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Newspaper Archive of
Farmers Advocate
Charles Town, West Virginia
October 4, 1946     Farmers Advocate
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October 4, 1946
Newspaper Archive of Farmers Advocate produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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1’ ., ho was ’ . Personal and Local New 222 —- YOUR SOCIAL own C, '.\‘.II llousefl in, on w PHONE 521.0 0;, Hf \VI iron} 8 ncascd I all (.II'I; rks are ~;~ .ng Celebrating her ninth birthday, Miss Sara Lee Moore, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. “’illiam Moore of near town, was host to a group of after- r friends on Wednesday ,Lnoon. It the . iital, at? ‘ Mrs. John L. Miller and young daughter, Cynthia Anne, of Shep- rdstown, spent Thursday with ‘ "her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Ed. ~' Spinks, East Congress SI. 'I‘RF " IJersburg,,Pa., and Miss Ruth Gates 1 0f Hopewell, Pa., , d; end at the home of Miss Ruth My- ll in ‘~ Mr. and Mrs. Ed Gross, of Cham- spent the week» south of 01's, and her brothers, ‘ town. \ Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Anders of Ranson over the week-end, were their daughter ‘: y‘ and son—in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Mere— dith Polen of Alexandria, Va. Capt. Bert B. Williams, of the Engineering Stafi' at The Citadel, , cuts-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas N R. Moore. The Cleaners Class of the Meth- ; Odist. Sunday School will hold their regular monthly meeting on Tues— day, October 8th, at 8 p m., at the i PERSONAL Mr. and Mrs. William F. Ramey, Jr., have purchased a house and lot in Harpers Ferry. The property, sold by Mrs. Josephine Yantis Ran- son, is on Ridge street in the town. AND Mr. Frank Helvestine returned to his home in Roanoke, Va., last Thursday, after spending several days with his sister, Mrs. Lewis Walker. near town. Mr. B. F. Cameron, Superinten— dent of Blair Limestone Company, Millville, has returned home after spending a week in Duluth, Minn., on business. Mrs. Odis James is improving nicely from a major operation per- formed in the Charles Town Gen- eral Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Drish, ac- :compand by friends of Washing— iton, D. C., returned to their home here on Monday after a two weeks Charleston. S. C., was here the end ‘ . of last week on a visit to his par- ‘ motor trip to relatives in Ohio and Chicago, Illinois. Miss Margaret Preston Chew, of j South George street, is a patient in iEmergency Hospital, Washington, hom . s. A ' 2 9 Of Mr' "me nigh“ snmh . been employed at the Martinshurg Church Street. :branch of the Standard Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Magaha en- i tm’tained at dinner, on Saturday. in . honor of Mrs. Magaha’s sister, Mrs E Meredith Polen. Those present . Were Mr. and Mrs. Albert Anders and son, Billy, of Ranson, and Mr. ‘ and Mrs. Meredith Polen. of Alex— ,3 : . andria, Va. , of East Liberty St., was made Mr. , . Cherry's assistant. .‘ I, ‘Mr. and Mrs. T. D. VVehster are ‘ " “Siting their daughters, Mrs Chas. I S. Gardiner. in Washington, D. C., and Mrs. Joseph Cole, in Arling- ton, Va., until Monday. Mr. Web-g _ lserved with the British India Pur— l 'h‘s work With the Jefferson Pub- chasing Commission in Washing- Ster is on his annual vacation from Iishing Company. ' l D. C... where she underwent a maj- . or surgical operation. Her sister, Mrs. Brantz Roszel, of Winchester, t Va., has been with her. Mr. Tom A. Cherry, who has Lime & Stone Company, has been transfer- red to the Millville plant as Acting