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Newspaper Archive of
Farmers Advocate
Charles Town, West Virginia
November 27, 1942     Farmers Advocate
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November 27, 1942
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RIGHTS TO ALL. SPECIAL PRIVILEGES TO NONE. TELEPHONE 222 V0L. 58, NO. 47. CHARLES TOWN, JEFFERSON COUN 'Y, W. VA, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1942. PRICE 3 CENTS To Fifty-F0ur Years Fall In Newspaper Work xplaine In reviewing his 54 years of work in the newspaper field, C. S. Mt[s- ser, owner and vublisher of The Shepherdstown Independent, this week gave out the information that Under New Regulations These Men Are Now Eligible For Military Duty When Properly Classified; lems Local Churches 58 Mortgages r0m Two interesting services marking the cancellation of debts were held Charles Town on Thanksgiving Day, one in the Presbyterian Church from 10 to 11 o'clock in the morn- un ing; the other in .(~ep Methodist Largest Single Group Of Draft Board Points he started at the age ;hfeten as a Pres. A. J. Boyle Sets Post~ Names And Addresses Given In Appended 'List County Assessor Alger' Church at 7:30 to 9 "Printer's Devil" on Gettys- . . m. Represents Jefferson Prof. D. P. Hurley, of Rockville,! Classification Ofburg. Pa Star. His pay ,-as Time ! :30 P. M.; Eight Men To Leave County a week for ten hours a day, st The Local Board, Selective Ser- Martin Kilgour Wiley, At Sessions Md who ~s chairman of the For lnduchon Sta. , culture Workers days per week. He came to Shep- Races Each Afternoon vice, of Jefferson County announces Charles Town Board of Stewards of the Methodist herdstown in 1906 to take charge of Questionnaires have been mailed to Preston Moler Washingt~, D.C. Assessors and County Commis- i was started to liquidate the debt on Local Board of JeffersonThe Independent, "with nothing but President A.~. Boyle, of the the following list of registrants of ~ Church at the time the campaign the parsonage, prodded at the Shepherdstown, was appointed debts and a full confidence in my Charles Town Jockey Club, Inc, set the Fifth Registration, - men 18 - Marion Allen Blue---.Kearneysville si,mers from ;]7 counties of the] Charles Gilmore Robinson, of Selective Service, has re- ability to make a go of hte paper." 1:30 EWT as post time for the 18- 20 years of age who registered June Charles Nelson Boyd Halltown state were in session in Charleston, Methodist ceremonies, which includ- leader, and Perry Walker Ruther- "or publication the following Congratulations, Brother Musser. day Fall Meeting, which gets un- 30, 1942. Under the new regula-Wallace Phillips Mills, three days last week, adjourning on i ed the burning of the church mort- ford, of Charles Town, assistant nent to Selective Service and many more years of success in derway here on Monday, Nov. 30,tions, these men are now eligible j Charles Town Wednesday. Assessor Shirley AI- gage. The burning signalized the leader of the colored men who left ,'ross has amended section ~, your profe~ion. V instead of Tuesday, Dec. 1, as orig- for service after being properiv Lester Woodrow Ott ger was the only representative I cancellation of a debt of $;00.00, be- for Clarksburg this morning. -- ' inably scheduled, classified. Order numbers beginI Harpers Ferry l rom this county, i ing the balance of a debt that was Prof, Leroy Johnson Storer Col- Selective Service Act by the.~:<.~ ~~ ~ ~"-.~ -- Eight races will be offered each i with 11076 and end with 11194[ Robert Olen Crum Baltimore Bills that may be presented for incurred 21 years ago when the lege and Edward Morgan, member t of a new subsection (k) i provides for the deferment ~- I, afternoon and the daily double has Iinclusive: [Raymond Word DeLawder enactmet,t by the legislature tocon-I church bought the parsonage now of ~he American Legion of Charles y registrant found by a local i IICbmmg E0er~ t,~ . .