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October 1, 1937 Farmers Advocate | |
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October 1, 1937 |
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T TE E T Receipts Heavy
of the tJwnershilL r~ianagenrenh :w rdint; [:, law ,deposes and says 1. That the names and addresses
Circulation. Etc Required by Ihe thai he i'4 the t;us hess Manager o' (H" thepublisher, editor, managing
1912. and March 3, 193:', of lhe I'uhlisher Ralph N. I.)orsey, P, er-
Farmers Advocate, puhtished e:.'h f(,Ih,wiru,; i:~, h, the b,-;L -f hix ryville, Va
~i'riday at Ch'~trle~; 'l'(, '~l, We :t knowb,dyo and bell.f, a true slate Editor, Roht. C. Rissler, Charles
' ~a ['or t)ct.ber 1. t9:;7, mr 1 r th, (,w rship, ma.ager. 'r.w. West Virginia. Calves Continue To Bring
l.t,l ~,tc (d" the aforesaid publi- Mal ~gng Editor, C. B. Carr, Top Prices; Butcher
State of Wes! Virginia. e:tt.m I',~r the date .~dmwn in the (',harb,s Town. West Virginia.
County of Jefferson, so.: ~tbo'~'t~ caption, required by the Act Busim~ss Manager, C. B. Carr,
,) i ,)
Befor~ nat, a N.t, ary I'HI)lh' it~ of,l t, uvt ~,|, 131.~, :t:; :tHlelidcd by (~h:l.vb,s Town, West Virginia,
and for the bh, ate :rod cmmty uIor( th- .f March 2, 19:~:~. emb,}died 2. That the owner is: Rz/lph N.
aal~, persorally appeared C P, in seethm 5Y,7, }'octal Law:.; aim l)or;;ey, Herryvilh~, Va,
3. That the known bondhohters,'
mortv:,L~,ees, amt other security
holders owni~,~, or hohliJ)g 1 per
('t tit or more of total allloUlll~ of
bo.ds, mortgages, or other secur-
ities are: CRy (~arr.
Cows In Demand
The rev.ular Saturday's livestock
market had the heaviest receipts in
many months. All classes of live-
stock wore offered witb t)idding ac-
tive ['rom the beginning to tim eod
of the sale. Calves continued
strong with last week, top calves
selling for $13.90. (iced butcher
cows were ill demand with a few
4. That the two imragraphs next
above, giving the names of the
owners. ~',tockholders, and se, umty
h(dd(,rs, if any, contain not only the
list of stockholders and security
hohlers an they appe'~r upon the
botA.:~; (d" the company but also, In
euses where the stockholder or se-
curity holder appears upon the
books (,l the conlpany an trustee or
m any other fiduciary relation, the
name of the person or corporati6n
cows bringing $8.25. Top graded
butchering hogs sold for $12.61).
Good lambs were in demand with
only a few offered which sold for
$11.00. With all packing houses
demanding good butchering sows
the deroand soared tile prices up to
$11.50 on good fat sows.
Cattle: receipts 117 head. No fat
steers offered. Butcher steers of
fair qualitysold from $8.40 to
$8.(;0. Goodbutcher heifers sold
from $6.00 to $6.90. Medium
(Continued From Page 1)
of eourt was granted in the ease of
the State versus Clatterbuek, a
bastardy proceeding.
An order of reference was en-
tered in the case of Tracy L. deJ-
fords, ancillary administrator, ver-
' sus Annie J. Jenkins and others to
ascertain what liens encumber the
real estate involved, and also tne
!names of the lienholders, and re-
port. ,
George Napper, indicted for ma-
licious wounding by stabbing a
white man by the name of Nick,
ill Bolivar, withdrew his plea of not
guilty and was allowed to plead
guilty to the charge of unlawful
wounding, whereupon Judge Rod-!
gers sentenced him to one year In
the penitentiary, ttis sentence is
to begin on August 8, this year, the
day of his arrest.
In a divorce suit between Win-
fred Chapman Cox versus George
tt. Cox, it was shown that the de-
fendant had failed to pay alimony
of Mr. an'd Mrs. Albert Viands. Sheriff Wysong died two weeks
Mrs. Walter Smullwood and ago. The Wysong's have no chil-
chihtren spent Wednesday with dren.
Iner parent~, Mr. and Mr: Geor~.e --3')--
The Charle~ Town Kiwanis Club
nominated three new members of
the Board of Directors at thei]
regular weekly meetin~ Thursday
night. Attorney I,ee Bushonp." was
nominated for' PreMdent for the
ensuing year; Jay Eyster, vice-
pr,~ident; T. Warner Lowry, sec-
anti vice-preside~:t, and D. Shirh,yl
Nichols. zreasurer. New member:
elected to the Board were tl. H.
