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Farmers Advocate
Charles Town, West Virginia
November 27, 1942     Farmers Advocate
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November 27, 1942
Newspaper Archive of Farmers Advocate produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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i, { FRIDAY, NovEMRIgR 27, 1042 ,. awrs' with W. B. Alldel‘; Mr, and Mrs. Emil Nelson and Vet l'hanksgiymg were Mi's_ Dan .i'Lhe Iormer’s sister, Mrs. William .\.l4;,.einhau.<. of Frederick, Md,, Vis- of Washington. l). (3.; Mrs nted Ali-s, Nelson’s brothers, Neill Middlekauh and her grand- .Mlss Martha Smith. 0. Va_. and Mr. and Mrs, llder, of Larlstadt, J. 'lwl-wn'and oaoy and L", ' its“! Mm FM.A LL Commander M. R, Fox, U. N," with Mrs. Fox and cnildren, harleston, were guests at 'l he “Yer 'lnanksgivmg, Kr" and Mrs. Emory Kable and and Mr. and Donald and Loyall Anderson, on Sunday, as well as Visiting her aunts, Mrsi rrank Hofi'master and Mrs. Belle‘ Honniaster. and Lorraine 3 Bush, the former with Montgom-= Ward & Comipany, ilatter in- training in Union ,Me-, in Balti—g Mr. .’ Misses Eunice cry and theg both parents, l niorial more, Hospital, visited 'their and Mrs, Olin Bush, at Hill Dairy rarm over Sunday. Private Thomas Jordan, . Camp KIIChIE, Md., is home tor a d 31”” 0135' H‘ hable l Iew days from his Camp, Hand family motored to \N’est inanksgivmg 1' brother and sister-in— lVld_, Ior ,8? ml .faimily. ‘ I{and Mrs. Samuel Knott, of “’5 Cross Roads. announce the of a daughter In Winchester on Tuesday. former Edwin R. Alwin, in the service .\ational Center a: Bethesda, Md,, visited his Iamily in town over Sunday. at the Naval Medical “Donal _L in Hospital . Knott is the James, of Snepherdstown, .; ‘ ‘9. find Mrs. John L. Burns and .1!“ spent '1 nanksgivmg W'an tsurns“ sister. Mrs, in harrxsonburg, \‘a. Mr. remained in Harrisonburg a Visit of several days radley family. and Adrian Billliiyei',! have been living.r on a firm al Allen Costello was placed in jail Sunday night on complaint of his “(118, who charges him With beat-g mg ner and her Six-year-old daugl} ; ter on the road from Halitown to‘ "their home in Charles Town. Ur. Millard K. Bushong, in train§ ing at Lamp Meade, <Md,, visited. his mot-her, Mrs, Frank Bush-' ,ong, over the iweek-end. 1 Miss Schuyler with Nelson Coleman, employed at an Ammunition ,t’leasant, W. Va., spent a 72—hour lleave with plant, near Point' Mile south of Shepherdstown liy‘Eal’S, moved this week to a, on Last \t'ashington Street, over the week: family , . and Mrs." 1 Morgan wno bought it last Mr. and Mrs, F, Mitchell of iPueolo. Lolorado, are visiting Mr.- ,and Mrs. J, W. Kline, south of 38_ . on ,R?‘ T. Smith and W. 2181‘ went to Cumberland on; .nesday on a business trip. a“ P. Edgcll. on a Thanksgiv- sflacation Irom the Dupont lab» Wilmington, has been visiting his par~ D. and Mrs, F. Edgellp Samuel Street, this week. town. and. other relatives in the MISS DOROTHY BAILEY BRIDE county, 'lhe Mitchells are natives lot’ Rockingham Co., Va., and a {part otthree months tour ofothc , Last Will be devoted to relatives : tives and friends in the First type foods, such as poultry, 08". E 111‘ that COUMY- They