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Farmers Advocate
Charles Town, West Virginia
October 2, 1942     Farmers Advocate
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October 2, 1942
Newspaper Archive of Farmers Advocate produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Geo. W. Marlow, near ter, Catherine, of Pittsburgh, and Circuit Court was devoted to the Misses Laura and on th Mi,ddleway pike, Ella R. ttaincs and Miss in town. B. Phillips, son of Mrs. illips, East Liberty street, Superintendent of the Lime & Stone Conlpan for sortie time, has Naval Aviation Service, )ort for duty on October Point. Rhode l:- outset of his service the rank of Lieutcn- John Browu moved family this week from Mr. John R. Williams, of Pitcairn, spent the week at the home of Mr and Mrs. Stanley H,mton. in gin- son. Miss Catherine White, of Buck- eystown, Md is spendir~g' this week with her uncle and aunt, Mr aml Mrs. B. Frank B.owi~g-s. Row. C. E. ~randlt, who started on his nliniste**ial career as pas- tor of the Shenandoah Junetion- Bakerton Circuit. this county, has been made District Su~perintender~t of Moorefieht Distric.t by the West Vi~,~'inia Method}st C,omferencc in sessmn over the ,week-end in Junction to Ranson, Clarks;burg. Ashby Williams house Qttite a num.ber o Jefferson ~n street His employnlent County folks at~tmlded the 202nd B. & O. Railroad will cml- Anmversary service a~ Christ intending to commute dai- Cthurc'h, Bunker Hill, on Sunday afternoon, Septe,n~ber " Charles H. Dodson, in the constableship, inducted in the Navy, the constable work in District to him. Mrs. Step'h~.'n S. Dal- the nlarrla~'e of a~rhter. Mary Elizabeth STR[TGH poLicY by wind hail, riot aircra t by adding an Ex- Coverage Endorse your Fire InsurJ very little. ESTATE and INSURANCE Phone 216 Town, W. Va. The A~tna Casualty and any of Hartford, Conn Mrs. A. Luxen.belw, of the Lux- en~oet~' Dop,artment Store, is in New York this week, where she is purchasing new fall merehandise for that store. All the new Fall styles will be lea,lured at Luxen- berg's ill the very near future. .Mrs, Thomas C. Bo,wlin~ has been called to Staunton, Va by t~he sermus illnes~s of her niece, Mrs. Morris Th(m~,son Warner. Mr. a,nd Mrs. Charley Henry, of South Samuel Street, apen~ the DasL week-end visit~in~: in W(~ston, W. Va. Mr. and" Mrs. I~,wrence Walters, o Dot~bs. Md,spent Fri- day with Mr. and Mrs. Henry and acc(mtpanied them ~o Weston. Mrs. Vir,:inia Tatersall of Ran- son Uli(ter,'wen~L a major operation at,the Charles Town General Hos- pital on Friday She is reco.vcring in a sffbi~factory manner. V- SUMMIT POINT Mrs. James C. Breckinridge is vL,iting friends in Washington, D. C this week. Mr. William Glascock is the proud owner of a sow who increased the barnyard population this we~k with a lit~ter of pigs numbering six- teen (all living at this writing) hereby repeating her record of Sly teen last year. This patriotic sow evidently has heard there is a war, and a ineat scarcity Mr. and Mrs. Clarence E. Muren, of Los Angeles, Calif,were Sun- aay visitors with Mrs. Muren's aunt, Mrs. Ella Coleman, enroute to their home from Portsmouh, Va where Mr. Muren had been under- ~oing treatment at the Naval Hos- ital. where he was dismissed from thethe Navy due to ill health. Mrs. T. B. Farnsworth is spend- ing some time in Washington, D. / C with her daughters, Misses Lucy and Alice Farnsworth. [ A number from here attended the servce on Sunday afternoon held in Old Christ Church at Bunker Hill Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Via and fam- ily moved this week to Ransom Tlmy will be greatly missed ia~ the village. trial of nloonshine cases. -----V POSTAL CLERK SICK. Frank L. Ronemus, one of the veteran clerks in the Charles Town postoflice, is oif duty because of in- disposition, gi'aken sick early this week, he has been ordered by his physician to remain in bed a month. --V - MIDDLEWAY Mr. J. Hua'hs.on Ba:rnes. of Bal- tLmore, is spending' a week's va- cation with his sm,ters, Mr.s. D. S. Childs .and Mrs. D. C. Lyric, and bro,~her Mr. W. R. Barnes. M~sses Rachel Jenndrd~'s and V~r- ginia Ligpold and Mess,rs. Kenneth Wage~hach and Gordon Cade, of Baltimore. spent t)he week-end with Mr and Mrs. H. H. Jennings. Miss Laura Linthicum has re- turned o her home in Washing- ton, after spending seve,ral weeks her mother. Mrs Rachel Lin- th ic urn. Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Cock- ey, Jr of Purcell,ville. and M~s. C,ha~les Mercein, of Bcryville, were su~p~er ,gues'ts of Mr. and Mrs. Rand,olgh Barnes. Wednesday last Mrs. For~cst Wits,on and Mrs. J. S. Marklc entertained the Meth- odist Aid Socit~ty on Wednesday ni~'ht a.t the home of Mrs. Wit- SOIl. Mr. and Mrs. Ed,ward S'haul] (~f Washington were week-end visit- ors of Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Shir- ley. On ,~atu,rd~y, Mr Shau]l at- tended the Ha~'erstown Fair and repor~ted i~ was nc~t w,ha it used to be. Mr. and Mrs. R(~hert ,Smith and Mrs. Mills of Ea~ton, Pa,spent Saturday and Sunday with the folm~er's aunt. Mrs C,harles ShauIl. Mr. and Mrs. Fred t~a,m,mond, of Charles T~)wn, visited Mr. and Mrs. Hol,mes W'hi,te Sunday after- n<)on. Mrs. J. A. Gran,tham, accom- pan,led by M~. It, H. Jennings and Mrs. D. C. I,yne, attended Eastern Convocation. Monday, which waas hebt at He&gesville. ---V Special Evangelistic Services will be held in the Kabletown Methodist Church beginning Monday night, September 28, at 8:15 o'clock. The services will continue through Fri- day night, October 9th. A song service will precede the preaching service each night. Come and sing with us some of the fine old hymns of the church. The pastor will preach eachnight with the exception of Friday, Octo- ber 2nd and Friday, October 9th. The Rev. B. I. Barnes, pastor of the Charles T~'n Methodist Church urged to attend hese services. Mi', George Cox returned 5ionic last Wednesday fronl the King's t)aughters tt,os,pi,t~al, where he un- derwen~t an ~t~pendix operalion. Mr. James E. Wyndhanl soent the week-en~! in P, it~sburg'h, where he v,isited his sis,ter, Mrs. I)ella Ports and his two sons. Mrs. John S.t~anley accoma)anied Mr. and Mrs. John traM.aster of Martin.qburg ,to BaFdmore, Md Sunday to s,pend the day w.ith Mr and Mrs. Henry &tanley and Mr. and Mrs. N,orval Johnston. Mrs. Ward Chinaman of Catons- ville. Md was a Sunday visitor at the home o.f her sis.ter. Mrs. L. V. Stuckey, Jr. Mr. Russell F~)wler, an e~n,ployee of the Glenn L, Mal,tin plant ill Baltiinore." Md spent la.~t Wed- nesday at his ho~ne here. Miss I~ita" A,mibrc~se will ,be the leader of Christian Endeavor Sun- day evening'. MILLVILLE Mr. James Vaughn, of Akron, Ohio, spent a few days recently Here Is A Resume of Important dlillllllllllllUllllllllmlllllllillllmlllllllllllmllmllllllllllmllmllmlllllll~ Happenings <><~ THE ~ | Coffeel'lea, Women Called. PITTS JEFFERSON- ~ Meat Reduced. Word fro, tIome. Gas for I,aborers. (:row Hemp.' THEATRE " | Guards Children. (ooler Schools. K,mpr' e Too ,'avol. TOW . W Sr | Matinee Daily 3:30 -- Nite at 7:15 and 9:15 P. M, I Student Corps. Junk Jaloppies. Children 11c Adults 28c Incl. Defense Tax l with his brother and sister-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Joe Vaughn. Miss Elizabeth Webb returned to. her home Saturday evening afterI l~aving rented our farm I will spending the past two weeks witht sell at t'nblic Auction on what is Mr. and Mrs. Raoul Watkins inI known as the Baylor Farm, located Washington. D. C. Mr. and Mrs.; about 1-mile Northwest of Charles [ Tom. bay horse, 8-yrs. old, will work anywhere hitched, has been worked some in lead; Bdi and Frank. bay horses, 4-yrs. old, will work anywhere hitched, A-1 lead- ers. These are an exceptionally fine drill or corn planter .team, weighing 1600 lbs. Jack and Kit, pair of Brown Mealy Nosed Mules, well matched, weight about 1150 ibs. each. 4-years old, will work anywhere hitched, has been worked some in lead. a fine check line team. Kate, bay mare nmle, will work anywhere hitched, a good leader. weight 1400 lbs. FORTY ttEAD OF CATTLE. Forty Head of Cattle consistiug of Angus, Herefords, and Durhams. Eleven Hm~eford Angus and Dur- ham Steers, weighing about 800 to 900 lbs. Some Dairy Cows, heavy milkers, fresh and close springers. FORTY ttEAI) OF HOGS. Three Spotted Poland China Brood Sows. bred to P. C. boar, will farrow in October. These sows iiave been double treated. 