Superintendent, and took over his JOI) on Tuesday. Mr. Myron Kelch, Mr. Myerstown community, has been VISIting relatives in the county, coming from Martinsburg where he visited his mother, Mrs J. Frank i Mason. During the war, Mr. Mason ton. of GRAIN RAPIDLY as they desire. and machine are able to do, and very earnestly re- We wish toassure EVERY- ONE we will make EVERY EFFORT humanly pos- sible to take care of CPR FARMER order booked who need our service. LEETOWN MILL“ “ mowers-cookware I”:“$2.4”3~>~2”2~14M'4"r3~2~2~3~3~3‘{~3~%Wr3"% quest your patience. Vr:”r¢*:~2~:*2~:~:~:":*Ir'zs’i’l’rfi'ts'kfistsvk: ..:..:..'«'..'..~ .9. «34":- O c o. o o M o «04". We REGRET exceed- “:“3 khaki“: “t”. We are doing all that men «z» c o ‘u 24% oo o o patrons in the I o. o o o o co i («53" MPitts Opera F Housel CHARLES TowN. W. VA. _____ EVERY NIGHT AT 7:15 AND 9:15 P. M. MATINEE SATURDAY AT 2:00 P. M. ADULTS: 25c, 5c Fed. Tax, 2c Town Tax, 1c State Tax. Total Admission 33 cents. October 2 3 Roy Acqu __1N _. f “SING NEIGHBOR Wednesday -Thursday Monday & Tuesday OctOber 7 - 8 William Gargan , _ I N .— SING” “RF NDEZVOUS 24” WITH LULUBELLE AND SCO’I‘TY Hit NO. 2 Willard Parker Anita Louise “THE EIGHTING GUARDSMAN” Friday & Saturday October 4 - 5 Al Pearce _ I N — “ONE EXCITING WEEK” Hit No. 2 Rosemary Lane Tom Tyler .—IN.— “SING ME A SONG TEXAS” ALso ROYAL MOUNTED mars, AGAIN NO. u \ v» V-..... . Hit No. 2 Louise Allbritton Jon Hall _ I N .— “MEN IN HER DIARY“ Wednesday -Thursday October 9 10 Vincent Price Lynn Bari Franklin L. Mason with: Sears-Roebuck Company, in Wash : ing’ton, formerly a resident of the '. and is ab‘e to be “P and aim“: as l r' 3~3~2Vr1~2~3 33"?!“ 2" M”? *' PORTABLE SEED CLEANING We APPRECIATE very greatly the large volume CLEANING business. Olfered us since getting our PORTABLE SEED CLEANING and TREATING EQUIPMENT. ingly being unable to TAKE CARE of all patrons as l .0 NEWS PHONE 222 ’u—o-nm v Stephen Wiswell, Jr., has gone to Fairbanks, Alaska. to make his home. His family—wife and (laugh ter—who are here with his mother, will go later by air, as soon as he is fortunate enough to find a place l for them to live. Cecil Price Wolfe, son of Mr and l Mrs. James Wolfe, of south of Rip- pon, was taken to Winchester Memorial Hospital for observation land possible treatment. I i Mr. and Mrs. Kent Keene, of; : Washington, were in town over the ‘ :week—end, visiting the latter’s sis- , lter, Mrs. John C. Skinner, North: ,Lawrence Street. Mr. Keene, who: E has been employed in the Veteran’s " Bureau in Baltimore for some iyears, has recently been transfer— red to Washington. E Application for a marriage li-l cense has been made in the coun-’ ty clerk’s office, the principals in which are Mr. David Pittman Daw- isom 21, of Middleway, and Miss l Sylvia Anne Birkitt, 19, of Charles -? Town. He is a son of Mr. and Mrs. 2 Roy T. Dawson and she a daugh- ; ter of Mr. and Mrs. John W. Birk- itt, Jr. V Mrs. Kyle Wall was taken sud« A denly ill last Thursday with heart attack, and is confined to her , bed at the home of her sister, Mrs. , Oates Barton, East North St. I } MISS Eunice Bush returned to Baltimore, Md., on October 1st, af— i ter spending the summer with her lparents. Mr. and Mrs. Olin Bush, on the Hill Farm. Mrs. Tayloe Perry, who has been i confined to her home by illness for several weeks, is greatly improved, i usual. Logan 0. Shutt, of Bolling Field, D. 0.. Mrs. E. L. Bowie of Arling- I ton, Va., Cleon Shutt of Baltimore, ‘ Md., and Philip Shutt of Bristol, Pa., were week~end guests of Mr. 3 and Mrs. W. P. C. Perry. 