have liVEd 5“! Methodist Church, Frederick, Md” small game, butter, eggs and milk, mes Dela' Colorado many years. An Mr. and Mrs. Nonman Barr, 0f ‘2 Miss Dorothy Jane Bailey, daughter ITowson, visitors in] of Mrs. Lacey Baily, of Charles §Churles Town, over the week-end. ,Mr, Barr formerly with the Peo- ‘plcs Lite insurance C0,, is now the Martinsburg Paper BoxCom- , 1connecod with the Glenn L. Mar- 0""Wednesday morning. The 3 tin C0,. of Baltimore, in the In- lspection Engineering Depantment. ' v_ Mrs J; Ford entertained a ‘- meglum blue’ Fifi] {law buyiaccea’ Md, were itie-pound baby boy was born r- and Mrs. Edward Spiiiks in arles Town General Hos- “. . 1:“)? now consists of two boys ~W0 girls. 1 1d McAtee. of Bayardv W-,group 01' relatives and friends at dinner at her home on Route 9, onl Sunday, November 22, celebrating r, bord's 791th birthday. Present, .to enjoy the anniversary and lfelicitate the guest of honor wer Dav Th“ arrived 5' to visit N ‘3 McAtee, 1. until Sunday, "’8- Wayne Pugh and fatnily,’ “118 Church, Va_. and Mr. and i N11“- Ralph Smith, of Winchester, _ Visited their parents, Mr, and f 01 “’asmnfi'wn; Mrs- . G. W. Smith in Hanson, over i 01 hagerstown; Mr. and. Mrs‘ A :lc-nzo Jenkins, of Charles Town; Mesdames Har Rush and Irwin Vl‘na§:0;13;i:é “£3201: Carolin-Mr,» Mrs. “B. J. Forg ‘: margeQWHu-nmr Ti .,$inn. aughters. Mrs. Frances M. and S‘m’ Harry’ 'Of ‘ Rockville, th George McDonald, Bigi . Va.; Mrs, Marian S, Dur- .Alexandizia, in Charles Town on: brother, l North Mildredl e Baily, wearing yellow. with brown boi‘d’s sister. Mrs. Ella Bae-i acmssorjesi and ganymg talesmim er, a rosebuds was maid of lichen. W”- of ‘1‘; it; ? cner and son, John Ford Baeqh Luther Ford Week-end, Land Mrs, had a, 0%: fig? and Lorna Spic'kIer, Winches _ 'f lLafl'erty, Mrs. Neil Bol u, of l \r'a.‘ , Leslie Duke, a well kn eighbot- ‘OOd, Md.; resi- bid l50in dent of the Bakerton their: hood, has been quite ill this week; 98- Miss Allfrieda M. Mesh—lat his. hOme from an attack of it of Boston, Mass, is spendingal “Who‘d Pneumonia- YS with her sister, Mrs M: Va., and V Mrs, Luxeflberg is in New York, ithis week, where she is makingx Mr. and Mrs. Alonza Davidson,ipurchases of new winter clothing,$ eTkeley Springs, were guests 1'. and Mrs. George S, Mar— t Federal Hill, from Friday “unday afternoon. an Paul Dorsey arrived in Saturday morning from abroad, to visit his parents, ‘ and Mrs. Paul Dorsey, over dutweEkTend. He reported for sea agann on Tuesday. 9 Dimussion Clusb met at the Of Mrs, Walter Washington ednesday. The subject'for the g mg, “Invasion of France”, led . John McDonald, was dis- ‘ by die members. Seventeen R‘s were present. l‘fild as well a wide selection Christmas gifts .for the Luxenberg Department Store. This store willi ileature all the late styles in Fall? and Winter clothes week or so. Slifer, in ill health for a year or more, suffered a relapse this week and on orders from his- physician, has again taken to his? bed for at least three weeks, Woman's of f b B 4%,. in the next? has. an Society of Christian' Service of the Millville Methodisté Church will hold a food and rum-i mage sale on November 27 and‘ 28, starting at 10 o’clock on 'the‘ 27th and continuing through