[~; been switched from the second and ~ Paul William Milton. Charles To~n t Harpers Ferryvene in Charleston early m January :~ occupied by the pastor on South Town addressed the selectees. [subject to the right of ap- I ~j third races to the first and second Ralph Miffiin'Johnson Millville [ Clarence Brooke Ringer were discussed at length, and many George street. Box lunches were prepared f0v t events, i George Ed McDaniel, Charles Twon ; Kearneysville of them voted down. It was pro- I This debt had been added to at the group by the Missionary Society a hoard of appeal) to be IIn Charles Town AndI i The day earlier opening was ! Willis David Bohrer, i Preston Stoddard M411ard. Jr posed among other measures to re-i various times for different improve- of the Wainwright Baptist Church Lry to and regularly engaged ' agricultural occupation or, ~ Jefferson County ~]i made possible ~by .the cancellation i Shepherdstown i " Washington, D. L quire ban]-: cashiers to prepare a list ] ments to the parsonage and church of Charles Town. ~ ~.~i of the Monday, Nov. 30 program~ Robert Clinton Staubs, I Albert Nelson Branson of all depositors together with the lproperty, the latest improvement Of the s~ty men ordered to re- Lural endeavor essential to. ~-.~.~-.~ ~-~= ~4~ ~ ~, effort so long as he remains ~: ~~~~~:~" t at Bowie. i Charles Town t " Shepherdstownamount of each deposit as of Jan- I being a new furnace in the church port for induction only two were tged and until such time as ~ Monday, Nov. 30:--Special term l Another late change in plans call i Paul Nelson Jennings, t uary 1, cash year and hand it over[ a~ditorium of which the largest missing, James Hunter T~yman, of for a definite purse distribution in- Kearneysville i Darrell Edward Twyman to the assessor to save the labor of[ portion of this $700.00 was for. Kearneysville, who was transfer- d.fact rYIt furtherreplacementprovidesCanthat:be' Of;udgethe JeffersonD H RodgersCircUitpresiding,C urt within! stead of the original set-up, which i JOhnLeroyDonaldEugeneHill.Milburn " Shepherdstown '~[ Sterret t Ford WalkerCharies Town whatfindinghis oUtdepositfromis, eachThis was taxpayer ~wted I at LeSSthe Presbyterianelab rate werechurch.the serviceSThe fromred tOthatLancaster,city, andPa"Hughf r inductiollEdward any such registrant leave !Charles To~n," at ten o'clock a. m l withCalled thef r patronage.purses commensurateThe daily, Charles Town t Harrisburg, Pa. 1 down, as was another proposal for : mortgage liquidated there was for Walker, formerly of Shepherds- Occupation or endeavor, the purse distribution will average $400' Paul Elisworth Wilt Miltville Harvey Earl Harding Bakert n each property owner, intending to $1200, and was held against the town, but now living in New York board shall rec]assify such i Tuesday, Dec. ] :--The regular per race and horsemen have been Cecil Walter Everhart, James Richard Pearson erect a new building or repair an church annex and had been long City, who failed to report. fin a .class imm.ediately weekly meeting of the Charles asked to disregard the Notice sent : Harpers Ferry Charles Town old one to get a permit from the outstanding Subscriptions for both. This is the largest group of men or mlh[ary .service klll s tJnarles lown ro " ' - Town Lions Club at Thom.s Jef- out with stall blanks stating the, Arnold Clayton Painter t~arnest ~ranK naruy County Clerk's office indicating how cancellations were handsomely to leave at one time from Jefferson st requests of any obtains . Hotel at 7 00 - m this" local board a determinah~n" " ~erson : P. aforementioned plan. New condi- - Charles To~n Harpers Ferry much'the improvement will cos over-subscribed. County. ,it is in the best interest of the n" tion books have been ordered witi~ Renneth Brown Miller t ~onn ~v~oore urnoorn him. This if enacted, would also ~V-- The first two men in this group ~eff - ~ c Inursoay, t~ec. ~:--ine r~lwa as; the approval of the West Virgi]da Shenandoah Junction! . Shepherdstown reduce the work of the assessor are volunteers. The others were orl xor nlm i;O leave .