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November 13, 1936 Farmers Advocate | |
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November 13, 1936 |
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i " " ~ ~'"- :OU r-,
ed on all the state roads of Mary-iThe hnes are laxd down from a truck "Ihe Moore Insurance & Realty Cam- ] jI1UI [jI1 /U.~I~IUUNbLMBNIb I Church Wor~Mlip 2"30 P IM
land as a safety measure, the work Ithat moves at ten to twelve miles an puny ayn.notmces the of two prap- I [ Note:--The last Sunday" in th
to start in Frederick County first. er~les ~ms weeK. ~)ne ts an umm1~x)v- - month the ~o,-,~,~ --u ,~.
This method of mark'ng roads to incur: ~eaerm~ ~oun~y ass ~a4 mlms ed' lot owned by Mrs. Florence S, hfer Uvilla Lutheran Church--Preaching your Religion is." 7~0 P. M. ""
promote the safety of motorists has ioi sta~e roaas, at ~ne corner oI (reorge.ana A.caae~y by the pastor, Roy. John H. Fray, at~ "Sweet is the solemn voice filet cal~
stre~s, iorm. eriy o.wne(l oy. me laze 11 o'clock a. m Sunday, Nov. 22nd. Presbyterimn Church The Christian to the House
w. u. ~orms. It .~as s~m ~o, ,~rs. Sunday School every Sunday at 10 Charles Town, W. Vs. Prayer;
oelem a r vloUva. t rio,an . hrs o'clock a.m. All are invited. Roy. G. G. Sydnor, D. D Pastor. I love to ~tand wi~in its walls,
moder2new hou~ which theY'ohfOPen~xtO Halitow~urch palOmeAntsMexc---~e~tn~ey p S~hmy:y (D~lpa~: For There,/, O Lord, art
have completed by Apri} 1,h,m~,9:45 A. M.--Sunday School every ment which begins at 9:45 a.m.) I ------
y~ar They will ~-~.# : ~ ~ ~-:;~. ~un~ay. 11 A. M.--Congregaticmal Worship. I St. James Catholic Churelti
. lne o~nex sam nego~a~c~l o y tne 8:00 P. M.-Congregaticmal Worship 7 P. M.--Young People's Service. I Charles Town, W Va i
dwiVl ~lengAgen~l~ ~a:e:n~:t::to~ Is.r~t~ on the first and third Sundays. Mid-week Prayer Service" every I Roy. M. J. Cannon, " Rector." ~'
~ Wednesday, 7:30 P.M. 1 First Sunday, 10:30 a. m.; Seco~
Avenue, Ranso.n, l~elongi'n.g to Mrs. I Beulah Church All are welcome to these services, t Sunday,8:30 a. m.; 3rd Sunday, 10:3~
~we:r~g~ ~(~,~. elnn, ~ i ~al~om~r~ n~s~eI 2:0{) P. M.--Sunday Schoo~ every dThe Sunday School is adapted in its l~. m.; Fourth Sunday, 8:30 a. m
,]Sunday. epartments to all ages. ifth Sunday, 10:30 a. m.
purchaser at a bldof $800. 1 3!,00 P. M.-Congregat!onal Worship ~.Welc~me, M en.l t#the Yoke Fellows [~ St; Peters, Harpers Ferry:---Fir~
ion zne secona ~nu iourvn ~unaays.mine ~ass of t~e fresbyterSan Sun-i~unaay, 8:00 a. m.; Second Sunda:
NEW BOOKS AT IABRARY. day School every Sunday at 10 a. m. 10:3 0a. m.; Third Sunday, 8:00 a m
Charles Town Baptist Church Comfortable room--Good music--. Fourth Sunday, 10:30 a. m.; Fifl
III I |11
Saves Time . . Saves Vitamins . . Saves Flavor
e tag
Flat Operating Cost
Fast Output
Low Cost
Least Dirt
Least Bother
W. Wash. St. Phone 226
The .Charles~ IAbrary has
these books:
The New House Cooper
i White Oak Harvest de la Roche
The Old Ashburtcm Place Flint
Yang and Yin Hobart
[ To Ride the River Raine
No Place Like Home Nichols
The Lost Wagon Train Grey
The Substitute Guest " Hill
The Kidnap Murder V~ine
Love Comes Last M~ller
Victoria Josephine Baker
For Safety Barbour
Scarlet Sheath Adams
The Sins of Sally Curtis
Nancy Alden White
The Grey Knight Moses
Bob Wakefield Miller
William F. Harrison, for many
years traveling freight agent for the
B. & O. Railroad Company, and
known to hundreds in this county,
died Saturday afternoon in Sibley
Hospital in Washington. For some
years he had resided at 2804 30th St
Northwest, that city. He retired from
active railroad service in July 1933,
after being with the B. & O. for fifty
His body, after death, was cremat-
ed "n Baltimore, and interment was
made at Point of Rocks, Md where
he was reared.
Mr. Harrison, who was about 68
years of age, was a native of the
~Iarpers Ferry section. His wife, who
was formerly Miss Ella May Nich-
ols, also of that locality, died last
i May 4 in Washington. He is survived
I by two sons. Allan N. and George W.
Harrison, both of Washington, and
three dau,~hters, Mrs James V. Scrap-
sell and Mrs. John H. Hoffman, also
of Washington, and Mrs. Albert Well,
of Alexandria, Vs. One sister, Mrs.
!Siffafoose, of Bridgewater, Vs also
i survives.
Mrs. Marlow, wife of Thos. L Mar-
i low, farmer of south of Halltown,
sustained a fractured hip in a fall at
her home on Tuesday, and was
brought to the Charles Town Gen-
eral Hospital for treatment.
us help you plan your kitchen to free you forever from uNleu
&rudgery. us show you how easily your kitchen can he rearranged
to save many, many steps and minutes. Phone or drop in today. Our
experienced repr enta"ve will gladly mist you free of any charge.
