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Newspaper Archive of
Farmers Advocate
Charles Town, West Virginia
October 2, 1942     Farmers Advocate
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October 2, 1942
Newspaper Archive of Farmers Advocate produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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IN THE [ Sam Needs It). ) GET IN THE S-C-R-A-P! Uncle Sam Needs It! RIGHTS TO ALL. SPECIAL PRIVILEGES TO NONE, TELEPHONE 222 58, NO. 39. CIIARLES TOWN, JEFFERSON COUNTY, 'W. VA FtHDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1942. --"- PRICE 3 CENTS Collection Schools CHILDREN WILL CAMPAIGN IN kL WAR EFFORT. Monday, October 5, children of Jefferson Will stage a campaign to for the war production There are many tons of have not been collect- a county and the schools ex- in placing this ran- )reduction. The presen'- of the Kiwanis Shirley Nichols, T. Warner : . x- ~ Calf A No Site Newspaper Men On!Men's R bber Feature Yet AvailableKiwanis Program AndSh0es Sales0nM0nday IIOG MARKET ALSO IilGH W1TIi TOP PRICES AT $15.55. The regular Monday's livestock sale in Charles Town had heavy receipts with most classes of live- stvck offered for sale. There was no special feature of the sale with) all livestock selling well The cat- tle market ruled strong with good l butcher heifers selling up to $11.75. 'l he calf market ruled higher with choi(,/~ single calves selling up to $1725. The sheep and lamb mar- ket was higher with good lambs selling up to $t4,50, The hog mar- Nell Bolton, will serve .:~.~.@.:*.:.-:.-.'.@-:.o:--:.@-:*,:.o: : :~.-:.-:,-:~: :. Superintendent H. M. am advisory capacity for New Speed Limit drive. of scrap fer the of war materials is. Signs. warning motor(Ms of the ket was higher with good butcher hogs selling up to $15 55 on a par with city and terminal markets. The Standard Lime & Stone Co. The Charles Town Kiwanis Club! observed 'National Newspaper i D Week" at the regular weekly moet- /n ne mg Thursday evening at the ~*~" m iw qbi Thomas Jefferson Hotel, by turning BOARD TRADE OFFICIALS over the program to the newspaper ALMOST Ai I[-TYPES ARE HOLD LITTLE HOPE OF men of the county. The program fnllowing a fried chicken dinnerPUT UNDER RATION OBTAINING CON('ERN. was given in the main dining room. SYSTEM SEPT. 29th. of the hostelry. ---- The latest correspondence be- Max Brown, Editor'of the Spirit MEN'S RUBBER BOOTS AND tween officials of the Baltimore tex- of Jefferson presiddd. In quick sac- i RUBBER WORK SIIOES til~ mill and the Charles Town-cession he got all newspaper meniAlmt~st all types of rinse have Ranson Board of Trade in reference present on their feet to tell some- to the location for a factory in thing about their profession. One l been put under the Ration System, effective at midnight Tuesday, Charles Town or Ranson, indicates full half hour was devoted to the September 29th. that the Baltimoreans are about to several talks given by the news- Men's ordinary Arctics and Rub- give up hope of locating here No paper group, bets are NOT ratoned and can be suitable building available is the Some amusing stories were re-i bought without restriction, as can report they make. lated in a brief talk given by Clay also women's and childre,n's Boots, Their choice of locations on the ~ Carr, manager of the Jefferson Pub- Work Shoes,Arctics and Ruhbers. part o l" the textile officials is Peter- lishing Company. William B Sny- The Country has not enough Rub- kin Hall, of the old Saint Hilda's der of the Sheuherdstown Register, bet to provide Boots for all, and Hall g)oup in Ransom Owners of accused Max Brown of making thethe purpose of the Rationing is to the Hall give as one objection to talk that he had intended giving, make sure that workers in essential. renting the building for such