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Classified Adv.
rl f
62, NO. 40.
~ " if '
. ,~ J,
Of New Registrants]Mrs. . 1,117 Men F
L2sted By Board w P esident
c udes Tla " Who Have
Reached 18th Birthday
Duriing the Month
Officers Here{ The Local Board of Jefferson
,County, Selective Service. advises
Visitors From !the fol,ow ,g young me, reposed {
9 States Present {for registration during the month
,of September This list includes
Delightful Meeting
Held At Home OF
Mrs. Laura Derr
Thursday night, Jackson-Perks
Post, No. 71, of the American Le-
t gion installed officers for the ensu-
Chas. W. McDonough
Millville, Late t To
Report Here
Coming Events
in Charles Town And
Jefferson County
Sentencing Set For
Oct. 14; Chancery
Orders Entered
Bribery cases against I~awrence
Shires, Martinsburg, and Jack
~ Luxerrberg of Charles Town were
those who attained their 18th birth . mg year.
Tuesday at 1:00 p. m Pc(o- da) during that month and also The Jefferson Farm Women's i Duly installed by Past Comman- The Local Draft Board of Jeffer-
rst, the National Rural Let- those Discharged Veterans who en- Club met at the home of Mrs I aura I der of the local Post, S. H. Stone, son County reports that only one Monda~ Oct 7 Cit- Council of disposed of in the Circuit Court
~C~l~F!iF~Oei:~v:~tn~'~h~mdr~: 5 ~ygbetfe:r~e~dhetv ;:ce~ ni~ U~a~'i;h K!7?e!i!in~U;pE'~!~jf;:~:n~! ni~Oi TwW~n~t~i~'~'ti}~ t~:t~i:~? Ylifi~ ;hi Vh~ i~i hi?rr~e~lna ~!i ia!~YeCl~!s zee~t at 7:30 p. Thd~i:~uYwn~nid~n .:;:/~t~7:
ry " q . . " " . : ", os - ~ . - s' g p "~" y p g y.
~he Thomas Jefferson Hotel. they were dischargedfrom the esses ~durmg 1947: Commander, Thorn- I 19th, namely: Monaov ~* 7 Uo:o^~ ~ .~ They were charged with having
re were renresentatives nresent,Armed Forces Meetin,- was poet ed by read:n~ ~ ton T. Perry; First Vice Comman- Charles V~ d|lam MeDonough i . g~ven bribes to the Chief of Pohee
," . . ~- ~ " . " ? ; . . -~ " will as.~emble in re ular sessmn at
n nine states, including manyi Oscar Haywood Carter, R]ppon' of poem ' On Growing Old" by M "s der, James W. Stmder, Second V~ce [ of MliiVllle, W. Vs. " v ,~,~l,~.b ,~ m g of Charles Town in an a~ empt to
,tans of the rural service. Alum Carter, Sowers, Henson. . Devotionals. were led by,~omman~er Carl Bunk Brlll;. Ad- The addition of th~s. name brings. ~" "" buy .-pr tectmn for a ~amblin~ es-
[ajor Thornton Perry, Charles I Charles Town Mrs. Henry Dutrow with hymns ju~ant, Howard L. ,Sechnst; F1- l the total number now honorably Tuesaav et~t u ~ ~ ~ .~ tabhshment they were operating
m s Postmaster, serving as ~ Wflham Howard, and B~ble reading. 1ndm being . c Offi er, flham P. C. Perry, t discharged and reclassified to 1117. Lio ~. ~ ~ win ~ m~. here m June. The indictment under
~tmaster, spoke briefly of the i Shepherds(own i the subject, Mrs. Inn ]~{erchant, ; Historian, John William Gore; ! Many veterans who have been: Je~erson~otel'at'~ = m which they pleaded guilty is for a
~ry of Rural Free Delivery. I John Edgar Demory, ~who led the lesson, gave a short Chaplain, the Rev C. C. Tarplee; . honorably discharged (luring the ~'" " misdemeanor and carries a fine and
S Postal service today is hand- I Charles Town i talk callinu attention to the size of Service Officer, Augustus Rodeffer; ~ past few weeks, have re-enlisted ' . a jail sentence of not over one
- "~ " " i Tu sday, Oct. 8--Lawson Bott~
by 32,000 careers throughout Edward W. Johnson, Jr Indm and the many differences m,American sm Office], Gerald Ma- eRher the day of their discharge or Chant~, ~ D ~ u ~ ~.~ ;.~ ~. year.
I a a n I Ser n e " . ~ ~ ~. ~-, .-. .~ -- -, ,v.~ ,~.~-
Nation. Mr. Melvin T. Stmder ! Sheoherdstown persons hwng there Miss ~nna,g h . a . gea t-at-Arms, Sher- I shortly thereaft m the Enhsted ,~o.e *in~ ot *h- ~ ~ ~. Judge Rodgers deferred sentence
; introduced and special tribute I Alfred Frankhn Johnson, McGarry was called on and told of ' an League. I Reserve Corps, the Naval Reserve ; Uhi le, al * ~,'~ .~ ,~ l~v until October 14 at ten oclock and
I him as the lone survavmg car- ~ Ranson I many interesting things told her by ! The executive committee to act-I ~u~ux.v ~ .e [.~Dv or the Regular Army and are, ~ B ~ B"-'n-- w'" ~- *~-~^-~--- until that date, Shires and Luxen-
' who started the service fifty 1 John William Walker, Jr i a relative who had lived in India I with the officers will include Rob- ." "~ . therefore, not subject to re-classi-i - P berg are at liberty on their bonds.