~Icn o - ' a ttlon or endeavor for other:Club of Charles Town wall meet t Racing Commission and will be Ralph Ellsworth Rickel I ,~aartin Blaine Grimes One reform, however, assessors I called according to their Order Charles Town an an n an h k." i the Thomas Jefferson Hotel at 6 :] 5. available to owners and trainers by l Charles Town, are " sist" g upo,d t is propos- ~l~sas~ I~s~mm llkt~ i Numbers ano are as rotmws: ~lass II-C and Class III-C. "/'he ~ o'clock p.m I the first of the week. '. Marvin Earl Thomas, Kearneysville I Lester William Wilt . al in connection with it wilt be put [~W]) IFIUIII I I Aylis McKinley Harris, Daniel etive Service Regulations have v,i Due to the acuteness of the John Henry Tibbs Charles Tov.n I . ~. " in p per form for the legislature I Russell Jackson, Jerry Adam Blue, Charles Milton Burr Jr to t k ct o t want " rl I amended to provide two new ,V~,~,~,~ ~'~],]~c, ' transportation problem this six fur- Ernest Franklin Breeden! ." . a e a ion n i . They l D,A s D I ! Hurley Howard Herbert, Cha as ~ifications as follows: I Alll ; ~JlU[~ ~J[[~][~ :~ long track, which during the past ~ Shenandoah Junction ] . . unar~es Town i descriptions of real estate in deeds ] I tlU lllllg i~NI| ~JJ,Murray, Lewis Randolph Goons, six years has been seen each ~ue-Charles Walter Parker, Jr,! Wflham Edward Frye Bohvarl to be more specific than many ofI ~ I~ Milton Cleveland Peyton, James in Class II-C shall be placed~ ~%. -~gistrant who has no ~ 4- ~ ~*~) Q~?7 i ceeding meeting more successful .Charles Town t wal.ter Wesley Walt. Harpers Ferry i them are now. Transfers fro mone i -- -- .I Hunter Twyman, Clarence Allen grounds for deferment other ./-]kl|i~[l|lD 1~ than the preceding one and only la. t i' Franklin Delana Fratey, ~r I Phdlp Henry Perks, Jr. 1 owner to another, with imperfect i Wilson, Robert Barren. Robert Gar- Mo antowB, W Va GASOLENE summer staged the first Victory~ Shenandoah Juuctionl rg ": descnptmns m the deeds are now ner Ernest Robert Parker, Clarence than his occupation or endeavor -r 7-- Meeting in the country and turned Millard Frankli~ Ever~ . ] Charles Henson Staubs ! doubly difficult for an assessor to [ Referring to last week's instrue- ; Lee Newman, Robert Nelson Lee and who is found to be neces-I ---7--. to and r~larh, en~a~ed in an t~narles ,o~m oanKs wm ms~ri- over nearly $100,000 to Army and ! t;naneslown ~ Harpers Ferc: make accurate transfers. To cot- j tions regarding endorsement o4" Li: Hugh Edward Walker, June Mc- agricultura-- l occuvatio nor a~'ri : bute $58,257.89 in Christmas say-, Navy Relief, is in a most precari-1 Samuel Emanual Jones t ippon ~ Noel Warren Sisk Kearneysville ! rect this, it is proposed to penaiize ~t cense No. and ~tate of Regis~ra- ] Donald, George Henry Boyce, Hat- cult" ural endeavor e.ssential~ to 1 ings this ):ear. The Peoples Ban k:~ ous position. However, the man- ! Arnold Cornelius Stride, ! M,rl~ .qn,wd~n Maetin En~'le i a grantee offering an imperfect tion on back of coupons, please I ry Eldridge Walker, Ironwood An- the war effort ISin~le menL with a Christmas fund of $21,007.S9 i agement is optimistic and with the ~hepherdstown ] ~--- :.ff-/~.=,~.-:. -~.-=-~,:- o i deed for record by charging an ex- ! note that this mus~ ~e done in Ink. : gustus Washington, William Henr~r In Class III-C shall be placed i will. send out checks to o~mers o.f Bowie meeting showing a marked': James Henry Washington, I ~ ~harles Town i era fee for recording it. ! The Board ~vongly urges All ] Kent, Jr Floyd Adams Payton', any registrant who is deferrc~il savings ~urms on ermay o~ tnas~ increase daily it is hoped that this i . Chambersburg, Pa. I ~,m M~,-~h~H W; ~ I State Tax Commissioner George Ration Holders to start NOW ito Joseph Ganes Taylor, John David b o d~r~nd~ncv and t week Christmas club checks in the plant will be able to operate as of Boyd Davis t;amp~elt, I ~.