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Farmers Advocate
Charles Town, West Virginia
November 13, 1936     Farmers Advocate
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November 13, 1936
Newspaper Archive of Farmers Advocate produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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FARMERS ADVOCATE, CHARLES TOWN, W. VA FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1936. PAGE SEVEN i ii i t i lull PRIZE ELECTION STORY Mrs. Elizabeth Hill at the age of 90 years cast her first vote on Tues- day, November 3. Born and reared in Pennsylvania Mrs. Hill was a Repub- lican in h~r leanings, and because ~early all her relatives are Demo- crats she has been loath to vote her sentiments. Being persuaded by over- T. M. Jones, cement contractor of zealous relative~ that her native state Ranson, while carrying one end of a is no longer a Republican stronghold, heavy board at the new residence she agreed to vote for President just completed for Charles T. Smith Roosevelt. Voting was made easy for on Washington Court, on Saturday, her, the polling place being in her fell over a wheelbarrow and sprain- front yard. Mrs. Hill resides with her ed his left wrist. He was walking son, John W. Hill at the Bloomery when he fell. Bridge. Ill II " J l ill BERRYVILLE BASKET COMPANY BERRYVILLE, VA. TUB BUSHEL BASKETS, CROWN COVERS BENT AND ROUND BOTTOM BASKETS TRUCK DELIVERIES ON SHORT NOTICE 'Phone Berryville 59 ,p your . 1 Your Peace of mlncJ with corn -ns,ve auto- mobile policy. We'll be glad to ex this frets to every motorist. a: an Insurance and Surety Bonds ,i i Charles Town, West Vs. ~ :::ii:ii~~ i!~!?: !::'::: :::::::::::::::::::::: :~:~il ii:ii:::ii;~?~: ::ij: ~.:::ii: ~::" ~i~!~e.~~i~i:~: i:./:~ F:: ~::::':::::'!::'::::?:":%:"+: ":::::'":i~'~!:~'~: ~;: ~: ~. :!~: : :i:~i:!*~:~ .~ +,:.~-:.'+i~ :::~::~i:::~:~:?~: :,: ~ , = You ll like the stronger box, hardened steel, JlJ roller-chain drive, and cushion-spring front Ill end of the John Deere Model E Spreader. But II] ,o o o ,o o,o on ,o HI This patented John Deere feature permits Ill building a spreader with higher, draft-redue- Ill ing drive wheels; a lower, easier-loading box; m a larger main beater---close to the ground; a ~1 spreader that, s simpler, sturdier, and longer-Ill lived. See thas better spreader, ill HARLES TOWN GRAIN & FEED CO. PUBLIC SALE Sixth Grade, A Section--Eugene Al- len, Robert A,pitz, Eddie Lee Biller, OF REAL ESTATE White Grantham, Marion Henshuw, NEAR BAKERTON. Kenneth Jones, Kaywood Marsteller, Paul Milton, Nelson Peer, Virgil Stra- Pursuan~ to decree e~tered on ecru-J der, Kearsley Wysong, Jimnfie Bar- ber 13, 1936, by the Circuit Court of l lett, Eleanor Appe]l, Gerry Brown, Jefferson County, West Virginia, in aI Marguerite Dillo~v, FAith t~by, Elea- chancery suit therein pending wherein' nor James, Mary Lehman, Pauline Robert M. NichoLs, Exor. et al. were aden, Isabel Orsini, Martha Pentz, plaintiffs and Sarah E. Moore, et al. were defendants, the undersigned Spe- cial Commissioner will offer at public sale in front of the Court House in Charles Town, West Virginia, on SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1936, At 11 O'Clock A.M. SCHOOL HONOR ROLL. res, Ida Mac Hardy, R~by Lloyd, June! Richard ~r, Benjamin Dignazio, -- Mercer, Ka~herirm Ott, Louise Pme, : Phili~ Grim, CArries Hough, Alfred The Charles Town Graded School Louise Barney, Dorothy Rowland. Johnson, Bobby Johnson, Alex Lan- completed the second month of the Fourth Grade, A Section--John At-l ham. current term on Friday, October 30, friend, Paul Cornwell, Gene