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Farmers Advocate
Charles Town, West Virginia
November 13, 1936     Farmers Advocate
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November 13, 1936
Newspaper Archive of Farmers Advocate produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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FARMERS ADVOCATE, CHARLES TOWN, W. VA FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1936. PAGE THREE .!his son-in-law and daughter. Mr an+ ] -+ ! pl;RLIC SALE ! Lamar Rau, son of Mrs. Bessie L. warded at the commencement in ~rr,V~T T~rm~1ffirffir ~ Mrs. Harry G arvin at~Hagerstown. I SHENANDOAH i . .Jr . }Rau of South Mildred street, is a- June The candidate is a graduate 07" JI~2~DJLa~JLU~IN ] Mr 2~noy renwell of Fairmoum IIT~T~r~T~V ~ ~ OF AN'rIQUES AND OTHER i mong the applicants for the degree +ho ~t ~ xa;~ ~.^ 1 ~commumty is on the sick hst. t JUi~ t.~llU ~ l FURNITURE. i of Bachelor of Arts at Washington & v-~-o ++-,J -+q+ , Ladies Aid Society is planningi --0--~---- ! . --- ------ ~Lee University, Lexington, to be a Class of 1933. serve a turkey-chicken supper, l[ MIDDLEWAY i Defa ,lt vingmade . + . day night, November 20th. lle sure I I BIv '. ~rs w:!!m~ uarr ,~,tindebtedness secured in that certain~tUlnllhg&I/~tmtlgl'lt/Bzl l~mmmti~Itti~mtmI~t"~==~m~tv~mtP -- ~ - .~ t -- runswlcz, jylfl VlSlt:ed r(+laLlves i;: 3L~e~"~ en~sYsl~:e :=++~I ,be I Mr and Mrs 0 M Ramsey, Mrs S. the Junction Tuesday. umnarried,deed of tiuSttomadeF. L.*bYBus;hong,W" P Morl-ison,trustee, ~ldi~, uP h: p p ~++~ IS Grantham of Martinsburg, Dr and Mr. and Mrs William Hendricks of dated May 7, 1929, recorded in the an"~l~'Mi's.~'~l~o~::'' T~'~,~'.~ o ;~" .+~o-P'~:- ~ Mrs. S A Willhide of Durbin, West Washington, D. C spent Tuesday. Courtly Clerk's office of Jefferson "-i Pa Th [Va, wmted Mrs Rose Kearns the with relatives and friends m theCount~, West V4rginia, in Deed Book .~ e weuumg ~OOK place+ ", " . . +,dltesda-y. lne'~t newlyweus are to ,past WeeK. . Junction. ~ lr. anti ~vlrs rlendr]cKs are 132, pzge 141, the undersigned Execu- it ~t~+ + "~ u.-~ ~ ,~ r~ m.~ ~m~r+'"--'-- ue-~-- ] .Mr" Clyde Roberts and rosters, former, remdents. . trix of said trustee, now deceased, ~ill + ~:-- a-,m~ ~ +h~; a ]Misses Ethel and Clara, of Washmg- Miss Gladys Brown of Martmsburg under the terms of said ,runt offc, r for "t~; ~ " "/ton, spent Saturdayhere visiting visited her mother, Mrs Clara Brow~ sale in front of the Court Hour, at Ami Bush, who has been ex-tthe!r many friends ~" " "o " anedksister, Mrs. Aubrey Dart lastlCharles Town, W. Va, on sly ill ~ ~,=h. ~ -.~ I Mr and Mrs James v mct~ ugh- ee ! MON AY, NOVEMBER 30 1936 1 mn~i~s! ~ ~ ~ +~ p try of Washington Tinted the form- Alberton Snvder, who ~s emploved l e v ~ -I " " i At 10:30 O CIo~k A. M. l ers brother, Wtlham MeCoughtrv, at Hancock, Md spent a few day,: . The New 1937 Models of Phileo Radio A. of Fa~rmount School held last t " " + -; i the followmg de~cr:oed personal prop- : x ;, L part oI lasl; weeK. ~x-~nerm ~vie- last week wl[n nlsirlen(lSin ~.Fle. regular monthly meeting- will beIt~ ugntry ~s somewnat lmprove~ ou+ ounctmn. "~ Are Now on Our Floor. Thursda.- +t.^ %,+~.~" i still confined to his bed. Mrs. Mabel Cross, who has been l One Sla~ Top Desk, Walnut; one r and Mrs ~,:~"~--~-- ~ ~ Mrs. Edward Pierce is on the sick quite sick for the past month is very t Walnut SecretarT, one Walnut Safe, eo'o N'[ )'"are~ v~.~]~.~':""'~.:~' i list suffering from the grippe, much improved and is able to be i{ 3 Mahogany Parlor chairs, 1 Walnu! If anything can be said in additional praise of them, y~'Small'woo~l an~t s~,~"~,-:~" ' Mr. and l~rs. Thomas Bowling and round again. Settee, 3 Windsor chairs, 1 armed it is that they are better than ever before, they have es c D Johnsnns~e',"~n*~'~'~"{~, iMr. and Mrs Charles Smith of Char- Miss Helen Leith, an employee in i Windsor writing chair, 3 W~2msor always built a good Radio, and when we tell you that son." Reinh~-~'~h+":~--'~-'~+~' lies Town were guest sol Miss Edith the office of the State Road" Corn+ rockers, 6 Russell dining room cn~rs, the 1937 models are still better, there is nothing more .