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Farmers Advocate
Charles Town, West Virginia
October 2, 1942     Farmers Advocate
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October 2, 1942
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e/ Mlg/ ADvoC&TE, CtiAi Li S TOWN, I SUNDAY SCHOOL ":" LESSON ":" By HAROLD L. LUNDQUIST, D. D. el The Moody Bible InStitute of Chicago, (Released by Western Newspaper Union.I it i, i ) Lesson for October 4 Lesson subjects and Scripture texts se- lected and copyrighted by International Council of IRellglous ]Education; used by ~rrntsslon. FAITH IN CHRIST AS OUR PERSONAL SAVIOUR LESSON' TEXT--Acts 16:13-15; Ro- mans 5:1-II. [ Ge~LDEN TEXT--Therefore being Jus- by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.--Romans S:I. Salvation through Christ is the way, and the only way, into the Christian life; therefore, there could be no other subject more suitable than that of our lesson to begin our brief series of "Studies in the Christ Life." Our lesson for today tells us first how one comes into a personal sav- ing faith, and then gives Paul's statement .of the result of saving faith in the changed life of the be- liever. I. The Opened Heart (Acts 1{]: 18-15). Paul and his companions on their important errand for the Master, bearing the news of the gospel, had first known His guidance by hin- drance, by the closed door; and th~n by the direction of the Spirit into the open door, revealed in the vision of the man of Macedonia. Here in Philippi they found not only an open door, but an open heart, one which the Holy Spirit had made ready for the preaching of the Word of God. "Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word ~f God" (Rein. I0:17). Note that while Lydia was a wom- an of ability and culture, and a wor- Shiper of God, yet she needed the message of redemption through faith tn Christ. Lydia evidenced the truth of her profession of faith by open testimony and. by a desire for fellowship in putting forward the work of God (v. 15): Salvation is by faith apart from Works, but a Saving faith is a~ways one which works. 11. The Transformed Life (Rom. .B:I-II). The Methodist Church Charles Town. W. Va. Rev. B. I. Barnes, Pastor 9:30 A. M.--~unday ~ctiooi. Glas~e.~ lot a~i age groups The lJulldcrs (Slass niecLs 111 bile lIlalli &UfllLOrlUlii oi Lhe cliurcn. All men al~ illVlLcd I~o collie ailu ~voIslIl~ wlLh u~. 11 A M.--Morning Worship, 6:30 v. lvl. otuig x'eoples ~er- vice. All young peopm are requcst~ ~d to ~bLt~lld LnlS service. 7:~0 t'. ~1. ~,venmg Worship. I raver lV:eetIng Weunesdad e~- i/lgs al~ 'i:3O o'clock. ~aruane-lJetnany-Suaday Sol, eel every ~unday morning a~ iO:5~ o'clock. 'l'eachlng s l'vace eae.1 1st, 8ra and 5ta unaays U:UO A. St. John's Luttieran Church faarpers Ferry, W Vu. Rev. ~, W. xoung, t'a~tor bunday ~chool--l|~:U0 A. M. Worship ~eKvlce ll:OO A. M. /~v cnurcn -~erwce ou nrst bun- day ol Lno lnoat~h. lm~her l~cagu,---Tue~day 8 P M. Uvilla Lutheran ~hurcii Preaching by the l'asLor, Rev. john ki. Jy,ay, aL ll oclocK a. hi.) Sunday, October 4th. ~miuay ~cnool every ~unday at Weed l~rayer ~ervlce. ' Jeff. Circuit Methodist Churches Rev. W. D. Dickey, Pastor. First Sunday-- Oakhuld--9:45 A. M. ~unulut l'oint--il:lo A. M l~abletown--b t'. M, Seeontt bunday-- Leetown--9:45 A. M. ~ummit t'oint--ll:10 A. M. Middleway--b:00 1'. ~VI. St, Thomas Lutheran Church Ranson, W. Va, Rev. John H. Fray, Pastor George S. Bowden, ~upply 'astor Sunday School at 10:U0 A. M. ulasses tot all ages. Morning Worship at 11:00 A. M INo evening services. Visitors and friends cordially welcolnc ac all services. Baptist Church Charles Town, W. Va. Rev. Goodwin Fraser, Pastor. A. M.