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Newspaper Archive of
Farmers Advocate
Charles Town, West Virginia
November 13, 1936     Farmers Advocate
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November 13, 1936
Newspaper Archive of Farmers Advocate produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PAGE FOUR FARMERS ADVOCATE, CHARLES TOWN, W. VA FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 13, "1936. -1 I I L Frank Box-well who was reared at I Dr. and Mns. John Va~Metre i I '/A ~:~:/h'/h'l I~1 III h'R'l'l ~:h'Rfl h'[M'l'~: I ; Rosemont near Berryville and assisted I rant daughter spent the week-e I tjIjZ'lkOO~.KJLrqLI.rlk].$ ?lL O131|1~J.I JL *9 It his father in training horses there for ] relatives in Catoasville, Md. Established 1885. - --~ "---'--- i the late Jesse Tyson, then the owner l Miss Myra Moler of Was~ L '~k~a mia-- k th. t.fferso ~'-blishin-- ~om"an-- -t r~'arles - ~ WANTEl):--Several hundred bush-I of Rosemont, died Wednesday of last ] D C s-ent the week ena t Town, W. Va Entered at the Postottice at Charles Town, W. Va as second ! FCm ,I els of sohd y~low corn Will haul/ week at Plmnfield, New Jersey, fol: I home of her parents, Mr. an ol u '~.~,v [t same. L U. V&~lwr.l~, / mwmg a s~roKe oI paralysis, age(/ ~OlFred L Moler west of town " ~ I ~ ~ Phone 826~F-11 years. He was a son of the la~eI The Women" "oosev "-'en D,lk + g-~ D',~| L-~.~;a- - FOR SAI E One auto house trail { Nov 6-2t -pd. Martin~burg, W. Va i Charles H and Ella Boxwell He i s ~. .~ elt~. ----,r,~- .- . I~lUDWill mee al;Mrs. i~inlr C. B. Cart, Manager. ut::.t t Ik.~, l~ ~ t::l ~ l~Lt bU er ~, a~ n ~'.~ a l~ ~. [ ~; leaves a widow who formerly was M~ss [ ,~ood . ew 1 has ev . ~! . ~ICJL ~ 11 )111 2 OIl J~l'lU~ty lllgnL, Telephone 257-W. thin~ hut . n.vlar ~.;to. will sell furl WANTED.--Heavy draft, b~g bun. Nanme McDonald, of Winchester, andtn ~+h .+ ~ ~a an ~.--~, - ~--- " ' l an horses " L~'~ *""' "" ":~'" "~'" ""~'"~" one half what it cost to huild Can be ] and blocky weanhng co ts d three son& all of Plmnfield, and ono~ ~ . ~ " " - - " - 1 hay lit d u urgeu m ue presen~ as ~ms IS Subscnptmn Rates.--(Payable In Advance) t seen at my home east of town up to 6-years o d If ~ou "~l a ~ ~a gh~r, Mrs. Homer Bradley, of important meeting. One Year To County Subscribers $1.25: Six Months 75 Cts. Nov ll-lt-pd W L STEPHENS ! s~oc oi any I~ma. 1;o se t i~ wn p y nagers~own. I wnt~o,~ ~ n ~ One Year To Interstate Points $1.50--Six Months 90C--Three Months 40 . I ~[ you ~o ca~ 0rwm~el:o otto,~ i ~ I she~'i~'"~'na"~,~-~"~,'~'~'; ~.~-.r~ Subscription Rate for Both the Farmers Advocate and the Spirit of] ~ul~ ~Abl~:---rwo ~aoy peas, onet ~. ~L,~X,~r%~ o~,u~,~, [ ~ormer Sheriff William O. Ma- illne=~ -:~" ~':~-h~'~:: ~'~,'~"T Jefferson ---One Year $2.00. ] Ivory, one White Enamel, with springsl ~ep~.~-~ ~narpsourg,~wu i coughtry, who recenth, suffered a se ~-u %0 . . ~ and mattresses, suitable" for a child" upt Telephone49-F-12. vere heart attack at hm" home near ~ .~;~esaay~ .~.~.m rnmg' the.~.~attack~ . ~ ~n to seven years old. A~pply to ~ MI dleway, ]s nuprovmg but ~s still Ad e[tlsmg Dmplay Rates Fmmshed on Request. ] ".