-+" ~'~ -~ " " ~One Grandfather Cherry Clock:, one and Lew~s Rissl~" ~,~,~ ~h i Grantham on Sunday. mmsmn m Charleston, V/. Va, has . ' : '; -. - we can add. "-+' o be n v~ ,+J nornwooa l~leloueon I large ~la~og- +, spent Sunday with th,~ 4"nrm I " ~ e +s~tmg fr3ends and relatives m , sister, Mrs I~aur"a'"Beachle~7-'at i Miss Gertrude Rodeffer has ~eft for i the community, any rocker, ~ A9 .a~s" ro~Klng cnmr, rsville, Md." " Huntington, W. Va. for a visit of Mrs. H. J. Miller of Charles Tow, vyamu~ ctrop-ie as ~.~o)e, ~eos one o~ We Repair All Makes of Radios, r. M H Armstron~ of The Fur some time with Miss Nellie Pine, '.spenta few days last week with her them iour~posts n~gn oe~, one spoo~ spent several day; recently formerly Charle Town. s ster a,d brother-in-law, m. and eo. an, one ,owSell Glass, Metal, and Metal-Glass Tubes, ATTENTION Extractions $0c Up Dental Plates, $12.=-$15. Up "WHERE YOUR $'S HAVE THE MOST CENTS" HOURS:--8 A. M. TO 8 P. M. DAILY Phone 241-F. Nurse in Attendance. t Mrs. C. W. Myers Mr end ~rs. Robert Cross of Wash ington spent several days last week :with his mother, Mrs. Mabel Cros~ !and Mrs. Cross' brother sister and brothers, Miss Agnes and Joe and Banks Snyder. Mrs. Charles Furtney of Cumbe-'+ land, Md has been spending a while with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Shirley. Mrs Shirley who has been critically ill for the past several weeks, is improving. Perfect attendance for Shenandoah TERMS OF SALE:--C~SH. ALICE K. BUSHONG, Executrix of F. L. Bushong, Trustee, deceased. Nov. 6-4t. SALE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY Eveready Batteries, and Anything Else For Radios that is The undersigned Administrator of the Estate of Sadie Smith will offer '0 for s~l~ at public auction on WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 18th, 1936, beuinning at twelve o'clock PHONE 186. noon. at the former residence of said Sadie Smith at Middleway, the fol- Junction School for the second mon~ lowing personal property: NEW DENTAL OFFICES ending October 30, 1936: First andOne Chiffonier, bureaus wash Charles Town, W. Vs. Second Grades, Mary Henkle, teach-stand, several beds, springs and mat- Over Nichols' Drug Store--Next to Post Office er--Forest Custer, Hugh Hooe, Allen tresses, oak buffet, dmmg room ~~~ i Manhis Donald Sat, er Calvin Them, tables, chairs, several stands, rockmg t~,~" ~ho,-~ Wh;~~" ~,lw;, ~,~1.ov" chairs, lot of pictures, chinaware, ~-- ~ +~t.~'~:'~ ~ ' ~-~-";". ~'~-~: ' glassware, kitchen utensils, heating *,- - * ~.~,= ~.~, ~eorge LNICnOISt warren " o- stove several lar e ~ "~ ~~~':~':" ":+ ":':':"~ 'J' ~P"P> Walker, Daniel Dart, Clarence ~tOV?' L 1 "CO2 K ~1" " ~' " -- i ~ ~ It e nil o it ," ~e='nnis ~aw--son, Don" ' zrungs,n m w:naow, minos ann curr~furS, Pierson "" tel"Weller S lveste I and other artmles of household - l-- ' rla a ~ yi~ .rI niture too numerous to mention 1 eyeless, Maxwell ~oo~e, ~vlaggle ,~ u v nR~WN lamlni~trator 'Loveless, Eunice Groves, Be,tie Fer-I ~'; ~'.L" "'~"g '~.+-' o+~:,"'L ,-, Ol E~st,age o[ ~/a.Ule omlt, tt trill, Louise Thompson, ~ertrude Bar- - s Cash Farmers--Feeders of Live Stock . .er.- . Iron, Lou'.se Mahoney, Mar)on Groves, I C.T. ENGLE, Auctioneer. Helen Fraley, Gladys Whitman, Jua-I ~-- 6 2t To glve Immediate quick service in removing Dead rata Smallwood, Ellenor Ann Shirley, ] Disabled Animals, we announce the opening of our Lelia Smallwood, Myrtle Custer, I ORDER OF PUBLICATION Margaret Mahone.v, Gladys Mahoney.I VIRGINIA AND WEST VIRGINIA t Third and Fourth Grades, Kathe-The State of ~VestVirg.!nia, BRANCH OFFICE rine Link, teacher--Alton Fraley, Jefferson Corm,y. re-wit: Telephone--Berryville 151 Robert Frye, Virgel Maphi,Brown At Rules held in the Clerk's office We Pay Telephone