3 Mr. and Mrs. Logan B. Shu-tt, j who have spent the summer here i I. Lynch and Mrs. Wililam Perry, left yestrday (Tuesday) for their home in Hollywood, Florida. Mrs. Paul T. Mackie, of Balti- more, Md., was the week-end guest er, at the latter’s home on South George St. % Leeds K. Riely and Jay Eyster i left on Tuesday for Cape Cod, ‘ Mass., to attend the wedding of David Davisson, Jr. Mrs J. M. Trapnell of South Mil- dred St... left \' shington by plane Tuesday for enver, Colorado, where she will visit her son and daughter-in-law, Dr. and Mrs. J. M. Trapnell, Jr. , A fine of $10 and costs were im- I pésed upon Theodore Olson, of Es- canaba, Michigan, after he was ar- I rested on Route 340 by State Po- l l lice, for operating a motor car without a license. Guests of Mrs. C. H. Moore, east of town, on Sunday were Mr. C. Frank Moore and daughter, Miss l lHilda Moore, and sister-in-law, -Miss Emma Riely, of Bethesda, g Md. l I Miss Lucy Nelson, daughter of l Mr. and Mrs. Philip I". Nelson, of Halltown, has taken a position as laboratory technician in the office of a Washington physician, and en- itered upon her duties there Mon- 1' day. Miss Nelson has been at home Isince her discharge a year ago l from the Waves, in which she ser- i ved as a technician. Recent visitors at the home of I Mrs. John Straith Briscoe were Mr land Mrs. William Phillip Zimmer- I man, of Moravia Ave., Miss Kathe- rine Merrie Farnum, of the Wyman Park Apartments, Mr. and Mrs, William L. Kruse, and MiSS Lillian i Kruse of Ferndale Ave., all of Bal- ' timore, Md. M. J. Foley, agent for the Rail-i, way Express CO.. here, has return— I ed to his work, after a week’s vaca- tion which he spent at his home in I Ranson. His place in the express l office was filled during his absence by Frank Kisner, a former resident g of Charles Town, and who has been i with the express company in Mar- i tinsburg for some time. i V EY. w. A. Meets With Miss Wiltshire The Y. W. C. A. of the Leetown Baptist Church held their monthly meeting Thursday night. Septem- i Miss Camilla Wiltshire. I The president, Miss Clara Lou Graham, Opened the meeting with a Hymn, “Ye Must Be Born A- gain” After the buzsiness session was completed, the meeting was then turned over to the program leader, Miss Norma Braithwaite. Her pro— gram was based on “Inter-Ameri- a . ‘ with their daughters, Mrs. Charles 3 1" :20 of her sister, Mrs. Randolph Tuck- her 19th, with their Counsellor, can Ties of Faith”, with parts read , by seven members. l At the close of the meeting thel hostess served delicious ments. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Wilson Magaha, on October 10th at 8 o'clock p. m. Will Airi*Veterans Grover Evick. Deputy Director, West Virginia Department of Vet- erans Affairs, will be at the Amer- ican Legion Home in Charles Town on Friday. October 25th. from twelve until the balance of the day. to interview and assist all veterans or their dependents in any claims they might have. .._[N._ “SHOCK” Hit No. 2 Jess Barker Lois Collier , —-IN— “GIRL ON THE SPOT” ref resh- i FARMERS ADVOCATE, CHARLES TOWN, W. VA. ._ -.4 ~- David L. Stitt President of Austin Theologi- cal Seminary, Austin, Texas, will be the speaker on the Presbyter— ian Hour next Sunday morning, October 6, at 8:30 A. M. E. S. T., over an independent network of southeastern radio stations. A Texan by birth, Dr. Stitt at- tended the Texas Christian Uni- versity, and graduated from Austin College in 1932. He took his theological training at the Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary, graduating there in 1936. After a pastorate in Hask- ell, Texas, he called to he the assistant pastor of the Westmin- ster Presbyterian Church in St. Louis, Mo. After the resignation of Dr. William Crowe in 1939, Dr. Stitt was called to be the church’s minister and remained r there for six years until he be— came the new president of Aus— tin Seminary early this year. The subject of Dr. Stitt’s ad- dress next Sunday morning will be “Broken Things”. This radio broadcast can be heard in Charles Town and Jef- ferson County over radio station WBAI., Baltimore. 