Sat— urday night, All sorts of food will , is... be on sale. The ladies .will appre- Robt. L. ,Rissler writes us . ciate your orders. Camp Lee that he did not vol- 1' for the Air Corps as stated I weeks Spirit but that lie ered in the army unassigned been assigned to the Quar- His address is ‘of 8., Co. G, 13th ‘: T~ 34, Camp Lee, Va. f Pvt, , mm , 11-202: . z Work has been resumed on the-E imposed a fine Of 550 and impoul‘d’ , For the inside story 015 While goes eittension of the Shepherdstown Siding for the Norlfolk &. Wester Railway, after having beeh Sus pended four the siding will accommodate 120 cars, ” ‘las has t Army er Corps. months, Completed, l : $337.5. ....... H a? 5- . LIVESTOCK and crops must be protected more care; fully than éver, while the demand for food is so pressing; A good Unico Roll Reofing job, given proper care, will at 8tand up in all kinds of weather—rwill last for years at a very small cost per year of service. w...... Unioo Roll Roofing stands up because it is made of a ‘tb'ick'layer of felt thoroughly sattirdbéd with asphalt-to make it resist" checking, cracking. and drying out. Easy to apply—easy to care for. We will gladly help you estimate the roofing jobs you need to do this fall. See your néarcsi' 3:51.23, (topialiivt iit‘v’lti Ali. i rm ., 's Civilian Defense ‘ ln’Ch'a'rl‘es Town And 3 Jefferson County . . r 1. Mrs. John Briscoe is home from I meat day is what residents of J31- Giving"up jdst about one bite ofl ,9 FARMERS ADVOCATE, cHARLEs TOWN, w. V 0A. man nulls W” lsevENTY YEARS AGO, m. 25 Died—at his home in this coun- Ety, John B. Puckett, aged 57; in Shepherdsbown, Martin ' Youtz. aged 70; in Paris, Illinois, John E. formerly of this county. aged 78 years. Marriedwln Bedford (30., Va_, lJohn A, McFarland, of Charles a visit to friends in Baltimore. ferson County fill be asked 120.00 Town. to Missflélen Connor; near Miss Catherine Tod Beltzhoover 88 their Share 0f the 0CD "Share: llias returned to Franklin, Va., , the Meat” camwsmwbich Will iaftcr a week-end visit .with her ' start next Monday. Miss Fralei'. parents, on South Mildred Street, l Nutrition experton the.local Lle- . . . lfense Council said today. . Mrs“ “‘lulam Wys‘m’g ‘3 ‘Y‘S’lil’lg ' Neither the taste, the variety, nor “9" daughtef’ MISS Jean Moore’m the nutritive value of home menus Staum’on’ V"- will be adVersely affected by the Miss Mabel Armstrong, Mrs. J. most strict adherance to the limit Knox Cain, Mrs, A. L. Page, and of 25/2 pounds of meat at weekior ton, l). (3., were guests of Mrs_ N. good use is made of,the large num- l' L. Hatchell last week. I l ber of alternate foods readily avall- 2 Miss Eleanor Perry Miss. Vital able in Jefferson County in ade- ginia Porterfield. and Miss Sydney Shirley have returned to Wash- ington, aflter a visit to their homes in Charles Town, Explaining how She arrived at I program, , ,issfraley said thatthe Mrs. L_ H'abchell and. Mrs. per capita, consqmption of meat for C, W atles paid a short Visit to the past decade averaged about 143 Washington, where they visited I pounds 3 yeah Under the;conser.l quat‘e Quantities. her estimate of a “bite a ,day”. to! be given 11 under the meat-sharing ; Kabletown, John B. Finnell to Miss Annie M, Milton, «both