Huyett, Donald Edwards rod Wil-1
liam B. Fondle.ton.
[ Mr. and M~. Mark Wetzel, son
Carl, and daughter Kitty Lou Wet-
zel, on Tuesday moved from their
home near Keyer Ferry to Shep-
herdstown, where they will mak~
Why not send The Advocate to
that son or (laughter away at col-
lege--they will enjoy reading it.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Drish
their two granddaughters,
and Frieda, and Mr. and
Lewis Drish, o2 Summit
were among the thousands of
~eers motoring over the
Drive in the Shenandoah
Park on Sunday.
as ordered in a previous decree, he their home with Mrs. Wetzel's
was cited to appear in court Octo- great aunt, Mrs. Charles D. Wy-
bet 5, to answer the charge of con- song, whose husband, the late
for wlmm such trustee is acting, is
given; also the said two paragraphs butcher heifers sold from $5.35 to tempt of court.
ctmtain statements embracing affi- $5.85; good butcher cows from $7.05 An absolute divo e was de-, PUBLIC SALE
ant's full knowledge and belief as to $8.25; medium butcher cows from creed in favor of Jane Wiltshirei
to the circmnstances and conditions $5.80 to $6.80; canners and cuttm~ from Raymond Wiltshire. The wife[ Real and Personal Property!
under which stockholders and se- from $4.20 to $5.10; low cutter cows is given the privilege of resuming By an order of the County Court
curity holders who do not appear sold up to $3.25. Butcher bulls sold her maiden name. that of ~Tane of Jefferson County, West Virginia,
Plan To Bettor
If you have not used improved fiwlft s Red Steer
tilizer on your wheat in the past, use it on your crop
fall. See for yourself what better wh gt ~ get . . .
premium grade, more extra bushels.
Wtltch the
PILLSBURY PANCAKE FLOUR, Mrs. Eyster, fa)rmerly Miss Phy7- CounDT Butter 27 of Conemaugh, Pa and Mrs. Ag"
(New Crop), 2 pkgs. 19ctS. ,s Langhorne, has been with her !Eggs " 28 nes Kerns, of Harpers Ferry,
father, ill at his home near Char-, Chickens 18 to .22were Sunday callec:' at the home
We are pleased to announce that we are now prepared to furnish,
PILLSBURY BUCKWHEAT FLOUR. lottesville, Vs for several weeks. Interest Department customers either Ceaificates of Deposit wh|eh/have
been modified to meet Federal Deposit insurance regulations tnte mSt
(New Cr0p), 2 pkgs, 19cts. The father was at his place of busi-
raess in Chattanooga. Mrs. ttarm- account pass books With a contract that has been submitted t ( the
MACKEREL can 10ct~, son had been caring for the child
and an older sister, at her home missioner of Banking, The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation atb0th
F- Fruits and Richmond and Washington'for approval. In both classes, th? ratg:
at |lalltown for several weeks, interest paid is 21/,%, the maximum amoun any bank is permitted; to,
r o pay. " :- "
INAT[ONS ANNOUNCED If you have one of our certificates of deposit and desire Change to
the pass book, in order to avoid the loss of interest on sam,please hold
The United States Civil Service it until it has run six months fl-om the date of issue.
t',ommission has announced open
competitive examinations as tel- Our invitation to the public published in former issues of this.paper:to 7(
tows: avail themselves of the use of the services of the Bahk of Chin-leo Town:
is repeated.
Medical ~ocial worker. $3,800 a an ,
ye.r. associate medical social Below you will find a comparative statement of condition of the Bank
wm'ke.r, ? 200 a year', and asmst- OY Charles Town as of the close of busine August 31st, 1937, and as ot
ant medical social xwx)ker, $2.66n the close of business September 28th, 1937, covering the twenty three
a year. Children's Bureau. Ire- ~ ',working days since the closing.of our neighbor bank, showing an increase
partment of Labor. in our deposits of $522,964.75.
Associate botanist. $q,200 a year,
a~d assistant botanist, $2.600 a
Everything for Making Pickle Bureau of Plant Intlustry, 1932--Chovrolet Coach
Department of Agriculture.
- Full information may be obtain-1930--Ford Sedan A S S E T S
Cucumbers Cauliflower Onions ed from the Secretary of the, U, 1929--Ford Coupe
(Pickle Onions, 3 Ibs. for 25cts.) s. c vil Service Board of E am- 1934--Chevrolet Four Deo Sport Sedan A close At close
mers, at the local post office, of b hsiness of business
Gold Sweet Potatoes, o 1934--Gheyrolet Standard Coach Aug, 31st. Sept. 28th.
