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OCTOBER 4, 1946
OF OTHER "YEARS glad to report, is improving.Miss Ruby Brady returned home electedHill, in charge.president' bliss Elizabeth, Ch r.l To G ei:al cuttingFarmers fthisvicinityarebUS~corn.
Tuesday after .~pend!ng, a few days The members of the Kearness- a e s wn e n LEETOWN
----- By Mrs. J. F. Gardner
with Mr. and Mrs. William Hough, ville Owl~ Baseball Club met S~p- Pearl are picking apples in the
Items of Interest to Jefferson County F elks . . . at Takoma Park, bid. tember 16th at the home of its Loudoun Orchards, near Leesburg,
gleanea rom our files of long ago . . . General and Mrs. W. G. Walker Manager, Jacob L. Smallwood, and Mr. and Mrs. Lester Locke and Va.
and daughter, Barrie, spent (hereorganized for the year '47, the son, Lester Locke, Jr of Pitcairn, Mrs. Herman Garrett, who has
SEVENTY YE)[RS~" AGO. Married--At Bardane, this coun- week-end in Washington, D.C. following officers being elected: Pa have been visitors the past been .in ill health, and under tha
OCT. 2, 1876 ty. by the Rev. Thonms Cal in Mr. Luther Snyder and s on, Manager, J. L. Smallwood; Cap- ' week of Mr. and Mrs. James S. doctor s care, is not so well at this
Charlestown, Natbaniel Jones, Miss Nannie Lee Bell to Mr. James, of Charlotte, N. C are vis- tain, Lige Miller. and Treasurer, Organization of Jefferson Coun- Officers and chairmen of IAmke and family at their home writing. We all hope she will soon
" ~ ' ' " / here show some improvement.
aged 83 years; near Charles J. W. G. Cook, both of the county; ltmg ~Ir. Snyder s smters, Misses Elwood Hamstead. ty's outstanding citizens in the committees to aid in solicita- Mrs. D S. Graham, of ~he coun- Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Harris and
The Parent-Teacher Associationcampaign to obtain sufficient funds tion of funds for the new ty, who has been spending some- two daughters, l~atsy and Shirley,
Mrs. Catherine T. Washing-in Winchester, Miss Maude M. Mil- ' Belle and Gertrude Snyder, this will meet Tuesday, October 8th, at to complete the new general hos- hospital building fund cam- time at the home of her daughter who have been living in Washing-
ire of B. C. Washing~ton, aged ler, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. week.
~rs; in Charlestown. Edward William Miller, to Mr. Lonzo Ray Included in a group from Nelson 8 p. m. Mm. Hugh Janney will bepital building has been completed paign approved by the sen- and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. War- ton, D. C for several years, are
nell, aged 28 years, and Miss Swimtey, of Winchester. Parish visiting Peterkin Confer- in charge of the program, and the i and special committees are to be- eral committee are as fol- ren Collis, is a patient at King s now livh~g with the Mrs. Harris'
Naylor Green, aged 16 years. Died In Baltimore, blrs. E. A. ence Center, near Romney, W. Va president, Mrs. Norval Johnston, * gin solicitation of funds within the lows: Daughters Hospital, Martinsburg. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Humphrey
armory grounds and water Shipley, wife of the Rev. J. L. on Sunday last were, Mrs. R. L.presiding over the business meet- I next week.
l" ~ Steering Committee -- Dr. Mr and Mrs Ernest Watson were Wilt, Sr until they can find a
er at Harpers Ferry were Shipley, who lived in Charles Town Macoughtry and daughter, Miss rag. A lbrary book will be given as . Final plans for the drive to putG.P. Morison, chairman.
~t by the government at a bid from 1881 to 1885; also in Balti- Shirley Macoughtry, Misses Julia a prize to the classroom having the ! week-end guests of their daughter house. Mr. Harris has employment
;55,000. The Hall Rifle Works more, Mrs. Evelyn H. Schoppert, Shirley, Edna Farnsworth and largest attendance of members atf thecompletebUildingthe"Overhalfwaythe top"completedand RolfeFUndGerhardt.Secretary -- Mrs. andHumston,SOn-in-laW,at Elkins,Mr" andva MrSandFrankMr, aSpanya welderin Virginia,with thewherebridgethe corn-new
Power were likewise bought widow of Thomas Schoppert, form-Frances Coleman, of this place ; Mr each monthly meeting, building were outlined at and Mrs. William Kibler at Luray, bridge is going over the Shenan-
15,000.~ erly of Summit Point, aged 72 and Mrs. R. H. Maeoughtry, Mr. World Wide" Communion will be t a meeting of the general hospitalSpecial Gifts--J. A. War-
years. ~. and Mrs. James Grantham, Mrs. celebrated in the Reformed Church,committee at a meeting on Wed- renfeltz. Va. doah River.