Ec[war-ds, i Second Grade, A Section--Donald wi~h an enrollment of 526, and an av- Harold James, Horace Hill, Claude l Blair Bush, Benny D~rse,Donald erage attendance of 484. Ritenour, Harrison Rouzee, Fred Wall, : Fiery, Billy ,l-liggs, oJhnny Dan Huff- The names of pupils with perfect Billy Wysong, Sylvia Anne Birktt, master, Donald Jones, Buddy Kniwht, attendance and deportment records for Louise Boyd, Betty Lou Henshax,Eu- Logan Lynch, Francis Lynch, A~bert the month are given in the ap@ended genie Humrichouse, Imogene J~hnson, Orsini, Paul F. Pro~Ixps, Gertrude At- list. Janice Johnson, Doris Marshall, Nao- friend, Evangeleme Azn~r~se, Sara mi Macon, Helen Reininger, Charlotte Blare, Charlotte Ed~vards, Lois An~.e Russell, Martha Wabters, Rosemary ~%x, Dorcas Anne Frye, Margaret Dl- ten Gore, Juanita Jane Harris, Mary Waiters, Lottie Whittington, Betty Frances Keller, Janet Miley, Mary C~therine Willis. Fourth Grade, B Section--~harles Mitt M~ore, Betty Lou Rouzee, Sylvia ,Bahm, Raymond Creamer, Donald Mil- Rowland, Jo Anne Shields Frances ler, Leon Robinson, Donald We]~ter, Wysoug. Phyllis Dillow, Margaret Hardy, Eve-i Second Grade, B Section--William lyn Johnston, Dorothy Mahoney, Vi-Boyd, Clyde Brig, s, Clifford Brawn, vian Webster, Mangaret Walker : Ralph Cre.amer, Junior Darlington, Rebecca Jane Propps, Edith Anne Fourth Grade, C Section--Ethel Walter Humrichouse, Alvin Kisner, Shirley, Dorothy Shreck, Betty June [~.~ ~ao.~ ~h,~so~ R~ttv Jane Herbert Milburn, Wayne Myers, Ray Stickles, Frances Smallwood. ~Mc"~ono'ug"~.~nna'J'a+ne"~o'ler;Anna Price, E~tgene Reedy, Jack Rodgers, Sixth Grade, B Section--Thelmai Painter, Loui~e Smallwood, Margaret James Sbryock, Ralph Stocks, Ralph Buddenhagen, Gertrude Costello, Fran-] Turner, Mary Louise Wetters, Ruth wm~more, l~atnteen AFt~. 1, ~velJ~. ces Dailey, Elizabeth Fields, 3uuel v;~ ~,~ ~ofli~ ~ar Hunt David t~agent, Dorothy ~arron, morale ~a- Heflin, Erma Lee Keiter, Jennette Lynn, Put,by Robinson, I~ighton war as, ~narea ~'mtas, A~me tlayne , Kirby, Anna Painter, Doris Ramey, Wet~h, Billy W hittifigton. Bet~y oane ~aagana, vetma myers, THAT CERTAIN TRACT OF LAND Pearl Whittington, Dorothy Writt, Third Grade, A ~ection--Shaulte~ ' Louise Painter, Analea Portme~s, No- containing 49% acres, more or less, I Clifton Cornwell, Donald Fink, Wil- Allen, Bobby Cain, Paul Dailey, Carl omi Sowers, Virginia Wilson. with improvements thereon, situaCedI liam Frye, Russell Miller, Gilfert Tar- Day, Arehie Magaha, Roy Mag~ha,' First Grade, A Section--Jean Bir- near Baker~on, in Harpers Ferry Dis- I ner. Merle R~binson, Billy Rowland, Jenny kilt, Willa Davis, Mary Ann ~cAtee, trict, Jefferson County, West Virginia, Fifth Grade, A Section---Louise Ap- Wren Alfriend, Helen Balienger, Mary: Betty ,Small~ Au drey ,That, adjoining the former lands of Dr. Bey- pell, Mary Frances Bvyer, Eleanor Blosser, Betty Jane Buyer, Doris Buo-Mary Bo. Porterli~d, Ma y~ [~e ~ua- holds, Willia~n Eagle, James Cook, Costello, Helen Dorscy, Freida Drtsh, denhagen, Dotty Lee Bush, Glady~ ~enlt~gen, ~l~.y. ~nen t)np~p, r~.~y John Mulet, John A. Link and others, Charlotte Anne Dutrow, Julia Jackson, Carroll, "Ianice E~g!e, Anne Jame,s d~me uo~on, v~vlan l>orsey, ma Wa being the same proper~y in which the Winona Jones, Evely~ Lynn, Betty M'tbel Lambert, Mary' Milton, Billi~ Graeey, M~ble JohnsOn, Patsy Ann l~te Robert M. Jones, died seized and Magaha, Isabelle Merchant, Doris Pringle, Arietta g.rhittington Barney, James Darlington Donald possessed of a certain undivided inter- Reiniager, Lucille Trussell, Banbara ,~;~a -- ~ ~ ~ Section--AIar~aret~,+ Frye, J aLrnes" C~. re; .