~'h~-h~d~ own I P. Aiderson, was present at all i make this endorsement Much ex- ] Hilton, Richard Thomas Taylor, y reason f --r " " " ~ M. I Kearneysville I Clarence Reese Whittington ! sessions, and taking part in many tra work and cov~plica~ions may Harold Augusta Ree~), ~ James Who is found to be necessary I Bank of Charles Town will be mail -----r to and regularly engaged in an i ed to their customers on Monday, The setting of a daily purse av- Paul L~e Hardy Summit Point I ~- Miltvilie ~ o, ~ne aiscussions. ~ be saved for all concerned bv so I Franklin Walker, Carot j~acl~son, agricultural occupation or ag~q- November 30. Their deposits for I erage of $400 per race has prover, i Charles Austin Twyman, tialltown I George Melvin Wilt "" i V-- t doLng ~ I Charles Garner, Herbert Jacklin cultural endeavor" shall be in- tmristmas amount to ea~,Zm ~, popular~with the horsemen already Glenn Willara ~.;awaras I Ha,',~rs Fer,~,t~ . w,~ w~ I ~;'~ - S*otion- ~ la u.~ Williams, Adrian Drew Robinson, lerpreted to exclude a ~!s-i - V . !on the grounds awaiting the ope~'-' ~ Charles~o~ "i s t0ur t ,ink of th~ meeting and were. more ~-R~ert Gray son .-aam es ~n l . Bakerton ' I ly" a~. ~ all coupons .they g~- ~,TtV" ~ ", r ~'r~ rant and who is seasonally "or ' MACOUGHTRY---HEATON ~.than,hear that il~ extra day ~ Arthur Lee C~rt~ ~rneyl~vute i Withrow Jolm Henry Jones i flll " "1~# ~11 qT ] have or may receive, that are notson, t~eorge t~ueo~pnn], weave ~re - temporarily engaged or is en- - gaged on a part-time basis in Mr. James F. Maccughtry, ap'X-,of racing has been added to thei Abner Albin R issmr, ~nartes Town I Shepherdstov n I' ! endorsed ry warner I~utnerrora, //arTy Ben- an agricultural occupation or tire of Middleway. and a .~et~red]pr gram" John Henry Young, Jr |Edward Baldwin Rogers /10 ms unneren Trucks Tsxis0 Ere" Those who jamm Newman, Richard Hamilton agricultural endeavor es.sentitd?official of the Treasury Depart- Quite naturally Charles Town! Charles Toy, all Sh~-h--astown. " "; ~".: "--~;= ^^ ~ Carter, Thomas William Campbell, I will not.have its special train which~ John Henry Harden, Kearneysviiie I,ep eru -- ~ nave reeetvea vnelr t~LVl ~,~ - " "" -an ~-A'r Richa-" n r ~,'rancls ~reem y, ~xt to the war effort. (Married ment in W~shington. was married daily brought hundredl of patrons' Carl James W lo~dwarcl" . -- . ] Henry Bedi ger Golds borough, J . I By deeds executed by J. Henry l eates should al~ly ~t Board Office t ^ r~ ~.:~ ~i'r,~in,~ an:, men). i on Wednesday morning at 10:30 ~nennerdstown~ and Dora P Dutrow. and filed for l ,~ I, o~t ~,~ ~h ,r, a~-li ~a,~, ~,~,o,=, --.-~e- ~--,~- easonal and temporary work-i o clock at the home of Mr. and from Washington and Baltimore.i nepnerustown I . . . vx - . However, regular tran service ex- Ernest William Hendrieks [ Wdham Loyall Anderson, Jr. I record in the County Clerk's office~l catio ~ Form (which gakes the Washington, Charles Thomas, A us- Itot included.--The phrase "ai~M rs. Geo r.