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Newspaper Archive of
Farmers Advocate
Charles Town, West Virginia
October 2, 1942     Farmers Advocate
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October 2, 1942
Newspaper Archive of Farmers Advocate produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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AY, OCTOBER 2, 1942. T RESULTS-Save Time and Money! - USE THE —— \x \ _\ “\\\‘ \ § \\ \Q \ \\ mi \\\\\\s\\\ \\.\\\\\\\\\\‘\ \\\,\\\\\\\\\\‘ __1 potatoes, MRS. DAVID CHILDS, SALEz—Keifer pears, at Phone 18—F-14. hel delivered, Sept, SO-l't Oct. 2—lt FRANCIS W. DANIEL. Phone 2-F-l4, 1 S Liz—"1‘ , A I sed coats and Sept. 304m Oct. 2'“ ‘ ~ to smart shoppers. DAVIS CLEA NERS, , St M I t,‘ B .H. HAMS! HAMS! RAMS! . 20 ih‘dargo‘": 51 “ll‘mg' Yes there is a diii‘erence in- s . p ' C ' ‘t‘m- hams! Just Country Ham or our ‘ old ham. Country Sugar Cured Hams. Some two years old. Cal! VanMETRE’S FARM, Martinsburg. W. Va Phone SZG-F—ll. Jan. 16, ’42, 1-yr.—pd. Old Newspapers For Sale Cdll at the Oflices of the JEFFERSON PUBLISHING CO. or Phone 222 ‘les Town house for sale. A "g home, highly improved the pink of condition, fine *n. ‘ CHARLES L. CRANE. Charles Town, w. Va. ; 2, 9, 16, 23, 30—pd. .L. -.»...._.-_a.. ,m. ”»d_ FOR SALEz—l2 ibushels of nice Ithaet also was one of the Doctor’s . (LP—21’ LOSTz—Truck license plate I)-» i 304%,}: Oct Zippd 20970. If found please notify Impressive Memorial 1’ Service By Bible Class I I Sunday being the first anniver- sary of the death of the Rev. Dr. G. G, Sydnor, founder of the Yoke- fellows Bible Class of the Charles Town Presbyterian Sunday School, the hour for the class lesson, was devoted to memorial services in honor of the founder, Attendance at the services, including mem- bers and visitors, numbered 110. Hymns that were favorites of‘ Dr. Sydnor were sung by the class, Foster E. Brenneman pre- .Senvted a solo quite effectively, favorites, I Robert Early and William J.‘ Roberts, Charter members of the Yokefellows, made brief eulogistic addresses, as also did Dr. W. H. S, White. President of Shepherd State Teachers College, Shop- herdstown; Dr. Henry T, McDon— ald, President, Storer College, Harper's Ferry; the Rev. C. Irving Lewis, as pastor of the local Church; Henry S, Baker, Chas, H. Strider, of the county; Prof. iWri-ght Denny and Attorney Lee IBushong, of Charles Town. Letters of regret were read by President Max Brown, from Lt, 'Commander -Merrill R, Fox, U. S. N., of Charleston, and Prof, C. R. ,Haimrick, of the faculty of the I I I I FARMERS ADVOCATE, CHARLES TOWN, W. VA. _. Miss Annabel Demory ls Bride of Chas.05boum,.lr. Miss Annalbel Iris Demory. daughter of Mrs. Walter M. Dem~ ory, southwest of Shepherdstown, and Mr. Charles William Osbourn. Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs, Charles W. Osbourn. near Shepherdstown. were married last Friday at St. Paul’s Methodist pansoniage in Hagerstown by the Rev, H. C, Marsh. , The bride was giVen in marriage by her brother, Mr. Edwin Lee Demory, and her only atitendaht was a sister of the groom, Miss Mary Frances Osbourn, Mr. Jae» quelin Ware was best man, The bride was attired in a co- coa brown and victory blue crepe dress, trimmed with bronze se— quins, with brown accessories. She carried a bouquot of Talisman roses. The groom is a former S'help- herd College student, and the bride is a graduate of Shepherds— town High School. After a short honeymoon in Washington they will make their home at the resi- Idence of Mrs, Ella Easterday in Shepherdstown, Both are employ» ed at Fairc‘hilds in Hagerstown. Mrs. Osbourn will be remember— ,ed by her many friends which she 'made while visiting here in Char- les Town upon several occasions. 