Mr Merchant then introduced the ~ rapines a moving pmtule was ficatmn or hstmg ~th those who Another case was disposed of
es ago by bicycle over a route Ranson [. s. " " - I ert Gardner. J A Ey'ter anti Leo ." " " " '- " '- ' " w a,o~,~o, t~ ~ a ~ll ;~ - "~
~afles long. . ,Paul Robert Anders, [ guest speakel. Mrs. . red Elhott, Rodgers - shown~ and. the m~erestlng, meeting are defimtely separated from the. ~ed c,tlzens of the community are when Fred Biggle SeweU, Negro
lace time was short, speeches i Char~es Town who, with her charming and grac- ] .~ c osed with the serving of refresh- Armed Forces The cause of the m- I ;-v;*,~n *- o**o,t .; ~: of Charles Town pleaded guilty ~o
~ " " " i" ' ~ollowin the inst " ~ '
r re,Jame Rober J mus manner ave a most m st g allatmn cere meats c~eased number of enhstments ~s pett larcen He was char ed with
dispensed w~th and ou p - s t enkms, . g" " . tere' - I " ' - .'. " " : p~ n~ u,ib~;n,~ ~ ~ ~ ~^ ~ ~.~ Y Y. . a"
" : w av to ,~.u ~$ u ,u, ~ ,~,~ -, ,~,v
Ilg postmaster introducedMr. Kearneysvdle mg and instructive talk about In- [ not kno n. It m . be due the ~ make la.~ -r ; h~ n ~.~a theft of meat from the slaughter
lemon Gamey, a veteran of the 'Bdly Fulton Owc-u. " ' d~a. Mrs. Elliott had had had the IIT~'li ~ .' n ~ [ T~ ~ ~ a housing shortage, scarcity of jobs ; ~h~.~2: m"^~,~," " s house of Charles H. Strider.
~st days of R.F.D. Mrs. Vesta,Kearneyswlle ; pleasure and ppportumty of hear- I VV ll U[g~illZ~ ~ana ~ rar y for american os many othe~ reasons but it is en- [ .Judge Rodgers sentenced him o
es, first woman carrier in West Jack Warner Ro~rs ins missio.-, arms from India talk ~ In C, harlp. Tawn I t~,i R~ll (ln]l.~ t~rely voluntary on the part of the i Th.r~dnv n ~a ^ -.; + ~ n,ne months in jail, dating from
[inia and over 28 years in ser- Char~es Towu and had given much time and study i e~ ~, Veteran. Jefferson County may' ;n~:'~ ~:~'e'~n"3~,#~::~ ~Y~" August 7th, time of his incarcera-
was presented in tribute to{ *Alvin Carter Sowers, failed to ~o her subject, i ~ . { ~U-~ . rest assured, however, that a good- I an~oah~ba~'cl21"l "'~b~~w:~{'~-''-~ !tion.
|gthe woman longest in service, register at prone," ~;me Mrs Marian Myers then gave a~ !n.L~reste~. c!~mens ol tne j .vlemDers .of the American Le- ly number of her citizens are sub-~ .~ ho~- of D- ~'~'~ ~"c'Don~a~'~i: ] The jury has been released until
f tCOIIIIllUIIILy are InVll:e(l t( a ion oaseD c t e i a~ ~ ~ ~x ~ a~u t,
Veteran W o R no~ed For re )or on the rm (punt meetm ~ atteno g au lub, n u wives and ect to call for servme w~th the Monday ~mtm 9 30 a m
[. N. Bradley, John W. Irvin, s h e " ' i "t "- 3 y g .~ ,~ [ - . " " " . " j " - . " " i Ha~'ers Ferr"" at'4 ": m Box su'- ' rig a~ :, . .
,mas R. Moore, and Frank L." Registration Upon Discharge,at Martinsburg, which was of in-{ mT2ng l~r~::sdn:; Cg~tYoB~learI guz~~ w~e~zsts o[ ~hteatL~ieO~ at Armed Forces in ?r~e~if any emer- i per,~'an~'t hus,;ands o~'members i~:[ The 'following chancery orders
lemus, all past postmasters of, Chester James Diilow, terest to all. 19th at o ', - " ' : . I ~ P'. " y ~. ".Y g ~ g gency that might s 'vited ' " t bearing Judge D. H. Rod~ers $ig-
o cloc~ p m, when lane ~anm inn L~anclng with music oe nature have be n e or
;city, rose to the ulaudits of the [ Harriers Ferry. Rt. 2 Roll call, reading of the minutes -,: ~ . . ?. " P "" I . . " s - i " t e r c ded after
.~mbIage. Miss Estelle Gibson,[ Abner Leo Hough - - Ranson I and committee reports followed wm ~e maae z or the organization I ~ng fur~,!shed by. Bob Ott's band, v I Thursda~ Oct.'~-~ Th~ W,~ll [ the past several days of circuit
er of the late Harry C. G~son, I 4. Achievement day was announced I o] a. nanu ~or t~nanes lown. There ~eatureu tne evening. -- *'*' " 1 "~' "~7 - "--: " "~ "~ I conrt here" "
rural career, was honored on I * for October 22 at the Emsco." pal ! nas rang. been need.for, such a must-. [ Each member and official of the,~ ~1~ ~ ~anT~ma~ l. aoy ~z!mc w[~t ne. neza ,n the [ t~arlan Un~'~r vs Doro h~, ~w
cal unit her basement oz the ~ounty ~mce
occasion of t ute to her late Miss Ravlar l fPd,Par sh.ouse- thboxluncbeon i e. and It ~shoped that team w~ given presents by the hlOlYi lllWallli3 lilt f ~, t ~ ~ = ~ ~[Unger;plaintiffawardedad{vorce-
---~ .--~ -v-- u ~,~--~, the 1o ect wn{ et un(le v I e Jr'( ~.u ~ ,~, .v . ~ ~,~
khee;-~--- J { Election of officers resulted as P',J. g rx ay at an { ~ g!on )st for their services to w . f~ 1 aw * i ~ +~ ~ o ' ~z-.l+'~^ ~" [ custody of the child to remain wi~h
[ajor Perry then introduced the 1[]1.- -- - /q L follows: President, Mrs. R. P, Me- early aate. the aull club during tile year. latar=! "lllh I 1 tlli f s ~ ~" [ defend:anf and plaintiff to rmy $10
. . rrll L~ nnllr il aismn~ ~ xr:~ o ~ ~--+ Mr w P I uon't lorget next Wednesday! A various assortment of "and 111~1 Ul~ff ITI~D$11i[' - - ~. [ her month for the sun or( The
dent, B.A. nq est I ll~k~a IL3|lU|~L1 l[3|lJiU mght and lend our su I w - t . . . ~-~ r rmay, uct. ll--Meetlng oI Ar- ' "
~t-o~ ^ ~o ~Jo+~ ~l ~,~-~! V~+ {,Hammond" Treasurer M~ss Anna ! Y pnort by at- lobes anJ food was served along --- { ^ ' ~ ~o[ Ungers were marrmd m Hagers-
~=~,~=A"a=:i:+"ion.*~h'o" ~e= l - McGarrw' Secretary,'Mrs. K. W. { tenomg tne meeting to form plans } with refreshments to make the u .k~ ~ .t ,~ ! r'~ :~ ' rena,Ca,~'oll C I?os .f th.- M~th, town, Md Sen+ember 1942 "
,~'~.":='~=~'~::~'~.']: ~.'.~ ~ ~:.'" ] Following the weekly rehearsal ! Moler" " 'Pianist Mrs. Raymond [ for a band. { evening a most pleasant occasion, tuv~,u~ ~ ~,n ~. a~ -,~ ] ~undav .~cnoo~pas ~een.2ostponea,Ern~ "H P~:e~ w Th~ :r
' " l --V-- I UIUOS In It)ell ntIul in-ore r rmay, uctouer a~n to ]lVla. l -~.
