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Farmers Advocate
Charles Town, West Virginia
October 2, 1942     Farmers Advocate
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October 2, 1942
Newspaper Archive of Farmers Advocate produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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rAGZ SIX FARMERS ADVOCATE. CHARLES TOWN. W. VA. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 2, Births and Deaths RALLY DAY AT In Honor of the Late D I :, rs G. P, MorJson: In Month of Au-ust ST. THOMAS' CHURt;H ,-. -nor 1113WITl liil/ lD IJ.l./'l. ~ h ,have taken an ,a'partmen~ m I Tn rpliovo g Kev. Hr. u. u. t . the of Mrs. Mary Baylor,e o" -- Sunday, Oe~o,ber 4tlh, will be .-- 1 q South Samuel ;~treet. M~:. M n'ison ] tells ry I ' is now in the em,plov of the l(ey-] ~ stoneLimastone Co, near Mill-]AAA LI~ viile. ' l TAl RICH Dr. Lepps. ell k 'n local ]|fl| lfl! q~ :: 1 h 1 N,[ ;* ~ * ' cis I abell~ Ross Thomas Lew,s tlhe churoh. The cha'pel was taste- ~ U- . .' ' : .~' Mrs Heler Goldsborough, of Shep- I i ~ ~TALKS !~I:EPU,QGI:' ~ ; ]Smith Thoznas Hertber* Washin-- fully decorated with fall flower "l herdstown. Loth of the above pormuon ior ungay cnooi pupils may oe auev]atecL in ton, ~arles Marshall ~VObb' E~ On "each of the three long tables ~yanor. fT. wa.s a I'avm:~te, no.t a- named members were appomt~d to ," " . ' '," - . lone oecause II. wao L.= .ang~uage many ms,mnces several Iamlhes can club together, using[ward Ice Zohlnan Three were un- was a centerp,:ece co~mstmg of a " "" "" o" ~ oo i" fill vacancms caused by the res]g- then: automobiles on alternate Sundays Then there is the] n med at the date of issuance of gw !(jen pumpki~td'partia~lYndC:dve~ed wla:n:nt' n3t t~(caU~ry nation of Mrs. Win. B. Snyder andII JEt'EElS A~]LON~ ] Y00DS hRE] I YES]DO(N~ ALl.SIP'! i'M(] ~T0b~ ~[ ~ plan whereby school busses could be utilized to cant children[ thebirth certificate. . ~jn ,g]ialpes a]' o.s ~ u .-e~' a',Yt soul of t'he man. [ B. H: Riddlebe,~:ef;~ e ('~ ~,I S,0PPmO ~,SV.-/NECE$$&RY| Iqse opp,i ) to Sunday School on Sunday. ~vne ue~vns, were as ~oliows: ~ree~"~,e~e~.~-an ~"vefi~wears of Strong men have interwoven ! To~"i~s~ a~so ~a"'memb'e- "(~f"'t ie I I IT'S & @POD ( TO KEEP I I~a-~, ~cab;- a~--'~, t~l| If several Jefferson county school buses could be used for i r y,CeMarrv r / t'maandwT ( n. corn 5t e"r ta'.ble decorations'were .the fabric oqe thclr th2nklg:~ ] Cou,n~il "having been appoint 'd bv II ] "['HJ[~"-jT~- )U.~.STR0~')J j,~.~.~v~- i~-. ~/x~.~t.~ the pul~pose of transporting children to Sunday School, it'as L." R~isste'r '' green and yellow candles and prenncit;lesan~'heC:e~r~v pe~::~r~Sn~, the Governor some months ag~. J I 1 ~0bl2.1f~~'~/ I'~ 5.~ would seem that the- would be selwin a useful u ose I T*he birt'hs" and dea,ths are re- bowls of autumn flo.wers ~:,~'ho;. ~:- ~- ~,::^. ~ ~. ~ I Matt GarrotiG t resident of the ~ ~ ~*t~ '~ Between the main course ano ""' "' ] corded in the office of the Jeffcr- ~. ~ .~ (Panty Court, ~s an ex-(fffic'o menl- Of course, ~t would seem that the Sunday Schools would have] the dessert course Mr F E Brenyears of such u'mdmg and ] V ; ~. . son Counr, y tlealff~n l)epartmenr~ as " " ."~ ~ per oI tne tJouncl|. o o.I to bear the cost of operating the buses however, this would [ ,m ,a a neman rendered a solo, Fairest ""~' c ' ~.