5 West Liberty Normal College near SA LEz—One bearing Orange heap. May be seen on my . MRS H. A. ALGER. ,Ih Avenue, Ranson, W. Va. ‘ 2-2t.-pd. SALE:——-—Four horses, 2 .1 coming 3-years old, 1 coming ‘ black work strap mare. Ap- thc = MRS. H. H. JACOBS. 681? Engle, W. Va. , Oct. 2-2t. the; ing, ale. ” FOR RENT FOR RENTz—Apartment of two or three rooms. MRS. LENA WHITE. Oct. 2—3t. FOR RENT:—Second floor apart- ment in Brown building on Main street, Charles Town. W. Va. CHARLES T. SMITH Phone 124. Oct. 2-3t.‘pd. FOR RENT OR SALE:—~Grist 7 30-2t. SALEz—One ladies bicycle : 0 mens bicycles. in excel- ndition. Good ruiblber. [- u ‘R' C- SH‘OCKLEFORDr Mill in good conditionpmakes feed, u‘ Ransom W' Va‘ meal and buckwheat flour. )OO,. 30olbpd. Oct. 2-] ilp(h I. H_ RUSSELLy rta'. SALEz—We will have in Telephgrsgdgfiate and Insurance at; ek, horse and tractor Oli- Harrows. Call in at once OCt' 2’3t"pd' need one. JJEFFERSON MOTOR CO.. Phone 266, garage on road between Engle Sta- tion and Bakerton. Possession at |I .30-1t Oct. 2-1t once, Apply to ,- MRS. H. H. JA OBS, SALEz—Good used cars Engle?W. Va. H TIRES and MOTORS- Sept. 30-2c. Oct. 2-2t. : Ve reduced our price from ‘ 8100 on each car, Stop in FOR RENT:—— Apartment wit‘h hem. bulb and heat on North George EFFER'SON MOTOR CO.. Street. Apply ,30- Phone 266, MRIS. J, J. PITTMAN. Charles Town, W, Va. Sept. 30-ltipd, Oct. 2-1tpd. ALE:-—Farm of 238 acres, estone land, large brock 3.27 barn, barracks, two wells ,“ i, I. H. RUSSELL, Reall Estate and Insurance one 47—J t.—pd. 'SALEz—«Some white face eighing from 500 to 600 deck of Western ewes. a hgus bull, bwio roan Dur— N 115. a Hereford bull. and a y lbull. C F. WALL. Phone 142-J. 30—1t Oct 2-lt 8ALE:-—1940 Pontiac Coupe, “ . nning condition, six new Cash only. MRS. TOM CHERRY. merit; possession August 15. Apply MRS. JAMES MARSHALL. Aug. T-tf at The Inn. _ , For Rent Six room house located on South Charles Street, between Washington and Congress Sts. Immediate possession, Grove & McDonald REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE I I Harpers Ferry, W. Va., FOR RENE—House, garden and, FOR RENT :———Three room apart— Vice. Ithat ‘gets there fustest with the .Whecling, the Ilast named having Ifrequently taught the class while she was on the faculty of the |Charles Town High School. Incendiary Burns A House An abandoned dwelling on the Mrs Bertie Flynn farm,ahalfimile least of town, was destroyed by fire about noon on Friday last. Charles vTown firemen made an effort/t0 ,check the blaze, but due to a lack of water were completely handi~ l capped. i The house, built originally of logs, and used for years as the farm house, on what is now the :Dutrow farm, was one of the Old- ‘esvt structures of the neighbor- hood, Mr, Dutrow, inspecting the building before the fire