~e C01e in Alexandria, i isis to Harpers Ferry, only eight!Shenan~ h Junction [ Charles TownI they transfer all their real estate in] place ef the old ';~,ice" Form). tin ~Teeman Twyman: Cnar.les ~t- Franklin Elwood James Millvillej this county to their son, daughters Do Not Apply until ,ou c, et your more ~comnson, buclen l~rans n, arrant regularly engaged in an ,Va to Mass Caronne nea~on ot i miles away, and Martinshurg, 13i Braxton Lee Silvius. Kearneysvihe I Jerr Thomas B rd Cleveland O and rand children, reservinff to ] CK)T Cortifieato n~ t~,~ "~" I~ Edward Henry Thornton, Leslie l endeavor":'ultural occupatiOnshall be inte r agricul-reted~!'Butler'TreasuryPa~'uepartmen:an employee in the i miles from this picturesque city. Ai Hugh Elmer Davidson [ VirgilY Edward OwensY ' Ranson I' " themselvesg "a life interest in all of] cannot be filled oult without the Harold Jones, John HenrY. Lene tclude a registrant whoi~ sea- I The ceremony was,performed by i schedule of regular trains arriving i " Harpers Ferry ~ Norman Lee Jackson, Keameyaville ~ it. ', Certificate. You faust get your ~tratner uougLas, t~enar(t fly or temporarily engaged or i ~r an~ ~rs. t Join s ~on-m-law, i and leaving convenient to the race ' Charles Franklin P e~well ~. l Charles Edwin Gayhart Ranson I The Walnut Grove farm of 253 ! ODT Certificate before December ~rnest owens, unarms rcoDe~ Igaged on a part-time basis in ' the Rev. O. V. T. Chamberlain, t schedule will be made available . Harpers eerry I Irr%ultural occunation or atrri- rector o'f Nelson Parish, this coun-,shortly. . i Hugh Hurst Collis Kearnegs~ille IJohn Ronald Snowden Bolivar acres where Mr and Mrs Dutrow ! 1. ~rans~n t~aymona ~rayson, ~Q- Lee Elwood Demory. Charles T wn to ut- 1 . . . restde was deeded Lomse D COF " With more tha~ 200 h@rses al- Stanley Buck Underwoo4 " I ' o ' " " ". ~ " waro t'niuip ~ne~on mc~ture rrea. ~onneth 'Leverne Rmkard' Mfllvdle ! ~ r,~ ~ ~ ~,FEE dy Page,~ Francis W]lhams 1 endle- I the tv ,n the presence o1 Mr Ma ral endeavor essential to " ' "," " " ~ "" ready on the grounds, one thng is~ " Summit Point/--~,~ row ~amey ann ,~,r,~v ,~ ~ " ' a rl Nwell eff -.t" i cougl~try s son-m-law ana oaugn- lo"l"-e~strant shall be relea.~ed ' ter. Mr. and 'Mrs Ritchie Edmund-', assured those making the trek to i Charles D'Angelo : MiilviileI "~'M"ivin Strider Whittin~nc.t.~r~, l Townl ')u~rvw ~ t Bulletinl Retaders:No. Cap~es5 have OfbeenRetailerSmailed Spriggs,t n' RoYclarenceG rner,ArthurEa Holmes, "-'"~'~" - ~--I son and Migs Helen Cory, ahd Mrs Charles Town this Fall ~vill find a. Nelson Theodore Dmleyl ^ "~- I To Jacob H Dutrow 3rd, and his by S~.~te Headqua~ers to all Re Frank Allen, George Staley, Jr. mus~men~ m me tanu ur na "a '2 ". " higher clasa of thoroughbreds ready I Charles Town I Floyd Powelt owens, Jr. I :a-- ra i ' " ~S :" ~ :- -'-'-:~ in Class U. v. * tmam oerlam Kearueysville ~w :~:?sr~o~ ~)u~rroaw~ ist~dee~l~ ~ toilers ~ hose name and address V -- or~l=o ~i~II~ ~ : Mr. and Mrs. Macoughtry, on,to race than ever before, i Earl Jones Pine t~earneysvlne I Kem--~r Sherwood Mc.Kee ~ " could be secured from telephoneVETERAN COLLAR- = ; " ~ i their honeymoon, visited the V-- : Ear] Clifton Poacher Halltown I ~ri ~r~uu~ ~tu~.~. bride's family in Butler. Pa and ~ "DEER SEEN ONR@AD i Charles Pavton Charles Town,P Shepherdstown Briscoe or Butler farm ,one mile books, trade lists, etc. This is a MAKER DEAD. James Amon Grantham I east of Charles Town on Route 340, very important Bulletin and tells -- contamm 79 acres ~e Selective Training and Ser-' also his brother-in-law and sister, i Dean Collins Hurris, 1. hn Bo~worth McDo';'d ' The James M. Brown farm, tory and e~plain~ ~he :Reports you years an employee of the Goetz har- Act of 1940 has been amended Mr and Mrs. R J. Madison, neariComing from Berryville toChar-i James Harrison Twy~:pherdst ~n ] ~z m.