^ ~:--~ It "'. " ~^.n ~" aecomnan~ed bv Miss proven and once proven become --V . ] r ~ ~^~ F~llowin- su" as inseparable from the hfe of a While our local young manhood fighting the battle J i man, as 0he pol sh is inseparable' lff A DI democracy on farflung battlefields, would it not be a w sel r, ~ ~---- in~ *alk b, Rev C I Lewis Pas- from .the granite monument They 1 :- ~ / policy for those at home to exert every effort to see that thel ~larcn~v E. llallll tor of the" Church" Facts p'ertain- ~'o with one ~n the street, in the -.-,-,I ~ - '1} ~' 1 Churchn th ,;+, ,;n ,~ I - ing to t,he '~IJnited Reli.gious Edu- iem)wsnip with m.en, in the affairs, .~ van,gensr~c servwes conoucre(~ ,~ u ~ ou,u,~s ~,vu ---v,~a, p**~a~'~ v, u,=,u~,~z----I Clarence E Harm, retired man ~ ~'-vemen '' were of chureh and state in the lonely [ by Vhe Rev W. D. Dickey began do not suffe lager of the Charles Town branch nro ont~d nnd eaOh nerson's hartmedita~.mns of one, in thetnnes t Monday m~'~t andwill continue r- r ~- . " O of the wholesale ~rocery of Wine-in th; m~vement was emmh~sized of unexpected temntatmns to t)wo weeks through F~day, Oct - ]brenner & Sons, died suddenly at;r"he"~ro"~ra~"was closed"bv ~,ray" swerve from fixed beliefs in the ]bur 9,th. Services be~in at 8:1.5 o - - -:. . - ; .: ~zmm~tl~ma- - : ~m,~ ]his home on North Samuel St ater bg"Mr Henry" Svdnor' " " dnrk and .Vhe dawn, at home or twith. a sm.~ ser: ice. Everyone ~s ' '~ ' o cordmll nvi'ted to attenu ~ne . [5 o clock Monday morning follow- Everyone feels that much credit abroad, and no less amon.: stran-[ Y . ] m~ a heal~t at4ack. Mr. Harm 'had fo~ t~e success of the evenin~ gers than among frmnds Dr Syd- Rev. B. I. B,arn.vs of Charles qown ," "" o " " " " ~ "" ' will conduct services Fr:dav night ~ ~ Ibeen m fa]lan,~' health for several ~,dn 0 to the President Mrs nor was a s'tron~ man, because[ . . - - ' - " "~ " ~ ~'~ ] years. A cl hl.L;na"d her ver efficient his faith was founded u~)on a rock,('~ t.h~s wee~. ~.~ ~ ~-,~m~ ~.~2~. [ Coming from Frederick, Md eo:m~mittees] and because the uncrum~lin.g qual- Mrs. ttarry Kalb.le .has been con- ';~l I- ~ I~:~':t l with the Win~brenner firm when Th~ ~on~'rnl officers of t~he Aux- it.tea of thin~s eternal were partffi~ed to her bed w~Oh a severe ,:~'~ ~[ ~ql ~]~:** }~4, ]they e~tabli~hed their branch ware i~-,;'are-:-p'~es]dent" Mrs A O and parcel o.f him com. .:'.~:~ ~ ~v~r.~.~.21rakl,1 ~ '~ ]house here, :he was their m~nager A~l~in" V'ice 'Presiden% Miss ]~liz" Such .men "lean not unto thew I Mr. and Mrs. Jo'hn S. Buyer of ".~,N~llill~ . o~ ~ I ~[~ I un,til his health failed, abeth'Burns" Secretary, Miss Mar- own understanding"." They use Charles.Town were week-end yis- ~.~,~='~ ~ #~ [ blr. Harm, who was 64 years of tha Phillins. Treasurer Mrs their understanding, and itis like ~;.ors.w,th theformers brotiher, ".~[~ ~,][qk ~'~.~l~m " '- ]age, was a n~a~ive ~f Frederick wt ttine~ifer ' ' " the silk ,belts in the mill, u~ed tol~v' . t~aymend Buyer anu I,am.~y. ~ ~liq[ ~V. I.', :~l~ i[t~[~'s~.'" ] County, Md. His paren,ts, Samuel ~ V- ' seoara,te ,t~he finest flour from the Miss Agatha Marie White has 1 Tommy's a big help to the nation's war effort, by being a~ -- ~ ~[~ ~- ~[d~[~:~]l~ I~.[~." ]and Catherine Gunshon Harm, ground wheat. To reject some o.flbeen confined to her bed for over I to his mother and conserving the family car. Tommy [~r~ ll~-- ~'~.~ ~ I[~s~,2 were also n~tAves of that eoun'ty. Jonn K. uaroner the produ,c.ts otf the mills of the a week w~th t.he :~thma. .~ I again by eating our vitamin fortified, "Enriched Bread, t at Ihllautt 1 I Mrs. Harm sum, ives with three gods, which grind slowiy,'was not ~vir. arm Mrs. nt!,waru t~rown I cau:.e it's a nutritious food! :i ~'l~.~ /~l[I [~.