had more 3than partially wrecked it, says the fire was stan‘oed by an incendiary, in two different places. Less than 100 yards away employees were packing apples. —————V ,Drive For Men With Sea Experience Launched A drive for the registration of all men with sea experience has begun in Marbinslburg by the United States Employment Ser- according to William R. Downey, manager of the employ- ment office at Wiltshire Building, Public Square, “Tiwo thousand new ships now scheduled fior production will re— quire 100,000 seamen, radio op— erators, cooks, engineers and offi- cers to man them," Mr, Downey stated. “Any man who has once been to sea,, his country no greater service than to ship again. This war will be won by the side I mostest’, and whether that side is our side depends upon the men‘ who sail our slhiip‘s.” New ships with new comforts, good food, and shore clulbs re- stricted to the merchnet marine a- I’HONE 216 - WANTED WANTED TO RENT :—Larg'e cool cellar in or near Charles Town. Must be accessible. Write to P. 0. BOX 91. Charles Town, W. Va. Oct. 2-1t.-pd. Oct. 7-1t.-pd. WANTED TO BUY:—Cast iron wood burning laundry type stove,I twin plates, “Woodland” pattern." Call or write. stating general con- , Millville, W. Va. 3t.-pd. Sept. 30-3t.-pd. 7i , MS FOR SALE doah .Valley Limestone, ss Farm of 80 acres. donh Valley Limestone. 8 Farm of 145 acres, stone z‘tOne barn and stone out- " . within l—niile of the B. R. CCan commute to Wash- : v I doah Valley Limestone, 8 Farm of 152 acres. Fine 8e, barn and outbuildings, nt house and barn at ten- I , fine stream of running dition. Telephone 166-M. hroueh farm. electricity. R. T. BROWSE 000.00. Twenty percent of Oct 2-2t-pd. price cash, balanCP in “an, at‘a low rate of in_ WANTEDz—Burial Lot in Har- per Cemetery, Harpers Ferry, W.i Va. Address _. County, Virginia Farm of I wait the Vicory fleet. sailors, Mr, Downey added, Pay has also been greatly increased. Able-bodied sea- men are making $300 a month, radio operators $400, engineers $450, cooks $300, and Officers even more. In addition, each man re: ceives free life insurance in the amount of $5,000, and disability and personal effects insurance. Hospital service and dental care are also given without charge, The registration drive will con- tinue for 10 days, Men who reg~ ister their willingness to jointhe merchant marine again will then be called as needed. I —-—~ ~-—V l I I Lunch and Soup Oct. 9 The P. T, A. serve Beef Soup and Weinie Sandwiches at they will serve a plate lunch ~~ Chicken salad. scalloped potatoes, hot (homemade) rolls, pickle and coffeewprice 25 cents per plate. Also soup and weinie sandwiches, I ch-- It Is Now Capt. Perry A veteran of the first World war, Lieu‘t Thornton Perry, Jr,. 5 of Charles Town, who volunteered made Captain in the military po~ spent 18 months in England and Leetown P. T. A. to Serve, the Leetown school house on Fri‘» day, October 9th, at noon. at pop-z ular prices. Beginning at 5 o’clock’, butter, , I I l l I I i i l I i I I I 4 I I x I l I l I I a ~ in the anmy a year ago, has been : lice at Fort Benjamin Harrison.‘ Md., near Indianapolis, Ind. Cap't.