Charges. Nichols, Stoken Nichols, Harold Seal, of the Circuit Court of Jeffemon "If it's too late for the Doctor call REES" Freddy Southard, Orphu Miller, Vel- Crmnt.v, for November, 1936. We Buy Butcher Hides and Fats+ va Seal, Marie White, Roy Pulse, CLYI)E WILLIAM COOK, an infant who sues by Pansy Cook, his next friend .' Plaintiff Jane Garret, Leona Pierson, Mary Pierson, Ira Seal, Velva Walker. BERRYVILLE, VA. :[ VA. AND W. VA. BRANCH :::i Fifth and Sixth Grades, Katherine Boxwell, tecaher--Doris Seal, Elenorl May Smith, Elenor Whitmore, Daph- ne Lawson, Helen Loveless, Elenor i Sou,hard, Ralph Dunn, Ralph Hen- retty, Kenneth Miller, Billy Vickers, Lewis Brookman, William Frye, Al- bert Pulse, Leo Seal, William Walk- er, Leroy Welty, Melvin Welty, Nel- son White. Seventh and Eighth Grades, Do- VS. GUY COOK, et al Defendants Th~ object of this su!t is to re- strain the sale of certain real estate b.v George M. Beltzhoover, trustee. t}{at the accounts of Guy Cook as executor, be stated and settled, that the amount of the trust fund estab- lished by will be ~scertained and the same set up as required by the terms of tbe will of Barbara V. Cook. It appearing, on affidavit filed in lores Meier, teacher--Gladys Them-VMs suit, that the Defendant, Anna as, Ophelia Lawson, Earl Jones Pine, :lay Cook, is a non-resident of the Gertrude Seal, Ray Seal, Franklyn ~tate of West Virginia, she is here- Fraley, Marshall Henretty, Katherine by required to appear within One Ann Darr, Mildred Goode; Mabel Month after the date of the first pub- Nichols, Kathelyn Fraley, Dotsy licaiton of this order, and do what is Darr, Margaret Walker, Doris Stick- nece. sary. to protect her interest in els, Audrey Sager, Robert Slaughter, this matter. Elenor Sloat. It is ordered that a copy of this Enrolled 124. Perfect in attendance order be forthwith published once a 84. Seventh Grade has made two week for four consecutive weeks in months perfect attendance, 100%. The Farmer's Advocate, a newspaper printed in the town of Charles Town --------0--~ in the County of Jefferson, and be MEETING AT BAPTIST CHURCH posted at the front door of the Court House of Jefferson County, at least twenty days before judgment or de- Dr T RYlan of urav+cree rendered Vs will preach in a series of meet- W.M. JONES, Clerk ings to be held in the Charles To~m of the Circuit Court B~ptist Church, beginning Novev~berI Bv Elsie G. Jones, D. C. 15th, at 7:30 p in. I Clarence E. Martin, Jr P. Q. We request that every member of Nov. 6-4 the church sha!l attend each of these[ ' " " r i services ff pa~s~ble and invite otl~e s Mrs. Dale Webster and daughter, I to attend with them. . . . I Miss Lueile Webster, spent the week- i A cor4ial ~elcome is extendeu o end in, Cumberland, Md with the th se services ~ ) e all to attend e " f( rm r s brother-in-law and sister, B P 2 Weeks l a . Mr nd Mrs. Strother Athey. CHARLES TOWN, W. VA NEW " INSTRUCTIVE. FREE SERVICE Charles Town, W. Va. Taesday, Novembe, 17, 1:30 P. M, FEATURES STEP-SAVING MEALS COME-- BRING Tempting Recipes FREE To All POTOMAC LIGHT & POWIER CO, Home Service Department ectly to nusu3 Calves, COWS Next to Race Track mCR~SE ~OUR P.OmrS -- ~SE LIVESTOC GOOD The first requisite in the erection of a home is a set of complete and accurate plans. This practice is universally accepted and is a most important and fundamental method adhered to by experienced builders. It is essential, safe, and economical to first build your house on paper. Waste, disappointment, and delay are avoided and the owner escapes the annoyance and burden of a bill for extras. ht the interest of sound and better house construction, each and every design has been studied and drawn by experienced architects, and the result is the most complete and accurate set ot J king tews All Free to our customers. Call and see these modern homes, on paper, before you build. Write for one of our beautiful 19;$7 Calendars. They are free. Public Square, | | Martinsburg, W. Va. t