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OCTOBER I. 1937.
,KABLETOWN Daughters of the Confederae WARNING TO TR]6-u3VA~. N~"C~
Mrs. Kearns represented the Lee-
Jl SUNDAY " Recent :uests Mr and Mrs own Chapter. U D C. this All . e ,Am,aI
countY.The ,- monthly bilsiness ing~or trapping on the farm o~flhe 1 h~ve dro~,d oht b'f tiq
C.II. D.osbournt ,Borer haveof Tunnc!ton,been MrS.w.AliCeva; regular against trespassing ~ither by h~nt- ] v!~t~s y611n~ /f/erl &~
" meeting t+f the Episcopal Fellow- undersigned one mile ~ast of~D~f-] rnisSe~l t~c~d01 t~iffi~
i Mrs. Lewis L. Atkins and Mrs. ~
L E S S O N ":" ~i L. Engte, of Washington. :hip ,'as held in the Parish Room fields and on the S0ffth side b~f tl eI a out our Toddtt-
By REV. HAROLD L. LUNDQUIST. Mr. and Mrs. Fl~tnk Iloffmas- Friday night last. B. & O. Railroad. Penalties will be1 Musical andl~iblieal C~
Dean of the Moody Bible Institute tcr, of C, harles Town, and Mr. Mrs. Marshall Engle, of Wash- enforced ] School will begin soon.
of Chicago ~
Western Newspaper Union. Tom White, of tIa~erstown, Md inp-ton, spent last week with hc~' KEPHART .BROTHERS' I L.F. AT
s Sept 2~ to ]flee. 2g-pd. ] Sept. 24-2t.
m)cnt Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. mece, Mrs. Nel. on Deck.
l'rayerMeeting Wednesday c~el Ed~'ar Jacobs. Mrs. William Reed, of Balti-
Lesson for October 3 Uvilla Lutheran Church at 4 p. m at the parsonage +~ ~- -, . --.+
o+,ock ,o,a, S,+l+ choo,c
J,hn l-I Fray o +1 ~ o+,ok a m t Rev G G Sydnor D D Pastor I Bardane-Bethany-Sunday Schotl )rganize n(,xt Sund.ty ~ mn ten :t ~,la.'t ~ ay.
CHRISTIAN SONSItlP Sunda~.~7," October l(Ith. 10 A M. Sunday School (all de-[ meets ,each Sundas: .afternotn), at Mr. l)ona]d Kable and brother, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Shaull, of
LESSON TEXT--I 5ohn 3:1-6, 18.24. .qun~lnv .~ehna~ every Nunclnv at.] partments except the Primary De- 2:00 o clock. 1 reacmng eacn nrst, Max ~ncnt Sund.t~, with ~he;-~,-,)- Washington are spending a few
GOLDEN TEXT--But as many as re- 10 o'elo 'k a. m All-are invited, l partment which begins at 9.45 a.[ third attd hfth Sunday at J p.m. thor and sister-in-law, l)r and(lays +,t "Top O The Ihll Inn."
!ived him. to them gave he power to . ~ . 11 A. M.--Congr gational W - St.James Catho ic C u ch 's. ~. . "~ " + s ' r ,'. -'r ~" "'~" " - "
e or I h r ~+ls C tt Ktbte m ~+estmmste~ Mt and Mrs Earl G+antham, of
:come the sons of God, even to them
l-lall~OWn unurcn xxamnlng+on spent the past weel
at believe on his name. John 1:12. ,~ ship. I Charles Town, W. Va. Max remained with Dr. Kable ,as "~ - :
IaRIMARY TOPIC --" What John ,~ v:4o ~. lvi.--~unaay ~cnooi every 7 P M--Young People's Service Rev J. M. Cannon, Rector he , to "~ttcnd Wtstcr" ~'-r" end with Mr. and Mrs. J. Amen
.~arned From Jesus. ~n.aay~. I Mid-week Prayer Service every l ]~lrst Sunday 10:00 a. m.; Second ~ . . " Grantham .++
JUNIOR TOPIC--John's Way. ~.:00 v:~v~ ~ongreganonm ,vvor-! Wednesday, 7:30 P.M. ] Sunday 8:30 a. m.; Third Sunday ~ana t+oncge ~ms sessmn. ~ " ~^-~'~." ~-,;,~s
INTERMEDIATE AND SENIOR TOP- stop on +n nrs+ anct +tara ~unuaps.1 All are welcome to these service'=+.+ i0:00 a. m.; Fourth Sunday 8:30+ Mr. aml Mrs. C. I) Iohnson and or+'~i;':h'e~'~$,: :~;;t+'Sun:~;:"+,ir'.