mi ,~,'~ ~-ma~- G. Walters {of the Choral. Club Tuesday n,ght ] Vn.t ; PuOhc~tv Mrs Edward ~ ' i - V ~-," . g [ Peters; davorce, awarded. The Peto
~.), President last three years; I the.f l! wlng offi. cers were elected, I Cooke. ! M VI U PICTURE FILM Y ~TH ~.~!~LY. :~:! flAI.TIST Se umn Tuesday ] ere were marr,ed August 10, 193g,
to nu tne unexpwea nortmn o, tnls Dehcmus refreshment~ were ser ZION PARI,~rau~t n, ~uP~i~ ~ 4a n M ' hv the st r o
t Ostegrin (Minn)- Glenn'Folk- { ear "1946" Presld " MI ~'a -" i " " " . . - { SH HOUSE { " ' ' : "" :,- - i [ pa. o f the Church of God,
({{1 t- ~,~,~':-" ~1~, oo+ IN,Y ! ~ : ent "ss " th- i red by the hostesses, including an { [ The Charles Town Lions and ~ /N 1nit,I Eccles, Rale{wh Conncy
~.rmo~ ~ ~o~,;, ~#,o ~. ~,~ erme Baylor; V~ee President, Geo. ~ Indian Sweet called Jalebis. [ The reli~'ious movi~ "~;-~ t [ Th~s Sunday evemng, October 6, K~wams Clubs met in joint sessmn ~J~r,~ waruarRt Frank J Beckwith vs. Cor ore,
,su ~,--.-, ~ -- ~,~a I a. wk,S, "&iL "tJ~U~o,If Wi, IJL lawkJJL{w,1 P
~Z.'~'~- ~'~"'~ ~'. ,~;.~'~ ~ { W. Heidricb" Secretary. Thos. C. { Meeting adjourned to meet } Men wili~l~e shown ~ "~ ~,-- ~" 6:45 p. m a Youth Rally is being at the Thomas Jefferson Hotel ~ tion of Charles Town" "October 11
~, ~aaY'urq~ '~"m;--+'~"'a,o{ ~,''~u" ~,~,~,p,+ { Bowhng-" Treasurer' Edward I ee I Thursda-" November" 7th at Miss" [ mon ' ;. ~];~ m.~; o {'""'~ ;o~.~'- [ p,anned' for the First" Bapt,st" Tuesday night" {C1{ "l { I| ll{ : [ ~et h,r Co,r+' to," ho~-tn~" ,~, A~ ~,
*^- ~-----~ M~- J,~o M n, [ Pine; L,brarmn, Mrs. Win. B. Pen- t Anna McGarry's [ Hour- -- r~,~.~, g ~ ,~.~,~ ~,~:.::~. Church, according to an announce- President Fenton Colhns of the l.~t~'r|~'~ /1][" ~-~lIT~]~ [ dant% motion for di~olutlon m, in
.n t -- th~ ,u.ea- ~ dleton: Director of Pubhc,tv. Law- { v -- { The servic~ wiU ;.h ~ ~ ~,ment made by the pastor, the Rev. Lions Club presided w~th 60 mere- I { {uaction and demurrer of nlaintiff
,'-~"a'~"~r'~t~"~l~"~t~'~+~,~,~ ' rence W Lloyd " ' i --- t of e~-nin~f--'" -"~':~:"2:" % Denver J Davis bers and guest present Lion Ed- I-T Alice Ott Whittin~'ton vs T-'-lor
~,~ ~o ~ ~.-,- o " " . ~ g urayer wl n ~ne Jun,or { av
~'~'~-~.+~,~s~o ~,~t Wo~,~,~ ;~la,~p of the ~ietv IT ~ ~ ~ { ~h,;, n ~A~ +u~ ;, o ~ ~, Dr Icobert F. Caverlee, the very wards had as his guest hm son-m Monday afternoon. September [ Wh;*ti-o.+,~ ,~o ~,~,~+ ~ah,a,~
i . ils fllhn~" sat{af~'}or,l~, and muehl~{{]l]['p~{[ {['{[~ .~[~r~|~p! film se,-~on" f,u,~,;,~ 'Ph ~} p~pular evangehst, who has been law, W odrow W. Wendhng, who{30, the workers at ~the Halltowni tohe in arrears in wvmen~ of gram.