par- Editor C. S. Musser of the Shep- industries can be supplied with the poses is that the property wouhl herds(own Independent. gave a Boots they may need. and every effort must new war speed of 35 miles per hoar will have a special sale on Friday, be assessed for taxation, whereas highly interesting history of the l Note the Following Time 'Fable: to get scrap from our were placed on the roads of Ihe October 2nd, at our yards of high now it is exempt because of its newspapers of the county, starting Tuesday, Sept. 29 Midnight: All business houses andcounty on Thorsday Inscriptions grade steers, heifers, bulls, and former use as the part of an edu- with the Potomac Guardian and stocks of Men's R bber Boots and into the steel mills. If the signs read "War Speed 35 cows. On Monday, October 5th, cational institutim . Berkelev Advertiser originating in Work Shop "frozen" and sales m the county schoolsMt!es with the hgmes m brig tthere will be for sale 20 head of Efforts will be continued assures Shepherdstown in 1790 ,and coming untll o 10 un to red paint All motorists ale asked ' ' i r r e ~'"" t, -- po ds of scrap . . s '~ " ' Grade Holstein Milk cows, also one,1 remdent Carl R dd/eba ge,of th down to the current publications of. business M-nd=~. Oct 5 and there- 17 tons would be ac-1,o pay speeml attentmn to the new herd bull [ Board of Trade. Every possibility the county i ~ ~', ,:~,', ~::, '~,',m,:~:'~h~'(rh~'~::, ,~) Large pieces of scrapwarning and avoid a penalty for anCattle:' receipts heavy Med um ~. will be investigated before the ;i'hirtv m'embers of the club were ! ~:~5~i~.'~'t2":~c n")'~'~"~'~';2',; )~,~'~; ~ and excesm~e rate f speed as local ted by children, . - '-" )" . " . ' " .steers $10 80 to $11 60; steer caLes ] Board) .f~mlly. abandons, the project, present,and all of them will have ; auat'on rizmg '~- ~nem:Y'- ~o~ purchase: (same" be sent out for collec- State l ohce officers anno~mce that per head $2800 to $40.00; good I 1 remdent Rlddlebarger a.s wed something pleasant to remember Mna ~s q';~,~ ~,~-tificate s 1 hi the law will be sl Icu3 ( to ceu w pmce w 11 be broug 'r ' " butcher heifers $11.00 to $11 75; *,as all members of the Beard of about Newsuaper Week observance t 3- ,a medmm butcher heifers $10 2o to i Trade very earnestly sohc t the ut- in Charles Town [n 1942 ' . ~ ~ I wnotesaters w~H take ~nventory a.~ recognitmn will be given r) ,~, )t $11.00; stock bulls per head $30.00 t mos~ cooperauon <)~ mcai cmzens m It was brought to the attention of of clo~ of business that da~: on s and pupils who establish '~l/~l~ I'hlllP/~h 14/M~/MI~O to $56.00; g~)od butcher cows $8.75 helping to obtain the industry for the members that the combined age l ~, "$a~ ,:~(~h ~:~, ),] o~,::,~ records m gathering scrap. IJ|U|I ~)IIU|~oll IIUIIU[O to $9 90" medmm butcher cows I Charles Town or0e which ~s so bad- I of the present four newspapers in t; ~--.-~ ~ati-P B ~ ),~ )f methods for payment fi)r) ~ $7.55 to $8.50; canners and cutters ly needed at th~s partmuta~ tnne. l Jefferson County aggregate 28[ I nersonal or mail ariel(cation Form ~(ess it is not donated, will I~ $6.50 to $7 25; bang cows $7.00 to t The. Board is open for ans:. sugges-,years"'an. unusually~ long life ~as I must ~ " be bled" m" duphcate'-" " " w~th'" the-" -~lbythecomm~ttee e o Serwce MenSundav 0, ows r head $50.00, ,irons that anyone nnght haye,!rural weekly papers go. Another] Board Monday Oct 5throtwh Sat- . with the children by no- ~ to $90 50; good sausage bulls $11 00 ] President Riddlebarger stated this~ unusual circumstance connected ~,' 7 .x ' .M ' ." . " " ~ " ' ) urea3, uct. In. ~ne [~oarfl x.Vllt ts- ~em of scrap around your) ,-7~f~ - v: ] to $I1 40; sausage bulls $9 90 to ] I atternoon. I with these papers is the long tenure! (~,~+m,~ ~ pa,);=hoflan " . ~ IIle eleven o clo( ~ sclvlce au .