'----What Makes Us Children of God? ~,~,+1-'--~ ~ [ The Sunday Schoolis adapted in a. m.; Fifth Sunday 10:00 a. m,daughter. MarialJna. an<] Barbara + " ' "' "+P Y "
YOUNG PEOPLE AND ADULT TOP- u~=ut,au ,~ ~. its de~mrtments to all ayes ~ St. Peter's, tlarpers l,'crry--First [ Nees nrt Mr ('/ar( n, Sm lh 1 the v!lla~e visiting friends.
~---Christian Sonship S:ng#yP. M.--Sunday School eve,y Nell--n---Parish ! f;md)ay, 86:,I)I, +itn}(~; ~ec(~,aa(~. S~,::~I?y, motored over Skyline Drive, Sun- M,'. and Mrs. Harry Feagans, of
"Studies in the Christian Life. 3:00 iL M--Congregational Wor-t ~ Carlton ~'o+ meet,r [m.;' Fourth Sunday, 10:;i0 a'. nt.;t day. Tahler; Mr. Wright and Miss
' Flizd)tth Sitc~, of Washin ton,
lhat an attractive title, and what sh~p on the second and fourth ! First ~nndav [ Fifth Sunday, 8:00 a.m t The Kabtetown P.-T. A. me~ + ~: ~ '; : g '
:eRerestingare to shareand instructiVeduring theStUdieScom- Sundays. I Ri~non ~ .'-- 11"00A M I St. Agnes, Shepherdstown-l'hird] Fridav, ~ nit,'hi~ + at the school houm[Mr. James Sites and Miss Mar-
Sunday, 8 30 a. m are C," r es
~g three monthsl . I Leetown 3.001. M.] + Plans :u'e I)(,m~.~ made to hohl a '- t ,hndennm, of Cha 1.
When setting out on a journey we Charles Town Baptist Church ~ Summi+t Point 7:30 P. M ------", ! +~N ~: ;.~ w ,+ ~ ~ ,+, f, Town, were visitors at the home
Rev. Goodwin Frazer Pastor I Second Sunday-- The Methodist Protestant Churcn[:. " +)e ~. ~, r, +) 1. ~-nd~,"
rant to know just where we are "Enter 'into His gates withI Middleway 11:00 A.M. Harpers Ferry, W. Va. turthet dcta~s. ~ m~. ~ ~). ~)~+~,t+~
oing. Just so when we take up a thanksgiving, and into His courtsILeetown 3:00 I'. M.1 ,Rev', C. M. Compher, Pastor." " [ Mrs. A. N. Bush, who has heen + :
ew study we need to define the with praise: ] +Summit Point 7:30 P. M. t Come let us bow d~wn and wor- ve +v ilt 'it the home of her datgh- -~
sits of our subject. We ar~e to d' "'" ' '
G~ve thanks unto H~m and bless Third Sunday--- ship, let us kneel before the Lor ,i . ~ ' ~ iii
[udy the Christian life--not life in ) I ) r Let,,+ln~er ~viason, was re- .
His name. t salm 100. 4. Leetown 11.00 A. M. t our Maker. --t s. 9o. 6. Give un . II /'~IIl~'~ rift WJ"I~T~I? ~ +l
eneral, not religious life, no, not 9:45 A. M. Sunday School. Middleway 3:00 P M to the Lord the glory due unto His l moved hy ambulance to her son +" I ~ /l-I2-1k/:3. l, I%L~lIDtl~lP.~ [[ I'
yen life in a Christian land or dur- 11'00 A M --Morning Worship. ] Ri~'~n 7"30P. M:t name, worship the Lord in ~he home, Mr. Arthur Bush, of Chat'- I CHARLES TOWN, W VA.
