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Jefferson County,
West Virginia.
John Hoffman, Receiver of The
Bank of Harpers Ferry, a cor—
poration chartered under the laws
of West Virginia: Plaintiff:
VS. l
RY, a corporation chartered un-
der the laws of West Virginia,
George M. Beltzhoover, Celeste,
;.\\\\\\i inmwa
WANTEDz—L'npeeled field pinej
cordwood. Wood to be cut and load- 5
F91! SALE:—16 Delco batteries,
mltagf‘; cheap to quick buyer.
Mum“ N ed on cars by the seller. For speci- i v ,
' W-27-1t.-pd. Dec. 2-1t.-pd. fications and price write ? B-
Newmmel‘. Executle 0f
are.~ H Jon); H, pgARCE, ; Louise W. Brackett, Lucy B.
h. Bu, R,SALE:—.A half ton panel xnv, 27-3t_-pd, Bonkton’ Mil,
Brackett, Bessie L. Rau, adminis-
“ar. “ Wk. 31 model. ——-T————-——————‘ tratrix
of Thomas Burleigh,
Buy ELITE CLEANERS, “'ANTEDz—We will buy your; Cora I. Chambers,
used cars and trucks, if they are int
good condition and have good rub-=
ber. Phone 266.
N Charles Town, W. ‘1 a.
. 01’. 27-1t. Dec. 2-1t.
SALEz-Purebred Guernsey
, i can be registered, 4 years old,
Chambers, Josephine B. Rog-
ers, executrix of Laura Con—
ner, Sadie B. Costello, Ada
Cramer, Cassandra C. Dittmeyer,
, _ Charles Town, 'v’a. Ellen Dittmeyer, executrix of
ANb ,9mtggh632thgxélhogrgztege$ Nov. 20-4t. .\'ov. 25-4t. ; yalter E.
Dittmeyer, Minnie
C E- i 3848", 7 drawers, 2 pull shelves, FARMERSz—We will buy youri
St, ‘- new; one oak desk chair to Beef Hides Horse Hides Calf‘ ' h
on ., match Th ,1k ,, , d g» - Hughes, Laura J. Hughes, admin-
, - ree ml goats, not Skins an .heep Felts. istmtrix of George E. Hughes,
Charles Town, \"a.'
Phone 102. ‘
Nov. »11-4t. Nov. 13-4t.
one doe kid and buck,
33:}! $60 regular price; offering
lot for $30.00.
Duffields, W. V214
Bertha Lamon, executrix of A.
A. Lamon, Elizabeth M. McDon-
ald, Henry McDonald, Bessie
Rau. administratrix of Rich
ard McMahon. Florence Mis-
kimmon, Mary Murphy, ad-
ministratrix of Alex Murphy,
Jennie Nelson, Celeste New-
comer, R. Madison, Sheriff of
3, making;
Nov. 27—11.
‘POR SALE:———Sweet Cider an
APPIBS. Phone 202.
WANTEnz—Farm hand, married,
to work on small farm. Good wages
and furnished. Apply to x
htmzoagigs Charles TOWN. W. \3 , Jefferson County, Administratorl
M“; l'hone 17-17-14. of J. Newcomer, Shirley
Nov. lfl—3t.-pd.
i This is to give strict notice that
lanyone caught in the act of hunt-
: ing, either day or night, or in any
‘other manner tre. passing on the
Ricn Hall Farm will be prosecz‘ted
to the fu'lest extent of the law.
Nov. fi-4t.-pd.
Nichols and Lewis Nichols,
executors of Daniel Nichols,
Donald G. Edwards, executor of
Frank Nichols, Joseph Porter,
Bessie Rau, Mary H. Robert-
son, William A. Saunders, CarrieI
F. Schilling, executrix of Flank!
.l. Schilling, Kate Silver, Min,
iam B. Trecartine, William A..
Walsh, Wilmington Trust Conl~l
nany. a corporation, Trustee tin-l
der will of Richard Silvester,
Florence Wigley, Hunter H.