2 Ibs, for 5cts I O lbs, for 25cts. Subscribe to The Advocate 1935--Chrysler Couptt 1937 !987
Bills Receivable ' $273,208.44 $ 810,398.57
30 CTS. PEP Y0-U-R E-G-GS 1935--0hevro,e, TOW" Sods. Bond a count 2,825.00 2,825.000
1936- -Ford Coach United States Government Bonds 524,665.73 5 4,665.73
Real Estate (Banking House Property) 19,212.00 19',212.0
TRADE ', ,v ', Other Real Estate 4,384.80 4,384.80
Protest Fees 8.75 8.75
Bills of Exchange: none 1,398.79
~ '*'' '' "
FRESH FISH OVSTERS Saturday, October 2 Due from Banks. 111,368.84 561 ,759.68
S4.00 N E W Y 0 R K Cash in vault 14,705.06 38,833.76
(Always Fresh Every Week) Ro.nd Newark, Elizabeth $950,378.62 $!,471,487.08
Trip Plainfield
- ~ Lv. Martinsburg 9.56 p. m.
REMEMBER MOTTO Return Sunday night, Oct. 3rd 1931--Chevr01et, Short W. B. Ton L I A B I L I T I E S
Sunday, October 3 (Stake Body) Due to Banks $ 4,090.03 none
MORE tkqOl)S FOR I,ESS MONEV EVERV WEEK $4.60 PITTSBURIIH 1934---Ford Ton Time Deposits 389,033.69 491,341.04
Demand Deposits 423,192.94 8411,850.34
Round Trip 1934----Chevrolet Ton Debentures Class A. 24,600.00 24,600.00
IN THE YEAR L~. Martinsburg 1.34 a.m.
Return Sunday night i93 -- hevr01et Ton Capital Stock 50,000.00 50,000.00
SurplUs Fund 50,000.00 B0,000.00
Round Trip YOUR USED CAR TROUBLES. WE GUARANTEE Debenture Sinking Fund 1,800.00 1,$00,00
0 $2,1 Bail|more EACH AND EVERY ONE THAT COMES FROM Undivided Profit 7,463.96 9 697.70
$2,00 Washington " OUR SHOP -
Lv. Martinsbur~ 6.53 a.m. $950,378"62
Return same day. own W.L. GII ON, ~or.
Consult ticket agent for detail.
42. Charles Town, West Va.
Incorporated February 21st, 1871
6ood Juicy GRAPEFRUIT 3 for IOcts.
3 for 25cts 4 for 25cts, (40cts. Per Doz,)
New Juicy Florida ORANGES,
30 and 4Otis. Per Doz.
i olorado Rocky Ford CANTALOUPES, i5cts, ea,
8oston LETTUCE I0 and i2cts, head
ICEBERG LETTUCE i iO and 12cts. head
Golden Heart CELERY 5, 8 and IOcts. bunch
NU BLEND Ib, 22cts.
LUX TOILET SOAP 4 for 25cts,
LUX FLAKES small, 2 for 19cts Ige. 22cts.
LIFEBUOY SOAP 4 fer 25cts.
(4)STRiN6 BROOMS 33cts. each
Rinso 2 small for 17ctso, 2 Ige. for 41 cts.
Crisco I lb. 21cts 3 Ibs. 57cts.
Oxydol small size 9cts ge. 2ices,
6iN6ER SNAPS 2 Ibs. pk s. 20cis.
LOUISE tl. MANNING $11.60 per hundred. Stags sold up a:e at Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Fritts'
My commissicm expires Dec. 14,to $8.50 per hundred. Boars sold and enjoying themseh'es fishing
1941. from $5.45 to $6.20 per hundred I on the Shenandoah River'.
--.o O ] Mrs. Price Viands, who has
CIIILD DIED IN SLEEP. WHOLESALE MARKETS. been very sick, is better at this
Mr. and Mrs. George Houlth a~d
~Mr. and Mrs. David tIough and
little daugbter, Ann. spent the day
Sunday with Mr. George Hough,
Mi~s Ruth Myers has gone on a
two weeks' visit to h-r aunt and
uncle, Mr and Mrs. John Boyd, in
New Oxford, Pa,
going to his room a few minuLes Retail Markets Mr. Robert Wagaman, of Hag-
later attendants found him dead. Creamery Butter . 40 er~town. Md.; Mr. Walter Ra(hlock
An infant son of Mr. and Mrs. ] Thursday, September 30. 1937.
Wheat 1.00
Donald Eyster, of Chattanooga,
Tennessee, died at the home of his Corn old 1.00
grandmother, Mrs. Frank S. Harri-IC rn--new 6:]
son, in Halltown at 9 o'clock We(l- Creamery Butter 36
nesday morning. The child, ten Country Butter 25
Butterfat 33
months old, had been g, wen its bath
on awakening Wednesday morning" Eggs 25
and had been left in its bed. On Chickens 15 to .20
BOSCUL COFFEE ib, 30cts.
