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October 2, 1942 |
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A President of Czechoslovakia had rejected Germany's l thc hamc of their . on an,d daub'h-
' '. ~ tcvMr and Mr~ Ch~rlc~ t(no~t ) ~ )
IHE PAKMERN ADVOCATE terms for surrender of the Sudeten area.) l| I 1 n ' Ill Pl! ER &l"
ESTABLISHED 1885 Th-e V-ar- Bof--- poor, Har', -/raarpers terry ano bOliVar INCWS M s Sagor, of S mp,llll
] ,~ " " ' ' ' Manor, Md,is ~isi,tin~t at the lift ~ x', [~. ~ Ir~ /-1
. - Mrs G. E Wehb, Correspondent home of he~ daughter and son-in- J2" 1~ L) 1) U
Published Every l~riday At Charles rown, West Va. All about us rage undeclared war.--- mdltary and eco-] " " [a~a', Mr and Mrs. W. 'E" 5iiils IIll
By The nomic. All about us grow more deadly armaments mili- " v--- " [][[
) tary and economic. All about us are threats of new ag- Mrs Robert Fields has been Very] Mrs J W Ralnsdill, attended the
" ~ W S Mrs. Jack Slaughter has been m- Soc ety of Chnstmn Service held
, . But the orld hm grown so small and weapons of at- ' ! Cusl0mers
~. " ] disposed at her home for the past in the Charles To~n Methodmt Reg~ ~r
ROBERT C. R1SSLER, EdRor C.B. CARR, Manager tack so swift fhat no natron can be safe m will to peace week [ Church on last Thursday - I/|| "km~' L"VAr~S "A oil
' po- " n n- so long as any other powerful nation refuses to settle its] M,isses Mary Rita ,Leppert andl Miss Carroll Cattleman:of Wash- lit@ ourvest aaverusementmr Illl
Duoscrl lion Vl ~ ~ lear, ~trlctly 2tuva ce . ,
P t~riov~nr'es nt the on.unoil ta,hto i Viola Webb, of Havre de Grace,[ ington, Mr. Charles Birlningham, our prmtmgservme.Asl your ill[ 1 hone 1(.)88
Entered atthe Post Ottice at Charles Town as Second Class MailMatter "We have learned that effective timing of defense, and ! lVld spent th.e w.e, ek-end .the[ ot B, altlmore, and Mr.
Harold O: ne dhbor--hell tell you that[llI
'. . " ~ ",~, i heine .oI ~ne la~ers parents,:lv,r.I t]astmman, oi Derryvllte, va spel~ . ~r i;[I sl.-,'ereta, n il
National Advertising Representative tne (ustan pomps rova wnlcn attacks may be launcneo i and Mrs. O. A. Webb, on,Camp Hill.] the week-end at Castleman's hm. our prmung an taammermm [HI ' '
-. AMERICAN PRESS ASSOCIATION arecompletely different from what they were 20 years . Mr. and. Mrs. Daniel Dudrow and] . . Mr and Mrs. Leroy Beans Ofof P,ner, ss unexcelled IN
~ r*L:~ a~,o ~amtly,of Shepherdstown, spent| Washington, announce the b~rth
ew YOrK " mcago - ~etrmt : ~ktlullt~~ Klllla, ~ ' t "
,~1 Sunday a! ernoon ,at the home of] a daughter, in a hospital there " ;
~0,we nave learne(i ~nat survival canno~ oe guaran eefl ~ the former's .arents, Mr and Mrs I Mrs' Beans was formerly Miss Es-
" News a er Function Is To Tell The Truth Not To Run Things" " ' " " - ~ " ~ " Har ers
P P by arming after the attack begins for there ]~ new range Edgar Dudrow ] qualeen Webb, of near p
and speed to offense. ~ C Thomas Mills, of Norfolk. Va [ l~ry. . ~]~lll~lbTIb~l~ ~lflbll~ll~ll~ ~[~l~