--Sunday School A. lVl.--Mormng W orship. 6;;.$0 t'. i~l,-~.lJ. T. o. t'. vL-- vemng Service. P. M, Wednesaay--i'rayer Meeting. Schedule for Leetown Baptist Field ~henandoah Junction l'reaclung 1st. ~ullday night, 2nd. Sunday morning. 3rd. ~unday nlgla~. LeeLowu--preacmng 1st. ~unday morning 3rd. bunday ntorlnng. 4th. ~unday nlghL. ~unltu~ l'olnL---preaching Znd. ~unday nigh~. 4th. Nualday morning. St. James Catholic Church Fi th ~k~day, 8:00 a. m. ~t. Agnes, ~hepherdstown-Third Sm~day, ~:~0 a. m. Shenandale Mission Charge Methodit Church Rev. C. W. Lloyd, Pater. Schedule of Services: First Sunday : 11:00 A M --Chestnut Hill 2:00 t'. M.--Murrill ttill 'third ~unuay-- 7:30 1'. M --Silver Grove Oakland--9:45 A.M. Second Sunday: Kabletown- 11 A.M. 11:00 A. lvl.--Sitver Grove bumnnt l'oint b:00 1'. M. Fourth Sunday--- Leetown---9:45 A. M. M~ddlcway--ll A. M ~unllnlt t'oint--8:00 l'. M. " This is one of the great passages Firth Sunday-- of Scripture, rich in doctrinal instrue- Oakland 11:00 A. M. tion, presenting through Paul an il- KabletowR--8;00 1'. M. luminating discussion of justifica- tion2oy faith. Mount Zion Methodist Church This lesson affords an opportunity South Charles Street for teachers to learn and present to Rev. J. C. Scarborough, Pastor classes much needed truth along tho 10 A. M.--Church School line of Bible doctrine. There iS not enough teaching of this type. Peo. ple seem to prefer a little devotional study, or the discussion of current events, possibly in the light of prophecy. These are good, but it ks of first importance that Chris- tians be informed regarding doc- trine. We find in this Scripture the glori- ous transformation of life which comes to the one who takes Christ as Saviour. as we note the seven results of God's justifying grace. 1. Peace Iv. 1). The human heart craves spiritual peace arid knows that it Can be found only when sin has been dealt With and put away. For sin cannot be condoned or ig- nored. There must be justification, and that can come only through Jesus Christ our Lord. 2. Grace, Iv. 2), A peace with God brings the peace of God into our hearts, We have that peace be- cause we have by faith come into the place of God's favor. No long- er strang(!rs or outsiders, we ha~e come in ("have access") to His place of grace and favor. 3. Hope (w. 2b, 5a). Our faith not only brings present peace, but causes us to see future glory. Such a hope puts us in a right attitude toward God, and the things of life, including tribulations Iv. 3), are rightly valued and understood. Even our troubles become evidences of His love in which we may glory. 4. Love (vv. 5b-8). God's love which gav i His Son to die for our sins becomes the "shed abroad' por- tion of every believer in Him. It was an unmeasurably great love, and it all centers in Calvary. 5. Saved From Wrath Iv. 9). The wrath of God is minimized or de- nied tn much modern theology, but it is nonetheless a very "real and awful affection of ,the divine na- ,ture." But the Christ who died for sinners will surely deliver the saints from the wrath of God against sin. 6. Reconciled Iv. 10). The death of Christ, which justified man has accepted by faith, brot~ht recon- ciliation. Atonement had been made for sin. and the One who died is alive ffgain, a living Saviour. 7. Joy Iv 11). And why not~ Such a revelation of what our re- de.mption includes should make ev- 11 A. M.