. EDGAR REMSBURG,' April 9-tf. Sharpsburg, Md. S'I'I{A3 El) From farm near :SUP OGTAGgN $ )AP large cakes I'hone 826-F. Martinsbm'g, W. Va. En~'lc on Friday, September 24, a large .Sept" 10-4ti --- spotted Poland-China ,sow, weigh- ing about 250 p6unds, lnf6rtfiation '~~ ~! FOR SALE: Stieff Piano, good about ber wi~llbe appreciated. condition, reasoimble pdi~ed. Cakes MRS. DAVID CItlLDS, Ttlephop, e 21.1-I1. DAVID CHILDS, GUEST 4@ORY SOAP Sept. 29-1t Engle, W. Va. MONEY TO [,()AN ON F2~RiVIS 3 large cakes AT A LOW RATE OF IVORY SOAP INTEREST. Five Hundred Thousand DMlars ($500,000.) to loan on farms at a '2 Lbso ' low ,rate of interest for 5, 10, 15 .and 20 years. Make yourself safe. Borrow )'our money for a long t~ ~ ~ term of years at a low rate of in- l Lb. terest and pay back on the princi- pal as it suits you. CHARLES L. CRANE, 201 East Washington Street, Charles Town, Jefferson County, [~ept.8~St.-pd. " We~t Virginla C