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Farmers Advocate
Charles Town, West Virginia
October 4, 1946     Farmers Advocate
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October 4, 1946
Newspaper Archive of Farmers Advocate produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Boil the corn on the cob for 1,0 minutes to set the milk. and then cut it, from the cob. n6t too dose. Mix the corn thoroughly with salt, lising 1 pound of granulated salt ~m)t table salt) to each 5 pounds tender when cooked, here are some suggestions: Buy a bird that's fully grown, fat, has few pin-feathers, and shown few faults of dressing. , such as torn skin, bruises, or brok- Due to labor shortage 1 will sell at Public Sale the Follow- ing l'crsonal Property on farm formerly known as Gustave Wiltshire Farm, on Leetown-Kearne~'sville Road. 1/2 mile North of Leetown, Jefferson. County, West Virginia, on FRIDAY, OCTOBER, 18, 1946. BI~31NNING AT 12:30 O'CLOCK P. M RAIN OR SHINE 3 HEAl) OF HORSES B[LI~, gray horse, l 1-yrs. old, good leader; CHARL1E, hay horse, 7-yrs. old. strap horse; BIRD. t~ay mare, 7-yrs. old, good mare, iu foal to a Jack, 10 HEAD OF CATTLE i' Registered Holstein Cow in full flow of milk, has had 2~(t calf; Jersey Cow in full flow of milk, fresh twice; 2 Holstein Heifers, springing, large ones, ~ne registered; 2 Guernsey Heifers, springing; 1 Roan Heifer; I Guernsey Bull. 5-months ohi; I Registered Holistein Bull, 5-months old; 1 Ay~hire Bull, large enough for service. SHEEP Ten Head of Ewes, Black Faces, good big ones; Registered Dorset and Registered Hampshire Lambs. 16 HEAl) OF HOGS Ten Head (if Hampshire Shoats, 40-lb. size; Durow Sow and pigs; 5 Poland China shoats. FARM MACHINERY Low wagon, wagon alld shelvings, ,John Deere corn planter, , walking cultivator, riding cultivator, Oliver chilled barshear plow No. 40; new 22-tooth springtooth harrow, other farm tools. t HARNESS Three new hridles. 3 new collars, set of new check lines, a i~ets of pl~)w gears Six Purebred White ('hina Geese: 10 Tons of Alfalfa Hay, ions baled, other loose in mow. TERMS CASH:--Nothing to be removed until settled for. HERBERT W. EVERHART C. PRE,'STON ENGLE~ and K. K. CAVALIER, Aucls. G. FL, VICKERS and C. W. MOORE, Clerk. OcL. 4 and il-2t.--A. Oct. t6-1t.--S. d ' T 10 STAR TOURIS TROPHY 8 THRILLING EVENTS 2:00 P. M. On Route 50 East of ,Winchester, Va. Free Parking Admission:---Adults $1.00 (Tax Included) Afore eggs every day since we've been feoding 1 MASTER MIX When you cour.: d,e extra eggs, you'll "think you've increased the size of your laying flock Master Mix Egg Mash is a balanced formula for high egg pro- duction. Keeps up body weight, and thus helps guard against p~e- mature molt. Stop in. Find out how to get more money out of your laying house. Phones 73 & 223 One iron bed with springs and mattress: 1 wooden bed with springs and mattress; 1 dresser, 1 wash stand. 1 large rocking chair, 1 leather rocking chair, 2 small rocking chairs, lot of matting, one 9x12 Velvet Rug, 1 dining room table, 3 dining room chairs, 1 stand, 1 wardrobe, some dishes, cooking utensils, 2 Lino- leum Rugs. glass jars, jelly glasses, some Canned Fruit, porch swing, some flowers, garden plow, win- dow blinds, pictures, 2 wooden tubs, and many other articles too numerous to mention. TERMS CASH:--Nothing to be removed until it is settled for. MRS. AGNES MAY C. PRESTON ENGLE, Auctioneer. (;. E. VICKERS, Clerk. Oct. 4-1t.---A. Oct. 9-1t.---S. SIPE For the safety of your car--your family drive in here now' PHON E es T0, ge, Inc. 42 CHARLES TOWN, IV VA. MORE Yes! Sweeter," Tastler Bread MILES with FLEISCHMANN'S FRESH YEAST MONEY: MISTfR! -.i?- 'I'l'fi active fresh yeast goes right to work, gives you [u/l vedue because it's lull strength. And bread made with Fleischmann s active fresh Yeast tastes sweeter, is lighter, more tender. If you bake at home--Get Fleischmann's active fresh Yeast with the familiar yellow H ~ ~ ~="~ label-iAmerica s dependable yeast favorite ff.:': ~r~t~r$~./~ for over thrt~ generatiotm. ~, ~ ~,~ ~ a.# The same low price buys tho best tire built Gives you morO for your money in miles, co '. fort and safety. " : "; -7-;$ (