---Morning Worship 8:00 P. M. Evening Worshil). The laublic is invited to attend. Bolivar lleights l'entecostal Church Mrs. Pearl Watters, Pastor. Sunday School ag 10 a. m. Supt. William Hillearv Youzig Peoples Service at'7 p. rm Mrs. John Dillow, President. Church Service 8 p. m. Sunday. Clasmneeting 8 p. m. 'lhursday. cry believer in Christ rejoice in God. Th~ One who is the sinner's judge la the believer's joy! That is the glorious transformation which takes place when one believes. Some unbeliever who has read th~g lines thus far must by now be eager to have these things true in lais life. Well, why not? "Be. itev'e On the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved" (Acts 16:31). Thel~ read again those majestic and {~yf~l words in Romans 5:1: ~Tl~ei'efore being justified by faith, ~e have"--yes, I have "peace with God through our Lord JesUs Christ." 0 Classified advertising br/t -,s hiv t~su4ts--try one toda~ and be ~,)n 2:00 t'. M. Murrill Hill 3:30 P. M.--Falrmont 7:30 1'. M.---Chcstnut llill Tllird ~unday : 11:00 A. M.--ChesLnut Hill 2:00 1'. M. Murrill Hill 7:30 t'. M. -bilver Grove Fourth Nunday: 11:00 A. M.---Silver Grove 2:00 1'. M.--Murrill 1till 3:30 1'. M.--Fairmont 7:;30 t'. M.--Chestnut Hill SL l'hilip'a ~plscopal Church Rector, R. L. Gordon Charles Town, W. Vs. Morning Prayez a',d bermon--- every Sunday at ii:00 o'clock. lioly Gommunion -- [st ~unday, 11.00 A. M.; 3rd Sunday, 6.00 A. Evensong and Sermon every Sun- day at 11 a. m and 7:30 p. m. Ghqrch School every ~unaa~'-- 9.3~ A. M. 1 ~-U-~2-~:.Z~:.-'S~22 :N~ ture Agent, Mayors and Councils of t Ci . . - ~ the Corporations, State Road Com- t mission and School Board. ethan.Defense Mrs De. Yo,-ell and Mr Joe 11 In Charles Town And i!] Warrenfeltz have takenactive man- Ii o,-- Jefferson County ~t nese vehicles have been equipped with first aid kits, stretchers, head ti, ~.'~Z~-.'aI~2"IT.~-.'~.::2.~2:i2~"~'2]:~ light dimmers and Civilian Defense Halltown Church Sunday School every Sunday at 9:45 A. M. Congregational Worship on the first and third Sunday afternoom a~ 3:00 o'clock. Beulah Church 2:00 P. M.---Sunday Sclmol every Sunday. 8:00 P. M.---Gongregational Wor. ship on the seoond and fourth Suaday~. Shannondale Mission Charge The Methodist Church ~irat Sunday--Silver Grove, 11 A. M.; Murrill tiill, 2:00 P. M.; Fairmount, 3:30 P. M.; Chestnut Hill, 7:30 P. M, Second Sunday--Mount Carmel 9:30 A. M.: Ebeneezer, 11:15 A. M. Providence, 3:00 P. hi. Third Sunday--bilver Grove, 1: A. M.; Murriil Hill, 2:00 P. M. Fairmount, 3:30 P M.; Chestnut liill, 7:30 P. M. Fourth Sunday Mount Carmel. 9:30 A. M.; Ebeneezer, 11:15 A. M.; Providence Chapel, 3:00 P. M. Zion Episcopal Church Rev. C. G. Tarplee, Rector Charles Town, W. Va. First Sunday in the Month 11 A. M.--Holy Communion and Building). Nelson Parish Rev. O. V. T. Chamberlain, Rector First Sunday-- Leetown--M. P 9:30 A. M. Rippon H. C II:00A. M. Sumnfit Point E. 1' 8:00 I'. M. Second Sunday--- Leetown M P 9:30 A. M. Middleway--H. 4~ 11:00 A. M. Summit Point E. P. .8:00 t'. M. Third Sunday-- Middleway--M. I'. 9:00 A. M. Leetown--H. C 11:00 A. M. Rippon E. P ~:00 P. M. Fourth Sunday-- On Friday, a group met in the Insignias. ' ottice of C~vflian Defense for the Auxiliary hospitals and first aid purpose o~ enectmg a reorgamza- stations have been placed under ac- uon of parts of tne personnel oftire management of tim Charles Civilian ~Jelense. in the Iuture the Town General Hospital with Mrs. O1fice of Civilian Defense and Re(i Cora Sudler, Supt. heading this Cross wilt cooperate more fully m group with Mrs. John Porterlield carrying ou~ the work. It was de- and Mrs. Herbert