'k Rally Day Sun—day At Methodist Church Rally Day will be observed in the Charles Town Methodist Sun— Cday School on Sunday. October 6th at 9:30 o’clock a. m. There will be a general assembly of the school at a. m., at which time the officers and teachers will be install~ ed for the ensuing year. All MTV veers, teachers and scholars are re- quested to be present. Parents are especially ursred to attend and bring their children. v___ Miss Boyer Resigns IVTISS Betty Boyer, Secretary in the Farm Bureau Office, has re- signed efiective October 5th. Miss Boyer has accepted a position with Mason & Mason law firm in Char- les Town. The Office of secretary in the Farm Bureau Office will be filled as soon as an interested person can be located. The secretary is em- ployed jointly by the County Court, the Farm Bureau and the Agriculv tural Extension Service. Relief At Last ForYouICough Emulsion relieves promptly bo- ause 1: gas Home seat of the trouble he loosen and expel gm 13d”) phIggm, and aid nature We and raw: tender, ‘3‘ named bronchial mucous mem- branes. Tell your Weighting sell you a bottle of (3?me the un- ding you must like the way it derstan quickly alloys the cough or you are ETEOTTOISION far Couths,Chest Colds, Bronchitis FILI. ER UP NOW! Don’t delay! Phone your order for FUEL OIL now! We’ll service your tank and take over your heating problems ALL WINTER! ‘SERVICE IS OUR MOTTO’ . PHONE 118 Community Oil company T. A. WHITACRE, Mgr, John T. Penwell Diedi In Terra Alta John Theodore Periwell, a native i of the Mountain Mission of the Church held their monthly meeting county, died at the Hopemont Sani— I Wednesday night at the home of tarium, near Tera Alta, W. Va., on I Mrs. C. M. Kearns. Mrs. Forrest Friday night in the 27th year of ‘. Watson was co-hostess. his age, after an illness of one‘ The Hagei'stown District meet- year. He was a son of Bush Pen- ing of the Methodist W. S. C. 8., Well and Maggie Painter Penwell. lwas held in Trinity Methodist The remains were brought toiChurch, Martiushurg, Friday last. Charle sTown Saturday night, and I Those in attendance from here later taken to Murrill Hill Church, g were: Mesdumes Holme= White, C. east of the river, where services ‘; M. Kearns, Forrest Watson, and were held at 2 o’clock yesterday at" l Miss (ilemye Baker. ternoon, with burial in the church— Mrs‘ Georgia Leigh, and 37“"‘1- Mayo Shiley represented the Wiz- MIDDLEWAT” By Mrs. W. R. Barnes The W. S. C. S. of the Methodist, Mrs. “M”"V"‘-'“ iard Clip Farm Women’s Club at Anthue and Modern i the TrirCounty planning meeting, . , In Martinsburg last week. Furnlture Sale l Miss Rachel Jennings left last ...___. Eweek for Washington, where she Members of the Harpers Ferry 3 Wm Speml 3 NW dayS Prior 10 1’9- Women’s Club are sponsoring an antinque and modern furniture sale .3..;..;..:..;..:.,:.,:..;..;..:..:..:.,;,.:.,g..;..;..;..;..g..3..;..~. at the Friendship Fire Company Hall in Bolivar, on Saturday, Octo- I her 5th, beginning promptly at ten ' o’clock a. m. They solicit a share of the public patronage. Lunch will be served. ~MV——,~m : New Books In Library The Charles. Town Library has5 these books: Through Purple Glass. . . .Osliourn ~ Eagles Fly West . . . . . . .Ainsworth 5 The Randolphs of ' Virginia . . . . . . . . . Eckcnrode i This Deadly Dark . . . . . . . . .Wilson , The Hollow . . . . . . . . . . . “Christie Duchess Hotspur . , . . . . .Marshall ._-_Wv,.