‘ Perry volunteered in the air sen, vice in the first World War and‘ France with the 43rd Aero Squad-i ron, “mv-_4_ BIG RUMMAGE SALE The Wright Denny Graded School will hold a Rummage Sale in the Engle’s store building on October 15, 16 and 17th. There will be an attractive va— riety of wearing apparel of all sizes and kinds. Many children’s clothes will be among the display, Everyone is urged to visit the sale sometime during the three days. v.____ WashingtonnKend-erdine The appended report of the mar- niage of Dr. John Augustine Wash ington, son of Mrs. S, Walter Washington of Charles Town, to CHARLES E. LANE, 166 Hawthorne Ave., Sept. 25-4t. Glen Ridge, N. J. ANTIQUES WANTED: —- Any- thing old, furniture, china. glass, picture frames, guns, bicycles, car- riages. Write HILLTOP HOTEL, Harpers Ferry, W. Va. Aug. 28-tf. MISCELLANEOUS MONEYTO LOAN A limited amount of money for a limited time to lpan on good farms at the lowest rate of inter— est ever offered by the company n. CHARLES L. CRANE. Charles Town. W. Va. 9. 16. 23, & 30~pd. SALEz—One 500 gallon ,iron pressure tank; one .' ram with pipe to install: t screw cutting lathe with ' t chuck, motor and 11: one good Dorset ram, the old: one Registered n ram. 3-vears old. MAGNU‘S. CONKLYN. "Mordingflon" Charles Town, W. Va. one 83-J. CHARLES L. CRANE. Charles Town, W. Va. Oct. 2, 9, 16, 23, & 30-pd. or Sale to ill-health I have for dairy and crop farm of ‘8 of limeston,n land in a te of cultivation. three eat of Charles Town on mit Point road. ' rett A. Bane ROUTE 1 ES TOWN. W. VA. M Aug. 5-tf POSITION OFFERED. A position is offered to a lady having experience in general office work, typing and shorthand. File application stating experience and whether available for trial. Ad- dress your reply to “R,” P. 0. BOX 231. Jefferson Publishing Co. Charles Town, W. Va. Oct. 2—1t. TRADE:—-Will trade frame house in Ranson for small piece of acre- age with good spring on it. I. H. RUSSELL, Real Estate & Insurance Phone 47’J. Sept. 23-2t. Sept. 25-2t. “i SALEz—Delici y“lens. See RAY' x. MERCHANT 202Charles Town, W‘. Va. 3t..pd. Sept. 23-3t.-pd. ous, Grimes ,l pIANOSy pIANOSg If You Have Something to Tuning and repairing. Sell—and are in a big hurry 8 $19 up. New $199 up. to sell it, let the Classified Adver- S. CRAMER'S tising Department of this News- paper prove its ability as a speedy- and efficient sales medium. . . Try it today. BIG PIANO HOUSE. Frederick, Md. Apr. 8—tf. o s I for which I am loan correspOndent. F. Bland Tucker, a cousin of the I l Miss Margaret Hayes Kenderdine, is reproduced from the Washing- ton Post of Sunday, September 27, Attending the wedding from Char- les Town were Mrs. Washington, the groom’s mother; Mr. and Mrs, Augustine J, Todd, Misses Lila and Patty Willis, Miss Margaret Chew, Mrs. Mary Wattles, Mrs. Nan Hatchell, and Miss Nannie Lackland. “At a simple ceremony yester- day in St. John's Church, George- town, Miss Mangaret Hayes Ken- derdine, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Henry Justice Kenderdine of Bos- ton, Mass., became the bride of Dr, John Augustine Washingon, son of Mrs. S. Walter Washington of Charles Town, W, Va. The Rev, bridegroom. Ofl‘icialted at the 4 o'- clock ceremony. “The bride, who was given in marriage by her father, wore a gown of ivory faille trimmed in pleated ruffles. Her short tulle veil sums and she carried a white pray- er book covered with orchids. Dr, Theodore