Charles Town, )*V. Vs.
upon the books of the company a~ from $5 30 to $6 65 Moran. Both parties were orig:- the following will be offered for ment in the clover or alfalfa that follows.
sale to the highest bidder, on "
.i )" I tn~stees, hold stock and securities Calves: receipts 69 head. Choice nally from Millville. [ FRIDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1937, You'll agree that improved, Physi010[ lllly Neutral
d d c f 1 co Jame~ M Mason, Jr was named
in a capacity other than that of a gra e alves sold or $ 3.90; g d tin front of the Court Ifouse, Char- Non-Acid Forming Red Steer, with t~l~le~ plant h
t i graded calves for $12 50; medium special commissioner to sell certain 'les To~m, W. Va beginning at 11 beats anything for wheat. Arrange for yQtil" supply
bona tide o~mer; and this affiant graded calv;s for $11 80; "light real estate of Robert Hunter Har-io,clock A. M.
That Can't Be Bea n Town h= no reason to believe that any
other person, assocation ,or corpor- graded calves for $10.10; light thin desty to enforce the lien of a juag-I 1 CONCRETE BLOCK GARAGE FOI SALE
- ation has any interest direct or In- calves for $9 70 meat for $1,297.05 in favor eli approximately 60 by 30 feet, front- ~ ~lE ~v
THis LIST ing on the Charles Tow~l-Middle- ~ ~i" .a
CHECK BEFORE direct in the said stock, bonds, or Sheep and Lambs: receipts 1778 Louis C. Uhl. i
other securities than as so stated head. Choice graded lambs sold .-- 0 l way pike in the town of Middleway, ~ ~ ' ~TTtilrtT !~1"1 ~l"lg~1|lt~T
together with the lot on which it ~ ~ I/HANl.l%~ IIIWIM
YOU PURCHASE YOUR by him. for $11.00; good graded iambs for~I~/-~KT/~ ,l~T]l-~,-~rla/-~Td0,]~d. [stands; also one International ][~ ~ v$fl,I.4,~#.i~ a, vl|a
5 That the average number of $10.85; medium graded lambs for ~v~t]=a~. ~x~tz-x ,lx~J~x~J, v~ ~ [ Truck, lt~, tons capacity,1930 ~ ~ /'111"11 &TI[T O lff)lO.~.Y~ /'111'
WEEK-END SUPPLIES copies of each issue of this publica-$10.55; light graded lambs05for M~ and Mrs Che~te~ Vmnd oflm del" S " ~ ~ IJ~,~'~l~ i]~ ]~.l~.llJ ~t
ties sold of distributed, through $8.75; light thin lambs for $7. ~ ;" ' " ' " " " . :~'. I TERMF OF SALE:--CASII. ~ ~ ,
0N -F-EW PECIALS . "Washington D C, are vm|tmg
the mails or otherwise, to paid sub- stock ewes up to $7.00 per head. ~ " ' '" " ' . 't C()UNTY COURT ~ ~ p~one 73
no folme~ s mother, Mis Prme
scribers during the twelve months ttogs: receipts .'3(;7 head. Choicei " . ' '" . ' "'" " I of Jefferson County, W. Va. ,d ~ ~.a ',n c n a,N Charles
Town. W Va
' cod Vmnds Cheste~ m here on hm va
preceding the date shown above m graded hogs sold for $12.60; g t ' "' ' ~ " : " ' -I By .q.T. KNOTT, President. - r- . "
(This informa- graded hogs for $12 50; heavy l cation from the Metropolitan po-[ r,~----~-- "-" ~ - 7 ~ "7--'-----"
"" O
graded hbgs for $12.55; medmm uc= force, t '" '
~~'~-~---~~tionsti n iSonly.)required from daily publica-i graded hogs for $12.40; light grad- Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Vanmt3:l
KING SYRUP quart size 19cts. c B. CARR, ed hogs for $11.90; goot butcher l, tcr and daughter, Marian, of Ms-t
sows from $11.00 to $11.50; medium l tinsburg, were visitors at Mr" an(l~ John Porterfield, President W.L. Gibson, Cashier
Business Manager. butcher sows from $10.00 to $10.85; t Mrs. John Smallwood'.~, Sunday. I
Ocncentrated SUPER SUDS, Ig. 20cts, Sworn to and subscribed before
2 sin. I Ccts. (I Cake Plate for I ct,) me
this 29th day of September, pigs and shoats sold from $1.60 to Mr. John Clark and Mr Eugene~
$5.60 per head and from $10.00 toI Rosenberger, of M versdale, Pa ]