~ "'g you how to establish your lnven- George J. Farrell, colored, for ide that any person 18 or ; Middl~exay. They will live in t les Town, Saturday morning, Fred ~ . " i ~o formerly owned by Mrs. George mmtt make. I.f you do not receive ness factory as a collar maker, died s of age, who, while pursu- t Washington. I Alger, pf the Scott & White drug, J&earr~ysvllte I J~lgln, ltllnols Zinn, also east of town on Route at his home on South George street urse of instruction at a hagn " V-- - store force, encountered a buc~ i Leon Washington Bussard,'Miilvillc I Oscar Edward Balle~ igaer 340, has been deeded to Pauline extended, at 7:00 o'clock Thursday or similar institution of: MRS LAURA VA BARNES deer on the Berryville pike be-. David Holland Nichols,I arpers FerryDutrow Houser. This tract con- evening, aged 65 vears. An invalid is ordered to report for~" " " tween tbe Burn~ and Bartlett " Kearneysvi~lel (Continued on Page 6) tains 162 acres, for some years he was the son of the last half of the EnJin~ a long and p~.inful ill- : farms. When first observed the A farm west of town, known as the late Lorengo and Emily Hattie year at such school or in- ness. Mrs. Laura Virginia Barnes ! deer was crossing the road Lets- the A. O. Davis farm of 162 acres Ferrell, of Ch.arles Town. An only shall, upon his request, died at the home of her daughter, urely the animal leaped up a five- was transferred to Rebecca Jane sister living,in Philadelphia, is ex~ " induction postponed until '~ Mrs" Carlton Swartz, at Kearneys:foot bank, and thence over the Dutrow Garvin. " pected to come here for the fun- " of such academic year. i ~ille. Aged 47 years, Mrs Barnes ' fence into the Bartlett field. So ~ Other deeds filed for recording ] Inventory as of November 28 of oral, the date of ~hich will be an- lone potmd ~f Coffee for each in- --Aeet forregistrantPOStponementin ofhigh ' andin" i was Gracethe daughterMorrow of f thisJ sephcounty.T" ~: havingfar no yet reported i],l,al~t- sideWere off rthea smallriver fromtract Newton n the eastM, di~idua| or member of Family nounoed later. V ~ " who has been ordered to re- Her entire life was s0ent in this: ---V I l~[~ Gibson to Hazel Hardy, Hersel Otl:. ll,it who was fifteen years old or MRS. OG~I)7~---- 'more at time of original Sugar IN BERRY, VILLE. ,r induction shall be inducted cornty i ' Robert H. Wiley, John L. Wilt, and Registration May 4, last. k is usual manner unless he shall ~, ~'" = ICHRISTMAS GIFT ~ervmes w~th the trey. w. u~' * ~un~uKil't'~ tu~," Virginia Diilow, trustees of thc very important Vhat you keep a Mrs, M~ttie Dovel Ogden, aged t in writing that his induction ; Dickey and the Rev Irvin Lewis " " tponed. Upon such a request con(iu'eting the rite; were~held in't '~ ~ F fst Ga l For Month 0t December Includes Twenty Full Gospel Church, located on record of total quantity of Coffee t ' ~,Route 9; a portion of the above kt 70 years, widow of J. Edward ~tl board shall, before indue - ; the Union Church" 'i~ ~ri~alew~:,Extend your own subscription ~ o .~ - ~ ,~,- ~ ~, ~ . t~ ~, ~ !, s registrant, determine: ! at 2-30 o'c~k on Thanks~'ivin~- ~ to the Farmers Advocate or the i"live ei tees Prom ilie t ounty, Will UO /0 from the.trustees to ]~obert H. and on hand Noven~ber 28. as you mu~t Ogdeh, who for many years was he has reached the eighteenth i Day "Buri,a~ was in the M~sonic ! Spirit of Jefferson for one year st t ('.l ~.l~ahneu I~n~, I~;nal t][3h~g|cgl ~m|ngt|nng Anna Wiley, and another portion toRationdeclare Bookthis whenNo. TwoY U m~plYearly forth treasurer of the Town of BerryviIle, r,~ '~o ~.o.~ the regular rate of $1,50 and for ~ b John Lewis Wilt and Martha Ellen died Wednesday night from a ce~- miversary of the day of ttts~ n "on,Wilt. ' V-- January. rth but has not reached the ~ Foside- ~,t'~- ,~:~,~,t ~ a ~-,-~g~'~"a-:a"^ 75 ee ts addiU al or $2.25 m all, i, " Indiv.idual Con~mmers who have bral hemorrhage in Winchester Me= ~entieth anrfiversary of the! W Barnes she leaves one daut, h-, y~u e~n also ~ one Of otbe~. I The Local Draft Board of Jefferson County announces never had Ra~on Book No. One mortal Hospital. " ,Men's Bible Glasses She was taken ill while enter- ~y of his birth; . ~ ter, Mrs. S~vartz, mentioned above ! pape~.