Abernethy, a brother- in-law of the bride, served as 'best man. “Following the ceremony. a small reception was held at the home of the bride’s sister, Mrs. Theodore Judson Albernathy, Af- ter a honeymoon in North Caro— line, the couple will make their home in Washington,” —~—-—V Employed at Point Pleasant I Nelson Coleman, for the past Itwelxve years engaged in selling inew and used cars for the Charles Town Garage. has secured employ~ ment with the plant making war- fare chemicals, near Point Pleas- feil from a coronet of orange [bles- ' ant. W. Va. He will leave for Point Pleasant 0‘!) Saturday, BUY WAR BONDS.“ I I ,3, campus -— the s c h o o l ’3‘, 3 . ' . . ' " ’ .f tron d s hei e regularly for ,zw 3: hair and nail care that's 0" I t d :g. the mark of good groom- 3: i u r i .. ., , . .3. mg I U N“ t 0“ plume ’3‘ Conkeys Y-O 32% Supplement, mixed with home union, .3. calls. we Mill}! M a stand- 3' will feed your has for H weekswfor only . few 3- ing‘ “date” with us each '2’ i cents n bird. hu'sn more—like mtnyioulttymen~ .3. . , ,k 'x‘ 1 you'll find “Conkeys Will help you set ORE can“ .g. “ ‘ ' '3‘ I m It low cost per dozen. - n 3‘ 1 Vitallzed with Vitamin: A—B-D-E and c '3' 0:: Conkeys Y-O Feeds min Y-O~I tannin: product in 3 . . . 3' .3. FER BIRD which the st_rength o the A. B, D, Bond (3 Vitamins of 2:: B t .3. 'm for 30 um. non-fermenting east. gogtified cod llivetlm‘l and :cheet . era: 01 is pro ooze n spam: I en e t ass. ‘g' y 3. ~ WWIY’TCOHKE)“ ‘hesc vitamins are notedI for their eulthful ITAL- ‘g‘ .3. V41 32% SUPREME)" IZING benefits (0 layers. Help your hens HELP YOU. 'o‘ ‘ .3. I to me with your own Help them give you MORE Eggs It LOW COST ~— With .z..:..;..:..:..;..;..;..;..g..;.;..;..:«;»:..:..;..:«;»:..:..:..:..;..:»:..:..:..;..:..g..;..;..:..;..:..;..;. , Conkeys \’-0 32% Supplemmt . . . And to be SURE —— i I (Appeals sustained their decision as to the proper classifica-E it? “3:10:32? findmu’éfifififié‘fiuiw firm tion of the followmg two men who had appealed their casesl and on the lac: half to May 1st, mmmn'mmelps " n the grounds of dependency. These men are retained in? 1943. I i i ’ °‘:§'§‘°§‘°‘é§m‘ ‘ A Class 1_A_ R. J. MADISON, Sheriff fhehifitiémdgg mu ‘ . Iley Oliver Weller - - Shenandoah Junction “mm C"““"‘~ W- V“‘ mm “mm” PAGE THREE Witnesses Without Fear I The Humane Society of Jeffer— son County wishes to express mheir appreciation to thittington and to Mrs. Harry Blackford, of Barclane, for their valuable assist- ance given recently in a case of mistreatment of a very old, weak and sick mule, which case was W... -. them who will not be afraid to stand up, and fight if necessary. for our dumlb friends when they are in distress, MABiEL B. VENABLE. Pres. of Humane .SOciety of Jefferson County. Notice to the Public Seven Men Of The Twenty Year Group Receive Questionnaires Decision of Local Board in Cases of Two Men lsI Sustained by the Board of Appeals; Three {1:33 ‘" “‘9 “mm mm“ mullilfétdl 33.3.33. New Cases Pending for Board’s Attention ‘» These ladies were prompted “"095, l have ‘9“ 8“ “Paid ac‘ counts with Merle E. Alger, J. l’., for collection. Anyone desiring to pay on their account, please see Mr. Alger. DR. WM. P. WARDEN Sept. 16-3t. Sept. 18-3t. coin mus Isoler by their humane feelings ‘ H I . ~ ' {for dumlb animals, and are to be The Local Diaf t Boaid of Jefferson County announces that highly counmendca for their Selective Service Questionnaires have been mailed to the l'olr-I splendid spirit of ski-operation lowmg men OI the Fifth Registration Group who have. zit-Em}?l “"3t?