Winters, Daniel Yowell, Rep-’
resentatives and beneficiaries of
the estate of John Bshop, de-'
ceased, unknown to plantif‘l‘, and
all other parties unknowr'l to the
plaintiff who may hold or have
any interest in stock of said The
Bank of Harpers Ferry. Defen-
*5?“ SALE:———An Open Franklin;
like for fireplace—Antique. Cin-g
" "a coal stove with automatic,
-' Euler. Jamesway oil burner brood-'
stove. Wood frame barrow.
1 0“.
"Aims: PIANOS! runes:
n» 3Kpert Tuning and repairing. ;
Pianos $19 up. New $199 up.
1’ Terms. CRAMER'S ,
Frederick. Md:
.7 Amati. Apr. 8-tf. I
FOR RENT I will pay a [Reward of $10.00 in
lanyone giving information leading.
: VPOR RENTzfipumished bed, to the arrest and conviction of the.
'hunter or trespasser who set the;
'“Wnsibih d ht
MRS-314.3;1 Gfiiagnsga'lnpy lRion Hall woods on fire Saturday-,i
rse , l 0 tob 31 1942 1
, V, , 116 Charles St. 9'" i - v ,TO All Parties to the Above
Fl ins '9V Charles Town. w_ Vovfsglt'lAngEs 14- CRAI‘E : Cause,
and all others in interest:
my ‘WSLH rock WASHER d! “hflfegdfigiby iffgni‘ffilgge‘li‘g
. ~ :— reroom cor— ' nee l . .
on l *1 of North Charles and Liberty. servicing? Call MAYTAG, 128,i
Efiedaefigx snag ggugzi‘z'rlggi
omo melts, Charles Town, W .Va. ’1 for quick service. i . n l . ‘ e
‘ , MRS A I GRANDSTAFF 1 red to said commissioner to take ac-
Charles Town, V3.1
Phone 128. '
Nov. 27-1t. Dec. 2-1t.
counts, ,take evidence and ascertain
and report the following:
The depositors and other
icreditors of said Bank of Harpers
l Ferry, and the amounts and priori-
116 N. Charles St.,
Charles Town, W .Va.‘
1. Oct. 9-tf.
"FOR RENTi—Bbigh’t, sunny.
LOST:—Gasoline Ration Book
i and aim room and of . , _ , i ties of their claims.
:1: .hnuflwman' forbiggum home -“1_N°- F4‘1329_G- ,Th15,15 ‘0
3‘"?! 2. What money and assets of
. Est residential section, conven_ notice that application w1ll
be'made, said The Bank of Harpers Ferry
3 I “fit came, Furnished or u"- to the J9fl9r§on County
Rauon‘ngf came into the hands of Rim:-
v skimmed. TELEPHOXE LBOard {01’ T9155” 0f Same- lhart, former receiver
of said The
‘ CHARLIE Tow); 674v" LEROY LAME, ' l Bank of Harpers Ferry, and
* . ‘ .fm- fumher information. ,, Shepherdswwni w/-Va'l the hands of
the plaintiff, John
mlan * Nov, 24.]; xov. 27-1., N0“ 2"1t-'Pd- /- Hoffman, now
receiver of said 'I‘he‘
1rd, Co : Bank of Harpers Ferry, what dis‘
{position has been made of same
I by said receivers respectively, what
,dividends have been paid deposi-
, tors and other creditors of said The
‘1 Bank of Harpers Ferry, what other
'disbursements have been made bv
lsaid receivers respectively. and
lwhat money and other assets rc—
lmain in the hands of said present
1 receivers.
i 3. What property of said The
113ml; of Harpers Ferry has been
{sold by each of said receivers, at
1 what prices and upon what tern-m.
‘ 4. What books and records of
r L i a ' . ..
?\"‘ E31: . ._ . l ; - i said The Bank of Harper's Ferry
d'zlook SA l , ' are now in the custody of said
he 2 , _ I ‘ i , I , present receiver. _.
(go tw i i 5. The stockholders or said The
,,, n, AND ORCHARD EQI’IP-l , rs Ferry and the.
lBank of Harpe
2 amount and par value of such stock 1
:held by each of them. and what:
amounts have been'paid by them.