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Willis and Mrs. C. W. Lloyd of the Metho-
SIXTY YEARS AGO, New corn sold in Charles jown Carrie Macoughtry and grandson,Sunday, October 6th, at 9:00 a. m. nesday, September 25, when speak- Audit Committee -- H.W. family of Oharles Town were din- (list Parsonage was a dinner guest
OCT. 2, 1886 at $2 a barrel; wheat, 68 cents a Billy Macoughtry, Mrs. J. P. Keen, Church School at 10:00 a. m, ' ers outlined to the 17 general eom- Willis. ner guests on Sunday of Miss Ma- with Mrs. Ida Wilt and daughters,
tried--In Charlestown by the bus~hel; potatoes, 60 cents a bush- and Miss Florence Shirley, all of A worship service "A Light i mittee members who attended the Commerce and Industry bel Watson at her home here. on Thursday.
W. G. Eggleston, William B.el; lard, 10 cents a pound; butter, Middleway. All agreed that the Shines In Africa" will be presented I pressing and immediate need for Division--Charles Reininger. Mrs. F. P. Owens, Sr and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. William Longer-
~, to Miss Lillie Entler, both 18 cents; eggs, 20 cents a dozen, project is a large one, but when by Billy Cline at the Christian En- I additional facilities in Jefferson Professions and Welfare Margaret Harris gave a reception beam are the proud parent.s of a
~2 ~ :, completed it will be an ideal place dearer service at 6 p. m. The Sen- I County Division--Dr. G. P. Morison. and miscellaneous shower at the son, this making the second child
'.herdst wn;j. C. Stewart,in BaltimOrewilbur bYA. TW~ENTY YEARS AGO, for religious conferences as well as ior discussion "The Church A Fel- t The meeting first heard from its home of the former here. on Thurs in the family. Mrs. Longerbeam is
; to Miss Lula C. Trussell, OCT. 2, 1926 recreational for the youth of the lowship of Christians", will be in Home Front Division --
general chairman, R. J. Funkhous- day evening, September 26th, hen- the former Miss Eva Grove, of Sil-
:r of Thomas Trussell, de-Cleveland M. Seibert, of Mar-church. V charge of Mrs. Frank Powell,Nicholas Carson.
both ofthiscounty, tinsburg, was nominated by KE -N-EY- LLE The Women's Guild meets Octo- er, tbat "the time has come, andis oringMr, andMrs. H.I. Phi!lips, verGrove, before ber marriage.
ber 10th, at the home of Mrs Frank here, when we must now rely upon Special Events Division ~ of Winchester, Va who were mar- Mrs. William Wilt spent Friday
Esten Cooke died at his Democrats for judge of this circuit. Clapham, at 8 a. ~. A report of the ~ the good people of this county to Leeks Riely. ried Sept~ember llth at Williams- with her mother, Mrs. T. D. Oft
"The Briars". in Clarke The County Court appointed M. help and render a personal service port, Md. Mrs. Phillips is the form- a Murrell Hill.
Va aged 56 years. S.R. Meier, .Sheriff of the County, By Mrs. Norval Johnston i Work is progressing steadily on ~ --or at least he!p to accomplish the new hospital, Mr. Perry said: er Miss Rosemary Harris, (laugh- Mrs. Viola Appell, of Murretl
~ : ~o~:Cce:dohiseb~teher~ekJ' ~ {the former New York Restaurant, de,red ar(~s~lts. "i" w "In the past, we of Jefferson ter of Mr. and Mrs, Wflhamttarrls Hill, is quite ill at this writing. She
~oTY YrARS AGO [ :,~ar. ann mrs. win rope, anu mr ~ +h~+ io ~-'~;n~' renovated r ~.K,~e t s ~ at r as consmereu c, h-w hold i* +- h,~ .~ m.~o. ot vne t~aruane, oerrerson ~ounty i woll known in thi~ onmm~mH%r
""~ "~ 06 ' ~ George McDaniel colored, for and Mrs Cooper Kuykendall of ~ ".~ '- t advisable sometime ago to employ :J " : neighborhood .". -:- ,:'" :
OCT. 7, 19 " 17a~~ . ' I and Marcus, who bought the build- ~ [ of pride of accomphshments that ;" We all join m ~]shmg her a spee~ -
!3ears, ierlyman on the ~nenanuoan Fasaaena Ualltornla, are spenumg I ;n A ~--~r~te fl--r i~ nee-h, ~,m I ~ne usual metnoos Ior raising w~ ~,IA fi,~;oh ,fh;,a *h,f we mr. ann tYlrs, l~ay ~tepnenson .'aC~VOr gh,~ ;~ t.ot ,~ t- ~ *. ~
.* River at Manning's Ferry, died at I a week with Mr. and Mrs. Hugh[ :.'~,~* ~,~'~'M,~:: ;: ~,=~,'~,;=';,"~ ' funds for institutions like hospit-! ~'~,~:]'~'~",='~,='/:~'::~,'~=, ,"~ and young son, Philip Stepbenson, ~: "A,~'~'V~'~I'n"
I! the home of his son-in-law, Bidden* Hill and Mrs. W A. fulk. Week- [ ~'l~e~.orl~: e i ats" and that members of the sen-I ~:omen'ia*~ver:warof~he'Revul~[ and little Miss Anne Blue Gardner, - '~' -"" ;'~:" ~ ~
~ ~ Hall, on the Middleway pike. end visitors were i{ev. and Mrs. [ eral committee had recommended ! lic from ~l~o ~a,s of the Rev~lu" I spent Saturday in Hagerstown ,~f:.[a~m ~*,t:s. ~nar/es .~a're'~
I,Married In Ha erCtown Md ~ [ seeki " " -- ~ ~ - spenL ~ne weeK-enu wl~n their coIl-
i " g Clarence Knapp, and son, Wallace, . ng outside,professional ad-I,i in Md. . .