~ [~,$," I sor~s, Ralph Harm, n~w .serving in John R Gardner, aged 40 years,to condemn them He sough~ the and children: .Ma~g.~e . Lou ajld ,:~'~.~1~ |{~l~"~o=~ill(~li ~ [t'he Coas.t Guard; Maurice Hann,died at the Hopemont Sanitarium,finest and best. And those things] n van', I .wasmng~ n Dk,t'" IBuy A Lo,af of SELECT BREAD It~v= at ttendersonmlle N C Ed ar were ~eeK emt v ~ors w~tn art,s ~.~ ]~a~[|~gfl ~ ~-~ ;~g~'~ I ' ' ',-; g near Terra Alta. W Va, on Sun- he treasured He ~fea:zted upon n,- . ,2~ a v. ': "~ .'~'~-,Harm n~w in the N~v o e," "," ~rown s parents ~v~r anu :errs ape (~'~" ,~-'~ ~",[, .:, ~ y, and n~ day, September 27th, death follow- t~he~. They were h~s bread of h,fe. ~ " = ' ~[$- ]uaug~er, ~ars; may ~mcg~oru, inga long illness Born in Freder- And men who walk with and com-] .'.~'". I ~ ~ a -- i WhOSe nus~anu 4s in the army in,~,~-t" ~- ~a, " --- xr~ M-.~.C:-r~-'~---~. was mane wi'th ,thin~o~ eternal'are / .~v'rs Ja.c~ mercer me.~. With a ~l ,~g :ill 0ml~ I m~stmtune Sunday mornm~ when ]Allask~ ~nd one grand-daughter, the son of Walter and Margaret ~ternal. And that immortality is i ~" [':. ~ ~.a. I IVlISB t~etsie rzann, ox rtenaerson- ,~.u, r~"-a o~ ~" ~ -,-z.f" .~---.~''~;q's first with men. In its .oo.~ lete I e - I PHONE 272 CHARLES TOWN, W.! " ' th foot-brad, en hont of her ~:)UTI'I~I~ STATES Dry and Freshening Ratton m Iv.file. N.C. ' to this count- eight years ago he ex~pressm,n rt Is mnong men The . ~. :~ " r Harm's astor the Rev B ~ - - - ' "h~.s~ fall into t,he c,~:~k d n t hem M P,h tewart from thou ht cf heavenl awards do made for just one job---to fit dry cows a d Re t I ~ o.'~ " :'J was employed on t e S " " g "' Y ",~4nrain n, he: wri~t . . . o~,es conaue~e(t ~ne I~neral t "' " :" -]" ~ "hel- men on 0heear"~- ~"-"to "" ' " " | reaay tot a year o!mgn proauctlon. I rites at the home -* I near r~earneysvme, nm w~e meu v ~. DU~ I ; . . . ~ j/ Peru.OK,seven years a~o. leavin~ five chil- meri,t the e,ternal things of heav- " ' lin weanes~ay morning The remains " ~" " "~ en ' ~ i Dumng the dry penad, cows need a cco g, bulky I r "a- - ~. " [ dren who surmve the father,they are firs~ practiced here. conditioning feed, high in minerals. Southern States Dry I ~Itr~l?e~tC~e~/ r{ His funeral will be held at 2:00 Dr. Sydn:or prac,ticed them 'here, a ~.~u~ ; ~, ~o+;~, o ~ fea safely in lar~,e amounts I r ~, ~. ~" o'clock this (Wednesday) afternoon oecause sney ,pro(mce~l aounoant " eral n mo i a lvlaceuonla ~nuvcn, elg.llb 11111~ 4 ~ ttl It. dr I rWy Wed esday rn ng were G iAWne/~:~i:~r,~ae:thh~urtnce]~:n MT[~e i~l~:~:{in;~!t s:~ey !~ w~thout tausm con ested u de s Southern States ~y and Freshening Ration includes . A:ne:W~r~hn KW~nnE" LDong;Hlaey t d , crushed oats, chopped alfalfa, beet pulp and other ingre- I Nichols, and John A Smith. ; '" " ~l'~ 1- The the "risen Christ '"R~oni" Mas V " hen, sLai'~In,g a~ ten o c ~,Er~. --'. - ~ dlent$ especially valuabl~ for fitting dairy cows for hlg~h ] - . us.ual preaching service~ at eleven ter-~was hke the feeling ~f those, . " who came within the radiant in- product,on. I Mrs. Nettm R. Mdler o clo~k, fl V-- -- uenee oi or ~yonor in ms pres- A su I of Southern States D and Fresh- [ -- ' " ' " -" "~" " ~ -- ~-,ence one reco nlzeu a mastel ne Tv ~ . . "".~ I The remains af the late Nettie /'W'O l OUnles Vhe mas~er of hi ::~w'" ~r. emng lv~atton tot your ary cows will help you I R~inhar* .Miller u,h,~ A;aA ~+ h~, r . ,; ', . " no PilOted his ~wn f~xed star of to start them producm~ profitably wtth l~ame in Kent, Ohio, on Friday,last Obtain bicenses hope humbly A,