Wiswel| assist- cided to delegate the following du- ing. This includes the Auxiliary Lies and activities to the ICed Cross. now set-up in Rouss ttall with Home Nursing Service and traul- eleven beds, one in Shepherdstown rag--Mrs. D. IS. Colston, Cimirman; with four beds, Mrs. Mildred Nurses Aid and Graduate Nurses Rhodes in charge and in Harpers Mrs. James Mason, 3rd.; Nutrition Ferry with two beds, Mrs. Preston and Canteen Service Mrs. Kears-Millard in charge casualty station ley Wysong, assisted by Miss La- in Ranson and one in Eagle A~e. vetta Fraley; Food and ttousing-- School. These have all been equip- Miss Ehza0eth Burns, Director Dped with new materials such as in- J'A. The program I'or future train- sttuments, dressings, etc. mg was mapped out with the assls-1 Recently the WPA assigned live tance of Mrs. F. S. Harrison, Chair- clerical workrs to the CDO and man of the l~cal ICed Cross Chap- these together with Mrs. Dorothy ter. Waiters, Office Manager have been Mrs. Colston will start additional busy preparing certilicates and classes immediately in home nurs- car(Is Ior workers who have com- ing, hrst aid and organize and u'a]n pleted necessary training for grad- four s~retcher teams Ior Charles uation which will probably be held Town, two ior Shepherds~own andOctober 9. 10, llth, in the various two lor Harpers ~erry. It was communities planned to organize two mens The new certificates issued by ~eams, one wonlan and one colored the state for all Civilian Detense Middleway--M. P 9:00 A. M. Sumnfit PoinV-H. C 11:00A. M. for Charles Town and one mens antI workers are now also being per- womens team each for Shepherds- pared. This certificate is issued A call for 200 volunteer C. 1). Workers has been issued to combat forest fires. This work has been put in charge of Mr. Nell Bolton for organization. town and Harpers Ferry. First Aid CLasses will be started in communities that have nut had their training such as Kearneys- ville, Leetown, Middleway, Sumnlit Point, Myerstown, Shenandoah Junction and the Mountain Mission. Mrs. Mason will head the Com- mittee, cooperating with Miss Mar- with the workers finger prints and photographs, a record kept in Char- leston, which designates the work- er as an accredited member and en- tiled t~ passage thru all police lines in the event of an emergency. S. H. Stone, County Director left Monday mght for Charleston where he will attend a meeting of all State garet Beard for training of Nurses and County Directors Tuesday. aids, refresher courses for grad-. This meeting will be in charge ot uate nmses ou~ of active'*service Mr. Carl Bachman, State Director and registry of all graduate nurses ~ Federal Officials in Civilian Defense mcated in Jefferson County. I work will be in attendance and ad- Mrs. Wysong will head the coin- dress the group on new and old mittees working with Miss Fraley,i features of C. D. Activitie. the instructor m Nutrition Clas-i A letter from Major James P. ses in this group have completed Easley advises that he will be in instructions under Miss Fraley antI Charles Town on October 9, 10, and r~ n Mms Lafferty in Charles Iow, llth, at which time a practice Bakerton and Shepherdstown. New blackout is authorized to be held Classes are now being formed for for all workers who have completed fall and winter work in the entire their courts of training and certi- county, including the farm womens ficates issued. clubs. Schedule of places and time Dr. Crosson, State Medical Offi- will be announced later, cer and staff will also be here and Miss Burns has had correspon- inspect