~eut ~l~per?s eat and llkewtse the same property Anne White, Katherme Wh~ttmgton, ~ ~s-~.-~--ale-t-ford Mari~ :Charles ~nuvn, ~ea ~yunor, ~orre:~ re~vs Law " -- ~ Wysong,Clmrles Cos~ll Y which was conveyed to Thomas H. Dorothy Zlnn, Billy And,-~ r~ .+ ~ ; -, ,+ ,+ r%tt, l~me~ Gonnie~ ' . Jones, Nancy Jones, Martha Jones, rence Briggs, Theodore Dovenmuehle,' ~:~'-'~VaZ-~-b~son Helen V~ands Ro~ ~gh, Be n]amm jo~R~ ~tey Robert M. Jones, and Susan R. Morro- Earl Manuel, Raymond Meyers, Jm~-, ~ w~,~+~ n^ra Wad, man Milton Kelley, t~mer~ ~,y ~ #~a.~s ~j ,v x L ~*- ~, aJ'u vv ~ , son by Ehzabeth Jones by deed dated my Pinder, Mason Rowland, Frederick! aarson Donal~ Miller. Billy Psiltas, arL de" -. ,January 13, 1875, recorded in the Ryan, David Strider, Ca~l ~Vhitting-l~o~ald'Reed,- " - ~'~rst uraae, t~ ~ecuon--uawa ~n- " ' rson' ~" burn, Robert Mflburn, Richard Ben, County Clerks office of Jeffe ton. { " " -- i . County, West Virginia, in Deed BookI Fifth Grade, B Sectmn--Wi!lardl~,Thi~r~l ~Grad~ ~.Cm ~S~ ni, Bces~e and, Paul C%ap~an, Ned~:~e.+l~binso.n, B, page 399. Beahm, Dovel Bush, Thomas ~tarK,I l~*a~v~,u' ":*~'~=~' Y~z~' ~'~.~'~ ~ Ju'na bee ~owers, t~eratmne w.m~- 7. ~- --- ~- ^ ]~h ~w Svlvester~ .ey, tle~y Ann uavm, t~oro~ny J~ver- more. Cornelia Woodward, Sally At- rl'~'l~ Ul~ ~At~:--4)ne-m~ra cash] ~ran,~2 r~x=, 7C+7~ + :4"' ". ; hart Thelma Fadelv Rosebud Hy~tt, :-~ "+ ~+~ m.~,n ~z+~ o on day of sale and the residue in two ~rye, ~aarsnau Hurley, lnomas t~ame~, :: ~" - Ma ~m~, ~,~---, +*=,~ . * -~-g'-', eoual annual instaRments, evideneed t Jimmy Link, George Mason, Nelson ~2~2oro2~;', (~Lmk2~:%o ~.~ C~.~.~mi~ R~y, mi=~eth we ~o,- T r EdwardW~ nkler, Efleen Ay ~ ~*~'~,~" epnme wntt 1)y the notes of the purchaser, bearing/ urne,' ' " " * ' interest from date of sale at six pert cent per annam, title to be retained' until the purchase money is paid in full, or all or a larger part in cash at ~l the option of the purchaser. LEE BUSHONG, JR Special Commissioner. Iu the Clerk's Office of the Said Circuit Court: I. W M. Jones, Clerk of said Circuit Court ~f Jeffer:~on County, hereby cer- ] tify that Lee Bushong, Jr Special[ Commissioner, has exeeu~.d bond with I alTproved security before me, condi-[ tioned according to law as requiredI by said decree. I W. M. JONES, Clerk. I October 30-4t. F. L. Bushon~ I,+~ Bushonff, It Bushong & Bushong .~TTORNEYS AND COUN,gEI.I.ORg- ~T-LAW Practices in State and Federa, Court, Offices in Wash:,mr~,o,~ l-lall t~+ildint CHARLES TOWN, W. Va~ WATCH and CLOCK REPAIRING STEPHEN DALGARN, ,JR. 308 West Washington Street Opposite Old National Citizens Ban CHARLES TOWN. W. VA Paid to Oct. 31, 1936. WIN YOUR MOTHER A REAL XMAS @IFTI" 103 big FREE prizes in this "easy Contest. It's fun, nothing to write, no guessing. Entry Blank will be delivered at your home before Nov. 15. It tells ~,erything. 50 get in now-- |t's the easiest Contest you ever saw. otomac Light 1 ower co. MODEL MONUMENTS Monuments erected by our artis- ans are models in every Monu- ment community. Monumental beauty is more a matter of art than of cost. It is more a matter of craftsmanly interest and pride than vf price. You will see what we mean when we show you examples of what we have done for otehrs. HEASLIP'S MONUMENTAL WORKS Opposite Rose Hill Cemetery Hagerstown, Md. LISTEN to these radio marvels. Hear, tor the first time, radio music with the full expression that the great composers in- tended it should have. Thrill with the new tuning ease that comes with these radio sensations. Remember, only Crosley has all these new revolutionary features. Come in--there's a real fit store for you[ +