:~,~ u M,~4~n ~,~ in ~, ~ foundation work has been aegam- [ [ i eardi~llv ;n~it,~A *~ +~b, ,~,-* ;, [ speaking each evening during the has just recently returned from Paper Board Company walked out [ hurt money and ahariff a th~ ~mm
m4~ffi,~wm~t th~ t~stmas~r { plished; in fact the rehea~i of ]/1 ~ |, thi ;~o ~:.'~'~".:~ ~'~ ~ :'~" [ past week, will be the guest speak- duty over seas Lmn Poole had as 1 when negotlatmns broke down be- [ tv direetecl to annrehp.nd ~;m and"
~:~,l~t~'~an~'pre~n~'-l~:~the Christmas Cantata~(~Bethle-]|:~mm |.~ ~|r~|~t .~ let on this occasion. Dr. Caverlee his guest R. W. Pritchard, of!tween the coml~ny and the Tri-lbringhi'mbef~re'th~'Court'forco'n
,vv~u~a~e,~, ~.l a~,~u,~rla e Port Pres Co hns had as n
~ q~ ~t-;a,~r ~ a~. the ~ilent [ hem by Maunder was begun on I l~l~v { o.- .~-----~-~ r~ [ will speak on ,the subject, Signal, nls'"" g est, Joe" Com'" ton," mana er B State Local, NO,o ra475' rIn~r~aKeati nal.~ tempt proceedings
t~- ~'~ M. gf~,~r ~ { Tuesday night last, and will rapid- [ " { nyu v---xurn r ~ Lights at Life s Cross Roads. . gu p ~ . - g ~tnernooo t pe .rg, [ B~atric~ V Sn~er vs Percy T,
" o tr [ " '~ " .' "
,~+h,d +h,m ,~roceeded to I ly take shane as the rehearsals I S H Stone In Charge Of [,! His address will be a frank d~s- t ~en al Te~epnone t~o oz ~ront F. of L gnvder former court decree m di
" Hfl| Cemetery for the unreal-" { vase by It Is planned to g, ve this { Meeting," " Seventeen { Announcement has been made of cuss,on of the hopes, "asp~ratmns. rrontR ya!' ~oandmNels n Mahone, also of The Union broke off negotiations I fled .~nd s,nnor~ r~o'~ev t~ h~ n~IJ
Of the monument to the late t Yuletide composition sometime i . I the marriage of Miss Sarah Mar. [ and problems of our present teen- . Y ~, [ when the Company refused to meet [ hv d~fendant set at $50 n~r month:
lxlwanlan t 1 I ~rly po~t r nlon sap
n-~ C C:ibson [ during Christmas week, or a few I Members Presem t ~aret Turner and Mr. Garland F. ~ age youth. Older people will be in- . . " m,- " ~ the deman~ ~o a u " p. I ~odified to read two "children of
='~ " ",te n master o! unarles [own, gave a ved w a for
~ ~m ~t th,~ em~ter l days preceding The exact date to I t Dicky Snyder, which took place~ teres d i this discussion as well . . . ~ [ Also invol as a dem nd ] th~ marr;a~,e "
~.~-'-~" t be decided later. { The Jefferson Count v Veterans ] on Saturday September 14, in Jef-| as the youth of our city. zew. orlez remarks .on ~;n.e a otn a 15c an hour general pay increase i Mat ~lln~" "W~.~d~n v~ W~l ~v
"" " h - " -' r Cav wh o Anniversary ot tc~ral ~arrler ~er-! ,--
' oe~i " - Rev James B { " T e Dwector emphasized the{ Service Committee met Friday { ferson, Md. The ceremony was per-,D . erlee, o as Profess r :~ ,~^ :: : ,~. ~ : and six pard hohdays. I Woodson" divorce ~ranted ]~ach
m vo . ol. -. . "[ need for men in the Chorus Bass- ~ night, Sentember 27th, at the New t formed at 8"30 p m in the Luth-,of Religion in Mary Washington ;'~':;. ~,un,?~ ?~,~,a?~u [ The Union representative from [ ,mrtv +, have cast-dr of th~ intent
;2:"" " " . ' "" - " " " vy ~,overnment ana ~tate t3mclals . [ " --~,-
es and Baritones ec 1 ~ e n h astor Colle e Fredemcksbur Vlr mla Phfladel hm stated that unless
~nmunity. Sin~in~, - Onward], bem~ esn. ml v ~ County Bu,ldlng, Charles. To "n, { ra parsonage by t e p of g 7 - . g' - g ,' e ~h in~r h~ ~,r *h~ 1,~oheon and, P . .' . ,~on af ~b~ mnrria#e, on altern
~,d;~, .q,l,~,~ n~A selected, needed to balance that section. It, with seventeen members presetS, I the Lutheran Church { comes zace ~o zace w{th the neeus "~. . ~ . ~ the Company granted the Unlon i ~h~ +~ a~ o ~+ +. ~, ~t,~
' - - outh a c p~aclng oz a marker ac one grave~ ~
,~h " " [ ,s beheved that there are ou,te a, and one visitor Miss Bland, repre- ] The bride was attractively dress- [ of y nd an speak with au-,+ho ~o+o ~ o ,~:~- ~. ; Shop there was no need to negoti- [ nlainf|w ~ ~r month ~n ~lf~v
~'~rnition of Melvin T Strider. ] number of men who may. . not have ~ sentative from the U. S. Employ- t ed In a two piece a0ua suit w~th thomty The pubhc IS given a very first rural carrier." ~ ,~ -, ~ne ate further." n~te m~n~hs. The Woodsnn~. of
relatives of first rural carmel's. [ yet had the opportunity ~o attend . ment Service, Martlnsb.urg. I wh!eh she wore black aceessorles ] coralaj lnwtation to hear th,s .m- The speaker of the evening" was - V [ ~h,nb~wt~ ,w~, were married Oc-
tvin~ just recovered from his[ one oz nae renearss~s, ann it ;s no- i S H Stone, ~ommittee Chaw- 1 an~ a corsage o! rea roses. Mr. I terestjng spea~er, ~unaay evening Thomas R Owens of" ~4ront R,~,~i I rlx.n~.~ T-- ~4-~t-~ to t tober 19 1940
mt illness Mr Strider remained[ pod that they will immediately, man, was in charge of the meeting.| Payne acted as best man for ;the| at ti:ao p. m at the Baptist He was introduced b Lion ~ '~{,'~: ! 1 ~llllll~ Ill k.Ytg~ttwI;:: 1,~ I ' " " -L
",~ ear n "rbv" make arran~emen+s to do so. The " Dlscu~smns" " were held, on all ] bmdegroom'" I hurch y ~e,~, . ~.