of the county; at Kearneyaville, ‘Dr. It. M, Marshall ,to.Miss Lucy Butler, daughter of W. Garland Butler, SIXTY YEARS AGO, Nov. 25 Mari‘leds-vNear Myerstown by lthe Rev. J. O. Taekott, Jas. O, B. , . .. ’ll ‘ 't'; Mr. Noel Armstrong. of Washing- each adult, Miss Fraley Said, ifl Fc em M155 (“lam Am" Ba” in Zion Church, Charles Town, John H. Cooke. of Fluvanna Co., Va,, to Miss Ruth A, Howell; in EBaltimore, Wiillialm H. Terrill of,Z Baltimore to Miss Jennie Straithi Moore of this county; in Clarke County, Frank McKay to Miss Catherine Butcher, formerly of this cOumy. Died—Near Bunker Hill, Mrs. Virginia D. Boltz, daughter of William Lloyd, of this county; in Mrs' Wm- Bome at her home m . V300" Progl'fim each 3‘01“? is 311°.W" Charles Town, Frank D Cockrell, The Kennedy«Warren. ‘- ed 130 pounds a year. On. a daily Miss Patty Willis left on Mon- basis this is a reduction of only, day to visit her brother and sis- Your 39‘?“th of an Ounce," .IWt ter-ili‘law, Mr. and John one 800d bite- l aged 21. Oliver Sherman of near Shep- ‘,herdstown fell irom a canal (boat ‘ on the C. & 0, Canal and was ' Augustine Willis, in Coal‘burg, W. The important POiMS t0 remem'ldrowned. Va, her, in adjusting the home menu to , Railroad properties of the coun- ‘ Harry Williams, Pm. in Naval We Sha‘e‘the'Mw ng’am' she W were assessed at $580,571.21. Reserves and stationed at ‘Nor— Said’ are: (1) make meat g0 furth' ftom’ was home last week' and all the meat broth to season Winnerd Lloyd. a native of the other dishes: (2) use a wide varie- many years, visited relatives in tions; (3) make good use of meat .tms COUUIY and Martmsourg OVGI’ alternates containing the same food the week-end. Among the Jelfer- elements. son County relatives viSIted were Although meat is rich in a num- Mr, and Mrs. Clayton Flemingnber of food elements which are near Summit Palm. V Conny, :WhO had been in Caldrl'orma ty of meats in different combina‘ [necessary to health and strength, her ofgother fo 5. — plentiful here -,DF.MR. GEORGE MGLLEN,. atthis time of yearwmvivaeltthofie WW , “I same, elements are fountw'llbesg In the presence of a few‘rel'a- foods and the unrestrictfid m‘flit ion Saturday afternoon, Nov, 215% should be used plentifully to pro- vide an adequate, and probably an even better balanced diet, than one one which the restricted meats pm; dominate. . , .i, .rwlph'wvl I “TO THE SHORES 0F . «N “TRII’OLI”¢.AT I’IT'I‘S Town, was.married to Mr. George Marion Mullen, Superintendent of puny, the pastor, the Rev/B. ,W. Meeks, ofl‘iciating. , , I sThe bride attired in a costume of 2.. As timely and as thrilliiig aisuli- ject ,for amovie as y . ’ll ever,want mace is the plot basis, or 20th Gem tury-Fox’s technicality) action 'sones, was given in marrxa‘ e by her brother, Mr. Henderson ‘ ally, l of,Windiestei-.- Va..._ ,’ ' . Her flowers were white roses and gardenias. Her sister, Miss Betty scheduled to open on Monday, No- vember 30 and run for 3 days at the PittagJeprrson Theatre. , I Tak‘bg. a raw recruit in the per- liam Wachtel, of Martinsburg, was son, ,Johrul’ayne, the film puts - best man. Amonthe guests, tu him'through allot the paces which iwitness the ceremony were;Mes—, the S... Marine undergoes to .dames Lacy Baily, Garnet Morkon, e érge a3 fighting “leatherneck.'