~, . ~. ~,- . . ) ~ .~ ~ ~ ~. .~.s,:~.t. , ~and when ~twfll be aval : ~ I $107o I~ J. i~I & I| |J.~ l~.~| ][~*,~'~))I V-- ~ of Gallaher, Haines, Snyder, R~sslerl Form 602 ~hich must be Drum( revery citizen of Jefferson r~p,scopm t,[~urcr~. uu~ .Sw ay i C'alves" receipts moderate Goo(lll,lFl:llII. I~IiIFI. IIIIiiI ti)IIIIOIllilt It UYUUI CELEBRATES 4TH BIRTHDAY.1 and Musser The'Spirit of Jeffer~. ne')~tt, i)~ t~ stor~ "and witt, o~;: ' . : rooming WIU De oI a pa~rl(,tlC I1 -) "" *,v v,n ~ v~.~ ,v A.ffiv ~ " * i .v .~ * Would rea~hze the sermus-, + ) . m ). ).~h ) eh~t graded calves $16.55; medmm grad- l I IF" # I son is 98 years old and the, oldest/ X~ ~I~ : "'l~ ~'" ~: nl~o* ) ,~O~. ~II~ thin appeal, tons upon tons ' - ed calves $16 50; hght graded cal- i I~l/ ~ ~ I"T I lr~ IP I1 ] ~1 Harry t,h)om celebrated h~s 4.h I nane~ in West Virginia The Sheu- ~,:^~a ~n~ ,o ~a,o,~sn0rt 5essl0n nereloe ense urauuates Re~is,~.r !s.94 year~ ~i "~"-~i' 'n=da~?~'~e~- 5, and (hereafter: " who are now in the armed service. '~' .':' ; ! I " '" " ! ann ~s seconn o)aest in tne .ta Consumers requiring ration0,d g~ods ) Th~ nronohov ~'0)- fha t ~nulnn will i .Sneep ann t~amDs: receipts men- ) . - . I -- o CroCK. ~nere were !trty Cnll Ur~] The Farmers Advocate is o3 years i ma secure from Board in )erson or V { ~.'"~.['~;'~:~ '~-:~ "~.'~'~-W"~"~a'~:" i ~ate. Good lambs $13.25 to $14.-1 The Jefferson C~rcmt Court hasI ~,ne ~oHo~)wng poe,pie, wao nav~: and teachers present zrom po~n old and the Shepherdstowm Inde-iigv Y~ail Annlication FernI No 603 )REVENTION t 07 ~j,~. ~, ,~ -[ 50; medium lambs $11 50 to $13'00;t been in session a part of one day,I el,raptured rne requwe,u course or Charles Town ahd Halltown l'res- pendent, 36"years old ],'~,;-~ ~,s~(~' ~c)m,qeted ~(t ,e' WEEK OCTOBER 4 10 pine, ann (mr~ng.~neA~erx~c.e a sp.e- nlain lambs $11 ii0 tl(~wn; butc herl Thursday, September 24, when t(,el trainin.~' in the Civilian Defense, b~,terian Cradle Roll and l'rimarv ' ' " V " [ w,~, ,:,t,% ,~ ~ v ;. a, U" " ", cial ra "er ~ 111 De onerea in wmcn ~ " " " ' ~ . -', . -ed i " turned in uUOIlCatC lI, W I1 T'IIKe : -P Y ewes $3 60 to $4 7(1 t)ury was dmcharged for the term,[ Office m C ka~les T.o:wu, ,a~y ask Department. L : ~ . . each man on ,ne rtonor ,o,t wm oe " h ;i Gi~d" ' i ida: ~ (~: TohT~eyh PuUann~i~:s~!!~ded?ai,:~v f~ I severn, (,ays a,~, ~,x~,!e ,), ~, ), )~s'dl~nt'~la'PdOCl?:met~n'~eh~ re~l~2'bHe(:;edr bYl~a,~'i)~'be placed for bu~hge~'h gec~pt'~5 ]'Y.55; ~!mhi:~:~Ll~;?~i}; I ~!e t:f f c~:'~:();i'~J.~ ~as abel ,;e~ ~at~):~ fbref~er~ivC~,fica s will 'be : of the annual Fire Pre-I )! a, ~.); ~, 1. ~h,~o . ~ho t ium butcher hogs $1o. 0 to $15. ;[," g - ' "I ". ' i P P Y g " ~O~T][r]ff /~.~1~)~ [8 . . ~, tlL'~t rna~ ~e,~ui're a 'turn in" of r. t.e~ls]ax)terw~lsnans, ~an,o ~ -- --- Week C~ctoh~, 4 ~n This; ~:" "~ "," ;,:.': .~ 7"" li,~ht butcher ho~s $14 80 to $1o 20;1 lea Town Horse Show Association/ " " " ' " " ra " !entertainment The patriotic color I[:'] " i;::::.]! --- :" .y - : ' " . "'-" unurcn an(~ as a(l(lll;lonal nleu De- ~ ~- ' . . . r '[ o', e- ~ " " . . ) ! unserviceable similar iool.wear at; 'Ion= h~an obs,~rv~d be ~ " heavy butcher hogs $14 60 to $15-! and the same complainant against/~e~o I)u)omo, F. V/~tut ~ ~ ton, .C ~ scheme was earrmd out w~th two ~ ) ~,t L I-- a .~ i ~, . " , "~, ~-- .~- ,~" :,-)come efigime their names will oe[ " . . ~ ~" . m.:~O~ *~^ I~1~,~.-~.o rl~,~ T lro, t~l,l~ ),'~,~1 oil D R;ckard Ch'u'les L Mc~,on-' ~ ~,;.+~,i t- a t.hl. Aaoo 'I tn ~narte~ aown ~nu li ~ne tm)e new ones are pur('nm:~e(~. years ago on ucooer urn ) adden q~her', ",r- ~l-~aa ~o -~mes uu" uutcner sows ~z uo ~o ,)b~ o; ~ ~ ~ ~.- ~ w, o a ~ '," ;V . '. ' " ;d' -, - ,--s~ ~y .~K - i ~ ' -- . u. . a ' . -,ou~'n :vtapn s m,'ram .~ :'~ an- ' x w also dec() ~ 1 The Rationing Boar~ ha.