~ / NOTICE'-Beginning Saturday, N,o-I l tosp~tal where he was taken The Advocate invztes communications from the people, containing news -*~f : o,~ ~e~ -. ~;. t M Saturday Nights during theWin- ~ . , or di~ussioa of questions of public interest. Letters for publication must . ~ v" 'zL ~nar) es l wn' wZ~ va )I ter months. " bear name and address of the writer, not necessarily for publication. FOR SALE--House and (3) Three BARTON'S BARBER SHOP I i i a ~l I I illI I Lots Corner of West Congress and Nov. 6-2t. This bird wa~ introduced into Spain frm~ Mexico where it w~s first do- ~,estlcated in the year 151g. B~side the bronge, we have the Bmwhon, v'od, Narrava~e~t cr~ys the White Hog'and. had the BL~k turkey. ]fir. Myers is said to own one of the largest flo~k of turkeys in the State of West Virginia. The first of the Out;ngs held was ~t Rock Springs, the home of Mrs. o W. Wattles An observation study was made by a group of bird lovers, led bv Mrs. Hatchell, her subject be- in~ "Mi~.ratorv Birds". The import- anc~ of feedine birds was stressed by the leader who exnressed the hon~ that through these bird walk~ sn - f~c~ent in.*ore~t mnv be aroused to ~,~fv . Bird B.ndin~ Club for those who wish to take up this subject The s~ennd 3utln~ was scheduled *,~ t'o led hy Dr. P. L. R:cb--'. th~ ~r,"~na] President of the N-t'qn.1 W;!d Flower P-~=ervation Society, ~,'-~,m ~t is -ecalled, was one of the ,-.~.-,k~rs at the meetin~ held in tho ~,:*~ri-m of the High School last ~)r;n~ ~r the pin,pose of estab|ish- :.~* n Tra;l~;3o Museum and Nutm'e "1 on ~he Blue Ridge in Jefferson c'~,~,r~, "r~a ,-' "oof to," this O tin~. "~'-," Nqture W'~! Fru;ts .nd mheir ~;,~es" was one that should concern the second story. REBUILD SHIRLEY FARM HOUSE Sam E.~ Myers, St~mmit Point con- tractor, has the work of rob~ilding the Henry G. Shirley farm house on the Middleway pike, five .miles north- west of town well under way. The, new house is of frame constructioni with seven rooms, On the front, fac- 18ngb~h~:~dd:?w~y ~k: ~ViaI|r b~i.?l pt~erCha double porch 8 by 20 feet. The old dwelling that the new 'one l displaces was destroyed by fire one! Saturday night in S~ptember Its i foundation walls were left almost in-i t*,o~ by the fire, it being necessary1 only to re~oint the sto~e for use in the new structure. SUPPER AT KABLETOWN. ! The Ladies Aid Society of the Ka-.l bletown Methodist Church will have a supper inthe basement of the church, Friday evening, November 20th. Sup- per ready for serving at five o'clock. Menu:--Turkey, chicken, old ham. mashed potatoes, peas, sauerkraut, home-made rolls, pickles amd jel!y. Price 40 cents. Ice cream and cak' extra. Come and bring your friends. Nov ]l-2t.--A. lt. For Cold ! HEATERS FOR YOUR CAR. Be comfortable when Ihe Cold Winds Blow. At prices to suit Everyone, $7,9 up, CHECK YOUR BATTERY NOW. WE HAVE EX- IDE AND WlLLIAI: BATTERIES. DON'T DEPEND ON THE OLD BATTERY THIS WINTER. LET US TEST IT FOR YOU AT NO COST TO YOU. Be Ready for Mud, Snow, Sleet and Ice. Put FIRESTONE fiROUN@ (]RIPPER TIRES on your car now. When it comes to giving good traction in any kind of weather, they just can't be beaten. 'PHONE 206-13 RIPPON -:- W. VA. Added--Musical with Ruth Err- ing, Darkest Africa No. 14 with Clyde Beatty ~} Added---News, Oswald Charlie Chase Comedy Wed, & Thur, Nov, TH~ATR[ GANGWAY FOR Added -- Sport Parade, Mickey Mouse