Harold Fritt i Hester I ' - t v c . tlon until the late confl ct aga s't sins Miss Neva Garrett and Mr
,s and M ss . and Mrs. Knappsmoth-r, Mrs Era-, ,qIGNS FOR gALE ~e As a result, he said that Wll-]th, a~i~ ~how th,t w ific- Contractor Charles Wills and i, " ."
- " ~ --~ . . . --o ~es~er ,oy, in wasnlng on, I/. C.
~ |,Hayslett, both of thls count) alsoma Winters, of Havre de Grace, [ I ham M. Brain nan, New Yolk, had l ~ ^ ~ ~ .~ ^ ~ i- w--~h has force of workmen of Charles I ~. "
' n I . a.u w~,t~, w.=, ~a, sva, . o,v un ever o:fl bu ua v nln
/f)'~[ -.-~ ~'~-~ I t m Hagerstown. Kelly Grovea d Md. I I been engaged to organize the drove.[ it" Town have redecorated the lntermr { Y . ~O ~Y e e .g4.a~
.~0 tluntlng:~olrespasslng ! ~ ~ ou 1
~, |.e[,Miss Eva Huddle, both of Shenan- i Mr and Mrs. Charie~ Sisk, jr, I" " - ' " ~Total estimated cost of the new ", of two U. S. G. dwelling houses at ~ pc OCK, in ~ne ~nestnut ~'m
rl ,"--' .I ' ms For R nt Re tate t~e asserted that Olltlcal consm t~nu~cn, a musical program ~s g~v
/'| t ~-~ ", I ~ doah Junction. I move~l into an'anartme~t i'n tlae } Roo e - al Es ; structure is $300,000, and half of . "'" P " the Fisher, and Wild Life Se~ice t ' "" ,~ " "s " =
"~ ~'~ ~- elations would not enter Into the ~ en We would be glad to have you
/~ "/ - .-~ 1,%,* V t home of Mr. and Mrs. IIarrv Zinn, [ For Sale - No Smoking - For Reut. [ the cost will be met by Mr. Funk- . "" . here I -/ ~- " ", ~
I [ [ IOnS raising campaign lnere Will,a~ena tnese programs, an(~ enjoy
L .}JJJ I ~ITTIU[IHTrO ~l~t~TlTfll'l ] on Monday. Mr Sisk has received I wo ~'~-'s Each ot the -m~- .r *he houser who will match local contri- . - " ,] " Mr. Alton Grove has completed,- ! " ".~ "" . .'