“ma”?5091?)“ .t. . ', ' . . .‘ ‘ , _ ,' w , { ‘ I I‘Olll It? reao 1071‘ 0 many (‘l‘ I- tafined Eben ‘tV\€llblf‘.l.'h bnthday since September _7th, 19-12,; mm of this cnumy and the mm. M en t e inst questionnaires were mailed to this group 01 . expressions or interest and help registrants. As stated before, questionnaires Will be mailed l the Humane Society has received to the registrants of the Fifth Registration as they becomei1“”5?0 ““5 “a” “’5” “952% .these V r . , h w fi ' I V K”. aties may rest 'dSSLII‘C‘t . eir ac— twenty yeais of age. The names of the men one as follow... it mm was amflauded by manypeo- Robert Lee Rideoutt Charles Town ple throughout this county, Stuart Lee Miller Shepherdstown MW We have more 9903319 like Marvm Dewey Rickard Millville Howard William Hough Charles Town N 0 T I C R- F‘ D- NO- 1 TO TAXPAYERS. Summit Point ., . . The 1942 'Iax Boolv are now James Randolph Jones Charles Town ready to be receipted to 2..., and an James Ernest Slusher, Jr. Kem‘neysville Iwho may wish to pay their‘taxes The Local Board, Selective Service, reports the Board ofI and save the discoul‘t- 2'/2 per IIIIIE At; the very first snlflie. sneeze, at a a of n. cold just try a few rim of V cks Vamp-no! up each nostr . I! used in time, Va-tro-nol’s nick action helps prevent many colds rem devel- oping.....4nd remember this, when n head cold makes you miserable,or trui- slant congestion “fills up" nose and spoils sleep-smurpuo Vu-tro-vnol I i I George Bootan Jenkins VA-IIO'IOI. Oct. 2, 9, 16, 23 & 30. In folder. _ now living at Collingdale, Pa. — 1-A Louis Leon Hilliard Shenandoah Junction, l—A New cases now pending with the Appeal Board are I‘ol- iO\’I'SI I I I I I l I i POULTRYMEN VERYWHERE FIND "x. Frankie D’Angelo - — - — - Millville , Kenneth Wilson Sager ~ — - tanson i \ (Inllford Perry Turner - — Ilnrpors Perry I, _When decisions are reached in the alive cases, the results} Will be announced. WTOsu MORE Eggs O O C O Q 0 O 0 '“O”.“I”O”I”O”O”fi' O O 00‘ .“novoooeoooeoo e 000000000... v»; t.w.fl.».¢e.n.w’«.o gov v o o o o .09.«.u.«.«.«.«.n.«‘n on N e o o o o ' V‘eo.«.oe.u.w.o¢ . ace...- 9 to. c. o o o o I , I .v 00 o .- o School-ing .00 0 on u o I I o o o in Beauty - o o o a e o. o c Q .. Our salon is like a second 0 M -- Always Look for the Two Rod I...qu Y-O Charles Town Grain & Feed 00. Phones 73-223 Charles Town, w. v... THEY WOULD READ YOUR AD TOO, IF IT APPEARED HERE The next lime you order case of beer for your home, ask your distributor to deliver a case of Fart Pitt Beer in Quarts. A Fort Pitt quart is the ideal container when you are serving two or more people. And when several friends drop in, a few quarts of cool, delight- ful Fort Pitt Beer are just the thing! For convenience, economy and fine fiavor.csk for Forf‘*-Piit Beer by name. It’s one of America’s fastest growing beers! roar rm mwme com-Am - museum“, PA. ! Font PITT anwme Co, PITTSBURGH. PA. (JEANNETTE PA PLANy ACTUAL SIZE of the giant economical For! Pm Quart Bottle.