C -- DiEt Gov rnor W ,-,~ ~o Inerpamno- I . . .x.
ea .) . . .~ . . . . . e ar nf z ~
~v~luctiori of Thos. G. Walters, { next .rehear.~al period will be Tues- [ phases of the various dut,es of the [. Mrs. Snyder2s the daughter of ' ----~v-- spoke to the Clubs on "World [ Regional lvleeung uI
Pi~ide~ of N IL L C As- I aay n,~'ht, Octol)er 8tn, at 7:30 in { Comm (tee, steps nave been I ~r. ana mrs. Jvaymonu r. turner i G~I.~ ~,~ .~ Ci#Ig -. Government" Mr Owens .~ a { -, ~ ~'~ ~ 1[:) /~ --~ !1
- "= "" " " th Par" IL:Jlll~&l~lll~ ~'lllll.;IJ~ " . tramc on west virginia s mg~- r~t[lll our 1! 1
[~tlon. W~O introduced ,the { e ~sh House. ] made, for a successful, operatmn of { of Maplehurat,Charles Town { after World War I m U S. C u.-o n t { ~I.U U~ti E~I
"-" V -- . . . ways Is approa mavu~y ~t p~r ccuu
akers"Hon. Jesse M Donald- -- I said Committee. . { She ~s a gradgate of the local high { ell In the Middle East,-located m { ~,reater thv:n a ,ear a~o. accordin~ { m. "-7"-- .
,Fli'~ Aa~t, PoE(maWr Gener- ! HUNTING SEASONS . Miss Bland, representing the U. { school, class of 1945, and is em- [ . insurance nrm ot ~,rove ~z Bagdad. ~" ~ " ~-'+;---o mo-~" /-~ 'the ~oa~ I rne masses oz men ano women
,I McL onalu here is lar ,n .tS of I l a3 ~aDu,~,~v .~u~ ,v --
; Congr. Jennings ~dolph of[ ~ S. Employment Service, Martins- 1 ployed in the office of the Charles [ e~n .g" g i~ - Lion Poole and Kiwanian Bush- ~ r,^ m:~on,o "lanni"'- division on~ who belong to the Farm ~Burjau
ast Virg~ia. Chairman, House l- Th*! hunting season open in i burg, W. Va was the main speaker [ Town Grain & Feed C6. ~ ace ~a~el~,rs In. the ~ason ~ui~o- ong acted as song leaders for the I ~ o~ne~i ~rom '1~ fixed re- I and the Farm Women's Council
~1 Servia?Committee. iwest Virginia on ~a~uraay, Octo- { of the evening. She stressed the,Mr. Snyder, the son of Mr. and { ms, ~, s was nlngton ~ree~, ny evening, i ~.~o~ ,~J~"~ ~ ~ ~,;~, ! will have the opportunity to attend
~eiline of Monument by B. A [her 5, for the following: [ point of helping the Veteran find [ Mrs. James A. Snyder, of Shenan- { taking over the ~arge iront r.oom .a. { ~,~'~'~+ "~"~,~"~,~,' '~'+?{~,~,~:~, i a regional meeting close at home.
haauest'~President of N. R. L. C" I Squirrels, RTay, black or fox; all suitable employment, and offered I doah Junction, is a graduate of the I recently vacates ny ~ne Amemcan ~ m I .;,a~, ,y ,- ~ [ The regional meeting will be held
~a~. ' "[ counties to November 16 inclusive. [ her services to the Committee. in [ Charles Town Hig~h School, and at- [ Red Cross. Floor space in the in- Convocation I tn rh a'e" ao~in~, recorded 847 478 ! at the Calvary Methodist Church in
Benedie ion~'by the ReD. Denver! Ruffer grouse (native Pheasant), t an~" problem relative to employ- { tended Shelbherd College. He is a [ sur~. ,ace offices will be more than 1, a ,J{~ttta~t [ ,~h; lse m~, +l~ +h ~ A~,~ust ! Martinsburt~ on Friday. O~tober
harm dOUDleO oy the cnange, anu Will ,~ ,~a ~
Davis. t all e.ounties to November 16.|ment. Her vast knowledge on prob- { veteran of World War II, " g [ ' . is, ~knnouncea { o':"com--ar~d'~v'ith"603 632 for the } 25. 1946. The program" begins at
The Hon. Jesse M. Donaldson. a I Wild turgey, o November 16 in } lems, regarding employment, es- { served for four and a half years { give two xron~ rooms. . } ~ ~:~a~ +h ~, ~45 'v ~ ~ 10"00 A. M.