~g the Christian era. It is there- 7:30" t". M." Evenmg" " Worship." [ Fourth" "Sunday-- ''"" " I beauty of hohness."--Ps. 29." 2. ~+ les Town. The change was made II AITK'~II~][K~]~T]h~]I~]I~" [~ ". /
re most appropriate that our first 6:45 P. M --B Y. P.U. Summit Point 11"00A M Services--Camp Hill I x-x~, ~ xt/J.~ xa~'Jl~, [I I I r i~ i it, I~ s ~ ~1 4P
" """ +" '"--" i0 A M ]n omer that. m's. i+usn nc nearer ,~ +.+ ~.~+ ~ +, l,llll ll,~l llllta+
sson in this series should tell us I vuaaieway 3:00I. M. lChurcn ~cnoot i 4. It J~ ~r,A~ ~At-~t~tr~U~ [I
ho the Christian is and how he ~, -, 01, s~, .+u/ Rippon 7"30P M I Morning Worship 11 A. 1 ' " " " "- II Always En+a+ed Wheie Tl~e fl
~t. jonn s t+u+ + ~, " " " " I~ I ' s o " ~"
yes. . *-,~,e+-o ~ rerry,'~ w. va. it . ------. . II Chnstmn Endeavor. " " " " " 7 P. ~I ~1 ' r ()]] ' ~l +S Stra th Tru ,sellf I/ Best+ IS Wafited" [I :,~ + . +, I
Rev. E. Koontz Helwi Pastor. Jefferson Clre u?t M. E. ChurchesI Vespers 8 P. [ W:,+sh nzton, wh, m a roster to the I[ . 11,i It~ !~ ~ t~' ! V
tv.l" God's1.6). Children--Who They Are Sunday. School Sunday, 10 A. M. +}"'r,rst" Homersunuay W etch, Pastor. ( ;nurcn"- Kellerwor+pS Chal~q--.k~:g~.p: . M. lJ patienL, has heen visiting Mr. and, t~---~ .+ r f
1. They are "Born ones" (v. 1). ,+W+orsh,p Service, Sunday, 11 A.[ Oakland--9:30 A.m. + Note:--The last Sunday in the l Mrs' Lhuer Mason. [,t ~ [ ~ [ ~ ~ [ + ++~ " Im[ + +
'anslateshe Revised,sons,VersiOnas "children."c rrectlYweday(N of churchthe monthService) the first Sun-!1 SU~lemti t~I; --in~:~llp AM m'Sund . . . an~O~th0the, . . . ~urch. Service wall be it " II PAPER & PAPER
re sons in our position, but we Second % .a.Y-7- Sweet ~s the solemn voice tha }rile. Clise, of Baltimore, Md ac-tl] 1D 1D ~ IXI[T /'~tll~3 H +'" ~"~c~k.
tanre childrenmay attainbY thethe neWlegalbirth. Arelation -.-At~r e . ~Mi~d~l~48!20~M?M.m The ~hal~stl;an to the House of [~+!npam.c }~ Mrs yl~.~t.~t ~ tit xl;R lEVEl? ~ ,~ I]re+ + .
~ip of a son by adoption, but he Zion Ayd~w~ :alrol~n ~eacmcydan(Ybruu,cr i, ,~, ]~: +
m be a child only by birth. 7:30 A. M.--H.oly C~mmunion, ex- [ Third Sunday--- I love to stand within its wall+s, I (}eerie Poling, of Mversville, Md [|] ]l ~ s, .+* ,~
cep~ nrs~ ~unaay. Oakland--9:30 A. M,are resent~ " " :~ ~L
,]~or Thou, O Lord, p ~ soent Thursday w~th Mr. and Mrs - ,
2. They are separated ones (v. I). 9:30 A. M.--Sunday School Kabletown--11 A.M. t III P ]I rt p o m + A I t :
he world, that is, unregenerate 11:+ A. M.--Morning Servlce. Summit Point 8:00 P.M. +"+'+' C.D. Johnson. /U It,-- r ---- "
Inn, does not belong to this family 7:30 P. M.--Evening Prayer ] Fourth Sunday-- +.-7--:-' . I ' --o---- /1/ANTIETAM PAPER CO. I1 .
[God. How hard tt is for evenHoly Days at 9:00 and 5}00 Loetown--9:30 A.M. ~'F~ea~;n~I'C Sl~UTan I ,mrum v ill
hurch people to understand that St. Patfls Chapel, Millville. I Middleway--11 A. M.) e g ,~, . ~ vt,uuL v, ett Ill PHONE 19S8 tl s ~,U, ,~
~ct. They do not appreciate and Sundays--9.00 A. M.-Holy Com-Summit 1 oint 8"00 1 M B F Urawtora, l'astor ~ ~,~
thichegeneratele in the world--regenerate and un-a weCause~nnot understand God's children,There are only two classes of peo-G d'do theYi savedbelong?themselVeSandDoesUnsaved.thed nOtun.TO :u~:'~ PS ~F~ ~ LE v~odh~e;~ sY~d:yn ~SundayChesterB liVarSchoolBUrl. M ' :atSm~th'E10 Chureha m.PastEvery IJ hn r . I Mesunda:e~v h~j1EP;~ H~ CY~' ~ r;~:w.yOrderirvln :~;upt:School f ServiCeSat 9:30Classes tor~" . A. UthM ; a~2 ~i (I~i~ silrii ~ie ;r 14 ~i~iP iDill W'class Church Service, 8 Pme,tmg ~ nuvsaay m, Sunday mgn~';' a~!''l I ~ M !~i: ~t !~ ~i![ ~;!;~ r~, T ~c~nn~,c~NOTICEt i!!i !]fn/h~!tii!iti~i / !=~ ( ()I~c~, ~ ~r .~'[][ [ ~r~I.HAG~~!Ho~, ~r~RUSSELL~ -- ~,~tll[ Sa Y" ++ ~'OUr- ~f~~ ~Q u~td. ~b~ ~:;% 1 fi~ a i,!