~ beon i ~- $,' ln~l ' ' " t fi,shoats per hlundred $16.0 to $18.0;)~ been setLled out of court,- . " ,- " : " rattans The tavn as - Jefferson County . - ~]~tt|': s~'~b|e'~ ~l~a~o ).'~' ,~.:~mh, m cludes,the o-! vi-e ~ he. 4 IC~ to--- 9T), ' 1 In the case of H K Ambler, re-I de.v~on, )M~vin "rh~rm~a.-l~ll, a, W.I- ~ rated in red, white a~d blue. i~,"i!~ <~'ea~ed to ~ix meu,b,rrs by the :.d- ~- :.~"k ~-. ;?d' '[ towing: tieorge ~. r~yster, Thomas,~" v ~-" " ! coivor vs H C Getzendanner and| ter W.' Lon,ke~)oeam, Melvin I)eav- V ~~~~~ ; dition of: ~IF IJUla bll~ I~IU~I:~III:~ I~.ILIIU~III n )-- I ' ' i ~. ~| Green } eyton, Charles L. Cra e f ,~u~,~o~. I ,th,~ r n-shon~ -lr .q~ecial/ey R~ckard, and John T Morris- I cIVILIAN DEFENSE NEWS I ~ Mrs. J. D. owell, Cbarles Town ~tcn ot ner pe~ s zoo~. l~1 v ~ ~, ~= "~- ~, - -, ~,- " ) " -" - - * ""] monoay oct ~:--lvleetlng m tne) Jr Thomas C. BoMmg, Jr F.[ " ' "." " ,x sey, of Charles q own; Tho,mas Mc Dr I O Ash She,oherdstown set th ~ ht foot or two! ) * - ~ BECOMING SCAR(E. Comm~ssmner, ~as reqmred ~ e - . ." ~ at: " the k~ckm ran e of that " ) ,~),{~ o ~ ~.~+{ --- i ecute a deed to 2.51 acres near ;;; ' ;, . " ~ lnspectmn and graduatmn of C~-/ .e ! g a Murray I hdhps, G~bson M. Kyle, Darnel Robert Gordon Nelson . C~ty Conned of Charles To~n "~'^ -- n~P -ooms aL 8 o'clock "" I Mr. E A. Ston~:, Char~s To~n ~of the mugs( co~lv fires in W""dr ~.vIe'("'~,*'~e~"'~z2 '~:.*""f! Groceries in practically all lines Charles Town to C. F. Wall on the],V~a~m'~. n' ~ 'er~ u: ~,a~mes, vii(an Defense workers in Shep-l~~ e"/ Roger E. R~smer .l~as ~een ~on- --,t ~.t,w'H, ~al;ua~c atc~t.l~, -. " aries A l~l~K[tro ~tn(l ~-k(]}alnO ' tirmeu in nls a Doinl~Poent: 'Is l~]xe- Prooert- outside of war.~ . " are ~rowm~ scarce, and m manyl payment of $153 67 I o ' ~ herds(own will be held m the col- ~ ~ . . P - - - :, " . ' dames Wvsong, dr dosepn iVlllter . o o . ~ " ~J~,llalTO,OT iVllllVllle; l~.onal(1 ] ' " o oar(l ve been revented The ~. instancesare growing h~gher m I Constance Andrews Hopper wasI r~ ~.~ ~ lege aud~tormm October 8, 1942. t M~md~v Oct 5" The City Coun-! cuhve Cterkt the l~ , C~vxhan Defense begs r.~o. uz;n; Th.~.~,~ q'-.wloo prme Among the arhcles d~fficult awarded an absolute dl rce fr I ~ ~- ~ (~ . ~ ~,~ tt.~, ajor James . a y, -t cil of Ranson will meet at their~ ~ PEED LIMIT. OCTOBER 1st. P ~E,erts, C=,'y J. Morsan, Hem y . . I "vo om ~.Lomt:ar~ t~,)t~.son, a.onn M" P E ale of Char -- .v. .~ ~ , JIc~j ,v ltllc~ - ~ ~ ~1 " " x~lut, t t. l* 1~. "~:t) A, a~L~ L, alv~// ii,utt- ( " ' " ~ I 1 '~en of Jefferson County ~01 Perry 2nd Phili T Porterfield, I to obtain are pn~apples, bakedi Herbe~ N Hopper The bill of] ma.~tcr o$ I~akerton and Mildred I lest on, W. Va wilt respect groups I eour~cil rooms at 7:30 o clock p.m As of October 1, speed mn~t of ' this horrible lesson, and t, ~'o ~."alt;o ~ ~.~o+ n.nald beans,canneu nommy, salmon ann complaint charges wntrm uesertnmI St.~l, 't~ n,~ ~ ~;---~.---:~-,),~,n [ano present a.~piomas, t --- 35 mi~es per near has been se~ ior to remember that F~re ~ ~,t. n ~ o~, t,fi~ ~ c'-~rvin I coffee. '[he cheap brands of coffee,[ since January, 1939. . ] ' ~r . ----7 ! Tuesday, Oct. 6: Meeting of the all vehmles except passenger hus- a is more vital to us this I ~T.',~,~,~r" q~.:*.~,~,~]~ "-'~"-~-~-"~hir' ! those iu bags have disappeared [ Court approved the sale of the [ -- ] Harpers Ferry. will join. t~nar)es i Lions Club of Charles Town at the : sea and common-carrier trucks t,hat ear than ever before in 1 ," ,~. ~,~e ;;-, o~ ~? y.s.~ ,~- ! from the market entirely Wilbur Thomas dwelling at Kear- I EXTENI) SIDING AT RIPI ON Town in exerc~.~es to be hem~ Thomas Jefferson Hotel at 7"0(1~ operate on a definite schedule over tey, ar t~onatu r. ~mlnp ~. ' " " for 0 m October 9,' ~ " IT of America Every ~n~o+ ~.;-~, ~-~-- o.