.’ E’Er ,romantici_ipterest, none other than beauteous Maureen O‘Hara in tha’role of a Marine nurse was, bigoted ,to provide the love in reg}; vandalism meliPai'ne- Amie , dolph Sm, ,ispaid to turn implant the top performances of his career as the hard-boiled sergeanbvw v makes life both interesting miserable for Payne. ,5 The cast was selected with care and boasts the talents of such a t; standing players a§_Nancy_.,Keliv, I William, Tracy, Maine. Ronny)??? (for laughs). Henri” inund MacDonald, 161%. and Miner Watson. iss , rances l Charles Town; Mrs, M. L. . ,achtel» i and Miss Margaret Hess, of Mare tinsburg. .:.. , :2 . 5 Following a brief honeymoon in ,New York, Mr. and Mrs. Mullen will occupy an apartment in the Potomac Light and Power Com- pany building on West Washington street, Charles Town. V FINED FOR STRIKING GARBAGE TRUCK. Lawrence L. Walters, a business ‘ man of Clarke county, Va., in l Charles Town last Saturday night, 5 made the mistake of striking with i his car a garbage truck in charge ley Serena ” fame, directed Technicolor epic, and Darrylfl. 4a- nuck was its producer.. ‘ of Charles O’Bannon, l0c3l.contr_aic- { I tor, bending a, tender. and .dqmg taking interest, being it onthe out other slight damage to the vehicle. ma] sum, of Steve Fish”; , Walters, without investlsatnigl .The film was produced, with the what damage he had done, left the full cooperationwofw the, Umth scene and. Speeded‘ out 1'0"“ 34” States Government be In direction or his home county» Corps went. all out to ,3: i ' S te Police follt>wed and ‘over- “city to the ‘pict ‘gtfif '2,” e l took him. Bringing him back to scenes were fi at “mag,” "up t town they charged him with ,operat- Marine Base, saga? hun¢$:'¢,w. ~ ing a inotorrvehiéle While'under the listed men took Qfimriflélllfid’l‘odlm‘ influence of liquor, Justice,Algcr tic“, ',, , 5 ed his car for six months. .3511ng on in the trainip%pfi tlyegdgvilydqsifi 'lision with the garbage truck ac— ffTo The Shorty fj‘edpqli’ffiasgu '- lourred at 1 :00 a. m., Sunday. the answers. .visigtJo ., 2 B ,d IJefl’ersonl Theatmfigegagihe; i ' ' ' opens wil give a, , z; ng . iMISS la; er s WEIgeInation why all Amnqugsfllflfllfi l} A very beautiful wedding cere— v‘tkemember Wak‘er giant monyof interest to man apeopleof . . : “"l'F'IELDs this section was solemnIzed in the} hDWARD HARRISON H m: , . i, it; it. l“,stkaI’mby‘erlw'ghnmh“pl‘ Edward Harrison fields, aged iTuesday evening, November 24th. 77 years, died at hiafihqme’way lat. 7:30 «clock, when Miss Sidney Neersvme' Loudoun Conn W, on E'Miller,,daught,er qfqugfil’ld Wednesday following a bébf ill; glared Miller of KearneySVille, be: Hess Robert Fields ofK/Bolw’rwis i Came the bnde Of Mr' Jysenn ' due the sumiving sons.,'RunerAI ls-W?,l'tv .59“ 0f and, 30‘3er services will be held atsl'...‘ ' lid iC. Sibert of Mount Olive. 5. : Lutheran Church. London“ A”. , The Rev? L. Gibbs, pastor of at 11 O’clock on Saturéay‘ Nawm_ lthe Woodstick Presbyterian Church, at 28_ Interment will, be infme‘ lwas the Officiating minister. Mlfiw c urch cemetery. , ,George Whittacre ‘of ,Vll'oodstock,I V r l sisterof the bride was the 'Matron‘: ‘ v _ ;of honor. Mr. Ernest Keller, of NEW BOOKS VI‘OR RLABIIV. ,9 Mount Olive, was the best man. “.3”, l The bride was attired in a white} The library has these books: i winter wood costume with green am; Tacey Cromwell . . .. . . . . .Richtcr , cessories, and she carried a corsagc Look to the Mountain. .: .Camuiit l ofpink roses. Theyustrog ofhonu Standard book of American 4,. 