KENT ' i - ‘ . . .,
"guilt sell complete‘ farm
. “190111911181”, 3” mg°0d “Oll'i CHARLES TOWN, VA.
. . .
"on, live stock, etc, and lent, 6 A mm c fthe accounts
he nod”, one of the best l’me~ , , , 86 en 0
“one firms in the county, indiudd .1" .p‘itsuame or decree 0f me;
Of 381d 3- A- Rinehart. form" "9'
“x apple, peach and chem, 01__;Clrcult‘Court of Jefferson County;
ceiver. as aforesaid, 9nd Johmgw
‘ ipmzxig).ordiardsv If you have. Aim.” 210mg” W0!“ 6" a"
.the. “"‘i ment of said first receiver, 5m July .
-. «61 room 17., musk.” °‘ 8”“ W"
( tdwellmgieqmpped “'m‘ "1”"; in front' of the
Court House inlmifswge h 0mm: math-S as said:
“n3 water, bath, toilet, electric Charle Town W Va on l ‘- , “F ‘ H
ts, etc, Large bank barn, milk‘ 3 ' '1 commissioner may deem re
evan n,
I“ machine sheds and other
Ssary outbuildings.
MONDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1942i this case. or, being relevant. any
Beginning at 11 O’Clock 11.133le in interest may 33“ 83“
FRANK J, TRAMMELLv 1 That certain Lot or Parcel
01‘1"“55‘0”erto 508mm and repo '
N Martinsburg, West Virginian}
0V.27-2t. 3
, respectively as double liability'aa-
lsessments on said stock. ‘
said, from the time of the‘appoint-
. l Said commissioner will proceed
grog}; gggygggmfiflie'figgfiel to execute said order of reference
l - . . ,
‘ . at her office in the Citizens Bulld-
sttuated on the north“ est corner of l . in (marks Town' Jefimn
l .
«West Congress and South Charles; Elegant)” west Virginia, on Decaw
lStreets, in Charla. Town, W. V".,, s
2% PERSONAL PROPERTY l fronting 81 feet oh the north sidel In?“ 14’
1942' at eleven 0°10“ 'A'
‘RDAY, DECEMBER 5,1941%; Wezst Congress Street, and;
)8 9,” feet on the west side of; . . .
neg?) discontinue farming I will? South Charles Street, being the"
Comm'ssumer m Chancery'
the above date, beginning ati same'property conveyed to the latci A‘
l Notice to Creditors
0'Clock, Noon, on the Biddenl James H. Wolff by Florence Cock-
Farm,4-miles west of Charles rel] by deed dated Sept. 1, 1905,
necl °Wn w V - . . i
n i . 8., on the Middle“ ay recorded in the Clerks office of the
y of ’ Dewonal property as follows: County Court of Jefferson County,
230;" 099:??? “fight;
. A PA": OF GOOD MULES , Va., in deed book 96, page 2'26. r
Harpers Ferry:
Notice is hereby given, as requir-
ed by Section 3, Article 8, Chapter
31 of the Code of West Virginia,
and as directed by decree of the
Circuit Court of Jefferson county,
West Virginia, enterd on October
13. 1942, in the chancery cause of
John Hoffman, Receiver of The
Bank of Harpers Ferry, a corpora»
land being the same property of
ears old; A Shetland Pony; 3 , . . .
_, 00‘", each hearing her 4th; which the said James H. Wolff died;
- to freshen about March 131.. ' seised and possessed‘
"Ming Implements including al TERMS OF SALE—one'thifa?