; WARNINGS BEFORE THE STORM "We have learned that long before an3; overt military and M!s.s Emma He ndriekson, :?lI i ~r, and ~l/Si~a~re~anenr~)Cu~neUe~lU~0Ce ,~m R ir,~ ~ ,~& ~,~,m ~.-- e
: . Do sevelt act, a, ggressmn begins with preh.mmarles of propaganda, Mrs G E Webb "Torero is th~[ birth of a daughter Carol Sue mm~l ~m~~l~M~
ten years ago last lvlarcn, rra~m~ wu,anu ~ u~ . . . " . ~ # n Mr rubb ~s th son of Mr and
became president of the United States Perhaps no man subsidized penetrat ( n, the !oosen!ng. of t es of good will, son,of Mr and Mrs. J olm L.:M!Ils, I Mrs ~o- Grubb,%f'LoudIoun Coun ~'~K ~t II~III~II~K ~"
h tne stirring oi prelualce and incitement to disunion oz tlrunswlcK, vzu, me nllSl l ~ . ' -
m the pubhc hfe of th s natron mine quickly grasped t e .-,~ '- ~," the U S Navy about ,two mon~hsi ty, Va,a few miles south of Har-
irrrplications qf the international situation than he as they t nnua v essage m t ongress:) ago. ~Ie'expects to enter it Naval| pers Ferry. ~I~'~,~ t~ ~-
more ~nan z ~ears t~e~ore rearI rtaroor Trainin~ School in Florida in the/ ,Miss Dorothy Kern was a pan- ~l~-~ ~ 11[~ ~ = ~~
oevelopeo in ,me years to IOllOW ~, ~ ' ~ " " ~ '"
"" R see It warned the snouio nke to be ble to offer the hope that the neax future |[ sender last Thur day on the Aan- .
Year in d 'ear out President ~oo. e . "" ' ," bassador the morning, of the
. . 5 shadow over the world m ght swlftly pass I cannot The Don~ forget:~he speeml serx~ce
Amerlcanp,)pleand, more partlculatly,(,ongressofthe} "seem elm s'aqn :iif' "" at Vhe Bolivar Metboaist Church, oMwreek" S,he c m,lnu,tes dally on ~i~l~d~~~,~
~ ",-- . ~ ~u^ " ~; 1 h ; 1~.-, acL.~ ' p. y :~ t g w tn c, anflor ~na~ oarKer periods ~ A mornin* fr ~ 9"'t11/ this train to her work in Wash- ~ ~ ~, ~l~,~j~[ )
moues o! ga u, mav lie ahead." (Address before Senate and Uonso r~e- ;;~,~2oi.~,~n~l~:.~n.c . " ~'lbJ n -'will] inK, ton, D. C Other than badly ~/ /('/2(/ L ~.-.~1~
latmmsts ar Monger,but the clouds of war a a 'n he a] shaken up, and somewhat nerv- ~ A//~ ( ]~]~. ) "
~)IIIIlIUII~lll l~Vl~lUla% UL lI L~LI~ ~ an --~ ,1
gathered thick and fast over the peace-loving deanocracies ,~ ~, ~, -(i ,; ~.:~. ,~y~aw ) ; i ' Service Flag, Dedication, after] ous, s'he esca,ped unhurt ~ ~ ~ -'~" ~ .~ '3-
,h; ~f,ax.koA nod then in 1929 ,a~ a s ~=v~ ,e t, ongress and me ~mer- ~hi~h ~-mmnnion .qa~ir'~ will be/ Week-end visitors z~t the hoane ~ /(/{]" "-(" ~ (~.~."-~
el orm.o ea rconnnen ,ecame-2 a- ua uegtounu "'" mr* - can people, . lnt rmed, of events and rends in forergn held. The public is. most cordially| f Mr and Mrs; Eu,g%ne Kern .~~fl "%' "~'~1"
.kne l ur p ' n - .-. ,' " . affairs r ranKlin Jg. l oosevelt, Sentelmbei- 21 1939 invited, and the.parents of the boys/were Miss oerry . .ern, ?t. ~'~ ot . ~~ ! ,-~l~A|~]l~if- -% --~
1 e m ZO ears un eeemoet l uel, merlcan,ennauner nos p ai, runswlcK "--~ --,4
ee cond CTn " " Y '- ", ' ' " in the Service are urged to be pres-/,~ ; .i~ ,= .~------~f~||||# "