! ~ be no polities in xn s tampa gn w ivn us wvery one IS we~
I Nlll 11 |ll glllN/ fhis honorable dischar~,e from the, butions dollar-for-dollar leavin~ s . .~ " .[the work vf paintin~ his recentlvt : "~ "
~ ~,i ~. va~,~ I arTny. ~ I Jefferson Publishing Co Inc. I the campaign goal at $150,000. " won, t care It a man IS a ~emocra~ [ purchased house hel-e. ~rell known I come vtrs G.C. rearl nas enarge
B Miss Frances Col man,or r~epuollcan All we are Interest,oi tile inUSlC
[ I y : " " " e bir. and Mrs. Eugene Kearns and [ Phone 222 [ The new building is now going .' : "1 to the neighborhood people as The t " '~
,eu In is his interest in contrlDuung ~,1vlrs ~ll(lre rn
W I N T ]5 It I I daughter spent Sunday with the I ~ . [ upon the site of Old St. Hilda s . ' ~ Mace Lee House i "- d Ke s of neh'r
, - ,to the nos ltal Iunu ano hiS ueslre " ' "
.~ " ~ ] The Woman s Society of Chris- I latter s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl I unarms town, w. ) a Hall, former Episcopal girls . .P I Mrs. Cora Johnosn of Hagers- I Boyce, Va visited recently at the
~O work Ior Its successlul qonclu )arsona e the home of her
TU~J-U]~ I [ tian Service of the " Methodist I Hildebrand, Winchester, Va. t school, and foundations have been " " " " I town, Md. is spemling some time I ~ ' g " par-
,r the safetyu of y~u: I I ~whrUd~hd2;!SocT~:ie~gathhn,~h ;~ o:{ ~ny~?r~FMaaceEn~i!aTt~ouTtfur?~:y~~~ted~!!h~ar~beoefmno~t~e;ru~eaoli~o~ul~ ::Ma~O:yGi:t P~I M~h:annY:hrepr:d [ i!:~hLhimen~fh::" ~IeP:hmeW~ ~ai~d" I ;;~r)'~:Kte~ ~'er~'y'~W!~:?~u~pdap~t:
r bring it tom~ no ",[ the afternoon. " ' i McGarry Snyder and family of l PUBLIC SALE ; further progress of construction is a message f'rom him pointing out, ] Mrs E M Co,de was hostess to [ guests Saturday evening h the
F ~UIVlt'l,]bll5WiRier ~ nd Mrs ck and, She herds w we ' ex ected to seed u as shorta es among other things, that hospital ~ parsonage, with Rev and Mrs C
|} .lr.a .J.C. Glassco i' P .to'n re dinner guests i ~,~,~r~ -~,~1 P -'P" P ~"- 'g." " " ' ." " Ithe;vV]S:C.'S. of the loeal'Metho, lPa 7', . ' ". '-
eeK-up [ Mrs. George Glaseock and family I Friday evening at the home of his ]IDI tmya Keal Lstate. I of materials and laborqessert, patients now must seeu care m 1 dist Church at her home, "Roxly I w. t~oya.
I I spent last Sunday in Gaithersburg, brother and sister-in-law, Mr and ] [ The new hospital will operate either Martinsburg, Hagerstown, I ~",w,;,~ ;,~. ~.~,: t v
:)MPLETE LINE OF I I Md, with Mr and bhs Clagett Mrs Ma'~o Sn der unde~ the p~esent hospital s constl Md, ot Winchester, Va, and will ,
" ," "'" ," '" / Y I The undersigned Special Com-I~. [' .' ," ." . -,- ~-, ,1 ber 27th. t Mrs. Ehner Martin of Baltimb~e
~ !,] W arfield. ! Henry Burnett spent the week- I missioners b, virtue of *h thor I tution anu by-laws anu, as a non- oe ~orcea ~o ~ravel instances o[ I 'v" ! ~,~,~ .~,i~, ~ ~, ;~. ~ ;~n~
ootlvear "lares. I I Mr. and Mrs Preston Bfller, of end w~thMr, and Mrs. Percy Diggs [ itv vested in them by a decree of I profit Institution, will continue to fr m 15 o 36 m les. [ ,~Tvv'~,~.~fv~v~m v,T, !. I Mr~ ~t.~,t; ;,~,~ ;, (~h,
~n," ~-- ~ ",I Cumberland Md are guests of the in Baltimore Md. He returned Sun- I tffe Circuit Court of Berkeley [ accept all patients. A total of 42 Previously, Mr. Funkhouser had [ |'H~4"~'|'N|/'I" H|I,117~*';l?o' w~'~ v","~'~r2",~-'~'t'}~"l'n~t~,~
/UDeS, ,l~a]~l~erlPs,[ M'sses Kate and Eleanor Biller' day accompanied by his wife who I County West Vir,-inia e-~-t-~,~ on,beds will be provided, divided be- pointed out that the services of.Mr. ] U~&,l.JtJ ~1.~.1 Io,I. ~.J.J.IJIJ t (7~ ,~'('~'~,~a~'~-l'~,~?n",~'l~,[ '~~ ~' --~,
~A ]:)~*i~,I this. week. i had spent the past week at the i the lbt'h da'v. ~ of Jul-, '19.' '(~~ ~, . i~the t tween pr vate rooms, and four-bed Bramman. .w uld not cost .the gen- i By Mrs. Georgia Pearl ] a'~ '~2~Y~--~'-~ ~." - ~ nus, ana;---'~"~-"'?';'~s aea~n"~'?' ~'7"sne
[ I Mr and Mrs James F Macough Diggs home I chaneer, causes of R 11 B-- d vs,wards for both white and colored erat building fund anything and I I,'i ' " " '