‘80“. a mower No 40 barsheari caSh 9" day Of 3316’ balance
, 18 s fingtogth h'amw double. equal installments, payable one and
“d p -two years after date of sale, ev1-
ghndxslngle shovel plows, tools.l . h
bone cmss_cut saw mattock i denced by t e notes of the purchas-
e], dig'ging iron hce’s garden’. er, bearing interest from date bat
I ' ’ . Six percent per annum, paya e .
my and 4 tme forks’ 108 chain'i semi-annually, and secured by re-
t’on Chilrtgbed under the ‘aws 0f
buShel measure Separator 16- West V1 mm vs The Bank of Han
M‘Dple butter kettle butche’rin ileum)" of age and agglgnmem 9fi
1-" r8 ' ration chartered
1°"liltudiiclle coo 5 old feeder g “'8 “WM” “9°”
“‘9 bummgs "3 pails 627,13 corp? w t Vi 'ma
HARN n p lan amount equal to said deferred ““ 9'1" In;
3173‘," .to“ andrfime;
2 ESS—TWO Bet§ tug 1131'” payments. with the privilege to the
9&3." t {3 .dpfi? B“ k f Hvr
‘ ~8ets.plow gears. lines, breastl purchaser of paying, a“ cash or
in“ c lttli‘rs 0 not b E an“ await”;
, no “"313 bndles- lcreasing the cash payment as llel P9”
"3", a n3” mt’f‘ ' a“, 0‘1.
7 USEHOLD—Enameled Cook may desire. mcorpola. . u 91' .e 5
bureau, wash stand, beds, ronnrsr A. BROWN, lWestvlrlmwi 8" MW“ l°
speck] Commissioneroi sent their claims to said comma-
' bath tub, glass jars, dishes, ,sioner for allowance, With proper
utensils, 2 coal stoves, 2 I, William M. Jones, Clerk of PTO“
,th91'90f. at. the £9100 012:.aaldi
598" kitChen safe and table. Said Circuit Court, hereby certify!
comm‘smo’le’r "‘l t1? ’{geng
RMS:—CASH. that the above named Forrest A..VBI.H‘4"}$1 m Skiff;
ff‘fga 9:,
E R HNE lBrown, Special Commissioner, hasl "3mm; imk A”?! r
C. p, E A ' lgiven bond before me with approved Eleven 0° 0° l '
has.” “3“ “Ct' security conditioned according to L- FRISCOE-
Kim's, Clerk’ law as required bv the decree of Commiwoner m Chancel?-
Nov 25-2t
' sale above referred to. 1 NOV- 20. 27. Dec- 4 311d 11-
’”EN‘W- 274‘- WILLIAM M. JONES, .__.______._...._.._.__._.._.._—
all. er Bonds and Stamps! N Clerk of said Court. 1 Buy WAR Bonds and
ov. :
Ply Day. , 13, 20 and 27. every pay day.
1/2‘ mile North ofMecbanicstown,
spring; Durham heifer will freshen
'lleifers' (yearlings); Guernsey bull.
l years old.
,tur, good as new; corn planter,
In the Circuit Court of ECLOSING OUT SALE
Intending to discontinue farming,
I will sell the following on what is
known as the Osbourn farm, three
miles south of Shepherdstown, on
the Sandy Ridge Road, on
1942, Beginning at 10 A. M,. the
following personal property:
Steel ‘gray mare, 10syears old,
works anywhere hitched; Steel gray
horse, 5-years old, a good strap
and check horse. *
Three Holstein and Jersey cows,
heavy springers; Jersey 'cow m‘ll
freshen about January 1; Holstein
cow will freshen around March 1;
Guernsey cow in full flow of milk:
Guernsey sow will freshen around
March 1; Holstein heifer will fresh-
enlfaround April 1: yearling heifer
ca .
24——HEAD 0F 11065—24.
Twelve hogs will weigh around
125 pounds each; eight weanling
pigs; 2 Chester Brood Son‘s; Spot-
ted Poland China Sow; one male
Sixteen Ewes and one Buck.
F.14 International Tractor in
good shape, 2-bottom 14-inch trac-
tor plow, International 7-ft. tractor
disc barrow; 2-row tractor culti-
vator, International] McCormick-
Deering feed grinder, McCormick-
Deering binder, 8—ft. cut; McCor—
mick~Deering disc grain drill 7-10
[practically new; John Deere Corn
planter, Deering mower, horse rake,
Studebaker» wagon and bed, 4-horse
wagon with shelvings, McCormick:
Deering manure spreader, Interna-
tional manure spreader, Brown
walking cultivator, pulverizer, rol-
ler, dag, 2-horse Oliver bar share
plow, lever barrow, 18-tooth; two
wood frame barrows, one 18-t 10th,
one 20400.11; Scientific com cutter,
1 single shovel plow. 2 double ShitVel
plows. thribble double and silw‘e
trees, jockey sticks, forks, shovels,
namper basket, ball bushel moi
ure, sickle grinder, tools and other
things too numerous to mention.
