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Farmers Advocate
Charles Town, West Virginia
November 13, 1936     Farmers Advocate
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November 13, 1936
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FARMERS ADVOCATE, CHARLES OWN, W. VA FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 13,1936. PAGE FIVE LOCALS Misses Virginia Keene and Edith[Tbe only loss that could be ascer- [ HOSPI~-AL NEWS NOTES THE PEERLESS PILOT. t Mrs Augustine Todd, who has been -------- Strider, of the Charles-- --Town Graded tained as loot from the robbery was ------- ------- tonSpending the summer wirn ner morn- Mrs. Paul Love and her little School faculty were in Baltimore vis- ! the cash in the cash register esti- I Raymond Kellican, an employee of Thepeople have.watched for the dawn I er, Mrs. Wliliam Packette, returned daughter, Anna Jean, of Chambers- iting friends Armistice Day. Imated at$7 to $8. I the Charles Town Heat and Light of the day, i last week to net home m wasmng- burg, Pa have come to spend two " ~[ r~,~A ~ h~ n ~o~ th~ wmlCompany, who came in one week ago, That tells of the coming of hght,/ weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs ~tlss ~nne Seymour Ames m l ~'~.'[~ ~" ,~*:~ '~,'" ~ '.ff'~r~ ~'~ "o'~lhas a thoroughly developed case of Flashed forth from old longings in] wasnln ~on l) . el ~nu isle ~r~ut~r ~. v,a~u-, J Swagler Henkle, near Halltown. .~ ~ ~ is a guest of Mis. ],~ v le~ fo -rebate ]pneumonia His condition on Thurs- battle-array, t EXECUTOR S SALE OF ~ruger W ~mith at her home on lkearneys me, was xl a r p I r "" a " r" and a e olden fi 'ht " " " n er this (lay me nmg w s satisfactory A ighteous g - g CK. Francm Robinson, sonof former East Washington street Im the office of the Cou ty C1 k "k " . I BANK ST() o -. ~aam w t~rown, one time notel State Senator and Mrs. Frank B. ~week. The will m the handwriting o~ t . " / --- Rob'n " For- ' proprietor o~ wnarles town, ~s re- tne people nave nopea rnat goes jus-/ "-'-- t son, went to Baltimore Satur- best A. Brown, trustee Trustee the testator was without witnesses. ",] so ew " i " ht tel" In ordex to settle the estate of Mm- day to witness a foot-ball game In- on Saturday sold the Paul Clevenger Aside from some small legacies in por~ed as m . hat better, having ~ ~me mtg . gn ] hie L Tirnberlake, I will offer for sale ride " Jan t "n Belie ' n a t'c ~Deen a patient smce October Z~) lvlio the nails wnere tne rulers are . . . ntally he called on hm physm ploper y i ar in front of the [cash, a d few ar i les of furniture ~ ~. . - ixr " -~ [ at Pubhc Auction 3o SHARF~ of while in the city. Following an exam- Court House. The property included Ileft to two sons, Charles M. and Ar- i, ~ormet aepuzy ~nerirt wm. lw . wme, " - " " u ~ the CAPITAL STOCK of the Faxmera lnation i was a house an ' ' . ~t~urns is (ruing iairly well, since De- 2~I: lasl~ rney lOOK up in great co r- by the Doetm, Francs d lot. MIs. Cleven~er waslthur Lee Watson, and a daughter,I :n ]Bank & Trust Company, and 21 placed in Union Memorial Hospital the purchaser at a bid of $1450 Mary Frances Watson, by a fornler lmg aolnlttea on luesoay a~ternoon ~ age ague, th t SHARES of the CAPITAL STOCK of for treatmen ]rnslr~a~o th^ testator left aP o~ h,of this weel~ ~nu are glao In tne ~lueo~ e~ . . . --. t. ~ i ~,~, ~ ~ ~ :,' i . ~ " I the Bank of Chamem Town, at r.aeven The Pecker heirs owning a tract of [:,'~ *~ hi end wife Mrs Malw ! Raymonu t o~inson of tcanson, and SKleS ~,~a. ~ ~ ,n Mrs. J S~aglet Henkle of n at land north of Chestnut Hill are hav-II~. Watson Herman Snowden, farmer north of I ~,r, ~,k ~a~; Halltown has entered JohnsHopkins ing a barn er-cted on the farm ten- "~" ~".:-~^ ~; ltv ~nductetitown were tonsilectomv patients who The neonle have found a Captain whet iuu~o~, ~vr~,)r,~ ,~-, -~, Hospital to undergo a thyroidectomy anted by Cha~ les J. Mathena on the'~ bv~'A'~Fu~k"~a~r b(earne.v'sville on came in one day this week and left * knows ] ~ front of ~he.Cou.rt House in unax~es ~'resent plans are that she remain a,: [ Keyes Gan ro~d "~ ; ', -- - : " -' e the next ' The meanin~ of s,m~athv's voice,~ Town, wes~ virginia. - r ~ . lue new structure l'nursuav ne~eo cash recerpLs ot I " " . ~ : J " ~ " mr the hospital for a few days and the I will be 30 by 40 feet ! 9:2a~o iVarm e-ui~ment sold esoecial- A broken h~p sustamed in a fall at I A wise, Peerless Pilot as onward he] E.G. WILSON, Ad . opera,on ~v~!! be performed at ~ ~ ]ly well T~he h ghest price horse sold her home south of Hatltown, made itI goes 1 ena or tnat time. ~ ~ ,c~ ~. r~ecr:el-, nearChestnut l%r mo~'- than ~200. inecessary for Mrs. Elizabeth Marlowl Rejoicing withthosewho rejoice, t | Mr and Mrs S I Belford of A1- ~l~ scnoo}, house, has tul'ned to shee~ i~ - ~ ~ ~ ~,~' :to bc brought in the first of the ~ [ m~m-------~ ~ trf~ ~,~t/It | icul~ure With f ' ~" Tk nne oI its3 was ilnpose(1 on S[tn~ " " " se t oona Pa and dauo'hter Mrs Pearl I~ - -" - a lock of 40 ewe~ n ~ . . ~ r week The shock of the fall was pass-/In Hoc Signo Vlncit, and we e he f ~q/- ffOI] ~-/ ~:, | ,-,nana he naN built boys, jr, oy lUS~ce J t) walker at-,I ',~"- McCormick of Mount Union, Pa th-,~ ,2--- a barn to protect S ~ ' -.:~:~-,^~ - ~ h~ed through successfull.~, and she may, sign t -'~'~$~ll~&i l~~Umg 1 S~)ent the woo~- ---n -,;+~, +he foam- I:'" m the Olasts of wint- ~ l~er Doyu n~ pat~t~tp~,~ 2 -~ '~',~",~Ibe said to be doing as well as couldl And the stars are vrlgnuygleam-[ DO~l~ ~'" L--~ ~.~ -,: ": Darn is 16 by 40 ins beer parlor near the ~oeKey t~lIl,O,t, ' " / m~~ er s daughter and son-m-law, Mr. and . feet with stora e " r Ib( expte (d. . lng: . . ~kO~ Mrs 14~w~rA 15ann af near Shen- space for 8 tons of hay g track Saturday, night. A war ant ~esse L. Currens, travehng sales-ILet us rejoice in our laws now made ' " was issueo ior the arres~ o~ t,es~er[ ' , andoah Junction. Mrs. D S A,~ee ~ ,~, I Inan for the D. C. Wmebrenner & benign, . Tennesse~ ,~.~.~s ~. ~ ~nattanooga / /~omnson who ~.s charges ~ntn ~oemg i Sons, wholesale grocery, with a homeI "In the Land where we were [ Mrs. William P. Dinkle of Bolivar ~,~ : -~', ~;"y, iVlary Burns ~ drunk ano StrlKmg tloya over the neau l i" Ha,erstown was ordered to the t dreaming." t is at the home of her sister, Mrs. ~,~,~ye~',oz w.a~keI'Sville, Md. have with a beer bottle. B werei~s-itai while'in town on businessi Hunter Davidson. 1 .Anne Z.inn, North Samuel St,h av ~a~l~e;n ~wnut~.~:~ weekto visit their I charged w~th drunkenness m a punic !t~e~l'st of the week for observation, i November, 1936. 