--v-- II 7,aare v!si i.g. ho ,mor' a.d Charles Ful and I J W S:Boyd et al, and.Me:: ants I Pa rtS members of the bus t, l I We have been having so many I :a7 sT::
|i~.-: . ano oaugn~r, .H'. ano,~:,'lrs.~ ~augnter miss ~etty, an(l son, land Farmers Bank vs. 1 H. Boyd,~ . ee '~ ,"Pl. ia, ~. ' Y| nice rains which is a wonderful[ George Whittington of near Le ~
DLI~NYi~ lung 1 I l~ltcnie r~umonston in ~ ,ncvv ~martes ll, were ainner guests rri-, will offer for sale at Public A,'tmn ~ steering committee a(l~lresseu the unaerwrl~en ano Will not come ou~ ! ho]n ~, *~ 1.~ ~,o: la.o ~, '
,[ Chase, Md. i day evening at the home of the for- ] at the front door of the J general committee meeting. . of the funds that are sohc ted for
' -~ " " --. " ~ - " " - r n b t - . the hos ital tm~ ~g,a .~ ~.~*-**.~;~.g.~.:.: :.~ ~:.g-: ;.: : :~:-;~: : -.g - : :.: : :.~r ~.:.:~.;~.o~
|m| s II= 1,[ Rev. and .Ml.~. C. G. Rus~eh and ~ reef's brother-m-law and smter, Mr [ 't~I:NTV t' ~i:wr t[t~'~:~" t~t" ] D . Joh L. Van. Ie re, speaking I P. - - [ . * ~
wacv4.nn,[ family spent the week-endiWPenn- I and Mrs. Hugh Hill. " 7,7.7,UL:.X77.ZL,:L':Y :~.ZL I from the standpoint of a private] "1 think it would be well for the [ :~'. 4r ~ ,~r . ~ !, ,~ ,
I [ sylvania, visiting friends. Miss Josephine Ambrose of Rich- ,r~ttwr~t,r,~ ~u.~ ~, w r~t [ physician, pointed out that average] people here in the county to under- [ ~? Normern virginia r eeaer ualI ale
I AI . I I Mrs. Lillian Via has returned to I mend, Va spent the week-end at VA ON I daily population of the present hos- : stand that. These people are here [ ~: .
,nl UWa ! [ Ranson, after visiting her sister, i the home of her parents, Mr. and SATURDAY, OCTOBFR 12TH, I pital during the past year had been to show us how to organize to raise [ $~ FRIDAY OCTOBER 18 1946--1 "30 P. M
i ~ Wll~ ~[l~L~lllldlVil,[ Mrs. Jenney Brady. i Mrs. George Ambrose. 1~ - l-~.~- -" ~ [ 17 patients in a hospital of 21 beds. the necessary funds. They do not [ ~. ' ' " "
~" Pro- ! ! Mrs~John Marslaall who is a pa- The Evergreen Four-H Club ~Y' ~, ~''~" ~,'" "'Y' . . I "This meant that on many days,go out and solicit the funds them- ['~. Virginia Livestock Auction Market, Winchester, Va. ":
~. tl. ~tuirir~rtru~u. g. ! ! ". : ~. ";. " . ~ . me xottowlng uescrioeu real esLate- t V se[v s bu" the ' knowhow the' :i *
1 I tlent In the wlncnester .~lemorlal, mee~s ~onlgn~. at ~ne home or ,~or- o ~ ' .~",tne nospltal was iorce(1 to turn a- e .~ y I oo . .
-, ~n:x~ :~u ~" wnown as ~ne. count should be or anized and 3; 000 Hl~AD ANGUS HEREFORD ann SHORTHORN
. Hospital, for treatment, ~ we are val Gole Johnston, w~th the newly- " ,'~ ". . l way patmnts, even though we could y . g,j -~, .
.~ulpnur ~prlng Iarm, situate in [ add four additional beds and obtain what is necessary in order that we I *~* STEER and HEIFER CALVES 5
~ - : ~; ; : .; :,: :.:-:.g :.: : : :.;.;.: ; :.;.:.:~.:,:.:.~.~.~.~ .: : :ni!~ Creek l)lst~?ct, Ber~e!ey Coun- I a maximum capacity of 25 beds." shall have a successful campaign. [ ,'f;
= ~ ~ ty, ~est Y~gmta, eoata~mng 487)/z ~ He also noted the fact that re- "One of the essential parts of ],~- Calves will be vaccinated for Blackleg: also, Hemorrhagic
-- ~ acres more or less, and being the I turned service men and women this program is to get people whol ~. Septicemia not les~ than 7 nor more than 14 days prior to sale
/ ~ ~ ~ san~ real estate conveyed to John [ would, i'n the near future, place an are willing to selwe, and who are' ~ date. All heifers Bang's tested. They will be graded and sold
~1 ~ qi ~ ~4t"~ ~ W/Stewart by deed from Sarah F. i additional burden on present hos-~ willing to sacrifice some. . f theirS' *~- in lots of from 10 to 20. ,?i
1-- l1 ~ll " .~Az'~f~i ~-~ H arisen, An.rex and recorded in [ pital during the past year, would time, and furthermore, It 1S essen-] j~ 1. FRED S'TINE, Sale.' Manager Box 440, - ~h.: Va." :
J~. ~ ~ ~.~lt il ll ~, ~ ~ 1 ~ tne ~ounty UterK-s" omee. o~.~erKe: i grow greater and not" less. tml that we have. people who rep-] ~.:, Wln~,ester,
" " ~Y~ un~y. wes~wrglna, mDeeu| He also quoted additional facts lesent the best interests of the[ ~:~.- ~. ~-.z .~z--, ~ . ~.