one welcome An interesting pro- allfor meetsThein thel~UiluerSmam LtaSSaud~ 8:00 o'clock. ,]ll~UiJIll~ll~ i~ ~t~r~ ileal t smve ann II = +
~generate world really have diffi- gram. . ~ ' ~ ]
Ilty in understanding me? Morning Worship, 11 a. m see-! torium of the c.hurch All men we1- Mount ZionT(Mn ~ ~.]lrch I By virtue of the authority vested[] Insurance 41
3. They are glorified ones (v. 2). end, third and fourth Sundays of come. t~om e mee.~ ~ltn+us t~narms [( .' ~" . ] inthe undersigned as Trustee, by [[ ;~n l~lnus ot Ct~haIty and [I ~ ~;~a~It~'~4 10 ~t-~ I~a'~
~e shall be like him for we shall each month. Morning Worsmp at ~ o clocK, l~ev. ~. J. met,runs.u, t astor I that certain deed of trust made by I~ Fire Insurance. Mutual Life It ' ' " -'
'en.te)Pe"e him as he i'." What a gl6rlOUSheartsrealizedThe andpresenteVenlivesn wdifferenceOf God'sbY fi~)Os;~e~d:' i~u~{~:~!~;i~/~;!~t!)tnfd~ti+'0e mS~bday~i.~sl: ~r~'lC~'i m I I and + 0,i ,
cecn God'+ children and the world evening at 7:45 o'clock. ' Y[ Evening Wo,'shil, at 7::+0 ,'clock. I E~(gni,~ff. Worship--8:00 p. m I (Clerk of the County Court of Jef:[ Ol~po. Thomas Jefferson Ho+el [I hl+~i~+r~lhl~e:+li~d ~+ B~+
" Choir rehearsal Saturday Scrlnon by the pastor, sermon o3 paswr, ferson County, West Virginia, it+] " ~onm 17a ~ " II ,+~ + ~- " +~, ++
to become even greater,:~ in+Sup'~r I ++ [ - - Deed Book 139, page 415, to secure I+ = =;5 " II PilONE +" *'* *'+ TnA L12'
at daywhenChrlst"shallappear" + f~ ,ll ii,++ + the payment of a certain note| vrIA~t,~S TOWN, W. VA. [I " ~ " *'++ ~
)r he is comingbe likeagain!)him. Spiritu-G d's JOHN W BII)I)LE I)FAD I = I I I ]therein described, and default hav-[
ildren shall ing been made i~ the i)ayment of[ I
ty and morally--yes, and even . l I I tsaid n(,te, and having been there-I ~"~.
eir bodies shall be transformed. Relatives in th(, county receiv-ll 1"I"Fl111 II unto requested by the legal holder/
ee Phil. 3:20, 21.) ~t news ef the death of John Wil-ll "~]~fl~ II ~,t' said note, t!te undersig!md| + "
~. They are purified ones (vv. 3-6). liam Biddle in a hospital in Ncw/I ] I! trustee will se, at pumie aucuen,l
~e standard whereby the Christian Berne North ('trolina Tu(s(l'tv|l |lto the highest bidder, at the front/ ~
easures his life is the purity of' ~ "' " '- a ~ T ~ ~'~ 11'!'~T f"~l I idoor of the Court t[ouse of Jeffer-| ~ +
morning, tits death occurred at 3/1 II / Ill ll.-lll il son County, West Virginia, in the/ + "
~rist. The question is not "How
o'clock s ] City of ( haoles To~xn on
Uch purer am I than my friends Tuc'. day morning after an[I I J| I /aki iIIl-lll l I' : +:,-- = - +- =
!I-" """ I FRII)AY'Ihe8thl)AYOF I On b '+
d acquaintances?" No, the norm .'." .+ e ,l~. t,' .