HARNESS:—-Two sets Yankee
harness sets lead gears, plow
gears, bridles, collars, check lines,
wagon saddle, wagon line, plow
lines, leather halters, 2 sets breast
chains, 2 sets butt traces, cow
chains, etc.
Scalding tank, 2 butchering ket-
tles with stand: McCormick-Deering
separator, milk bucket, hive or
bees, grindstone, cream cans, churn.
'I'wa iron beds, bureau, chairs, re-
frigerator, 75-lbs. capacity; dishes,
stone jars, and other numerous ar-
ticles including 25 Pullets, cook
stove, coal oil stove and coal stove.
TERMS:—-CASH. No property
to be removed until settled for.
The Sandy Ridge Farm Woman’s
Cel?b will have exclusive right to
s l
lunch. 7
C. Preston Engle, Auctioneer.
E. Vickcrs. Clerk.
S.f‘NOV. 254$.
‘A.~—Nov. 27-lt.
, Discontinuing farming. I'will sell
at'J’u’hlic Sale where I now live, on
wh'at‘ is, ,known as the Lenard
Fritts Farm, located about '3-miles
east“ of Charles Town, ‘ W.¢‘Va., and
W..V._a.,ong . . .
1942, Beginning at 11‘ O’Clock A.
rattan, null!) or, HORSES.
Sim, black , horse, Ileyts. Old,
works" anywhere hitched: 'Chflrley,’
black horse.’15*yrs..old. uni-ks 5%»
where hitched; Dose, sorrel more,
15iyrs. old, good strap mare.
Two . Guernsey heifers giving
some milk,and will be fresh in early
in Januaryz" Guernsey "heifer, will
freshen in February: 2 Guernsey
(yearling); Brown Swiss bull, 2-
Deeritgg binder. 7-ft. cut, in A-l
s pe; armors Favorite 9-8 disc
gram drill, H. riding cultiva-
liorse rake, Deering mower, two
springtooth barrows, Chattanooga
3-horse plow, McCormick-Deering
manure spreader, like new; 2-horse
wagon with 6-bbl. bed, running
gear just been overhauled; .16~foot
hay ladders, Cyclone lime spreader,
3 double shovel plows, 2 single
shovel plows, single, double and
thribble trees, crowd sticks, 2, 3 and
4-tine forks, chut saw, butt and
breast chains.
HARNESS z—Yankee harness, 0
sets plow gears, 3 collars, 3 bridles,
saddle, wagon line. check lines,
coupling straps, hame strings, 3
choke straps.
Cooking Stove, Bufl‘et, China
Closet, Walnut Table, 2 Oak Tables,
Cane Seat Chairs, Wash Stand,
Bureau. r '
Timothy Hay by the ton, Half In.
terest in 26 Acres of Wheat and
Rye,'and lots of other articles too
numerous to mention.
' TERMSa—CASH. Nothing to be
removed until settled for.
Chas. T. En'gle, Auct.
C. Moore. Clerk.
S.-——Nov. 26 & Dec.
A.—-Nov. 27 dz Dec. 4.
A house to house campaign by
civilian defense block and neigh—
borhood leaders will be launched
in Jefferson County starting No-
vember 30th, to show household-
ers how to comply with the (lov-
ernment’s “Share the Meat” pro-
gram, Mr. S. H, Stone, Director of
the Jefferson County Defense
Council, announced this week,
The job of conducting the cam-
paign herefor voluntary limita-
tion of civilian meat consumption
to an average of 21/2 pounds a
week for each adult is the first na-
tional assignment which Jefferson
county block and neighborhood
or group leaders, who are respon—
sible for thesuccess of any gov-
ernment war campaign or pro-
gram in their~particular areas,
f‘At the request of other Gov-
ernment‘agencies," Mrs. James
Mason, III said, “local Civilian De-
fense Councils have undertaken to
reach every ,family in the share—
the meat campaign to call atten-
tion to the necessity for voluntary
rationing of meat and to provide
informationlconcerninu foods for
well-balanced diets,
“Defense Councils have been
given this job because their nutri—
tion committees are a source of
local information on healthful diet,
and because the more than 10,000}
local councils have direct contact
with the.peo.ple of the country.