37 Shoats, ranging in weight from 4',) to 80 lbs. each. FARMING IMPLEMENTS. One 4-horse wagon. 4-in. tread, with 12-bbl. panel bed; two 4-horse wagons with 18 and 20 foot hay lad ders. extra wagon bed and side- boards, 12-bbls. capacity; McCor- mick-Deering binder, 8-ft. cut. good Mrs. Arthur Webb and family. Mrs. Virgil Malone, who has been very ill, was taken to the hospital the past week-end. Mrs. Mahme was in a very critical condition on Monday, the doctor believing she has a nervous break down. Mrs. O. W. ttiggs and daughter, of Silver Springs, Md spent the past week-end at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Webb. Mrs. C. S. Webb has been very ill for the past few days in the Schnauffcr Hospital in Bruns- wick, Md Mr. and Mrs. Dewey ttill and family were very happy the past week-end to entertain their son, Dewey, Jr who was on leave from the Navy. He is stationed in Nor- folk, Va. Mrs, Ken,neth Robinsm, returned to her home the past week from the Schnauffer Hospital. Brunswick, but the baby daughter, who "only weighed four and a half pounds, ----V Week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Roper were their son- in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs E. L. Arnoldi. of Bal,timore. Md and Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Bad, man and f~ur daughters, of Washing- 85 years old in July last. as new; Superior grain drill, 8-hoe; Case nmwer, 5-ft. cut; combination side delivery rake and redder, like new; hay loader, like new; New~, ldea manure spreader, I. H. C. rid- ing cultivator, like new; John I)eere~ ndmg cultlvaor, ahnost new; 5- shovel cultivator, 2 double shovel plows, 2 steel beam 3-horse Syra- cuse plows with big beams, No. 3078; Oliver plow No. 40, horse rake, 22-tooth wooden frame har- row, 3 section springtooth harrow some apple ladders, 18 and 20 feet single, double and thribble trees crowd sticks, corn sheller, iron vise I. H. C. No. 1 Hammre Mill, lik~ new; hog feeder, 6 lids, 2 hay forks with ropes and pulleys, like new; dump cart. 4 scoop shovels, 2 dirt shovels, Cyclone seed sower, 2, 3 and 4line forks, steel drums, corn knives, corn spuds, log chains, briar scythe, mowing scythe, 5-gal. oil cans. 5-ton jack, 2 pipe wrenche~, breast and butt chains, some tools, clover seed buncher, 2 hay sheets, 16x20; one 40-gallon iron butcher- ing kettle. HARNESS :-Set of 4-in. Breech- ing, 2 sets ef lead gears, all Shu- girl's make; 6 sets of leather back band plow gears, 8 good leather col- lars, 8 bridles, 4 choke straps, wagml saddle, good as new; Army saddle. 3 lead reins. 2 sets of check lines, g halters, plow lines, 2, 4 or (;-horse wagon lines, 1 set of cart gears, and lo s of other articles too numerous to mention, found on a well equipped farm. TERMS :--CASH. Nothing to be removed until settled for. J. M. TRAPNELL Charles T. Engle and Coleman Dunn, Auctioneers. C. W. Moore, Garland H. Moore and Chas. H. Strider, Clerks. S.--Sept. 23 and 30. A.--S( 26 & Oct. 3. Thursday and Friday, Octoberl =2 South ~eas Adventure And Tropic Romance Also, News, Mareh (if Time, "THE ARGENTINE QUIL~TON" Saturday, October 3 LO~ Cr~,Um Also. Comedy, Cartoon, RIDERS OF DEATtl VALLEY No. 9 Monday and Tuesday, October 5-6 Also. Novelty and "'TREF, S TO HOMES". Filmed in Color Wednesday, October 7 ilnn MAIIIS :/ Also, News, Comedy, Cartoon,