all hospitals and casualty dence with State Officials perfect- stations with the possibility of ing plans to have everything in awarding a citation if warranted. readiness with food and housing in case of an emergency. A County wide campaign is now in progress to enlist all workers for the home front All County agen- Rippon--E. I' 8:00 F.M. cies have been solicited with the I result that all are now cooperat- Camp Hill and Bolivar I working on this program are the Methodist Churches I ing in their respective fields. Those Rev. Louis M. Young, Pastor ! Red Cross, Health Department, De- Bolivar :--Church School at 9:301 partme~ of Public Assistance, WP A. M. every Sunday, Worship and lA Farm Groups, County Agricul- Sermon every Sunday at 10:30 A. Distribution of C D. literature ing through the local C. D. Office. Special C. D. identification insig- nias have been issud to all pubhc utilities workers in order to laciti- tale their movement thru police and wardens lines in emergencies and blackouts. This includes all work- ers for telephone, electric water and gas company employees. All Civilian Defense Drivers of Charles Town are urgently request- ed to be present Thursday, October 1. 1942 ,at 6:45 p. m on Good's corner to receive equipment and in- structions. If owner of ambulance. please have vehicle there. --,V Buy War Bonds and Stamps ~very Pay Day. I. H. RUSSELL REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE 114 East Washington St. Oppo. Thomas Jefferson Hotel Phone 47- Charles Town, W. Va. All Kinds of Casualty and Fire Insurance. Mutual Life Insurance of New York. Houses For Rent ? your income in every pay day. lid you need money your winter coal? The ment advises every coal to purchase early of the expected transportation us be of service to away that winter coal, Pay us back monthly installments. Phone or and Finance Phone 88-J. Charles Town, W .allllllllllllllll IIIii1111111111111t1111111111111111111111111111111 is under way and will be sent out through the various offices, schools, etc. Sale of War Bonds and stamps has been reorganized with Mr. Lee Bushong as County Chairman work- M Evening Worship and Sermon second and fourth Sundays at 8:00 P. M. Camp Hill :--Church School every Sunday at 10:30 A. M.; Worship and Sermon every Sunday at 11:30 A.M. Evening Worship and Sei- men fisrt and third Sundays a~ 8:00 P.M. Holy Communion first Suu- day of every month. The Christian Endeavor meets every Sunday at 6:30 P. M. day, October J, at 4:00 o'clock m] the best wishes go with him where- ~--,~.~ the MeLimdist Church at Leetown. ever he may be. -- ]'he Rev. Dickey will perform theI Mrs. Eston Larrick and sons, 'rh, P ) T h, a ;." o-ceremony. Wishes for the happi-I Wm. Carr, and John Larrick of ~?~:. i~').~-.~ ~5~',',~)~ ,'~,~.~',~,~",~,r,'~" ImSS of these young people will l near Winchester, Va are spendlng " "" s - -( . - Mr Jenkins, of ear Wa de -[ thin week w~th their parents, Mr cers mr ule present sen m term " . I . .~ ~ " ~,*=~thi~ Xl.t~.'ab "W.~ .~,~a~.Mw~ .t'hxl"" A,)yt, 1'. ".