reer m~an in" the Postal Depart- speclnea counties, peciallv those concerning the Vet- ] with the Army Air Corps He is waiter ~talze, Kanson contrac- T ~*~"~w-: ~ ~ ~'' ~"~" ~ .'::."~'~7 ," --'Z'" ~ Two snecial, features of th~ ~.~ro
{ ~- [ " ." -- - tor has been in char-e o altera he ~,~ ,~ prugram ~ur vne nc, nowever was snu ~ o bemw ,~ne { ,m. .~ ~ "
~nt, spoke briefly of the expan eran, enlignteneo tne memners, o~ employeu as an analyst in ~ne ran-,~ - - ' " " ~ram are" tne r arm r~ureau
- . tlons which ar n w . autumn meeting ha~ been announ- last pre-war August volume when
,n of the vo~l serv,ce ,n the [ HAVE A DAUGHTER {the Comm,ttee, a great deal. [oratory at the Standard L,me and I e ~o nearly corn eed for the Eastern ConvoCation of !o a vehi e were counted I Fam,lv Idea by Mrs. Paul M,IIer,
~n m trul A unnc ~ The Jefferson Count veterans Stone t:o at MIIlvl,le,plet~u anu tne nrm expects to ~ ~0~00 cl, s ". I Soeretar, As-gc~t~ x~r ,~f "
"on andits be" ~ Y P { A dau-hter w--as ~rn *^ M l Y -' " { "' -- ",move into the new room within a the umcese oz wes~ virginia: i The August report revealea m-, ~ . ~. "o ;~ .~ ~. ~
vvlee to the ~ le ~ ~, ~,m ~ervlce t ommiT,?.e, recenny ap- --v,~ne American varm ~ureau fled.
P " " " [ . ek Wor " . Sunday, October 6, S~xteenth Sun- { creases over the 1941 volume at : .
Congressman Randolph mentmn-[ Mrs Adam B. Link J~, m .the~ pointed bvthe Governor. comprlsest MARRIED IN HAGERSTOWN. { we k done included thec.ut day after Trinit,~ [+h +;^ s ~ta+o ~oute 10 in t erfihon and West tr~mia In the
I tho ~l,~;,n af airmail rates * o I win(nester memorim r~osDitat on I of the fol'lowin~, Count,: men" { I nng oz a new aoor to connect ~ne .~-- . ~ ~ /' "'.2 ~'~ .~ . ; ~,~o-i~, ~'~r ~ n,~,~o, ~ ~.t~l
"" ms whlc,0 .uo r. vL, nnual ervlce Logan county, u. ov m raylor
Saturday September 28th Mr and une bl on a h er roo h hat{ not prey ously ,
now effective 5e rate. He dn,- t + ~;- - . S.H. Stone, Cha,rman; J. W. I M,ss J Ro ns,d" ug t of - "" - . " ' at Christ Church Bunker Hill Th nt ~n-~ "U S 52 in Wa,ne { so~ Jost. Organization D~rector of
~sed the greatly expanded mail]~rE- ~nKl~ve on tne ~nem)eras-I .O~trider. Jr Assistant Chairman;~Mr. and Mrs. Hilbert Robinson oftneen lnter'connec~reu.Rt ReD R E I~ Strider, D D.~!count~' T,~affic'w-as 24 per cent ~- [the North East Region of the
trite to be realized by theinstal-l~own-~umems roe(/, mrs. t.lnR Is{ J. A. Warrenfeltz, Assistant Secre-I Ranson, and Mr. Kenneth Willing- [,----'--,Bi~ho,~ "of" ~%~est" Vir,-inia "will} low it~ normal trend on U S 19[ American Farm Bureau Federa-
tion of flvin,e m~st offices lust as } the former Miss Margaret Mar- [ tary; C F Reininger, "R J Funk- { ham, also of Ransom were married } EVANGEl ISTIC SERVICES ' ' ~ ~ i 2 " " . t tion
n ~t " " ~,~,o~ " " preucn. [ in Kaletgn c0un~y anti zz per ceng
~rs a~o the railroad post o e{ lowe, daughter of Mr. a d Mrs.} houser, R C Snyder T R~ Pharr,{on Thursday afternoon at the Bap-{ ILL CI.OSESUNDAY ~ o~o i,~ uo,~,~,h,h t Farm fgmiliesin Jefferson Court-
--- " "," " -.:.o p. m meeung oz vne x. r. off on u. ~. ~ -- -.~, - - ; "
as inaugurated. { George Marlowe. south of town, R. W. McCormick.Senator W P. { (,st Parsonage In Hagerstown, Md. { -- ----- - F of th~ E~tc~,-n Conv,e~t;nn I,tv ale ur~red to set aside October
In the unveiling and dedlcation [ and was a ~udent at Shepherd Col- ~ C Perry, H. W. Willis D: Sh!rley I .-2"7"-.~'-~V-'~-7"77 I The spec!a~ evangel~tic services "4.715 P- M-~'~l~e-etin~"oft-h'e~I~av- ~'[! S 60 in Kanawha county con- I ~i as a day to get better accmainted
'the monument to the late Harry I tege. t Nichols, C. C. Tat)t). d. :~. A~tmena, IN~W UW fll l~K~i TAIkl~ W)VI~H I in tne IOCm l~aptlst ~nurc~ wn| men -f the Eastern Convecation ~ I q J ~ "+ car,', the heaviest traffic r with what has been aeeomr~iished
Gibson Mr Winouest paid tri- ] V [ Jr, Lowell Hetzell, Rev. C. C. Tar- { TRAN,-,E AND REAL I come to a close this Sunday, Octo-,Z '~ --- "- I ~ '; ~-~'~ { and what is bein~r planned bv your
".'. . . I. o o ~" l ~u ,~ I ~ ~h " monuay, ~ctoner l, ~irace ~nurcn, volume ZOa,O~ venlcles were ! " .