1 arrived on Monday from Win- t;~-~ { *L"--:'"; ~U: ~urns, a pa-lPlace, i --0~ : ---------0--------,~l~l--~l~l~'~l ]~[/ chester Memorial Hospital where she e bnarles Town Hospital. I Worned in advanc- b, some one on i KII I EI) aT & ('IrRVI~ i [ k~r~ ~~~.~ |~' had .undergone .a major .operation. Mr. C. W. Barton returned h Ithe Charles Town pike out of Mar-i -------- !,Moore ~nsur~ce ? ~e~io~Yu~ Wan,t/LW~ ~ ~ne ~s convalescmg an(~ Will De wi:n Tuesday after bein, .;. ~":" '~.; '" I tinsburg, the State Pol'ce there ~wait. ! Roundin a curve on the Martins-i~/'~/'U,~-" 4":, -G'-a~.'L.--: --u; ~,/ ~ lk -~~ ner sist l'etuI'n- . I.a.te.t. m cne~ ~ . lot oI tYtrs, l~t~ia ~ .-x~t,a.t ~ ~ ~, . . er two weeks before Umverslty of Maryland Ho -;~-~ :~ 1ed the arrival of an alieged drunken l burg sta.te road at the lntersectmn of~ v in R war ('. ~" /~ /~'$~/~1~ ~/~ ,ng to her home in Bolivar. Baltimore, Md. for six wee~;"'r-r~': ! driver who was said to be on the way the Vanmetcr school house road a !A ienue, tr,~ns nn t ThEd als~ sold/ *lr,* lit ~/IITIHI J R w ** r. . ~ 1. ~a earth has greatl v Inl)roved there, lne flriver arrweu on scneu-~car arlven Dy Key E|hott of Mar-~h. lee .n .qonth C or~e Street own,~ o ~. vane uled tune and was found to be David ~tmsbmg, got out of control and ran ed military trainingat Fort Miss hflia Cob m " I ~ ~ " h~bor ' s " . ed by Mrs. Florence W. Sllfer to Mr.~[l~-~i.~[~r Knox. l v ~'~ "' .','r ." ~, mak:n~ her, Mornmgstar of the Leetown neig -left the road Wednesday mght. The I n~;, ~ Mnler The lot has a front-~ D ~ ~ I-l~adael~e "slo~: m~ao" rL."" "~'~, ~ummer nas oeen a one w~tn her nephew, Mr. Warren ] h~od. He was found at a filling sta-car struck a power pole on the west l~'~":) ~'h "~ ,~' q~uth G ~e stree~[ .~^ .'----, ---- "-- "--- -~ ,~mutenan~ I.JOlOnel in tne w ware, west of Mv r " " " i s corm "I ~,uw,? You are a rare ~- V r, . e stown, is ill, hav- tmn A fine of $25 and costs were m- ~s~de of the road, shattermg ~t and to,a i~ imnrovo a two story ~ u.t~actet uorps a~ ~torgantown lnZ suffo~ ed a ~tr0ke " " " a e d by ' ~t,tion ~t it does not. : . "~ of paralvsm, the ] posed. The report of the arrest m~ d fatally mjurmg the driver. ! *- PAin- on the rear The lo ~ Miss Millicent Childs, who is in re'st of this week. " no mention of what disposi~oa wasi Elliott was alone at the time of I~:.~:~. ~.~ h~ house" and lc,tJneort~.omme~o~:.~- rammg at Garfield Hospital, is re- ,~ ~ Imade of the offender's car. ithe accident which occurred between !~ [a ~ ~"~"e ~'ate~'; O Norris. } BF ~TZElg m a glass o~ .wav~" cuperating after an oneration for an- t,ounLv ~uperintendeut ItcnryM i 111 and 12 o'clock while he was en-'~ "~ . makes a pleasant alkallzing pendicitis at the home of her par- Sydnor, Mrs. Nellie O. Dick, of the ~ ~anies ~. ~larsnau ~as le~sea ~elroute to Martinsburg. Miss Gay Don~elly, of Washington, solution that usually bring~ ents, Mr. and Mrs. David A. Childs Charles Town High School: Miss ,~onn l.~cKe t~urns uweumg on ~-~uzn! The victim who was 17 years old, was bhe week-end guest o.I Mr. ano relief in just a few minute~ at Engle's. Mary Catherine Duke of the IIarpers ~a, muel streez oppost:e tne bnaHe, ~ Mrs. Frank Beckwith at their none on ALKA-SELTZER is also reeom- Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Cole. Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Gardiner and little daugh- ter, Carolyn Lee, all of Washington, D. C and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mc- Kee Crabbe and little son, Clarke )IcKee, of Martinsburg, spent the week-end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Webster. Miss Elizabeth Taylor, of Balti- more, is visiting her mother, Mrs. Edmund Taylor at her home on Sec- ond Avenue, for a few days. Mrs. J. D. Yowell returned to her home on South Mildred Street on Tuesday after having spent three Weeks in a Martinsburg hospital, .un- dergoing a surgical operation while there County Clerk Emily A. M. Stan- ley on Tuesday issued a marriage li- cense to Aubrey Hampton Waters, aged 30, of Puvcellville, Vs and Caroline( Irene Burner, aged 20, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Burner. of Moler's Cross Roads WOLVERINE SHELL HORSEHIDE WORKSHOES HAVE BOTH SOLES fiND UPPERS OF THIS AMAZING SUPER STRENGTH SHELL LEATHER THAT SHELL Shoe , SHOWING Fall Styles IN THE LATEST STYLES and COLORs FOR 1936 IN MENS AND YOUNG MENS READY-TO.WEAR CLOTHES of QUALITY FURNISHINGS, MATS AND SHOES qUALITY NOT PRICES IN SItOWING, AND PRICES WILL SURPRISE YOU. ONLy STANDARD BRANDS BY fi[O. C. MMISl[ll[ll 222 W. Washington St. Charles Town, W. Va. One-Price Clothier Since 1905 Ferry School; and Mr. James Moler, m'inciDal of the Bakerton Graded School are in Huntington, attend;n~ the annual meeting of the State Edu- cational Association. Thev are ex- pected to return home on Saturday. White & Scott's drug store, West Washington street, was robbed of the contents of its cash register some time Friday night. The thief entered through the cellar and evidently came out the back door. Night po- l'ceman T. W. Allen found the back door open early Saturday morning. is like a film before your eyes l MORE THAN 5000 EYE SPECIALISTS SAY Bette Sight Reduce eyestrain to a minimum HAVE YOUR CHILD'S EYES EXAMINED REGULARLY PROVIDE GOOD LIGHT o~ safe seeing 'tHERE'S A 8TY~SH MOD~W- FOR EVF~T PURPO~ cation will be. 5 CONTEST IN BERKELEY A close vote in Berkeley County over the office of Prosecuting ALto ney with Herbet~ Hannis, Republican incumbent for many years and Chat'- les G. Gain, the Democratic nominee has resulted in a contest on the par" of Mr. Hannis. The majority against Itannis in the election of November 3, was 21. In canvassing the retur~ the County Court cut Gain's lead by nine votes, making the difference be- tween them only 12 votes. Hannis has ~iven notice that he will ask for a recount. It is estimated that the County Court will have to give 60 days time to a recount. Approximately 15,000 ballots have to be inspected in a re- view of the contest between the two rivals. The ballots of non-resident or ab- sentee voters are to bulk largely in the contest Some of the ballots (~f absentee voters had not been count- ed by election officials. The legality of many of them will be finally de- termined in the recount. .O PAY ON CONSERVATION The first million dollars due on the Government's new conservation pro- vram, is reported to have been mail ed out to farmers from Washington this week. Jefferson County farmers will share only to a limited extent is the conservation fund as only a few entered :rite contracts to conserve their soil. County Agent Nell Bolton estimates that not more than $11,00r', will be paid them this winter. checks GOLDS and FEVER first day Headache, 30 minutes. Liquid, Tablets Salve, Nose Drops Try "Rub-My-Tiz"-World's Best Liniment Sept. 18--Me~rch 1. J, R, RUSSELL Contractor, Building and Re- pair; Stone, Brick, Tile, Stuc- co, Waterproofing, Slate Roof- ing, CelloLex Insulation, Fancy Interior Decorating. Phone Harper's Ferry, W. Va 364. Nov. 6-2t SEE AND HEAR The New 32 VOLT ALL ELECTRIC RADIO Thi~; r:~dio uses no vibrator or batteries. It is strictly an All- Electric Radio: Operates from any lamp socket on 32 volt circuit. This new Delco 32 volt radio has a beautiful air-plane dial and is equipped with a new Sensitivity Control which gives better per- formance and a variable tone. Only by hearing this radio, can you appreciate its tone and selectivity. This radio like all other Deice-Light Products is an outstanding value and now is the time to buy it. There is a complete line of 1937 Delco Radios including the 2 and 6 volt battery sets, also the 110 volt A C. set. ASK FOR A DEMONSTRATION CHAS. W. DISTRIBUTOR DELCO-LIGHT PRODUCTS Phone Sbepherdstown 120-13 -- Kearneysville, W. Va. O OFFICE OPEN NOVEMBER 27 This is to give notice that my dent~q office in the Beckwith Building will be open on Friday, November 27 to resume practice. J. H. MORRIS. CARD OF THANKS South George street Mrs. H. P. Whitmore, Mrs. Rabert Apitz and Miss Betty Whitmore spent last Thursday in Washington. NOTICE TO DELINQUENT TAXPAYERS Only a short time remains before we will be required by law to adver- tise the unpaid delinquent real estate !taxes for 1935. Those taxpayers who have not yet paid their 1935 taxes are urged to make immediate pay- ment to avoid the advertising and further costs. After the publication of the delinquent list the costs of same are added to the tax bills. G. K. WYSONG, Sheriff. Nov. 11-1t mended for Gas on Stomach, "Molming After", Add In~o~, Colds, and Mu.~ular Patz~ You will like the tan~v ~vm' and the results when you take Alka-Selt~er. Alka-Seltg~, where dissolved in water, eorttai~ an analgesic, (Sodium Acetyl-Saltc~l- ate). In additiom the alkalW2ng agents in Alka-Seltzer help to re- lieve those everyday disor- ders associated with hyper- We wish to take this opportunity to thank each and every one who helped during the illness and death of our husband and father; also to those who sent floral offerings and for the use of their cars. Mrs. W. H. Wiltsbire and family Nov. 13-lt-pd. 0 MANSTOFF ALLOWED APPEAL. A writ of error was granted on Tuesday by the West Vir~zinia Court of Appeals in the case of the State versus Sam Manstoff convicted of re- ceiving stolen troods at the Septem- ber Term of the Jefferson Circuit Court. He was sentenced to a term of one year, and pending an appli- cation for a writ of error has been in jail in Charles Town. Miss Laura Campbell spent the week-end in Catonsville, Md,visiting her cousin, Mrs. John A. Riggs. MELVIN STRIDER FUNERAL DIRECTOR and LICENSED EMBALMER CHARLES TOWN, WEST AUTOMOBILE SERVICE. MORGUE ATTA D. "" N A COMPETENT LADY ASSISTA T Office Phone 162. Residence Phone 35 1 new . . . at new an New Econoray Idea! ON DISPLAY AT OUR SNOWROOMS See how the Ford V=8 has been c, ompletely re= designed. It's the smartestdooking car in the low=price field. It has new comfort and safety. Operation is quicker. Braking is smoother and faster. And there's a choice of two V~8 engine sizes. You'll want to drive it--.let us arrange it. 'Fhcne266 Charles Town, W, Va. t