~ LuI Oranges are spemally h~gh hOWl nevsvflle to James W. Hopper [ ~ promptly at 7:0 p I ocloek ), m,definite route These have been )am or factory tidal burns i cas.[lo~n Po;'~t'er* Lucas' jr'.'~rooke I because the market has only Call-i $$;720, the decree being entered,:,n ] The Norfolk & Western Railway ] 1942, at the Charles Town. H!gh! e " - - ~ given until October 15 to revise American life that is lost t "~x~ ~. ^ ,-~1,~o t.' Al",b~ Ed I fornia to depend on for a supply the case of P. O. Dunaway vs ~,u- I Co. in making improvements to ex~! School Auditormm. ~n ~nv~tatmnl Tuesday Oct 6"--The Auxiliary their schedule to meet this restrie- * ' Ju. vv yltr~.t~ )~.~, ~.J~to.llv.o J~ ) --". . ~ *. " " ) " " ~ . m the flames ~sa tn- w-rd" ~ A~win Ste hen Wiswell The Florida crop will come later, l bur Thomas a,nd others. . [ peddle the enormous fre,~ght move-', ~s extended to the pu~tm ~o atten(t ! of the Charles Town General Hos- ~ hun " our enemies, and is the i ~)."-~-~"~i~)~:-'~^ ~ '~-~ ~" Jor' 1 Pineapples and coffee are high, for I Court will reconvene on Tnurs- [ merits incident to the war is ex- these graduation exeroses m oruer :) --ital will meet at the home of Mrs ~ To travel 5 miles at '~5 miles per , ~as though the incendiary ~,~';"'~=~'~j"~iand~"~amea"i leu: the reason that they are both" ira- day, October 1. [ tendin~ the freight train side track l~ that you might learn what your ~ohn Porterfield at 2:30 o'clock p. hour takes an average of about 8~,4~ ""'"" ' ~ " ~- " " " " ' i " V nteer ~ ' German or a Jap had tHnrno o ~$ ~"'= ~;+hBurton I ported. I An appeal case in which, H S.I at R~ppon The mdmg there on the county is doing ~n cuts om I m A full attendance of the mem-~ mmues; at 45 miles per hour about -- ~ ltxat.H~t~ ~)~v,T I l lntllI a ~ Ke or anlz t on blaze I ~ -'";~t.~-- . ~wa-ler tteni~le X --,Henderson was p a' " n(~ Y I west side of the main track will be~ g " a i,i~'rship is urgenNy requested as ~: 6"~ minutes. We can well afl'ord Itness with pipes, cigars, i ~-': ~.~ ~,~:~,- ~ s McComnick IWEDDING AT LEETOWN. t Itenderson defendant, both of Bar- I built south to Dark Lane, giving --V-- ] several very important business ! to take the extra 1 ~ minutes to e i e as ' I dane rowin out of a dispute over th " a ) " ttes start three t m s I Charles C Wetzel William H Wil-I,g g -,[ e raflro d when etmpleted almost~ ~e|i$ ~ummer Home I matters are to be discussed, i save gas and t~res ,and keep owl of s as any 9(her one cause,[ ~ ;~:.~ tJ,~'; wo~- ),~" ! The Methodist Church at Lee-! a partnership account, was hearoI a mile of side track. A side trackl I - - V--- [trouble. follow careless misuse of i ' I town was the settin Thursdayl before Judge Rodgers Thursdavj of that length wilt accommodate z-~. - o.~ ~^ ~ ~ ~ I VOICE RECITAL SCHE1)ULED I The Board must refuse tires and ,defechve flues, reckless l~.v C~WLINC- RESIGN.~ [ afternoon October 1st, at four mor~mg. The case was taken un I the hmgest freight trams. ^.~ ,~ ^~. ~ ~),~ o~)o,! BY LOCAL WOMAN S CLUB gas to those who m~suse both by ~f gasohne and off and alli Io clock of the wedding of Mms I der adwsement term [ At Charles Town on the B. & O. t the 's~am,mer home of 'l~r"~ an'~t.~I~s, ------,! speeding. " well known dangers At [ ~ ~ 1~- c, -~'~wtin= at one ~ Margaret Mac Bowings, daughter l As announced early m me . .'1 Railroad, the Belt Line from its in- : ~ ,~ ~. ~:u m:." i ~;~.:~' i The Senior Woman s Club of'. ~,~,~,~ ax~t~ ,v)r~ )in of nearly half thin I ; ~ -~v;ot~ ,~,i~h has ~ of Mr. and Mrs. B. Frank Bowmgs, t there will be no court t e we k I ter~ectmn w~th the Valley Branch, : ~t~.'^ a.^ o m I Charles Town w~lt preselat a recital ] affliction is carelessness i resi~e~-~',~m* t~'e'rec~or~'l~D-o'f St I of Charles Town to Mr. Floyd P. I October 5th. Court will reconveneI each of the race track grounds, is ! ';~.