Ize to ttm vision ana rareslgnt o~ i jal t M~t,~a. I Wf I p ee. t'nulp rtuntm-, anu nerry 1 ~'I~A~ A~.P.NI~V I ~'~"~ . Middlewav { nnte,~ 1o~ month *as coml~ared I own l~'arm uureau orgamzatmn.
v aa~ ~,x~aa,~ ~ ] Charle Town-K W ~ s~ ~,~ ~-- l~r Koaert F Caverlee who has ~-- ' " " '
,amg Harry G~bson. who on.Otto: I'1 ~ r~ ~ Grove, all of s . '. -" I ------- ' ,] " " i o. A . . ' .~ 10"00 A M ~ Hob ~ Communion. tw~h lO~ ass l'n 1945, and 285,665 in ~i.Your. ,dea may; be the spark ,tha~;
r 1. ~S~, ma,l an. ! ~araen ~.~lUDS I Eu~ler, Shepherdstown, L. 1). [ ~- on~ MI-~ Alered R Lino { ~een ass sr~ng .~nepastor, ~ne ~,ev: The Rt. Rev. R. E. L Strider, D I August, 1941 Traffic was 7.7 below, ]gm~d the fuel that sets UD a morn
azed the trail ox ~ne nrst ruran ! Nichols, harpers ~erry. I . S" " " ""! v~j~v~r ~. uavls, nas seen greete~ D celeb~an* *a~;~-4a,| h, h~ D,~.'{ { . na~v~al ~w ~f. that noint [ beneneial prod'am for all farm~ :~
~te : A ;pint m,*~;-- -~ +h t~ { Grover Evick, West Vir~nia's { weaver, ,wn.o nave recently, pur- wlen mrge congregations each even Jame~ ~,=n:'~ ~='~ t -~ [ in all the states
~ i ,~ ~* - --,--~, ~ Sty n.~ t~;.o~ r ~ Veter~no ~ cnaseo ~ne Keai ~sta,oe ana lnsur- t in, of the week *'"'" ' ---------~'--- I " "
t;ou y and Shenandoah Garden l a " rm rl wned " - 1 .45 A. M The Clergy will - -------
VENTION " Affmrs, acts as Secretary of the .:ace. bu~ness, fo ,e v,o by [ This Sumlav morning Dr. Caver I ~ Crou- - =
TO ATTEND CON { Clubs will be h~ld u. Thursday !the Ia~ Mr i rt rgusseli, are now w~ll" e . meet in ~ne vestry Koom. A l- "~'~ ,
h local Committee lee sp ak on the .~ubject. Th~,pra From AI lanes
October 10t,at 4 p. m at the [ "~. t co,a,~ti~ .a,~o Mr and M,~ { r -~.^ ,~h.; ;o. u ~v~.;o 10:45 A. M The Woman s Aux- 'Af Marwnn Hamp Y rp
ReD. Jolm H. Fray, pastor of the home of Dr. H. T. McDonald m [ ,- ou~,~n [ Linaweaver have been en~a~ed in I ,ervieo will h*~ ,in nt 11.nil a m lbary will meet in Grace Church. t ~ t
leran Church, of Shepherds- Harpers Ferry. This will be a box [ nu ~,J or~ ~rr~,~r~, t the same business in Ale~xandria, I ;~he concludin~ev'~n~elist'ic~se-r~vi't,e Business Session. Addresses byI ~ ~ A crew o two airnlane~ appear-
l, will leave tonight (Friday) t supper ann all husbands 9f mere- [ ~ . I Va for the past several years and ! will be held a~7"30 v. m a~ which Mrs. James W. Conner, Christian I The Y0ung Tarm tsroup .wui I ed at the By,'d Orch~trd Saturday
~tend the 15t;h biennial conven- i bers are invited to attend. I ' .'~orney .~eetsusnong, ,oi (3nar- 1 wili" strive to maintain their nres- [ time *he sub~ ct wilI bo ,;m ~,~+ Social Relations Secretary of the] meet on Thursaay, October ~u at I afteroon A~ the farms oecunied by
of the United Lutheran Church I Dr McDonald will be the guest les town, wm ve the speaker at a n a t record of serviee~and [ vo -~'' ~ Dioce,~n Auxiliary and Mr~ Ro~er I 8-00 o. m at the home of Mrs. Em- the orvhard~ haw no'land left for
. e t and o s ~
menca, to be held October 5- speaker and the Jefferson County Ra!!y Day Service to beheld m ~he ] f~i~ d~]iw, They will b~ nleaf~d [ "~h h~.h; ~ho ~h h L. Km~sland of Fa,rmont, W. Va. [ ma Morgan. Mrs. 'Morgan s home ~ parking the airnlanes ~arked in a
{,~.utneran ~nurcn a~ ~narpst)ur ~" - -, " ~" -- " o. ",' - " " -
n Cleveland .Ohm" ReD. Pray Garden Club will be in charge of - " g I to have any of Mr. Russell s form- and the,r" friends are ur ed to be . 1 00, Noon day prayers for mls- ,s on the Sandy Rldge. road from : meadow on the D,venDort. farm,
also been toured to ~rtend the i the pt'ogTam. ~ I Md on Sunday, October 20. { ~r cl;ents and anyone who mav [ n;o~nt at f h~ ~,~rvi~g ~ slons. { Shenandoah June(ran to Shepherds ~cross t~e Summit Pc;n( road from
1 highlight of the eonventio,9 [ --V ! V I need Real Estate or Insurance ser'- { V { 1:00 P. M Box Luncheon. [ town. . ~ ~ the o-chard, l,ate in the afternoon
,the biennial banquet of theINEW TYPE OF APPLE i REV MORROW TO vico. ta e.ll un.n t.hem at anytime [ ! 2:00 P. M Closing Scssion. ~a-t ~ounty tnstitutions ana now, the ~lane~ took 0ff with a auanti, v
eran La men's'Movement for ~- - - " WIL~L x~.A~n ~UIL~I~I~ ': dress by Bishot) Stride~ ; thev function will be a ~ubjeet that { f "" ~,o~o ;o~ ,t,o~.a '~a{l
Y . . ROWLESBURG Mrs. Lmaweaver will be remem- : : . . ~ ~ o in ~ -