~w~ '~'"'~q o vule, W. VS.) IS VlSltlng his son,] a~uan(I Mrs. d. ~.barr. r ~ Mr irwn Jenkins, of Leetown. t After vlmtmg Mr and Mrs was elect, ea presluen~; l)lrs, d. ,~." ." " " ' " " I, Harr Worsley, of Silver Springs, Locke, secretary, and t rlnelpaThe W. S. C. S. of Leetownt,~, Frank Smith, treasurer. The school Methodist Church will have theirl ~a }vlr ~ooe~ t~arr anara~m~, otl l~enslngton, lvla, Mrs J ~ t:arr will serve a plate lunch on Friday, annual supper Friday, October 16,] ,~ t 7' "o" " ar- ,~,nas re urne(I to ner n me ne ~ee October 9th, ~hich will be follow- beginning at 5:00 o clock. As herc-] to "~ -J I ed by a social hour. tofore, they will hav~ everything l ~ 7:" ~, I | ~wrs r ran~ wa~son spen~ some Rev W D Dickey wilt have that goes to make a good supper ." " ] " "s "" " o ~ ~ time in ~tamey, va vislL]ng Lne cnmmunmn, ervmes in the Leet wn Mr .and Mrs. J. E. Tabh and sons, 1 I r~ev mr bumpier ann Iamiiy Methodist Church at 3:00 o'clockGeorge and Lyle Tabb, drove toI " ' V " 1 Sunday afternoon, October 4th. Aberdeen, Md to attend the grad- I ~i ! Week-end guests at the home of uating exercises of their son, James) ALL BUY DEFENSE ~TAMP< I Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Coy]e were: Tabb, September 16. Their son is ~ . ~'[ I Mrs. Na, nnie Hardesty, Miss Ann now second Lieutenant. James re-[ ~- ' -~1] ttardesty, of Shepherdstown, and turned to his home with his parents ~ ~ ,-, - tll Sally Lee Megeath, of near Aldie, last Saturday, and will be homeJ~ Jonn t:. Kmner III Va. until-Thursday, October 1st. Then ]i[ ATtORNEY-AT-LAW [i[ Mr. Junior Owens and Miss Mat- he will re~urn to Aberdeen and his ]]] Office in Sadler l~uildin~, ]]i garet Mac Bowings, of Charles future will be decided. Jim's many ] |[ ,~'~ ~ I1[ n wl a ) tht ~ uro rlen ~ee ver ro CHARL]gS TOWN, W VA Tow,"ll be n ar'ie(t "s 'h " .~- f ' ds ' l y p ud of him, an~ltll ' Ill 111 ,2. Ill down into your basement-- your storeroom. Climb up to ]t~ -~-,-- ~~ - '- - -~! 1 the attic too. Look at the unused stuff you re sure to find, and realize how - important the e odds and ends II S a,ton.l- II I]] COMPETENT & AVAILABLE []] Important a kid half way around II d m D-ily il III AT ALL'TIMES I!1 II ~ ~, ~,~o%~ak, !1 Ill 1' YEARS EXPERIENCE /11 the world. Important to a blue-clad II II ill Phtme 216-2. P.O. Box 348. ][] gob--to a flyer, racing to reach the 111 TOW,W VA Iil target before some knifing . ,ser II 1 schmitt can find its mark. Ii L ~ ~ a U:: :: ~?::: ~nm ~It '~s'sue'of-ncl--uding ~0 a Year'' ~"till ] That old metaI means steel for these ' men. And steel means armor plate CHAS. T. ENGLE for safety--weapons and shiFs for II : II CHARLES TOWN, W. VA. Victory :' 11 AUCTIONEER Without it they II d!e. They re not 19 YEARS EXPERIENCE "Always Engaged Where The afraid of that--but it s better to give Best Is Wanted" a life for a cause than to be sacrificed , ) by thoughtlessness. And it's better i, ' yet to live, knowing that the folks F. L. Buahong back home didn't let them down. M Executor-Administrator- Guardian and Agent " nai Of Martinsburg "ON THE SQUARE" FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND LICENSED EMEALMER , CHARLES TOWN, W. OK. AUTOMOBILE SERVICE. MORGUE AttACHED. A COMPETENT LADY ASSISTANT Office 'Phone 162. Residence 'Phone 3S. Lee Bushong, Jr. Bushong & Bushong ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Offices in Washington Hall Building CHARLES TOWN, W. VA. James,!M,' M~i,6a, Jr,: ~ ' ,; .! flames M. Mason, Iii Mason & Mason ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Practice In All the Courte CHARLES TOWN, W. VA. And we won't let them down/Monday starts our big scrap collection drive --and you're going to help make it a '|lilllllllllllllllilllllillllllllllll il Watch this paper for details of the big sci drive and what you mus~ NEWSPAPERS' UNITED This sp co contributvd by tname of 'aperl y to America s All-Out War Effortby good one. Don't let up beca se you see a full junk yard or a brimming salvage depot. That s the way they ve got to be to make sure the mills won't run out! , :"' This space Is a contnbutmn :L