t~OOK o6. page ~t)~. I which showed that infant mortality county---their professions and their I :.: ~. . . " ~' ~ ;
OF ANTIQUE AND REPRODUCTION FURNITURE, TRAC'I NO. 2: The same reali m the past year had been 14 deaths business, or in whatever they are[ "
~ e
" = state was conveyed bydeed tel of children under one year of age, engaged. I A I dl~,~ ~IA ~l~l l~l~ A ~l
o T'VERY LARG / fiI I.W4" PIfiNY ,tqNAWARE ary Wilson John Boyd onlor one for every 1000 persons lie- "Those of you who received a l -1 l l lli| " ll ll q ,lll
" the 28t, h day of No ember, 1902,[imz in the county, communlcatmn, and he e h~re V~V~II~ V-~i
GLA AD . TC ~nd recorded in said Clerk's Office| "General ,ati~nt, u,lmltt~d tn this afternoon, are considered peo-
o,Jl,J .a L.m.wJa ~q .m ~ m. "~ ~ * ~ ~. -- -- ~, . * - t
" In l)ee(l l~ook 112, page 49o, con-I fh,~ hnanlt.~l hnvo ~ha~.n ~ ~fo~t|~.- pie who (1o represent tne PeSt ln'~er-I
t )ning one acre. more or less, and] . sts of thi, county aEd with your I Discontinuing farming I will sell without reserve
an joins Tract No. 1 to the Charles Town General Hos- time and tamnt:.we ~,i~l De success:. [on farm located on the Middleway Pike, 6 miles West'*
TRACT NO. 3: Known as "Criml pital amounted to 241. Eight years [ui in unoerta~mg rne amount,orI ,~f g~h,~,l.~ q~ xxr lr .1 I ~,~;1 tT~.~f ,~e Mir| "
.~,"- -," . " ",fund~ re-uired et to commete ~nis i ~. ~.~ ~ xvw, **. vet at~u x H~,~t: ~.o ~ ~ --
,arm, Sl[Ua~;e in SalU UlS[,rlCL an(1 later In tu,~a this numner nan al- .~ -~ : v a, ~,
I 1 W
ho ltal (1 e ay, w va, on
county, containing 155 acres more most doubled and stood at 437. And sp . .
1946, Beginning At 10:30 O'Clock A. M Prompt. or tess, being the same real estate you can be sure that postwar activ- The following attended the meet-
conveyed to ~ohn W. Stewart by G. ity in almost every field will con- ing: John F. Ambrose, Nicholas TUESDAY, OCTOBER 29,
Having sold "Willowbrooke," my summer home, located 4.miles East of Charles M. Set Smith by deed, and recorded tinue to increase the number of Carson, Miss Sara Cue, Mrs. Rolfe
Town, W. Va on Route No. 9, I will offer for sale at said premises, on the above in said Clerk's office in Deed Book hospital admissions locally." Gerhardt. Mrs. W. B. Hammond, BEGINNING AT 10:00 O'CLOCK A, M.
mentioned date, the entire contents of the house, mentioning in part as follows= 67, page 244. State Senator W. P. C. Perry, Mrs, Frank Harrison. Hen. W. P.
Commissioners will also offer for president of the Board of Managers C. Perry, Mrs. John Porterfield, 55 HEAD OF DAIRY COWS, HEIFERS~
sale, by virtue of said decree, at of the present hospital, outlined Charles F. Reininger, H. L. Sheets,
ONE 6-PIECE MAPLE SUN ROOM SUITE : the ront door of the for thegeneralcommitteemembers Mrs. James Strider. St, enry AND CALVES
One 7-Piece White Wicker Set, 1 Square Top Piano and stool; 1 large Mahogany Side- ~ COUNTY COURT HOUSE OF present the opportunity exisiting Sydnor. Miss Belle Snyder, Mrs.