ardsh|p. o be held October 8, A d,splay of a new kind of ap- { bered as the former Genevieve . -.-7":--- - . ~ -------V-- { wall interest each member of the ed over the orchard in a campal 'n
! I n t ~ Announcement nas t)een maae ou ~awaro Mot an Wlll De the +
e Hotel Hollenden. { p es-----the Turley, be ongi g o the At a recent meeting of the We.d: [ Smith of Summit Paint and her I . I,gr p. g, ," . [ o nread a ~,)rav~tbat eau,~es t~a
-'------U---~ ~ Winesap family-~ at the office ofI Virginia Conference of the Metho-{ many years of nursing services in ] that C. E. 'fled: Elliot~ .will ~each I Rally Day Sunday At ~ ~uc~tio,aL grow lea er. Miss I f tlit to remai~ oe the trees until
g~l~=-- 11~i ] Dudley Harley in Martinst)urg this diet Church at Wheeling, Rev R I the communit- I ~ne lesson ~unnay morning, ucto- ! ~. ~ ~ ~ ! Elizabeth Fuss win lean a recrea- I pickers can reach them
~'illU ll lll,~i~,~u~a,week, attracted considerable atten- ~ W ~torrow Jr wa~ tran-fo~--~i [ "" j ber 6th at the Builders Bible Class I Fresnvterlan I ;nurcn ; tional program, i " c "
{ tlon. " { from Petersbur~ where he was v,of the Charles Town Methodist A specml feature of the meeting I ,~
- "" ' ATTY LEE BUSHONG WILL ~r J t, ~nvaer o~ unariotte,
rth Choir -" ! "I'here were a dozen specimens m stationed for the Imst six ,ears to I,| Church. The class convenes ~t ten t Sunda, Oc~obor 6+h wm ~,~ ~ t will be the presentatmn qf a (alert- ~ :4" ." " . ':~'~,
~ames r. ~L.~anu~ u o+z[ the display, and each weighed a ] Rowlesbur~, He was ass'i~,~e~l' to I TEACH MEN S BIBLE CLASS,o'clock nroml~tly, a~d+ as SundayI b, n ~+' ~t.~.~ ~,~,~ ~' ~'r~';;.Y~'.'~ '" t dar of work for the year. All young,~ ~:, ,s spen.(llng rnl~. wee~ w~th.
.u.~, r.-o- - i o" o-- ' in unda i ~ "~,a "~ u(i~ ~i,~ ca .uw*, ~.~ " " V" nls ,SlSVe1~. 1~I1$sP~ ~II no (4or- ' -
i+.I ;. o~ m.;,i~--, C~h,neh a~ { pound or more. The fruit came i preach last Sunday et the State I i will be Rally Day the S Y h~, c.~ ~ mh ;u { farmers in the county are in ~ted
~'~-~'-J ~'~'~'~.+'~::'~: ~'. ~" I from Avron Orchard, Berkeley i PenRentiar~ at M,~,a,v'lIle, wh.ore { Tt h, h~n ,nnm,ne~d that At.f'~ i School, all members are asked to ~'~"~'~, ~a',~'~"~ "t'h~ ~';~,~.=~ ":i::'~=. ~[ ,nd urged to attend the meeting. I ~ru(le ~ny?er, at their home :we~.
~.u,~r o i i fro be res, ~' " r of er ow I ~nens*one n~r ~vmm't rom~
~h. ; a~on, invited to{ County. The orchard this season { he Drenched to 2,000 convlets. { Lee Bushong will address the men make .a spec al e rt to 0 .-: partments of the Sunday Scho01 F~.ncls Wa e .S heoh -dst n* The Misses" - Snvder will accom an
,~ { ed ab ut 00 bus e s { ReD. Mr. Morrow and his family ~ of the First Baptist Church this i
produc o 7 h 1 of the ent Attend and brm some fr,end will preside at the meeting ~ Y
." " g : At 10:25 each de rtment will as; " ~" ~ ~
ou S n a rni . pa,brother Glo ter, Va
I, { variety, left Petersburg Tuesday for the,r { Sunday morning, 9-45 a. m I I h y u d y mo ng. sembel in the Church for the s,ec ----V - ,- ~=. - - -" ;:
v ~ . " " ~ : . ~ " where ~y ,v~lt s~na ~ weeK-
{ . I?,new home. . } Mr. Bushong m one of theout-,v { lal program which begins at 10:30. { The Youn~ Ladies Bibl~ Class of i o,a~ ~h +h~h- ,~,~h,~w o ^,~
l$100m ~ o~ mr aria Mr -- . - ~,-re-
,try,= {. s. Roy Payne, of near town. { He is a son of Mr. and Mrs. R. [ standin~ teachers of our commun- I ~ ------ { The theme of Rally Day" is Teach { the Me~hod{st church witi meet at I C'~le,"a~t fa'mil, -
O. S. Bbom su#erin from a badly mashed[ W. Morrow of Shepherdstown. I itv and any man not attending I Ralph Hoffmaster is suffering[ All People". Every parent is urged l the home of Mrs. Webster Ramey, { - ""
o a .IL~oup oz ms,r,~2- a ~ .n,xmger on her left hand, having { . V-- { Sunday School anywhere is given ifrom an attack of ptovoaine poison- [ to make a special effort to be pres-{ E~s~ Cono, ress Street. on Tuesday, I Mis~ Mar~,ie Mo ~re left Th,!rlt- "
a y .v~. occasion vemg u,s caught ,t when she went to shut a I .~ Don't Borrow Your Neighbor's ] a special invitation to be present,ins, at his home on East Congress ~ ent with the children for this ser- { Octobel- 8th. at 7:30 n. m. Mrs day for a visi$ with her b,-nther,
mr~mlay uoor at her home. raper--Sabseribe Today, this Sunday. ~St. vice. Charles Moler will be hostess. ~ Frank Moore, in Bethesda, Md.