~ =~=~". "~',~,~'.~'~'~ ~*.~' l in music at the l~arish House on i~pecm~ .~onee ~o All t~eawrs: dam(mess The Office of i Mar~aret;~'arish near Annanoiisll 0~vens Jr son of Mr. and Mrs. l on Monday, October 12, the last dayI now used regulad.y as,a side track l'~D~'~f~'-~"M~t~ ~or ~' 4~(~0 I Tuesday, October 6th, at 3:30! Quarterly Report of Inventory efense asks you please to Md S~here he "has served f~r 25 Floyd 'P Ownes, of Lee(own. 'rhe) of the term,to allow fre ght trains to pass The[cash Th'~,~)'~e~tv "consistffof a o'clock'p m. when Franoeska Kas- and Movement for the months of houseandprem,sesfre~, lyears" lll health is the reason giv. lsmg| ------~V.:-- -. Ich'ef, mafl, and passe" f',semi'.bun~Io,w d~velling and 2liPar Lawson, noted saprano,'~th!July, Aug~st,]~::r.S~ber~.~:e or paper, straw an(/ SUCh t ;;. ,v h;. ,o~;~,tlonI ell Dy t~ev w. t). l)icKey oerore an : Ylrs Mayo ;~niley ts Ill at ner/ the oay, uue here a~ tu:3z a m ~.r ~ oF lan,| i accompanist Louise rtawmorne,~ ~,v m,S u~ D, u ,~mc~ uu ta,rt le material; watch your l altar decorated ~ith fall flowers home east of Sumnut Point w~th| treq~aentlv takes refuge on the Belt~ xr l will nresent the following nrogram~ than October 1,). Revmed Form ,~ n a fre~ ht ~s to ass ~ R 1~ ~s to be used and ou should ~h your insulation; watcht James Tabb Jr a Lieut. and autumn leaves gall-bladder trouble L'ne whe "g . l~ ~ METHODIST RALLY DAY. t of music, i - . . ~r .t .Y .: : rica:l appliances; keep[ ' "' The brkle given in marriage oyl . : " Songs of Long Ago i re~e~ve copies Dy alrect~all lro~l ~w a and I ~ s reel ', ~,h ~ a ~r ~ OPA Inventory umL i~ew XOrK ay from barny rd . .2~.--~- ~ ~ q',l~,her father, was attired "n a t - I -- 1 Sunday October 4th will be ob-1 The Lass ~ith t e Del[e te A" -- : n " a " B ivlr and i~lrs. .)',~ -~ -- I ' " .way from children e I ,a ~-,~ t,le went toAberdeen length dress of soldier blqe w~th! ~ ', served as Rally Day in the Charlesi --Arne~ t~ty or posmmy ~rom your m~ . a S ~" '" " ' ~ ~ O SU Iler d patriotic, and save ross 7. : "",",~ .~.~ :.n,which she wore contrasting navy!Ill. Ill~ To~m Methodist Sundav School, at l My Lovely Celia Mtmr '. PP for yourself, your family, [ ~a'Lul'tla l r~o~r"l'~~'" (:rou'l:(12n'!lA)=~u,~ ~"t'a':-~':~;uati~na ~.-~ . accessories. . Her corsage was. of m lib-. I]]l which time a special program will Swiss Ecl~o Song Eckert ~ . The ttegu]attons' govt:rmng " t~us ::. ltiT. I~ ~ ~,~i,; Their talesman ~)ses an astephanat)s. Ill[ ~ 11T*1 ! ~ !~" t ~ * Ill l be rendered All scholars are ask-[ French, Russian, and CzeehoaiovakI t eport can t)e c onsult(~ at Boa r(l > "------V ' i ~a~-""t=,'-','=:'"t:-~'~-'~'~'~ o,f Miss Isabel Orsini, maid of hon-llll ~ ~/|~'h I lilt IWl~n 111%~rlrlpt~ Illi ed to please make a special effortl Songs I t)mce,meanwmm we summarize . " -- [ ~ 'jC~ "'~';s~[5"'men"'w~o"~ve'recom. or, was the brides only attendantlm ~ II ILl! q~Llil lllqgli Ill k~qk;I 1q.~q~ i!!] to be present at this time, and if] Pourquoi from "Lakme" DebilesI the ~o~/ow|ng. . . [ DEFENSE WILL I a y~ay~ o~ ~^~:i t ; :.~ 'on and was attired ,in a dress of rose- 19,- Ill you are not a member of any Sun- Chanson Indoue-Rimsky-Korsakoffl use x~ewsea ronn R-~7, not the 3N nussmneo o~o ,--,=, i) - ~ ')~I " . -. " - I old form SOR A BAKE SALE. I +~. ; ~,~;~ mint w~th brown accessories. She Ill( ) ~ " day School we m~)st cordmIIv invite Where Oh Where ~s Johnny Gone-, e ~.a he flowers corsa e of ' " - ' } Make 3 eo :~e.s, me z with RaLion [ had for r a g t you to come and join ~th us m l Bygone Bays-- ~ ~ ~ounty t>mce ot uivi- I n~o ----V---~--- takisman roses. Mr. Thomas C. ! 1 this hour of studv of God's word I --Czechoslovak Folk Songs l t~oara, ana~0~etam one (or your as.e will sponsor A Bake [ lnompson owers Kitchen served as best man. I c,/~gf, rranK .