-,s Revival Meetings Starting Saturday, October 6th, at Mannings I‘entec0stal Church,; on Route 9, Services, every night‘ except Monday. Evangelist Paul Baue‘hman,x i Pastor. Rev. J. J. Yodcr. i ‘ Milka/lief i FROM SNIFFLY, STUFFY DISTRESS OF Waddle/dc! We Style Your Hair to Suit Your Features We don’t just cut your hair aimlessly in the “lat- est style!” We propor- tion each length, each curve to your facial con- tours. DOUBLE-DUTY NOSE DIOPS WORKS FAST RIGHT WHERE TROUBLE IS! I Moderiimlleauty Shop Phone ZOE-W Instantly rellel from head cold disc tress starts to come when you put. a. little Va-tro-nol in each nostril. Also l —lt helps prevent many colds from developing it used in time! Try it! Follow directlonsin package. Charles Town W. Va. ozazw: .«z»:~:~:~:~:»:~:~:~:::«:~:»:«:»:~:n:~:~:. gene .o............o..... . ............. ~...................,...,,,,,, . . “u ,, 9 o o o o o o u o o o c o o o o o o o 0"."¢“n“.“.”o"u”o".“o".”o"o"o o o c 0". 6’0“. 0 o". o o o 0' l . ANNOUNCING THE OPENING OF THE E E and w Diner Berryville I’ike 309 SOUTH WEST STREET CHARLES TOWN, - - - - . w. VA. LUNCHES - SANDWICHES STFAK Chicken and Sea Food Dinners (BY RESERVATION ONLY) TELEPHONE 1011 i T. SHIRLEY EBY CARL WOLVERTON 2 “a...” . A.“ . ~~-. . “a... .. i WEBSTER PLUMBING & HEATING CO. RAYMOND E. EDWARDS, Mgr. Phone 27-R Charles Town, W. va. \ J. . 5: Funeral Director and Licensed 3:: .g. Embalmer 1;; CHARLES TOWN, w. VA. i: s . ___ {3} Automobile Service Morgue Attached :2: A COMI’ETENT LADY ASSISTANT. ~22: Office ’Phone 162 Residence ’Phone 35 °§»:«:»:«2«:«:~c«:«z»:»:«w:»:~:»:«:.Muse»:umnmumuzocusocnzwwz-MMW‘ I I COME ‘IN TODAY AND REGISTER FOR YOUR FIRST COME—FIRST SERVED! ._...—— Victor Deep Freezers 2 in Stock for Immediate Sale _.._....... FOR COMPLETE, COMPETENT WASHER REPAIRS PHONE 128 Experienced Sei'vicemen to Repair All Makes “‘“ of Washers. ._.o_ Jefferson Maytag Co. SALES and SERVICE WEST WASH. ST. CHARL 2S TOWN, w. VA. I 4":‘4‘6‘4":“:":”:"' z”:”:”:”:”:”:”:”:“:":"P'P'P'P‘z":‘4":"3":“:":"'«”:"5":":":”:":“:”:”:":“:~1°’I‘:‘ PAGE THREE . eled, to a large extent, are these of Mr. J. C. Pifer, Mr. Harry Nice— ly, and Mr. Herman Cross. V Miss Jane Strider, of Shepherds- town, but who has been making her home in Charles Town for the past several years, and manager at :White’s Grocery, expects to leaVe for Washington, D. C., to work which has been under construction whne taking a course in telegm,‘ for some time, is nearing comple~ phy. tion. Other properties being remod- . j .. MELVIN T. STRIDER turning to Germany where she will resume her Work with the Amer- ican Red Cross. The Youth Fellowship of the Methodist Church enjoyed a Skat- ing party Friday night at the Ridgeway Rink. They were accom- panied by Mrs. Nelson Deck and Mrs. Holmes White. Mr. Douglas Ring’s new house, o o X o o o o o. o o « <><lTHEl>° PlTTS-IEFEERSON THEATRE g CHARLES TOWN, WEST VIRGINIA ' MATINEE-Tuesday and Thursday. .. .. .3:30 Saturday.........................2:00 NIGHT and 9:15 SATURDAY NIGHT—Continuous from..-.6:00 P. M. ADULTS: 25c, 5c Fed. Tax, 2c Town Tax, 1c State Tax. Total Admission 33 cents. ‘ Thursday & Friday Monday & Tuesday October 3 4 October 7 8 ALSO MINIATURE “BIKINI—THE ATOM ISLAND” Saturday, October 5 "conqueror" CHEYENNE" Wednesday -Thursday October 9 - 10 IULES WIN email A REPUBLIC PICTURE he'll live... Ind you'll Ion .yuy gun-cwth mood OI ll! “with WILD BILL ELLIOTT WW and Bobby Blake - Alice Fleming 1‘ H E A T ALSO MUSICAL-ODDITY DAUGHTER 0F DON Q EPISODE I] ALSO NEWS-ODDITY \