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November 27, 1942 |
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in Br~nsvd~k,
~eeently under~* nt al~ opexation for
alNmndibitfs. She is gett'mg along
Union Thanksgiving Service w'ili,
tm held this year in St. Jobm's Lu,tk-
~ Church at 10:00 0'cl0ckl 'Ihe
L. L the Bolivar
dMiver; the
gs Mtl
cents, without
parleyS,of Camp Hill,
a th~,Froderiok,- Md
where sh0 underwen a
Jr of New
and Mrs. G. E. Webb on Sunday.
Master Peter Dudrow and littte
Miss Anne Moore~ of, Shepherds-
town. spent the week-end with their
grandparents, Mr .and Mrs. C. E.
Mr. J. Win,red McCormick, son
of Mr Eliza McCormick, of Boli-
var, who has been employed in re-
construction work in the Hawaiian
Islands for many months, has 1~2-
turned to his home.
Members of the local P. O. of A.
held their business at the
home of Mrs. G. E. Webb on last
Friday afternoon. Refreshments
were setwed alter the transaction
of business.
Miss Carrie Schilling has rece~-
ed word that her nephew, Army Air
Cadet Robert Schilling, has been
transferred from Garner I~ield
Uv, alde, Texas, about 200 miles
tur~her north, to Goodfellow Field,
San Angel~, Texa~, "Bobby", a
native of Pittsburgh, has frequent-
~y visited h~Ls .~aunt in .Bolivar, and
has mm~y fifie~ids here. " ,
Mrs. G. E. Webb has received
word that her nephew, Stac SgL C.
William Gtover, is a patient" in the
Station Hospital, Fort Jackson, S.
C suffering from the effects of an
three children of Alexandria, Va Company.
spent last week with~her parents,His parents, the late George and i
~Mr. and Mrs. Robert FiFelds, in Elizabeth Eackles Hoffma~ter were
Bolivar. residents of this county.
Mrs. Agnes Grubb and Mrs. Mary His widow, Mrs. Ida J. Hoffmas- i
Vorl{ees recently visited their sis- tel survives with three daughter~l
ter, Mrs. Minnie Crim, at Suntmit Mrs. Ernest Dovenmuehle, of Char-
~I~sbI~N ~ ~g!! dP!!~Pm nt: !qf~!O~pe~((i!ho I les Town; Miss Glad.vs Hoffmaster,~
: Boonesboro, Md and Mrs. Aga:es:
'Burdette Sykesville Md, and or, e~
:son, George Hoffmaster, of l)att~-.
several days last week with his par-I mere, Md all by a former mar-
ents. His sister, Miss Phyhis
~Swope who has employment in
~IIIiiHi IIHlilll,
Washington, spent a few days at
her parents' home, while her broth-
er was there, r
Pvt. Thomas O'Brien has return-
ed to Cantp in Florida, after spend-
ing ~ week with his wife, here. and
visiting other relatives.
o William Wilt, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Wilt, of Bolivar, who has
been in a training school ncal
Washington, D. C has been sent
to Norfolk, Va after spending sev-
eral days furlough with his parents,
"Billy" enlisted in the Navy some
months ago.
J " --
The Rev. W. D. Dickey will be
at the Me'thud{st Church. Sunday,
Nove~n6er 29'th, a,t 7:45. to ora'm~-
ize a Young Peoples Meeting'. I~
is hoped all" t, he young people of
the community will be there.
The boys and ffirls classes of
the Method,is~t C~mrch p.'ave a par-
tv for Harley Potter, a draftee far
the A~my, at the home rff his par-
er~ts, .Mr; and Mrs. M. R. Pot~er.
Game~ ~ere played, and delicious
refresh,merits were served. Afiter a
ver.v pleasant evening, the young
pe~i~le dopa~ted~t bu(left hhn many
good ,a~ishes. . I
,T,he W. ,S C S. ~v ll meet at
Clay Hill,"the" home of Mr and
Mrs. Charles Fulk, Frid,ay night
Novcml,ber 27. A ~'oud attendm~ce
is exg)~cted, as there will be a
deal o~f business ~ transact.
We pay telephone
Call Harpers Ferry 2151
Deep in the bowels of the earth often
mile or more down West Virginia's 120,000
coaI miners are dealing death-blows to Dictators t
No, not with guns but with picks and
shovels and machinery. They're digging Tanks,
Shells, Planes, Ships and a hundred other Im-
plements of War for COAL fires the mighty"
furnaces that forge weapons for America's
fighting men,
These men 0ho man the mines and mills
and factories from which flow West Virginia's
contribution to tim war, dssetve clean, pleasaat
places of relaxation and :t reation.
The Beer Industry "iS d ermlded they,
shaH. bare t~at privilege.
This 'Committee's sole business is to sge
that beer is sold in wholesome surroandings
. . and in strict accord with public interest
YOU can co-operate by" pa-
tronizing only such retailers who
measure up to these standards, -
company ] :'
qIII.IIII|IIIIIHIIIlIIIIHIHHHUHHq,;' ' ./~I(INL[Y0 DirKtor ." I((mawim Valley |~g CHAnCel
Due to the. fact that sugar cannot be obtained
for sugar-curing, we have stocked a: supply
': : ?
We Can Also Sfi~f~ ou With
"d ~.e I* .2, ~ ~
And Don't orget to'Gel of