~triaer ,is. in ,n- ~e 't)u~ win ~oe g~ tw~egt it sna~, ! At the close of tiae Sunday Schooi I Aria from ".Jeanne d' Arc"-- t record aturday, October 1/th, in [ Precedin~ the ceremony, Mrs I ma. tie says }:~ s anmgn~ ~or a o ~e~'. ~.~e~.~on .s . t~.t ~ s(~ ." ' all the officers and teache~ will bel ---Tehaikowskv, 1)o no~ report tires and tube~ window of the Valle ~- eD (n.- l~ ~:,~, oo,~, ,c~h P--miso year oz- two, z)u~ as a steany mt~, where in ~lasKa.Ills aa(wess rs i - ~ mounted on vehicles Yl J T,~ ~.--~t~, " " "~"="=~ ~ '" " " " " " " " S mstaneu tot me year w]m a ape- ~ongs ot woman t~omposers I Corn an" Donations~ " " " " " a rt would dmare a man insane Co~p,~rM Wflham N. Seal, A, ~. i Se arate ~ or( is we. aired for . P Y. ~ known a~aong f, ar~mers of th~sI Me and 1 Love You Truly c-I ~z u ~ o.~;.~. ~;,~,),~ ~ ao~o r~,tt,rv A .m,~ o ~ I cml service, Come out and enjoy l In the Luxembourg Gardens, / ,P :P . q - ~ounty citizens are son- country as a ~i~estoek dealer,' 4led companied by Miss Catherine ,~ %~, ,~ .- ~,-~o. k'" g~'~,~'~"J,f'";;"'i; ' '2'.~ "')" "~'~:' ' this hour of worship with us. ~ from Sketches from Paris-- ) eacn estam~snment, ~ more than :this worthy cause and at h~s home near Whtte Post, Va White of Buckeystown, Md cousin " ~ ~. tr ~. . ! ~V 1 ---Kathteen Lockhart Manmng one ~s petards. . Use officials ask that all ]'Sunday .morning, aster a lon.g ill- [ of he bride, wlao also played the~,Lmut. W. ~erry tirove, U. ~ s . . ~' ~" '" " -- i CONVOCA'IION ~ Hope On Caroline L. Summer, If you )ailed to make this l~eport a,~v h r~ Alr uo wrtte co mm ~etson is a n%o ~Upport the effort i n ess, a)~c(t 60 years. In the Vir- I processionaland recessional[ ~ ~ i.s no at the a,vai he~, -~;; ~i.~ b ~ds,(~ ~ " ! OFFICERS CHOSEN.t Evening.'.Al'tia'ea Jewell Rutherford( ~:or the Imriod Aprit-~iay-June, you r~ the Valley tIardware ~'inia Pol,techn:c Institutehe marches I ~taxmn at r~aneo'ne t*ay, Termtory ~-'- -':: -'-" ~ Just A'Wear-in~ for You,must make it ,now, using a separate JUst arl as ss~ble ra of Haw~n Bond set of forms Do not eombm(, the : as e y ~o ' !studied agiculture as a propa "l Following the ceremony there was] ' " ,Pet ~o,'e- E-- e-e ~li~--- sent The Fall session of the Eastern t --Carrie Jacobs ~: . s; ',: .ave date, Rememt)er the ) tion for his career as a famner. ! a reception at the bride's home for[ V V V o ' ~.'o "~o~, ~1~," ~#'~ ~'I'~ ) Co~vocation of the Diocise of West t Good Morning Brother i two sets ot ngures. "" ' " ' ' "" I g e He'~is in Co B 798 M P Bn,; . i i !DONATION L V--- V----- V gathered over there and he re-" m le ee " ' O(~ ; : -~r J. Jensen, of Kansas ! ~d~ tll~|~lv ~l|gt~ [MARRIED IN HAGERSTOWN. ports a ,bun~per yield in all classes o,~ wm V V.V ~ tar- and the Rev C C Tarnlee of HUMANE SOCIETY t Te p Wh let, of Romney, Seere- V OBER 15th. the guest of her broth I of g'ram and produce R MM GE SALE . - } I " Mr and Mr~ W B Ita,mmond of l Charles Town, Treasurer. 1 . U A ~ .t The Hospital Auxiliary has ~de- r-in-law, Mr. ann Mrs. II1 Army Air burps Miss Hazeltine Cuddy, of Hag- V V V Kear'nevsvil[e', w'~hv'~as indue(eli Mrs Margaret Tabb, of Cha~,lesj -- ! oided to have DonaLion Day this ~r West Con res " ' " on . g ::;7 ] ---- } erstown, M,d and Mr. D. B r~),addusI Cadet .F?rrest G. Huff, master ~s ir~t:o the armed f, orces on Se~ot. 2t,; Town, was elected president of the~ On Tuesday and Wednesday, O,c-I year on October 15th, 1942. wm ,e here a mon~n,t Lee&s K. Riely Secretary of ~o~er, son or ~y~rs; .l~. Ilouanut ~neaumd/ to beco)me a secon~ and sen.t to Fort Myer, Va h~s i Auxiliary succeeding Mrs, Fautt tuber 27th and, m the Engie, The.public is ean~estly requested I the Charles Town Jockey Clu~, ~n~r~ .~rh .~n, epneT:nt~lwn, .?;e.~0.[ neu~enoa~'t ?l~el;~(~h~(lu.arAo~ exerte been spending a fourteen-day fur-I Micou, also of Charles Town.