“In Jefferson county the local
Defense Council, through thexblock
leader organization, is the means
of that contact. Our assignment to
duty is‘as definite as the orders
to a combat unit on the field of
battle, and it will be welcomed in
that spirit by the men and women
who comprise the local black lead—
er organization,"
First step in the campaign. Mrs
Mason siliil, will be a. visit by
-k and neigl.‘ r1rhood leaders. to
"WT hfiwr'lhclrl in th‘ir areas,
The); Mill emphasize that meat
Tiny-ls n'nl' on a purely vollln»
taly basis but will p‘rint Out to
"Ms Fol/“r: “'sz r"insumptil'il'l
must be limited and the Ways in
which it, may be true Jy u~e Ul
alternate foods.
To make it easy for the house—
w'fe to keep true. (if her meat
*iur-hases. Mrs. Mason said, the
block or’neielborhcod leader will
leave with 9211') a {111’ ihlet ex-
olainipfin meat conservation and
presentingr volun‘al‘v ratfonin;r
ideas‘and.mcnus, in which is in-
clud’d acharl on wh"~h mc'lt pur-
chascis can be entered day by day.
Local Markets
. 1 (Wholesale)
Friday. November 27, 1942
Wheat, ,bushel . . . . . . . . . . $1.25
Corn, per bushel . . . . . . ,80
Country, Butter, pound. . . .40
Butter-fat. pound . . . . . .43
Eggs, dozen . . . . . . . ,44
Hens (heavy) . . . . . . . . .23
Broilers and Fryers . . . . .. .26
Turkeys, élWhOIeflaIEJ 3 to .35
Turkeys. retail) . . . .,42 to ,44
scout. Denna ind Ill-ohm ':
intone blind mice. Make f
‘ em on With ten percent at
> go!!!” income .11: war Bonds
I. v
figgnryjpayday. .
own [1611
home or anywhere else, have them
taken to the bank and eitch‘anged
for coins ,of larger value.
Youn. RED cRoss'Nnnos‘jroii
Workers are needed to fold gauze
for thiaAmerican Red Cross-at the
home of Miss Margaret Chews So.
O ,orge Street. The rooms will be
dgcn the following days of every
week. l’lease’ savevthis‘list so you
will” know when to come.
Monday night, 7:30 to 9:30 p‘. m.
Tuesday morning 10 to 12:30, and
afternoon from 2 to 5 p. Wed-
nesday afternoon from 2 to 5 p.
Thursday morning‘s .10 to 12:30 and
afternmn '2 to 5 p. m. a» Friday
morning 10 to 12:30 and night 71310
to 9:30 o’clock. .
lemnnn humans mss.
{Thirty-two men from thiscoun-
ty were ordered. by the draft board
s;an cutters $0.10 to $8.00; stock hulls
. $29.00 to $36.00; stock heifers
$37.50 to $71.00; good butcher bulls
I $12.00 to $12.25 light sausage bulls,
. . f .
Prices Preva'hng At The {$1C82lirggzielldesigts moderate. Gdoid
graded calves,$17.50; medium gra
Blue R‘dge ed calves $17.15 to $17.20; light
Livestock Market gig“ £3335 33%", Chm“ 3mg“?
Monday. November 23. 1942. grep fig‘éikrzmll’jggiceggslg'ogj
'1] u l r . I I
$14.25; light lambs $11.50 to $12,...