James E. Tabb, Dr. J. L. VanMetre, Complete Line of Farming Implements
board, 1 small Mahogany Sideboard, one 3-section 10-ft. Mahogany Dining |'able, i ~ JEFFERSON COUN'I'~, WEST for public se~ice in the new hos- J. Dan Yowell, H. H. Lehman (rep-
Mahogany Serving Table, $ Drop-Leaf Mahogany Tables, 1 large Mahogany Rocker. ' pital campaign.
VIRGINIA, ON Commenting u~on the need for a resenting Dr. G. P. Morison). and IIarness.
upholstered in Plush; 1 upholstered Wicker Chaise Lounge; I Marble Top Center Stand, ~ SATURDAY, OCTOBER 19TH
" and lots of other articles too numerous to mention.
1 Massive Mahogany Pier Table, 1 large Gilt Frame Mirror. 12 Mexican Dining Room ~ 1946, at 10:30 A.M RAINFALL SUNDAY NIGHT "~'~:~"*"" " ~"''*~'~":"
Chairs. hand painted; I Old Time Secretary with Boo, ease on top; 1 Mahogany two- ~ the following descmbed real estate: ~ TERMS CASH.
door Small Cabinet, 1 Mahogany Settee, 1 Mxhogany MusicCabinet. 1 small Mahog-~,TRACT, ,NO" 4: ,Kh wn as. the A rainfall fairly general in the W A N T E D ! O, C. STINE
Bend or Bryerly farm, situate county, struck about 9 o'clock Sun-
any Stand with drawer; 6 Center Stands, 1 Mahogany What-Not, ! Book Stand, one~ in Middleway District, Jefferson day night, and continued wit'h W A I T R E S S E S CHAS. T. ENGLE, Auctioneer.
Couch, upholstered with Plush; 1 small Mahogany Wall Mirror, several Mahogany ~ County, West Virginia, containing varying volume for an hour. The C. W. MOORE, Clerk.
~,327 acres more or less, and being rain started with a thunder shower Good Hours Apply Good Pay
Mirror Frames, I Walnut Magazine Stand, 2 Mahogany Chest of Drawers, I Magble ~.~ the same property conveyed to with some lightning and thunder, (SEE COMPLETE LIST LATER)
Top Mahogany Bureau with Large Mirror; 1 small Mahogany Bureau. 2 Wardrobes, ~.John W. Stewart 10y deedfrom and then settled down to a gentle Sept. 20, 27, Oct. 4 and 11--A.
1 Massive Mahoganj R~und End Bed with springs and mattress; 1 Spool Bed with ~ NEW CENTRAL
Thomas T. VanMetre and wife,shower At the end the local gee-
springs and mattress; 1 Mahogany Sleigh Bed with springs and mattress; 1 Massive ~ which deed is recorded in the Coun- ernment rain guage registerd 1~ RESTAURANT ~-:-:-:-:-:-~,~
Square End Mahogany Bed with springs and mattress; 1 Child's Mahogany Bed; several~ ty Clerk's office of Jefferson Coun- inches. Charles Town, W. Va.
ty in Deed Book D,page 178. ~,
small Mahogany bed room rockers, 1 C]hiffoneer with mirror; 1 Metal Day Bed with n~at- ~ TRACT NO. 5: Known as the Go to Church on Sunday. ,' :~* ~.~,~.:-X ~* " " ".~-.~-'. ~ ~-'~'~ ~,-',~.~
tress; 1 Metal Single Bed and mattress; large collection of Bed Linen, Comforts,Pil- ~ Pultz Farm,situate in Middle-
Iowe and Bolsters; 2 Mahogany Mantle Clocks, 2 China Closets, 1-Pair of Brass And-~ way District, Jefferson County, ~~,**~~**-~ ~. -**,~: ~w ~ ~
irons with Brass Fire Screen, Tongs and Shovel; 1-Pair of Heavy Andirons with ~ West Virginia, containing 22:9
,Screen. etc.; 3 small Cmae Seated Rockers, large collection of bed room and dining ~ acres more or less, and being the
room chairs; 1 small Oak Chest of Drawers, Miscellaneous Collection of l~loor Coy-~ same real estate conveyed to John,
W. Stewart by two deeds from' We. the undersigned, will sell at Public Sale the Following~
erings; 3 FAectric Floor Lamps, 5 Electric Table Lamps, 3 large Japanese Va~es, ~ Isaac Pultz et al, and recorded in Personal Property, located~at 416 South George Street, Charles
large collection of Chinaware and Glassware, quite a few pieces of Antlque among it;
~. the County Clerk's office of Jeffer- Town, West Virginia, on
lot of Pictures, Pottery agd Small Ornaments: 9-Sets of Flowered Window Draperies ~ : son County in Deed Book 29, pages
with fixtures; 9 Venetian Window Blinds, 6 large Window .~reens for sun room;,287 and 289. * * * * * WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1946,
1-Pair of Binoculars, one 6-ft. Oak Extension Table, 1 small Serving Table, 1 small .: Growing corn crops reserved.