:erritory was attacked and we were at war. 1940--A Year and a Half Before Pearl Harbor ent : Md';M~r?~?a,~r ,~l~[:ldF~s?r~re~
:2The result issue of the Democratic Digest has perform-, Miss, Ether D~2n, of; Martins- eri~l~ Md ; 'Pri,vate '"13ud" War-
~ he,~urg, spen~ ~ne week erm warn her
Cd a worthy public service~, in catalog ueing briefly t New powers of destruction, incredibly swift and dead- brother and sister in~iaw Mr and~ ~ick' of F'o~t Belvoir, Va.; Mr. and As the B&O continues to set new records in tht
atements of President Roosevelt, which we pu blish here- ly, have been developed; and those who wield them are Mrs Charles i)unn-. - ' " ] Mrs. Harry Kern, of Weverton, swift handling of freight to and from essential
-" " " " * " " " " " u m'o.; and C,narles r~ern oz ,~lex-,
as reminiscent of the warnings the Chief Executwe ruthless and daring. No old defense is so strong that zt ,Mrs. Lewes. L, Reek spent Sat r-[andria Va who is s"endin- hi~ war r~roduction nlants, recoanition is due th~
no u r s in ac day ~x~th her aunt, Mrs E Ed, v ~ r r r,
frequently gave his people ; requires f rthe trengthert" g and no att k is so un- ,~,g-As" n--; ~h~l-- q'-,;,~" " -i vacation ~ his ho~e here. shippers whose dispatch in loading and unloadinfl
likely o.r impossible that it may be ignored "'~n"~'a ~new~s" f'~'ea~r~.-*from the l. ,Mrs. Leak K iN)y has. returned rar~'a~,i.~ ;n maMner these records nossihle,
ivoo ,' ~,' . ~. I zro~n an ex~enaeo ~ ]Sl~ In ~tasTl- -- b It- -- ,
The element of surprise whrch has ever been an ]m- Chemmal Warfare~,Servtce, Umted ~n,~-~^- w~ h~ vi~;~ ~- s~-
I beheve that the overwhelming ma.lorlty peoples portant tactm tn warfare has become the more dangerous ~tates Army, at, Edge~vood Arson-I Lieut *Colonel Edwin M Kirk), U These patmot~c firms see the v~taI need for ful~
feel obliged to retain excessive .armaments, because theybecause of the amazihg speed with which modern equip- M&, it wasmarned tha.t ~a.~et[ S. ~ and at govans, ~Id, w;h'ere use of every car Like B&O's more than 50,00t
- ~ ~" --T-- " - -~:---" ~-~-- . ~ ( ~rorrest t~ nortmas~er, o~ mmwne.i mhe v'i.~ited her Sister An eli a at z
~ear some ac~ el aggression against ~neul ment can reae'n and at~ac~ tne enemy s country. . . : became a second lieutenant, at thel T,', 22 ',--, : g c emnlovees, they realize that efficient transnorta
There 3ustfficatlon for th s fear. Modern weapons ' Surely, the developments of the past few weeks have graduation held there iiew days1 Mists Mac and Isabel, and lion is the lus factor re.mired to wm the war
offense, are vastl, y stronger than modern weapons of made' clear to a'll of our citizens that the possibility of at- ago 'Forrest is a graduate of Har-I Charles~. . Kern vis' ]ted 'o.A r "1
: pers Ferry H~gh School class of,
fense. Frontier forts, trenches, wire entagle nents, tack on vital Anaerican zones ought to make it essentml '34 He attended West' VirginialHarry, Me~m at Dlckerson, Md .=-- - .~ 1~.-
" ' ' las~ ~nurs