5 or was attired in a green wool dress and British verse . . . . ;_.‘Braddy 3 ad she carried a corsage of'red ras- Farmer Hiram on the ;. g 3 cs, Mn. rFund, Miller, fatherof the ,. World's War . . . .e. .Lonl‘! ; bride, ‘gave her in marriage. Past Imperfect . . .Qhase , Mrs..Sibe’rt Remember of the Members of the Family, :‘2 . Toms Brook Graded School faculty.l ‘ Nan de Water land is a very popular attractive: The Day Must Dawn... .Tumbull l - r lTurning Leaves . . . “Proctor ,young, woman. . _ . i A reception followed after the, Time Of Peace . . . . . . . . ..Williams x ceremony at the home of the bride's} The Headless Lady (3 gift), lsistcr, Mrs. George Whitacre and: , Rawson , Mr. Whitacre in Woodstock, 31581-1 The Young Matrlarchv.......Stern i which the couple left on ahoneys Mrs- ADPIEbYS KW:th $59!.“ .moon trip through «the Southern cajgé%:r.33§l‘va i quul‘i‘m", lStates.‘ _ ,. Hurdy Gurdy Holiday. . .Galc v. w W a t The Annual Week of Prayer for Foreign Missions will be observed by the; Baptist Chvmhl beginning November,3 30th, :a’ndf- e tending through ‘December 3rd. n Mon- day, Tuesday and Wednesday the meeting will be held with Mrs. Frazer at 2:30 p m. Thursday, De— . _, a: - ' - camber 3rd, atthe church at 7430 m 0.5.“: BONDS ' p. m. l , 3 WEEK OF PRAYER. er by utilizing every bit of meat’ ‘MissFi-aleyfsqi :tbere,are a num: ‘ ., 2? ;, J? Bruce Humberstone of "Sud Val- Trotti fashioned a scriptof \ FORTY YEARS AGO, NOV. 25 Coal oil was advanced in price I from 10 cents a gallon to 12 cents retail. Mrs Martfha“ Davenport bought the lol’. oh which St. George’s? Lhapel stands, west of Charles l'own, for $1250. ,: ,.l)led—,¢At., Ehis ‘home in Shep- herdstown, Thomas R. Line in ms , 'th year. /,..A.Marrieu#——Near Middleway, Wil- liam .U. iM‘gQOUghtl’y and Miss Caroline Grantham; near Charles TW“. 38mg?! L. Hale, of Wheel- ing, formerly of this county, and Miss Ada Neill Jones, daughter of Mrs. Wm, C. Byers; in Charles 'l‘onvn, A, M, S. Morgan and Miss sallie ‘ epherd, ot' Shepherds- , bgyvn; in ‘ rles Town, mlwardl G..henson.and Miss Hattie M. Walkers. bothof Charles Town. U .n, ,, ,i' I TWENTY YEARS AGO, Nov. 25 : 5‘00de ‘J. M. Woods, at the con- clusxon aft-he miners trial in Oh‘ar- ‘ .1133 sentenced J. l5. Wilburn and his, son. John Wilburn, toelcv- ten years in the penitentiary for. their part in iorcing miners to strike _in Ingan and other coal producmg counties in West Vir- ginla. All were convicted) of sec- ond degree murder. ' Died—at his home near Chest- nut Hill School, this county, John Rent _Wilt, aged,77; near North- .irgipia Power House, Mrs. ‘rgaret Brent, aged ’73; at Bak- exmn..Mrs‘. Anna Munphy Welsh, aged 82: in Charles Town, Miss Egg; Y..Welsh, aged 78. , g’g’rlie State Road Commission ad- ventase‘d; gor bids for the construc- tipnptna hard surface road from Charles Town to the Berkeley line beyond Kearneysvillc and“ romthatmpoint to Martins- .” V Mrs. Charles ngichlolson, Mrs, Erniel Dunm Miss Nancy Carter an; MissEsthelsztmber, of Alex- andria.,. Va.,,were the guests of My, '. Wm, Wattlesand her sis- T8,“, Nari-5L. ,Hatchell, last . 