Nothing will return
more constant and per-
manent pleasure than a
completely modernize
-electrified kitchen.
your funds are limited
your kitchen will be
modest, yet it can be modern,
efficient, even beautiful. There
zre three simple plans. You can
purchase all of the equipment:
a inet$, working sur ac,labor
earing el trical applianc such
as, th6 range, refrigerator, water
ater, dishwasher and mixer at
one Kme on asy time paynumts.
Or if you pre er buy them one at
a time--modarniffitng radually.
Tldrd, t| you do not to pur-
chase any equipment now. tet
help you, free o charge
to arrange your pruen:
equipment in logical
sequence for greatest
working convenience.
Simply telephone today
ask or your ree copy
of "All Electric Kitchen Guide"
For additional information about
kitchen modernization--to
actually see how proper arrange-
ment o kitchen equipment will
save steps, make kitchen
more pleasant-- ask our |ocal
Home Service Repreeen ative
date o next FREE Cooking
Demonstration, featuring
saving meals. You're invlte .
Roy. Goodwin Frazer, Pastor.
Bible School--9:45 a. m.
Morning Worship---ll a. m.
B. Y. P. U.---6:45 P. M.
Evening Worship---7:30 p. m.
Come and Worship with us.
St. Andrew's Parish
Zion Church, Charles Town
Sundays--7:30 Holy Communion
(Omitted on first Sunday.)
ll--Morning Prayer and Sermon.
7:30--Eveuing Prayer and Sermon~
Holy Days--9:00-Holy Communion.
5:00 Evening Prayer
Sunday School 9:30 a. m Parish
Of Sce Hour of Rector---10-11 Tues-
day through Saturday in Parish House.
Saint Paul's Chapel Millville.
Sundays--9:0(N--H~ly Communion.
{First Sundays only.)
8:00--Evening Prayer and Sunday
School. (Other Sund= . ays.)
Bolivar M. E. Church
Chester Burl Smith, Pastor.
Sunday School at 10 a. m. ~)very
one welcome. An interesthtg pro.
Mornlr~g Worship, 11 a. m second,
third and fourth Sunday,s of month.
Evening Worship, 7:30 p. m first,
t&ird and fifth Sundays.
Come and enjoy our mueic.
Cottage Prayer Meeting each Tues-
day at 7:30 P. m,
Junior Choir rehearsal Saturday at
4 p m at the parsonage.
"Religion is the essential t~hin~ in
life Worship and Service show what
Fine ~ellowship.
Methodist Episcopal Church, South
Charles "lown, W. Vs.
Roy. J. H. Haley, Pastor.
Order of Services.
Sunday, 8:00 a. m.
St. Agnes, Shepherdstown-oThit
Sunday, 8:30 a. m.
The Penticoatal Church
Bolivar Heights, W. Vs.
Sunday School at 9:30 a. m JohnSunday School, 3:00 9. m Set
W. Irvin, Superintendent, Classes for Raymond Nicewarner.
all groups. The Builders Class for,Young P Service at 4:30 p.
~unaay. President, Mrs John DiUol
men meets in the main auditorium o~ Church Service 8 - m " "
the Church All men welcome Class -- "-" --~ p'; "' ~.un aay,
Morning Worship at 11 :DO o'clock, o'eIoelr meewng ~nursaay mght a~
Sermon by the pastor B F Craw o -
rd. Pasto
Young Peoples Service, 6:30 p. m.
All young people of the church are NOTICE TO PATI~Z~o
reouested to attend ~,~o,
Evening at 7: 0 0c,ock fro
Sermon by the pastor. . . .~ -- ~n ox ~ovem~er, r~
~ -. -eenmi Grace in the Beckw~th bmk
r-rayer ~vleeung wearily evcm.~
at 7:30 o'clock. ]ng will be closed for that length
Bardane--Bethany --- Stmday School time. ~ J.H. Morris.
meets each Sunday a~termmn at 2:00 uc~. zti-Zt
o'clock, Milton W. Burr, Su~t. Preach- -------o-------
ing each first, third and fifth Sundays LE
at 3:00 p.m. Miss Evelyn Willis, of Ranson, a~
Mr. Curtis Bennett, of MillviUe, s~
The Methodist Protestant Church i prised their friends on Saturday l~
w ~,~- w xro i getting married The eeremon, t
Rev. W. P. Kesmodel, Pastor I n]ted them was performed by
"Come let us bow dawn and worship, Rev. Lloyd A. Parker, pastor of t~i
our Baptmt Church m Be l
let us kneel before the Lord, . " rryvi le.
~, 1 ~9LO~rg!:2n~it~ve~:ut~?:e~ Mi~ie~d:~l~yer~a efror~lMd:cc~ndeaf]
Services---Camp Hill. AA.M i 0-------
Church School 10 Mrs. Howard Shreck, formerly
Morning Worship 11 M';
Summit Point, who has been sick
Christian Endeavor 7 P. M. four years, is critically ill at
Vespers 8P. M. home on the Harpers Ferry pike
of town.
AVERAGE laying rations give aver-
age egg production and average
profits. Purina laying raticns, now
fortified with Pur-a-tene, give stepped-
up egg production and stepped-up
egg profits.
Pur-a-tene is the "mysterious some-
thing" that's found in many |resh
fruits and vegetables. Enough Pur-a-
tene is added to each bag of Purina
laying ration to step it up 2'/z time
in vitamin A activity. See us/or
today's price on Purina lay Chow or
Par Layenal
Just Tr"
Phone 17,
Charles Town, W. Vs.