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November 27, 1942 |
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Conkeys Y-O ~2~ Supplement, mlxmi wi~ borne g~a$,
will feed your pullets for 14 weeks -- tot Only a leW
cenCs b~rd. What's more---llke meny poulm, men---
you'll nd "Conkeys" will help you et MOKIg esss---
et low cost l~r
Vitalized with Vitamins A-B-D-g and Q
Conkeys Y-O Feeds contain Y.O--asranul~r l~roduc~ i~
which the ~rensth of the ~ B, D. Ee~a ~ vatamins o
non.fermentin yeast, fortified codAiver oil snd whest
serm oil is prolon t,d by sl~cial lmtented process.
These ~itamins ere noted foe their healthful VITAL-
IZING benefiut to layers. Help youe hens t-IELP YOU.
Help them tdve you MOR~ E s st LO~ CoST---with
Conkeys Y.O 32~ Supplemeu An4 to be SURE--"
--- J~ways Leok for the Tw@ Red Letters Y-O nmmmm
Of Charles Town
Effective December 1, 1942, Peoples Bank of
Charles Town will pay interest on all savings
accounts on the following basis and at the fol-
lowing rates:
2 7o per annum on accounts up to and includ-
ing $2,000.00.
On all accounts over $2,000.00 interest will be
computed and paid as follows: 2 7o per annum
on the first $2,000.00 and 1% per annum on
any excess balance over $2,000.00.
,'H. W. WILLIS, Cashier
Member of Federal Insurance Corporation
(From page I)
Willoughby Engle Henshaw
Charles Town
Elmer I ~evi Turner, Shephe~dstown
Charles Edward George
Shenandoah Junction
Ralph Joseph Dignazio Millville
Richard Charles Stephens
Elmer Woodrow Hardy
Charles Town
Woodrow Wilson MeNemar
Levi Corder Millviile
Melvin Hildray Hanes Engle
Robert Drummonds, Charles To~m
James Coleman Zombro Ranson
Eugene Walper Lowe Essex, Md.
James Melvi~ Welty
~Shenandoah June', ion
Lester Lee Taylor Kearneysville
Charles Mynn Thruston Ware
Lester Woodrow Lon~rerbeam
Harpers Ferry
Paul Doug'la~ Rinff Kearneysville
Harold William Covert,
Winchester, Va.~
Arthur Christopher Russell
Charle Town
James Alger Bolivar
Elmer Nelson Byers, Jr.
Robert William Adams
Charles To~
Franklin Gardner Stewart
New Local Souvenir Cards
As usual, P~terkin Branch,
Woman's Auxiliary w~l] have at
their Sale at the Pv.rish House an
assortment of tuttra~tive Chr~st-
mas cards froen bwo cents up.
Each year they try ~o h~ave
s,~me "~peci~l" and are happy to
~nnounce three new cards, exclu-
s, ive in d~sign. T~here w,ill 'be a
folder card ~with a 9ieture af Zion
Church on the face and inside a
0nero by Mi~s Bc~tty W:hdt~more.
~wo new pos~ards will ,be offered,
one off the church, and one of tbe
Old Mill on the Eddy. The work
~on ,these cards thus been beautiful-
ly executed by The Jefferson Pu;b-
lisMng C~mpany, adding" to ~cheir
reputation for ~ine worLv0an~h~p.
Christmas Bazaar
On Friday, I)e~mber 4th from
2 to 6 P. M Peterkin Branch of
~he Woman's Auxiliary of Zion
Episcopal C~urch in the Parish
House will hold a ChristTnas Sale
in the Pa~ish House.
Fancy and useful articles ~uit-
alble for Christmas gifts, Hand
Work ~ some od" ~he Moun.tain
l~issior~s, toys for the children,
home-~nade cakes and 9ies. etc
will be on sale.
A, fter~aoon Tea will ~be served
frown 3 to 6.
"ISTEIt, i[ you think this war's a
cinch, better read your paper or
listen to the radio; You'll change your
d-- uicl* -"
If you think we're going to march to Berlin
and Tokio just because we're ri bt---forg
People lust-as-dean ind decent-' -we
are--iust as righteous--just as patriotic,
have been ground to the dust under the
hobnailed boots of other people trained
and toughened for one purpose--war.'
Choose mm,o Either we give our boys tlae
planes, tanks, guns, and ships they've g0t
to have to win--or we're letting them
march to their defeat and our destruction.
Planes cost money. Tanks don't grow on
trees; And the storks don't bring sub-
W e've got tO payf rthemf=== ge means
all of us--including yau. ,
How? By buying WAR BONDS. By
putting 10 percent of every dollar we earn
into the Pay-Roll Savings Plan; A dime
out of every dolla --a dollar out of every
ten---every payday. And every time our
savings amount to $18.75 we get a Bond,
worth $25 in 10 years: That's $4 back
for every $3 we put in; Isn't that the
least we who stay at home can do to help
win the war? Stop and think about k--
n~xt time you're t~mpte, to t)uy ~omet~. -~
you don't really need. Remember the
President's words "We cannot have all
we want if our soldiers and sailors are to
have all they need.'-',"-
And if, every payday, we don't aside
every nickel, dime, or dollar we caai
possibly scrape together for War Bonds,
we're letting our boys dowu
That's the truth, every word ot
we know it~
When you buy WAR BONDS, you're saving, not glvlng~
Series E WAR BONDS are worth 33~ percent more i~
10 yearsl You get back $4 for every $3 you invest!
These BONDS, when held to maturity (10 yeats), yield
2.9 percent per year on your investmen~ compounded
lo/niag a Pay-Roll Savings Plan makes ~atlng'easy!
Joining your bank's Victory Club (it works like ~Y
Thrift or Chri~u Club) is convenient way to ~tv
tot War Bonds for those who aren't members o a PsY"
Roll Savings Plat.
This Advertisement Is A Contribution To America's All Out War Effort