88 qt, I 7 65b «.3‘ ‘I:, f": 9.! Al; ’(I "1'! “ "glaursday, December 3rd, 1942 [Ilé (Ibor in Charles Town, West Virginia, all of its right, title and ,mterestun and to the following unpaid stock assessment at the cou dalmflfi.«g ,, ,~ iAmount Name ii; 50.00 George L. Bauingardner , 900.00 Jphu,,P.,Briscoe 1,000.00 ’L. ‘Doran 500.00 Glen (hGardner 500.00 G. .W.,,Gi:', th 250.00 MrMBe , Henshaw 67.82: alivequ .Higgs ) 1,267.83 Richards,“ iHiggS) 250.00 Juli; F. Irvin 250.00 Mrs. Ollie M. Knight (Kite) Denies ownership and claims he holds; title as attorney for E. G. Wilson. 1,750.00 D. K. Koomtc 250.00 Ruth Little 108.62 1’. Millard 200.00 Margaret D. Mohler Henrietta W. Reinhart, ' guardian of Mary Bay- lor and Geo. L. Willing- ham Reinhart 291.80 Fred J. 'Riddlebergcr 1.050.00 J. R. Russell 500.00 Mrs. E. B. Seibert 250.00 T. J. West 250.00 E. G. Wilson 650.00 F. K. L. Wilson $10,681.42 TOTAL Thesei claims-"am! based upon the 1007; assessment levied by the 1 L i L v comsnowofnannngn n. so... of West Virgina, mm, 0.. SIMUOUS Club House and Dmmg Room Suspension, of, said bank. The claims are to be transferred and assigned A to the successful bidder without recourse or warranties of any kind or character whatsoever on the part of the said bank and/ or receivership. 'A notice of this sale has been posted at the courthouse in Charles Town, West Virginia, and is being published in the weekly newspaper known as the ‘.‘Farmers Advocate”. , The said claims will be offered forsale in bulk and any and all bids fo‘r them will be subject to the approval of the Commissioner of Banking-0f the State of West Vir- FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION. AS RECEIVER OF THE FARMERS BANK & TRUST COMPANY, CHARLES TQWN,. WEST VIRGINIA. BY~F08REST A; BROWN, Attorney for Receiveru‘ ginla. Nov. 20 and 27. Thirty=two Men From County Leave Fer Army migrifiarélfivneg land, Randolph Dempsey Anderson, Fniday for the tion at Clarksburg were found to have enlisted in the Navy. Two of the Navy enlistees were Edwin Lee Milton Demory, and Charles Wil- liam Osbourn, Jr., were from Shep- herdatown ,and the third Edgar Lee Bartles, was registered from Boli- It was also found that Leon— ard Withrow Fraley, of Shepherdsw toWn was only 18 years of age, and he was excused for induction later. Lester Theodore Wilt of Bolivar, was appointed leader of the group with Kirkland Shepherd Price, of Shepherdstown, as assistant leader. The Rev. C. Tarplec made a brief address to the boys before taking their departure for the Induction In the group leaving this induction sta- var. Stationl morning were: Edward Bob Seal, Howard Wil— liam Hardy, Thomas Samuel Welsh, Lester Theodore Wilt, Stanley Fry Hardy, Floyd William Berry, Cecil iWashington Jenkins, George Wil- liam Fry, Winifred Leo Springer, Lloyd Ashby Berry, Raymond Mil» lard Engle, Kenneth Wilson Sager, on MS! To relieve discoinforts. one of the best things on can do is put a. good spoontu 01 home- tested Vlcks VapoRub in a bowl of boilin ‘ Then water. eel