~ some ~lat~ve .or tnene ! they have received a Call for twenty-five white men to report {the Sugar Book}. see notice un- raining friends at a tea at her home as a U tIas gttt, I gttt wmen he is pursuing a course o~ and one sc~, Shirley W Barnes, i --, nn ) ] for induction December 7th Induction Orders were mailed I der Sugar. nmtruction at a high school or :in the armed for:es over;eas;" o.e rep ena,y gree,nga. " " " S Meet To ether Sunday in Berry'ville, Wednesday, and nev. b,-~the- l--n I" ~ w i, Mia 52 t~mes during 1945. A t to these Selectees today. The wall a semble at the office SUGAR er regained consciousness. similar institution of learning; " " r "I " ' ani e dleway; two half-sisters and four . ca d ~g~ I be marled to the addre~ ! of the Local Board on the morning of December 7th and T, he Builders Class of the Indiwidual Consumers who have The deceased was a daughter e~ If he is pursuing such cour~ 'ball .brothers. " igaven ny yon. !proceed by bus and train to Clarksbtlrg, W. Va where Methodist Sunday School and the never had :Ration Book No. Onethe late .~Mr. and Mrs. I{artison of instruction in the last half" -- v - i !they will be given their final physical examination prior to Yokefellows Class ~f the Pregby- (the Suitor Book) either throu~.'h Dovell of Pa~e county. ' terian Sunday School will meet ~in failure to register or by reason Surviving m one sister, Mrs. John NEW N & W SCHEDULE,rA.~ vt~IVWtt~ lW~t~ I~ of the academic year at such" " ' "" " "" I "nduction into the Army. joint session on Sunday, Novem- of havJn~ excess sugar, shouldOverby, of Danville, Va. or institution. ' - : e ' ;gistrant fulfills all three i A new ~hedule makin~ehan~,es. S*x apphcants for drivers linen- : The first two m n are Volunteers. The others are calle, %er 29, at the latter Church at l0 al~ply a Board Office as prompt- Funeral services were held Frl- requirements, the local in the operation of all passenger I s~ were su. ccessful on Fmday l,st ~ a~cordlllg to their order numbers :-- A.M. Members of ~he Builder~ ly as possible, in any e~;er~t be- day afternoon from the John H. En- postpone the induction trains on the N. & W. Reilway m .tests given them by theStutet Henry Lee Owens Shepherdstown, Route 2 Class are requested to meet atfore December 15. You cannot ders Funeral Home at 2: lve on da No t'once an unaries Town thOSe trant until the end of bf-ame effect" Sun y, - ' ' . the Church at 9:30 o'clock aa~d buy Coffee unless you have theThe Roy L. A. Parker, D. " - ~ . " ~ awarded licen- were Irene S i Archle Douglas Robertson Kearneysvllle march in a body ~o the PreWoyter- No. One Book. of the Bap~st Church year at such school or vo ~,~er "-~ ~e . If the registrant fails~ Train No. 13, south~mnd, now Grove~ Kearneysviite; Isabel Vet-IEdward Clarence Cummings Harpers FertT tan Church, or go directly to the Brin~ the fo|lowing in~ormstion I deceased was a member officiated. any one of these tbree re-~ nasses Charles Tcr~n at I 1:50 A. non and H4~rwood Coffman, Harpers~Fred Banks Lloyd. Bakerton Church from their homes. A guest with you: j Burial was in Gt~een Hill Cemetery. ts, he shall be inducted in- M. Under the former schedule, it Ferry; Winona Jpnes, Susan A. I Warren Kipps Costello Halltown teacher, ~,~t to be anm>unced, w.fll Proof of Identity, ~ -~-- --V address {he bWOvdaSses. (Drivers's Licer~se, B a n k I TRAVEL CONTINUES the usual manner." ~lwas due at 11;13 A. M. No. 14 is Moreland and Elfzabeth B. Bane, i phrase "last half of the~ nw.v due at 2:1,1 P. M: north- all of Cha~wn. i Raymond Larue Harpers Ferry, R. F. D. No. 2 - Bcmk, etc.) I TO DECLINE Wallace Heard Gift " Bakerton WANT FEWER ~ Proo~ of Present Address, [ ; year" refers to the aca-; : Year of the school or institu- bound. It was formerly due at (,Pos~narked en.velope or I Travel on West Virginia high- 2:13. Slight were also WILL TEST SIRENS AT NOON.l Woodrow Wilson Welch Charles Town BANK HOLIDAY~. .