Farms will be oflercd in whole
drop-leaf Kitchen Table; 9 Old Hickory Chairs, 1 Metal Coffee Table, several Wicker ~'~ or in part. BEGINNING AT 1:00 O~CLOCK P. M.
Market Baskets, 1 large Clothes Basket, 1 ~enter Table, 2 Refrigerators, 75-its. capa- ' Tracts No. 1 and 4 will have JUST UNLOADED CAR OF
city each; 1 small Kitchen Cupboard, 1 Kitchen Safe, 2 Metal Top Kitchen Tables, 1 ~ electricity in a short time.
'l~ne pulp wo~l on Tract No. 3 Old Bureau with marble top; Walnut Cradle, Old Tri.Pod,
Kitchen Cabinet, 1 Metal Utility Cabinet, one 5-Burner Oil Stove with buSt-in oven; ~ reserved until April the first,
1 Bed Room Oil Stove, Kitchen Utensils of all kinds; stone jars, metal waste baskets, ~ 1947, with right to cut and haul Army Pistol, 3 Demijohns, Old Pieces of China, 2 Old Swords, .
metal radiator covers, 1 metal porch glider, 2 metal lawn chairs, 1 lawn sprinkler, 1,~ame off. 2 Wrought Iron Candle Sticks, double iron bed, single iron bed,
"F~lipse" self sharpening lawn mower; 1 Century ball-bearing lawn mower; grindstone, A3l tracts now tenanted until Feather Mattress, kitchen cabinet, kitchen safe. kitchen chairs,
wheelbarrow, iron vise, tree trimmers, 18-ft. ladder, one 3-gallon pressure sprayer; April ~he 1st, 1947. kitchen utensils, pots and pans, coffee perculator with alcohol"
See R, If. Boyd for tenant con- * * ~ * * lamp; 2.burner oil stove with stationery oven: small bench,
miscellaneous lot of garden and lawn tools. ONE OLD TOWN CANOE and paddles; tracts and all and further infer-
1 FLAT BOTTOM BOAT, ONE 2-CYLINDER JOHNSON OUTBOAT MOTOR. in mation about ~he farms, hall rack, mission style: sewing table, several rocking chairs,
perfect condition, and numerous other articles that are not mentioned. TERMS OF SALE FERTILIZER looks as if it might Morris chair, 2 clothes trees, round table, large pine table,
LUNCH will be served on the grounds sale day. One-third purchase money cash round Bamboo table, 9x12 Rug, 2 mantel clocks, book ends, 2"
TER~lS CASH:---Immediate removal required, day of sale, balance in two equal be scarce this Fall Place your bridge lamps, 3 large pictures, marriage of Pocahontas, Lan
payments of one and two years ~
SALE WILL START promptly on time, please be governed accordingly, wi~h interest from date of sale. order today to be sure of your ins of DeSota; lots of other pictures, swing, China and Glas
Title to be retained until purchase ware, books, stone and glass jars. several baskets,"
COL BROOKE L. WYNKOOP price paid i. full or deed of trus supply. o oil drum, 5-gallon oil can. steel traps, old valise, Refrigerator,
65 BROADWAY. NEW YORK 6, N. 1". given to secure deferred payment. 100ribs. capacity; scoop shovel, garden plow, tin box, and lots
CHAS. T. ENGLE. Auctioneer. C. W. MOORE. Clerk. CLARENCE E. MARTIN. of other articles too numerous to mention. ,
For Information, Phone or Wire R.H. BOYD. Phones 17 and 130 TERMS CASH:---Nothing to be removed until settled for.
SpeciaJ Commissioners.
BANE BROWN, Sale Manager, State of West Virginia, Miss Rebecca M. Trapnell
Charles Town, W. Va. County of Berkeley, To-wit:
I, Win. C. Morton, do hereby cer- Miss F.Mith Gardner
The Caretakers Cottage with 6-rooms and bath, ontqining 2 acres of land, tify that J. O. Henson, one of the
which is For Sale Privately, if not sold, will be open for inspection sale day. Special Commissioners, has execu- CHAS. T. ENGLE, Auctioneer.
ted bond with such security as re- C. W MOORE. Clerk.
Oct. ~, and 9-2t.--S. Oct. 4 and ll-2t.--A, quired by said decree. CHARLES TOWN, W. VA. Sept. 27, Oct. 4-2t.--A. Oct. 2-1t.--S.
WM. C. MORTON, Clerk.
Sept. 27-3tA.