|,Storeroom, we will hold our regal-! to keep this dale in mind for con- ,~ ~,t~ p, to Balti~n,re: o~ Wed-,ri a nursoay, rig. a~ :: h icm. waraa lou~h~ ~t the. ~(~me of his ~narents The Rev. Temple. Wheeler it was lar Fall Rummage Sate. We al-~, t tributions Committees, wilt. be ala- IIALE MARKEFS ne.~day, q~assed all physical te~Ls o clock at the F~rst Baptmt Church Service Officer Candidate School, Pvt. H~mmond volur~teered ,for the ! made lvnown, ~s the new ~ector of| ready have on hand some very mce l nuanced later for the enttre county. -- t cfor ad,mission to the air" service [ in Hagerstown. t ~t ~ag~wooa ~trsenal, Md on Officers Trainin.~ :Kcho~l and wilt ': Mt. Zion Church, Hedgesville, and clothes, ha~s and shoes and otherI Now, more. than ever ~fore your October 1, 1942. The ;W~r" Dep,art~nent reouires [ The couple have gone on a brief;Thursday, October 2nd. A. student en~ter Camp Lee Va Oc,to,ber 5th ', also of St Andrews Mission in thlsi articles. We have many calls for i only Hospital in Jefferson Co~mty t 1 1.25 .hm" presence in' Sacramen,to'C ~ ty wedding trip and are expected to~ at Wes't Virginia U~iversitv . u.a- V V V ",county succeeding the. Rev, Deevey, children's, clothes so. if you. h ve ~ needs you) donations, of all kinds, of ~hel $ 96 1 C~lifornia. on Thursday of nex~t return home Sunday. t det Ho~naaster ~s ,a res ten,t,f Newton Mag'aha, w, ho is in Nay- i Loora, who tins remgned to accept! any to spare, we will be very g~ad! canned fruits, vegetables, or fl~sh ~Lter,'l~un~i::::: : :461 week ' - Mr; Meier is an employee .of ttm Milky(lie. lie,was, on?sen n~om vae al t~ining at Norfolk, Va .this ~ Mission work near Charlottesville, ! to have them for this sale, which ones if you have any; all kinds of ~er m~und 35 i ~ i ~mrcmm A~rcraft .C~rporatmn, In, ranks ~or tins tramm~ ~v ms week entered an ele0trical school Va. we sell at a reasonable price, and grocel~ies, linens and furnishin~s. :u~lf.[ ".','.'.'.'. ":42 F:h,L b,a,~ ,a,~A~ blo,~ ~,n~uae Hagerstown, = saver(or o.~. era .uecau~e o t excel- there for s,pecial traini)~g. I --------V~ mothers with large families areI Arrangements will be made to : ,38! t*,~t~,a~ ~t,u a~t,~t ~Fl~t i .-:7--V~---- . ! lence in ,ma~lvary recoru, e(mcauon, V V V I RUMMAGE SALE glad to get them. Please Tele-! bring the donations to the ttospitat , an(1 enal~a~ter , ,ln l::::::::::::::22 ~ WaMed meney Is wasted !" ' " L~wrence Catlan formerly of uhoneMrs. John Porterfield or Mrs. iif you are unable to deliver them, ) u ~ I The w,~man s ~ocmty ot ~;nr~s- ] ~ lives. I)o~'t waste preclou ! V V V Charles T;0~vn, is a fu)ll fledged The Roosevelt Women's D~ao- Wm. Venable and tell us where to I Watch the papers for full details, . m ~taraeta .^ Lian Service of the Leetow.n M~th- i ~ Ilve~ Eve ~ dollar you ean I Conporal William Nelson Seal mess sergeant, ~fter co~pl~ting a cratic Clulb ~ill ~9onsor a rum- call for your donatians, but ,please remember your ItospiLal !~r, !!) au~ od4st Church w~ll hold their a~-, ~l"~ ~re shoal~ b---~'- ~-,-" l a~ri~ed h~ne on a short furloug'h course in army eookir~g In the mage ~ale tm Saeurday Oeto~ber HUMANE SOCIETY needs your help this year more t~er, pound. 38Inual C,h,cken and Ham SuiN)~r at| ']~ Bo ~tas~ week, and e0h~s ~s h~s firs(trill coast artfllerv, he ~s s~.a,tmfied all3. m ,the En~,le ~rocerysttorerooln. ~-- ~than ever before. ~r~r uti~ buy yUUg |el~ ~ r ) 401 the school house, Friday. Oe~er] I - . " l hack he,me since he e~,tere(t .~he t,a~m'p Davis', near V~ihningtoa. i Y.our 9ah~)nage will ~ae a,lyprec.ia- Keev Em Flying by buying l MRS. CARL RIDDLEBAi~GEt~, 28~ i.sins- ~rcent every pa~ aay ~ 16~h, beginning wt ~ o)eloek.~ - ' service in 1939 He likes atomy life N~)rt,h Ca~xflina. ted, War Bonds and Stamps! I Publicity Chairman,