~ gas or electric bill, etc.) [ Ways, on the d~cline sin,ee last "l%eacademicyearofasehool made in the ~hed-ule of the two Royer Laughton Moore Kearneysville, Route 1 At the request of a number of Record af any other address March corttinues to drop withon- ~itution is that period ofi nhrht trains. * Beginning Saturday, Novembcrt William Broaddus Blackford Charles Town banks in Maryland, the legislature ~bce May 4, 1942. . . ]ly 525:791 vehicles using ten ma- ~etween the opening of school l 28, a test of the air .raid warningj ~uan~ y^ca ~ug~ar on nana I jor roads~ checked by the Start ' sirens will be made at 12 o'clock l James Theodore Fraley Engle of that state will be.urged to reduce ~owingnun andspring the dose of school an ~ Board.turned to the office of the Local noon. These testa will be' made ( Clarke Pittman Allen Summit Point ed.the numberThe legislative f holidayScommitteenOW observ-of ~aay,t~Z.TIRES i R~dThe Com,missi~neormnission duringsaid thatOCt ber'the " OF MEMBERS OF. ADVIS-! The list of members of the Ad- every Saturday at the same hou:[ William Edward Keyser Rippon the Maryland Bankers Association The Board is prepared to receive drop was ~,3 per cent under the BOARD OF JEFFERSON ~ visory Board follow, s: until further notice, according tot Donald Eugene Fuss Shepherdstown will recommend the change to the a vplications for appointment asl volume cf October. 1941, w,hea COUNTY. " ! James M. Mason, III, Charles Tgwn an announcement bv S. H. Stone, ! the benefit of those regis-D. K. Koonce Charles Town Director of Civilian Defensei Holmes Pittman Custer Charles Town incoming legislature. The banks Tire Inspectors under the new Ra-lg24,724 vemcies were counted. ] now have twelve holidays, and thir- tioning set-up. Appl.~ by mail only of the Fifth Registratior.I George M. Beltzhoover, Jr --V i Calvin Lee Bailenger Harpers Ferry, Route 3 teen on election years, and state your qualifications fully. ! Shepherd College, Wednesday. De. who may need assistance in ; Charles Town i WILL REPORT DECEMBER llth. t Marvin William. Maphis Shenandoah Junction I Financiers feel ~that the banks Those who have filed appl/cations : cember 2, 10 A. M. to 4 P. M. out their Selective Service John C. Skinner Charles TownI Dr. Marshall G--~e~n who enlisted- SilLs Shelton Morgan, Jr Charles Town ~ are closed on too many days when' si~tce November 1st need not re-i Harpers Ferry: High School mires, we herewith re-i Donald G. Edwards, Charles Town l yan Franklin Silveous Charles Town, Route 2 I other lines of business are running apply. The Board is not permittedi Gymnasium, Thursday, December he list of the members of, I. H. Russell Charles Towni in the Navy last summer has been [ at full creed and need manking set- ~ appoint Inspector WhOSe place or, 3, 10 A M to 4 P. bl. sory Board of Jefferson~ Edward L. McDonald, Jr i notified by the Department at theI Jame8 Eugene Hackley Harpers Ferry These men have been ap-' Charles Tow~ National Naval Medical Center art Marvin Dewey Rickard .Millville vice, henc" e the movement toward business is outside of JeffersonI cim~ 'Town: Grad~l School by the Governor of the~ Max L. Derr Shepherdstown Bethesda, Md to report on Friday. Geoi~e Bootan Jankins Summit Point I dropping some of the holidays. County,- - i Buldi~, ~day, Decem,~, 4, ~: assist men in eomptet/ng~ Eugene Bready Harpei.s Ferry Jgme8 Ernest Slusher, Jr Kearneysville, R. 1 D. i Keep 'Era Fiyhtg by buying Ration "She ~ts and Coupons will] Delivery of these e&nnot and mires and they serve i I. N. Bonham Summit PolntiDecember 11th. V I I --V teU~,t, utt,M to 1]) P.M. " Questionnaires mustt ---v [ The Mo~--~il-'~ou l~y i ~ .Daniel Turner Shepherdstown Wtr Bonds and 8taIlm! be ready for den.very am follows: I will not be made at Board Office 'c~ before they are re- The AdVocate lives yo~ the sews. The More Pimps Will Fly. I Scott Engle Moler Charles Town, Route 2 l BUY WAR BOND~L Sl~lflterdstowa: Reynold~ Halt, l these days