the wonderful relief come as you breathe in the steaming medicated va penetrate to the cold-congested upper breathing passag how this soothes Irritation, quiets coughing,‘ "and. helps Clear the head—bringing grand comfort. EDI mm RELIEF. . . rub throat, chest and back with VapoRuh at bedtime. Vicks VapoRub works (or hours-2 Innocence—to bring relief from distress. Remember— it’s Vicks VapoRub you want. A LU E S C ARE UPI Has Your Insurance " 'Kept Pace? AND CONSULT ‘ "US ABOUT IT. Washington, A Alexander &‘ “Cooke INSURANCE AGENCY ‘ - Phone 29 Charles Town, W. Va. E s BANK AND TR Nightlight; Town, west pors that See v. « uflv “WWW—“W .- “To The Shores of Tripoliflw icb is a? years gach and waiter Allen’ ,A v": COME IN UST COMPAN > Virginia “TN RECEIVERSHIP _ NOTICE OF SALE OF UNPAID ‘SngK ASSESSMENT i Y] I CLAIMS. ‘ 1 The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, receiver of the Famerqsfiankgand Trust Company, Charles Town, West Virginia, will «gaffer at Public Auction to the highest bidder for cash at ll lAlso, News and MARCH OI“ Dehies ownership. Claims he holds title only for another party. Action filed by the receivership to attachgtheir respective shares of the W.‘ Arliiggs estate. , Guilford Perry Turner, Melvin Rob- ‘crt Kent, Stanley Merle Writt, Charles Edgar Russell, Edgar Moore Welch, Wilbur Augustus JVli‘leming, Francis Jeremiah Row— Edwin Robert Miller, James Joedan Wilson, Kenneth Jackson Maupiii, Robert Jacob Frye, Maynard Clark- lSOI‘l Ramsburg, Randolph Highley Rodrick, Edward Wines, Luther Leon Knight, Raymond Seldon Pulse, Kirkland Shepherd l’rice, Obie Leon Johnson, George Elliott Tabb. RAGE trim MEN’S COMMUNION. _~ _ , Men’s Coinniuiiimi for Nelson l‘arisii will be held in Grace Church, Middleway, Sunday, Nov. 29th. at 8:00 a. m. Bishop Strider will broadcast a message to of Diocese of West Virginia over the West Virginia Network at 0:15, a. m. Thf program will be heard in in this area over,WINC, Winches- ter, Va., 308115 a; _.._ “WV .. “A”... Buy Defense Bonds and Stamps P. O. DUNAWAY Funeral Director A-ANliu Licensed Embalmers PHONES: Office Home Assistant; “II—F 114-K GS—W _.—> r I hursday and Friday, November 26=27 It’s Romance on the ’ March I, A .«1 ». atone: MONTGOMERY A MAUREEN o'HARAQ- ’ IOHN TIME. “INDIA AT‘ WAR" l ‘ Established 1915 i CHARLES TO‘WN, W. VIA. .llllllllllllllll|lllllllllllllllllIll||llll|llIIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllln o<1 THE l><> ‘ HITS-JEFFERSON THEATRE CHARLES TOWN, WEST VIRGINIA Matinee Daily 3:30 — Nite at 7:15 and 9:15 P. M. Children Ilc Adults 28c Incl. Defense Tax Saturday, November 28 , New Excitement . . . New Thrills . . New *‘Aclveniure! mn‘gn'm mu tun I’d" D.VIS A .' ' ‘ ‘ Aldo, Vl‘lrtiadway Ilrevity, Cartoon, SPY SMyASHER No, 3‘ Dec. I=2 * E SEES» t IN TECH NICOLOR! '@I John PAYNE Maureen O’IIARA ‘ ‘ Randolph SCOTT Also. News, Sportrecl, Novelty No- Racing Will Continue Each Week- day Through December 19th 18 Days of Racing PARI - MUTUELS Daily Double on First and Second Races "Facilities Post Time 1:30 P. M. (EWT) SAVE TIRES AND GAS GIVE YOUR FRIEND A LIFT. l CHARLES TOWN JOCKEY CLUB, Inca": i FALL MEET or THE l CHARLES TOWN, w. VA. .. .,,. . It 16*". um. RACI opens at Charles Town .30 '