The regular Monday’s livestock i 75; thin lambs $10.50 down; butchler,
sales in Charles Town had moderate, ewes and bucks $4.00 to $5.00. ‘r
receipts with most all classes of} Hogs: receipts moderate. Choico
livestock selling well. There wasl butcher hogs $14.20 to $14.40: good
no special feature of the sale butcher hogs $14.00 to $14.15: med,-
all livestock sold at a feature price. ium butcher hogs $13.75 to $111.95;
The cattle market was active and ‘ good butcher sows $12.75 to $13.85;
stronger with good butcher steersl medium butcher sows $11.30, to
selling up to $13.30, good butcher? $12.50; shoats per'hundred $13.59
bulls sold up to $12.20. The calf, to $15.80; pigs per head $3.00 to
market was higher with good grad—3 $4 25; heavy stags‘ and boars $7.90.
ed calves selling for $17.50, with a: to $10.25. ' ' ‘
l few choice single calvejs sellilng for: V ‘
$18.00. The s eep an lam mar-l , r "-
ket was active and strong with med; 1 ERNIES ARE SCARC‘E?’ to .mp0,“
“Clarflsburg for their
l “‘m lambs 5 “mg for v.42? l‘hel Would you believe it? The any,
physical examination and induction
hog. market was lower “1th b'd‘l‘"§l the lowest monetary
denomihitlbn in. the atmy.’ Arriving ataClarks-
acm’e' Chm"? butcmr hogs {’01 we have in our currency is a
scare burg, it-was found that the number
3 “p l0 $14M) w'th “mod bumher 3515,; article. To show you how
scarce had decreased. One man had,drop-
Seihng fry!" $14“) $0 $14'15' .’ 1 they are, a local bank
a few daysl pod off the train in Cumberland,
pr‘ce?‘ 0" “vesmck “as very gem-1e. ago ordered $200 worth of
'penniesr M6,, and had" disappeared. The
and m”th 8” Classes above 9‘ 3” for its customers. In due course;
missing man "wall. later located at
and “3mm” markets“ l $50-worth came. Efforts were made; Petersburg, ,
Va, according to
Cattle! re0811115 mOderate- 000d! to get such change from the Fed- .
reports and placed in’ jail to await.
butcher steers 312.60 £0 $13-30: eral Reserve Bank in Richmond, whatever
penalty the law 1135‘ pro-
medium' but/Cher Steers $11-99 ‘0 Va.. with no better results. .
vided.for desertion. Nineteen 0f
l $12.50; medium butcher heifersl Pennies are renl article of ~
tké'thirty-on‘e arriving in marks-
31030 to $11.45: KOOd 131190119" COW-‘l' every day business, and
are needed him; were feund to be in a fit con-
$9 25 to $1020: m€dmm butCheT in hundreds of trans actions.‘ If dition
for army’ service. "
COWS $8.20 to $9.00; (3811118119 and yo“ have any of them yOUfI g. . ,
i. , ‘ .
a [3:] 1 t ' f .
'1' ii 50 003°
' n. w... sumo ..
#694???ch some
.0110 of May Yolk!)
Member Federal Deposit gnlnsuraucc‘ ifh‘lrpgrationh,
Our 1943 Christmas {Opens Isl
‘ not" wt
"coon mammals 'y
none IMPORTANTTII‘AN raven. , 1
Wu- tlme jobs all (or eflolcnl work and
good eyaigln. One of the M wetlands ‘
you can give your «you In propa- Iigit.’ 7
. 1,!
coon: LIGHT , ;‘ ' g,
At home your boot mum of good light "
In the use of Lamps. They no
tilitu designed to proch Mull ‘
shadowlao, eye protecting light {onevery'mb , ,
/ Thank- to n fortunate porch-o made
lump manufacturing wu-mtrlcndg-woull ’ '
have a stock of lamp: which Includes loony
table, decorative, bridge, candy and pin-19:3
models. They are styled to every tut a
priced for every rum- .THEY MAKE: M05!
GIFTS. ‘ :
|K\“\V,‘ ,’\“‘\““.‘o
Lamp manufacturing bu stopped. When i
present “och are gone we do not expect to
able to oler any more lamp for the duration;
sin: Till-2M Ar Ant or ‘
,otn‘t s'ronns
"R I
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