+, O, TOBER, i+++, I'tli~#l
Mr iddle mar,'ied Miss J(ssi( ' ALTERATIONS I
r the Christian life is far hig~her, ~[~
+~ are to be purified as "he is -, " '" . :" REI AIRS ANI),At Nine O'Ch, ck in the Forenoon,
~,llen lrusse]l (~auKn~er Ol Mr, ~ ) ~ ) ] . . " ;
,il OAI~TING CAR1 ENTRY, SI OUTIN(+, |,thepropert+,c,mvcyedmsa,ddeed| niilllll I I IIIIIMI+ IIIIIIIM
~?i sin is a disregard of God's ,na ivtrs, r=. r ~ russem resin.rag I Jt 11~+~k~'~'I+'~'ll'.Itl~ A "~ll~+sr~I~Ik I~II'II~I~I+'~ /~X'~f'SI'I'~TJ*'~ It of trusi; an'd descr~!)ed as follows:l ~Jll+ll II I III l llhlJl UIIIII II I
W (v. 4). His children do not nthe Lect wnplke"wh surv'vesI llOOP'l Nh /~klNll l'2-1.1 +'J~lX, fl/'ItJ-~'t~+.~J'-~"t[ I Situate near the rownofUvilla,| 11111111 11 VIIIII lll l[.l llll+l I
i . + +,~ : I -- +
hnn. Mr. BMdle, who was about r il I)~str~ct el Shet)herdstown, County + + --.]!
~sdefyHim. They have taken as],j~.u.'SQff~ ~ as +~ ] ~111e .n,~ lll Nothmg Too B g---Nothlng Too Sn a il'ol J(lt(rson, State o!;'~.: 7 West Vtrgm~ " "'/ '
eir Saviour the one "who was : business in New Berne 1, c, v w ~ 1 ia beginning at a stone in the ro~d,[ itS+ .~+ ; ~ .
anifested to take away sins." mce ~| ].a J[~ l~ O ~ D It U 1 La X~ o I t and (mne~" to l)a?td' tta~n' 's hc.~t'~;[o I l'l"]Vlll,Va. : +,
~ere was no sin in him, and the," ' "" ~ ~thams t(, a stake, a;~(i c(~r+mr "'tot BRANCH BOYC,V~,
IVll an(1 1 1 s l~D(n llUsSOll l ' A n( ( orr r nd Yunnln,
te who abides tn him has Victory - " "' ~ ',~ ~,' /1 PHONE 210-4 SltENANDOAH JUNCTION, ~. V . Its t ;e ge Lickhde,a :~[ ' +
Miss Laura Ramey, Dr. Wl~lllanl|i ~. " '1 with his line north 85~ east 2q01 lz.= .~ . + ++
,misery and repentance he turns kcr left on Tuesday for New Berne[ ll '+(:3~hl~:nerve~he~',(~<.)"chains tot'31 '
>m it to his Deliverer. to attend the funeral - stake a~(d co+,ier to D. W. Hen" +
Note that the one who does con. - -o --,~ ~. I dricks; thence with his line south
" ~1 ] 1 " " --~'----" : =J]86VZ west 2.90 chains to a corner . .;
ue in sin marks himself as one Mrs. Nan Eustevive, of Loss-I ll~ ~ 1 1 ~ + ~ ~ 1 1 to David ttawn's heirs; thence with [~r~r~.~ +
m "hath not seen him, neitherville Ky is visiting Mr. and Mrs. i It his line north 1~ east 3.44 chains +v'o '
oweth him" (v. 6). Church con- 'R T Browse. ~ ~--.t~" ~1 1,~'l~ 1' Iil'l ~ ~l'l'~l'~ ~ Ill to the beginning, containing one "
ction, association with Christian ~ Ii!II I~ I ~ " I'~ ~- I ~ I I I~",~ ~ [ acre; heing all of the land describ- W.A. Bradford T ;eaa,r ,~
ople, a profession of interest in I i ~ I Wli-lll.J W It. ~ 1 ~ 1 st.~.~s~,- ~ ---- I1! ed in and conveyed by said deed of " "" . "" - "" "~'~
iritual things, none of these will
all; we must know Christ as II[ James M. Mason, Jr. !I'I il J +. "o+o, b, r
viour. . Ill + James M. Mason, lit [| 1 ~ tt~tl~l~PTt'll~ A ~Ir~ ! If?F.MSED [Ii s(~ripti+ + +::
i tM$
W. A. Brbdf6Vd, Wr i if lent k. PotUl, Cashier
N. i 161,ri on, Asst Cashier and Trus O i.
jd tli CIl tcock, Teiler and Asst.+ Trust Olttcer
~ga~i~d ~ Operating
T6 a OIM~i'.
~ ++